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3 medals for 524k healing ~~ nice medal system BW


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but but but i'm a healer targeting the other team is bad.......it's a free medal that for some reason ppl just dont want....if you have a good dps or 2 with you getting a insta off on there target shouldnt be to hard


It's a free medal that causes your team to die, then you lose the game and get less commendations? Good call.


Thanks to ya healers posting btw. It's rather pathetic these non-healers keep posting with these retarded arguments.

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I routinely heal and damage for over 125K, usually one is 200K while the other is 100-200k, depending on the situation. Its easy to obtain medals, you just have to work at it. that said, even if you go pure healing you can get 5 medals every round easily and 6-7 much of the time.


If you attack enemies 1 time, you still get a kill. so working that into your rotaion will give you 2 medals per round for 10 & 25 kills. Add in a killing blow and thats 3 more. Defender points are easy to gain in alderan, but broken in voidstar & huttball to an extent. So situationally thats 1 extra medal.


All this said, the entire medal system is broken and a failure. Medals should be based around objectives not random things that occur in a match. Giving basic medals for healing or damage, as well as kills , or not dying at all should happen. Majority of the medals should be giving for succeeding at an objective though.

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While healers don't get as many medals, they get nearly guaranteed 4+ MVP's no matter what they do in the warzone as long as they heal 200k+.


I guess your server gives props to their healers. My server votes purely based on medal count. Tank=top medals=top mvp votes 99% of the time

Edited by Jooji
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At 2800+ RBG play I didn't have time to dps as a holy pally...True a priest should be mana burning other healers, but that was a mechanic they were built for. The whole problem with this medal system is healers aren't built for DPSing yet if we don't our valor grind gets completely F'd.


Oh I agree with you completely!


In warcraft, healing is a thankless job.


In Old Republic healing is a thankless job that yields a slower gear return in a system thats almost entirely luck based until you hit valor 60 and they make the battlemaster box change.


I always vote the 1 healer I occasionally have in my warzone as the MVP regardless of how well we actually do though. Even if its a sub 20 mercenary who did nothing but spray his healy-blaster fire ineffectively at the wrong targets.

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You sound like someone from WoW who hasn't played a healer in SWTOR. We aren't immortal. We can't raise 4 people from 50% each to 100% in a matter of 5 seconds. Usually in big pre-made 50 vs pre-made 50 games people die like crazy because the focus fire is much better. If anything in a full pug type of game I end up never dying because there's simply no focus and I can just sprint away.


I played a healer in TOR ... I was happy that on early levels the game promotes hybridism. But as you get more skill points in the healing tree ... it starts to attack WoW level of healing ridicule, at least when you are fighting pugs. Ppl wanting to get all the medals by just being green spammers in warzones I don't feel for you guys.


The point stands ... pve strong healers = impossible to balance for pugs. Pugs are big portion of MMO PvP. You can't defend healers, because in premades vs premades they work.

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Proof that the system is broken. I shouldn't have to try to beat the system by tagging people with DoTs to get medals. I should get medals for doing what my class is specced to do. I can run around insta dotting everyone but that doesn't make me a good healer worth getting lots of medals. If everyone did that you can bet that BioWare would nerf that ASAP once the QQ started pouring in about people exploiting.


Actually it takes more work to do some damage while you heal. Takes more skill to find the correct balance between doing nothing BUT heal, and damaging opponents.


I don't understand this mindset.


DPS specced classes with heals go after the healer medals for a few extra, why is it a cardinal sin for healers to go after a few DPS medals?

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Oh I agree with you completely!


In warcraft, healing is a thankless job.


In Old Republic healing is a thankless job that yields a slower gear return in a system thats almost entirely luck based until you hit valor 60 and they make the battlemaster box change.


I always vote the 1 healer I occasionally have in my warzone as the MVP regardless of how well we actually do though. Even if its a sub 20 mercenary who did nothing but spray his healy-blaster fire ineffectively at the wrong targets.


Thanks for voting for heals :p But in WoW healing really wasn't thankless. I got the same amount of honor as the dps/tanks around me, and in RBGs points were based on wins or losses anyway, not these nonsense personal achievement medals.

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Bottom line, play the game the way it's intended to be played... in which medals are given to people who pursue objectives and have diverse utility on the field.



I lol'd so hard at this sentence. The last thing medals reflect are how well people are doing the objectives. There is in fact no medal given for scoring/pass-assisting in huttball, no medal given for capping points in that pew pew WZ, and no medal given for bombing or disarming bombs in that other WZ.


Medals are given to those who know how the system works. Because guess what, winning and losing doesn't really matter, and people are not encouraged to do so because it takes time to stack up medals.


Sorcerers roll dots and spam AOE for the damage/kills medals, spam conversion (medpac if biochem) for healing medals, and camp at capture points for defender medals. They're not actually contributing to the game by spamming conversion and healing themselves, nor do low-individual-target AoE really helping anyone except to prevent captures.


Stealth-able classes roam around to pick up solo skills or to defend points for medals.


Taunt-enabled classes spam taunt to get the taunt medals.


Objectives are secondary, and healers get shafted. Sure, a healer can still easily dish out enough damage to get the damage/kill medals minus the solo kill/300k damage medals, but that is not how a healer should play in a WZ. In huttball, a healer pretty much follows the ball around to make sure the carrier and allies around him stays up. In the other two WZs, healers make sure allies stay alive long enough to capture or defend points.


By structuring the medal system this way, BW is forcing healers to stop healing and deal damage just so they can get as many medals as everyone else. Saying it's a healers "job" to deal damage is absurd - just look at the feeding frenzy from DPSes spamming dps. How many of them actually stop to heal others to achieve the objective better unless it is for medal spamming? Every dot/damage ability a healer has to cast means GCD and less healing opportunities.

Edited by Bigeddyu
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Proof that the system is broken. I shouldn't have to try to beat the system by tagging people with DoTs to get medals. I should get medals for doing what my class is specced to do. I can run around insta dotting everyone but that doesn't make me a good healer worth getting lots of medals. If everyone did that you can bet that BioWare would nerf that ASAP once the QQ started pouring in about people exploiting.


I don't understand why do you think you should just run around heal ppl and never dps anything. Isn't this proof that BW does not want you to just heal ppl in PvP but to contribute to the killing as well ?

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I always vote the 1 healer I occasionally have in my warzone as the MVP regardless of how well we actually do though. Even if its a sub 20 mercenary who did nothing but spray his healy-blaster fire ineffectively at the wrong targets.



lol, same here, I check who's top in heals, and that person gets my vote.

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Actually it takes more work to do some damage while you heal. Takes more skill to find the correct balance between doing nothing BUT heal, and damaging opponents.


I don't understand this mindset.


DPS specced classes with heals go after the healer medals for a few extra, why is it a cardinal sin for healers to go after a few DPS medals?


Are you really asking this question? A DPSer heals himself so he can DPS longer. A healer DPSing doesn't allow him to heal longer. It doesn't work the same both ways.

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I don't understand why do you think you should just run around heal ppl and never dps anything. Isn't this proof that BW does not want you to just heal ppl in PvP but to contribute to the killing as well ?


BW didn't bother to test half their game. If they did there's no way they would've released this medal system live...at least not in its current state. The raiding clearly wasn't tested. All that really got tested and perfected was the...voice acting! That said it's still a great game, but rather sad an entire role in pvp gets dicked over.

Edited by Jooji
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I don't understand why do you think you should just run around heal ppl and never dps anything. Isn't this proof that BW does not want you to just heal ppl in PvP but to contribute to the killing as well ?


Just as i expect a dps to do dps and a tank to taunt and use his guard.

Im pretty sure every healer out there do dps if there actually is a situation where it can be done.


But that usally dosent give more then 50k damage.

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Actually it takes more work to do some damage while you heal. Takes more skill to find the correct balance between doing nothing BUT heal, and damaging opponents.


I don't understand this mindset.


DPS specced classes with heals go after the healer medals for a few extra, why is it a cardinal sin for healers to go after a few DPS medals?


Aside from what Jooji just said above me, you're missing the point. You're telling me to work the system in order to get rewards instead of just doing my best. Of course a good healer knows how to balance things. But in this game, it's not about that. It's all about what can I do to maximize medals, regardless of the action's effectiveness at that point in time. If I'm dpsing it shouldn't be solely to game the system to get medals.

Edited by Leiloni
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BW didn't bother to test half their game. The raiding clearly wasn't tested. All that really got tested and perfected was the...voice acting! That said it's still a great game, but rather sad an entire role in pvp gets dicked over.


Most important role ... no. Without healers the PvP would do just fine. Ppl would have to be more careful, premades wouldn't be immortal ... overall it would be more fun to play. I am really looking forward to GW2 in that regard ... no dedicated healers. Same in LoL for example ... dps have to take care of themself. No babysitter in the back healing them to full in 10 secs.

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Thanks for voting for heals :p But in WoW healing really wasn't thankless. I got the same amount of honor as the dps/tanks around me, and in RBGs points were based on wins or losses anyway, not these nonsense personal achievement medals.


Oh the rewards were always the same in warcraft. what made it thankless was always that enhancement shaman with 104k health and 4 resilience trying to hold the flag in WSG and stands in smokebomb. Then yells at you because you didn't keep him alive with 2 rogues, a warrior and a mage unloading every cooldown possible in him. :(


I really think they should reduce the rewards for losing warzones significantly.


To contribute:


In a game like huttball there is often a LOT of healing to be done, so much so that if you're doing damage your ball carrier is probably about to die or is already dead. If you have time to deal damage then you're probably too busy steamrolling the other team to care. In either situation, healers should have similar opportunities to earn medals and advance just like damage people.


Some players happen to enjoy the challenge of keeping people alive. That is what is fun for them. Good healers will mix up damage and CC with the heals but not at any level that would get them the same level of medals and commendations as if they'd just respec'd damage.

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This is why alot of pvp is turned to just killing enemies, healers should get the same rewards as tanks and dps.


If dps and tanks get 100 medals bonus for kills, healers should get 100 medals bonus for x amount of healing.


As I already mentioned, the whole problem is the complete lack of testing with this system.


If they built this system properly they would have played or collected data from let's say, 100 matches of each warzone, then found how each role plays and built the medals accordingly.


It seems like they implemented medals before playing their own warzones, thus the huge imbalance.


Even pure dps gets screwed with this current system. Players on a tank AC cheese taunts/guards/medpacs to get twice as many medals as the rest of the players.

Edited by Jooji
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Even pure healbots (I play with one sometimes) can unleash 75k damage - another medal.


524k means very long battle - you should be able to get 25 kills here and a killing blow - another 2 medals.


Also collect defender points it's +1 or +2 medals.

Also after battle ends people rather vote for healers than protectors or damagers. Another medal.


This is 7-9 medals - and you can get way more.


The main question is the healing the only thing you do?

Edited by Errthu
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As I already mentioned, the whole problem is the complete lack of testing with this system.


If they built this system properly they would have played or collected data from let's say, 100 matches of each warzone, then found how each role plays and built the medals accordingly.


It seems like they implemented medals before playing their own warzones, thus the huge imbalance.


Even pure dps gets screwed with this current system. Players on a tank AC cheese taunts/guards/medpacs to get twice as many medals as the rest of the players.


Honestly with stuff like a 30% heal debuff in PvP I think BioWare just hates healers. Not even joking here. And the UI needs work as well but that's not specific to PvP.

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Even pure healbots (I play with one sometimes) can unleash 75k damage - another medal.


524k means very long battle - you should be able to get 25 kills here and a killing blow - another 2 medals.


Also collect defender points it's +1 or +2 medals.


This is at least 7 medals - and you can get way more.


The main question is the healing the only thing you do?


yes they are talking about just setting there and heal spaming...and that is what they say needs to be fixed so that way they dont have to do/think of anything but healing........

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The main question is the healing the only thing you do?


If the match is tight then yes. Healers don't have time to dps if they're playing 100% objectively in a close match where both sides are decent.


I'll still CC/stun/snare/interrupt/knockback regardless, but those don't exactly get you medals(except for overload tagging kills).

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