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3 medals for 524k healing ~~ nice medal system BW


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ok if only healing spec can cure then healers (yes i'm a healer) cant get rewards for dps....


That makes no sense. DPS already get a ton more medals than healers simply by playing how they should be playing. They don't need healer medpac medals and that doesn't help the team in any way, which is why that should be removed. It doesn't encourage team play to pop a medpack to keep your own arse alive and you're not even technically healing anyone if you have no healing spells to do it with - common sense. Healer's currently don't get a ton of dps medals even when we try to contribute some dps, that's already been discussed a ton here. And even with that we still get less medals.


I see your still making as little sense as you were at 3am this morning earlier in the thread. Good to have you back.

Edited by Leiloni
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That makes no sense. DPS already get a ton more medals than healers simply by playing how they should be playing. They don't need healer medpac medals and that doesn't help the team in any way, which is why that should be removed. It doesn't encourage team play. Healer's currently don't get a ton of dps medals even when we try to contribute some dps, that's already been discussed a ton here. And even with that we still get less medals.


I see your still making as little sense as you were at 3am this morning earlier in the thread. Good to have you back.


your the one that said dont let dps get cure medals......so why should healers get dps medals.....

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i call bs cause there are 4 just for healing




oh and look at that 4 for damage



Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage

Healer - Healing 75K

Savior - Healing 300K

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Shield – 5k Protection

Protector - 50K Protection (thanks meatballz/adlarn)

Guardian – 2k Protection since last death

Paladin – 10k Protection since last death

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players




Except that 90% of those medals are obtainable just as easily for DPS.

DPS can get these much easier than Healers.

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage

Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack


They can also get these by spamming cheese medpacks.

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing

Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal from a single heal

Healer - Healing 75K


If a healer does his job and ONLY heals to keep his team mates alive he will get 3-4 medals. You are forced to DPS as a healer which wastes resources especially in a close match where your healing is much more useful. DPS can get 8-9 medals just fulfilling their intended role. Medal system = broken.

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your the one that said dont let dps get cure medals......so why should healers get dps medals.....


DPS don't have heals so it makes no sense for them to have healing medals when they can't actually heal. And they can earn their fair share of medals just dpsing. So that works out.


Healer's can't earn enough medals just by doing our job. But we can earn more medals by dpsing and we can actually dps because we do actually have damaging abilities, so it makes sense that we can earn dps medals. The reason why this is not broken (whereas DPS earning heal medals is) is because we can never earn more than one or two dps medals if we're healing in a WF, and even then we have to put forth a lot of effort to do so. DPS doesn't have to put forth much effort at all to get all of the healing medals. That is broken. And even with healer's getting one or two dps medals, we still get less medals overall, hence the thread topic.

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Could try something like:

Only class abilities count toward healing done (no items)

Change total healing and total damage medals to 75k/300k/1000k COMBINED healing+damage

Add damage/healing-per-life medals on par with protection-per-life

Change Defender Point medals to Objective Points medals, but make defending worth bonus Objective Points


Edit: I'd also add a medal for interrupting 10 casts during the game, but that's debatable

Edited by Edgecase
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Screenshot of a match where you did 350k healing and 250k DMG please.



Re-read my post. I didn't say I did 350k and 250k in the same match. In the matches where I heal in the high end of the range I tend to do less damage and vice versa. I've done 350k healing 150k damage in matches though, and 250k healing 250k damage or thereabouts.


As far as screenshots, sorry, I don't take them.

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When is this going to be fixed? The fact the medals hasn't been fixed yet is pathetic BW.


There are a thousand more of you crying about an issue plaguing them and saying the same thing. They can't fix everything at once, and if you wanna help them, get a job there.

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There are a thousand more of you crying about an issue plaguing them and saying the same thing. They can't fix everything at once, and if you wanna help them, get a job there.


This is an issue that people have been asking about since before the game came out, and the only thing any Dev has said on the subject is the below. We know changes take time, but this is why we're still posting about it, because Bioware has said nothing for months. If someone at BW came and said they were aware of the issue, here are our thoughts, you will or will not see us address the issue in a future patch soon or not so soon. Anything at all will make people stop talking so much.


The only thing any Dev has said regarding PvP healing is the below about the heal debuff. Nothing I can find about the medal system, and even on the debuff topic he said basically nothing.



"That's pretty much it. The trauma debuff is used to offset PvP and PvE group balance involving healers against on the PvE balance numbers numbers. We could also just change the numbers (health, damage) in the rest of the game to achieve the same effect, but that'd be much less efficient." - Georg Zoeller

Edited by Leiloni
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As a shielded tank I don’t get a ton of metals either after all they don’t hand them out for holding the ball and running while a healer heals you. After I took a good look at the list metals were provided for I have been able to get an average of 6 to 8 metals most games by mixing in a few more things besides get the ball and run. Try mix it up some do a little damage, 75k is not too hard to get and look for that guy low on health try to sneak that final pop.


On another note I would like to see them add metals for random things like 1 pass or 1 score this not only would help me but help the game of hutball that suffers from people who like to ignore the objective of the game.


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My feeling is this is working as intended. They want to punish the Healbot style. If you're doing 513k healing and getting 3 medals, you are not playing a Star Wars game. You are playing whack-a-mole with green bars and doing nothing else.


The thing is, this isn't WoW. Healers deal damage here. Hell, simply by using Death from Above on my Bounty Hunter whenever it's off cooldown, I can deal 75k damage in a warfront. I usually always get a killing blow or two as well, as there's almost always a right time and a wrong time to heal.


If you outnumber a guy 2 to 1, you probably shouldn't be standing there, healing the guy. You should be helping him kill the other guy, then after he's dead, you can top him off. You don't help him kill the enemy faster and suddenly, 2 reinforcements come. Now, the original guy gets healed and it's suddenly 2v3, when if you'd stopped looking at the green bars and spent some time looking at the red ones, you could have helped your friend score that critical kill to make it 2v2 when those new guys arrive.


Again, this isn't WoW. As a Healer, YOU DEAL DAMAGE. It's not as bursty or powerful as a dedicated DPS, but you're also not doing 4x less than him by any stretch. In fact, you're probably doing well more than half his damage.


This is the most inane nonsense I've read on the PvP boards. Healers are specialized to heal, period. The only 'difference' with WoW is that they can fill the voids with their damaging abilities, as opposed to only using CC when not healing. In fact: The Healer is better off conserving his limited resources to perform the role he excels at, and that is healing. Spending resources to do half, or less, damage than your dedicated DPS is a horrible strategic decision. Those are resources that should be used to keep your team alive.


The argument that this isn't WoW is rubbish. The Healer archetype wasn't invented in 2004, nor its role in the PvP arena.


Like it or not: In competitive PvP it's the healers that make the difference. Bioware needs to reinforce good healing behaviour, meaning they need to award more medals/rewards to those who heal a lot. There could be medals awarding extra commendation for healing someone below 20%.


In the end it's all about winning, and healing will progress you far better towards that goal than spending half your time DPS'ing at limited efficiency.

Edited by Dekadez
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There are a thousand more of you crying about an issue plaguing them and saying the same thing. They can't fix everything at once, and if you wanna help them, get a job there.


This is a VERY easy fix to make. It isn't difficult to program in 3 more medals. And it would make healers not get completely screwed on valor gains ~~~

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so the problem is healers can only get 3 medals?? right ok here is a pic of me on my 38 BH


i didnt get the kill medals or the dps medals....do you know how hard that was not to get?


are team won and i cured for just over 100k




oh and i got 5 medals


now if i was trying for medals i could have easly gotten more healing done and a lot more kills....all my dps came from saving my own *** and just taging ppl as they ran at us

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As a medic, I spend a lot of time running around trying to kill things and avoid being focused so that when the time comes, my healing is not only needed it might actually swing the balance in our favor. My DPS is often insufficient to kill anyone solo (who's evenly geared) fast enough to avoid having others jump in. That doesn't stop me from getting at least the killing blow and 75K damage medals in every warzone. 2.5k hit happens eventually as well, as long as I stay agressive.


I find it irritating that I don't get 5k heals in pvp (full champ minus weapons), it just doesn't happen regularly enough for me to count on it. When I get battlemaster stuff my surge will go up and maybe this medal will be more automatic. I think it's lame that biochem can get this one without trying though, considering I can crit for way more than 5k in my pve gear.


As a healer, the only thing I really want credit for, are some of the kills people get because of my healing. I find it mildly irritating that my heal won the fight for them, and yet I get zero credit for the kill unless I weave some dps on the target. If I'm not going to get credit...why does it put me in combat? Lame. I get enough dps out there to always hit the 10 and usually hit the 25 kills. But with 0 deaths, I really should have just as many kills as the dpser's I'm pocket heailng.

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That's the reward for playing objectively in huttball as a healer^^^


So while I keep the tanks up who get 100+ commendations per game I'm lucky to get 60-70...


When is this going to be fixed? The fact the medals hasn't been fixed yet is pathetic BW.


That's why I respeced deeps with my bh


After 14 huttball matches with my team winning 6-0 in 5 mins doing nothing but getting ball, throw to tank, heal tank and walk it in AND GETTING 0 MEDALS or 1 for the 2.5k heal for it...


Now I always get 8+ and do as little as is possible to help the team get objectives... When I see huttball now I say to myself "Sweet, team deathmatch"

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The problem is that people think they are playing "that other game" and just want to be someone's pocket healer. If you just focus on healing the 4 medals you can get from healing are more than enough. You have a host of abilities and do not have to just heal, this is your choice. There is no reason BW should have to cater to the healing playstyle more than any other, really get over yourselves.


I cannot believe the things that people will complain about in PvP forums.


Note 1: I play a healer, and a medic at that so the 5k medal is not safe to assume for me.

Note 2: People should not be getting the heal medals for medpacs, that should be fixed.


This is the most inane nonsense I've read on the PvP boards. Healers are specialized to heal, period. The only 'difference' with WoW is that they can fill the voids with their damaging abilities, as opposed to only using CC when not healing. In fact: The Healer is better off conserving his limited resources to perform the role he excels at, and that is healing. Spending resources to do half, or less, damage than your dedicated DPS is a horrible strategic decision. Those are resources that should be used to keep your team alive.


The argument that this isn't WoW is rubbish. The Healer archetype wasn't invented in 2004, nor its role in the PvP arena.


Like it or not: In competitive PvP it's the healers that make the difference. Bioware needs to reinforce good healing behaviour, meaning they need to award more medals/rewards to those who heal a lot. There could be medals awarding extra commendation for healing someone below 20%.

This IS a WoW argument, not all games with PvP have approached the healing archetype this way. You cannot and are not intended to outheal DPSers in this game making healers more durable than tanks, this is a marked difference from the WoW healing PvP model.


Your "its the healers that make the difference" argument seriously belongs elsewhere man. You are not the only person on the team, nor even necessarily the MVP just because you chose a healing archetype.

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I find it irritating that I don't get 5k heals in pvp (full champ minus weapons),


The problem is actually the heal debuff. They nerfed the heals by 30%, but did not nerf the healing required for the medals.


It's very obvious by the numbers required they saw the healing at some point equal to damage.

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The problem is that people think they are playing "that other game" and just want to be someone's pocket healer. If you just focus on healing the 4 medals you can get from healing are more than enough. You have a host of abilities and do not have to just heal, this is your choice. There is no reason BW should have to cater to the healing playstyle more than any other, really get over yourselves.


I cannot believe the things that people will complain about in PvP forums.


Then what should they do? Alternate between healing and doing suboptimal damage? There's no logical design reason that can justify healers having to perform a role, DPS, that can be performed far superior by others, aka. designated DPS.

It's just bad design. PvP is about maximizing efficiency. DPS'ing while you could be healing, assuming there is someone in need of being healed, is inefficient. The game should not reward this behaviour.


I'm not even playing a healer and I feel they have every right to complain here. They have a host of abilities, yet only the healing abilities ensure the healer his proficiency at PvP combat. Without talents, damage is lackluster. As it should be, or you would be eliminating the need for dedicated DPS.


If Bioware wanted Healers to be a hybrid DPS/Healing combo, they should have designed a hybrid talent tree or they should've allowed healers to do most of their healing through damage. If they would design suboptimal damage dealing abilities that also heal one or several allies in the process, they would eliminate the cost of going damage over healing and encourage a mindset of being more than a pockethealer.

Edited by Dekadez
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There is no reason BW should have to cater to the healing playstyle more than any other, really get over yourselves.



The issue is currently that they're catering to the dpsers that just want to mindlessly kill people and avoid objectives and winning. They get the most medals of anyone else. Healers trying to do their job, be a team player, and use all the abilities their class has appropriately without trying to "farm" medals, will not get more than 4. This is not equal to what a dps can get.


We're not asking for BW to cater to us, we're asking for the system to be equal and fair.

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The issue is currently that they're catering to the dpsers that just want to mindlessly kill people and avoid objectives and winning. They get the most medals of anyone else. Healers trying to do their job, be a team player, and use all the abilities their class has appropriately without trying to "farm" medals, will not get more than 4. This is not equal to what a dps can get.


We're not asking for BW to cater to us, we're asking for the system to be equal and fair.


it is fair...there are 5 just healing medals and 5 just damage medals

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it is fair...there are 5 just healing medals and 5 just damage medals


I really wish you'd stop posting. Nothing you say makes any sense. Your grammar isn't even legible.


Make a list of the medals by dps, healing, and tanking then show who gets what. You'll easily see who gets the most.

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it is fair...there are 5 just healing medals and 5 just damage medals


Another topic we already talked about, so I'm going to yet again quote myself.


If you're playing a dpser, I see more than 4 medals that you'll be earning. If you're playing a true healer like in other games, you won't get these medals.


Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

And lets not forget the medal you get for killing 25 enemy players.


So that's 8 so far that dps can get that pure healers can't, unless they're doing something they're not specced to do. Not to mention the 5k healing medal is hard to get with a 30% heal debuff, but for a dps whose has no such dps debuffs, you can dish out a lot more damage than we can in heals - and this you can't dispute it's literally built into the game.


And to refresh your memory, here's what you replied with. It's all on page 3 if you'd like to go take a look and find something new to say.


so as a true healer when i get jumped i'm to do what let him kill me with out touching him at all?


wow no wonder ppl cry about being healers

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