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Ah Colicoid, the pug destroyer.

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This was one of the funniest moments while leveling, seriously :D:D:D


I was playing with some friends, and out of the blue someone said "I hate bugs", and I was like "yeah, me too" and then she said "y'know, there's a FP with bugs...." and we went there...

OMG... none of us were expecting it.... we got zerged everytime.... :D

We can do decent clicking buttons, quickbars and stuff.... but the cannons were too much.... :rolleyes: After I don't know how many wipes, we shamefuly agreed on not to try anymore and went for a overleveled Boarding Party run to mitigate the repair bills...


gawd.... thankfully we didn't involve any strangers in it.... I'm laughing right now and my co-workers are starting to give me some looks :D

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if you're the last one to die on cannons you are the one failing. Why you ask? well its simple, you are supposed to turn around 180 degrees to shoot the monsters behind you.


If you want to know why its because it reduces the turning arc you require by far, instead of trying to turn around to cover a 140 degree arc you only need to worry about a 60 degree arc, far easier.


In other words, you are responsible for the person behind you, if they die its your fault, if your still alive they did their job.

Edited by Neferseki
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Geez people, it's just one fight (OK, two fights). We spend 99.99% of the time playing our classes in this game already, and you're acting like doing one gimmicky thing that doesn't use class abilities is gamebreaking.


I get where you're coming from in theory, (that vehicle-based combat should allow some diversity and roles), and I'd welcome something like that. And yes it would also help if every ability didn't dismount you.


But I like variance in gameplay and how I control my character, so it's nice to get ANYTHING a little different like this. And combat mechanics aside, it's great for a little roleplay value.


(Didn't do the WoW vehicle thing, so I don't know the comparison, btw.)


TL,DR --> Lighten up, people! :jawa_tongue:

Edited by Stenrik
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Geez people, it's just one fight (OK, two fights). We spend 99.99% of the time playing our classes in this game already, and you're acting like doing one gimmicky thing is gamebreaking.


I get where you're coming from in theory, that vehicle-based combat should allow some diversity and roles, and I'd welcome something like that. But I like diversity in gameplay and how I control my character, so it's nice to get ANYTHING a little different like this. And combat mechanics aside, it's great for a little roleplay value.


(Didn't do the WoW vehicle thing, so I don't know the comparison, btw.)


TL,DR --> Lighten up, people!

i think the problem (and the reason why so many people hate colicoid wars) is that this specific instance forces you to play a game you didn't sign up for.


many people love playing that draw something game for your phone. if this game had a few encounters where you had to guess 10 drawings correctly, many will like it, many will not. that's what's going on here.


people who don't like it, are the people who dislike vehicle combat, not because it's hard, but because it's stupid (to them - and me). that's not to say all vehicle combat are stupid, but THIS one sure is.

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i think the problem (and the reason why so many people hate colicoid wars) is that this specific instance forces you to play a game you didn't sign up for.


many people love playing that draw something game for your phone. if this game had a few encounters where you had to guess 10 drawings correctly, many will like it, many will not. that's what's going on here.


people who don't like it, are the people who dislike vehicle combat, not because it's hard, but because it's stupid (to them - and me). that's not to say all vehicle combat are stupid, but THIS one sure is.


Sure, you can say it's stupid, but is it any stupider than most of the same tank-and-spank trash mobs in these flashpoints. Just because the usual fights have more buttons to press, the fact that I've done the exact same rotation before negates any complexity to me.


And yes, like I said, the cannon event could be improved, but I think a couple simple fixes would be better than removing the whole thing...


When people complain about stuff like this, it's like telling Devs "Never try anything different! We signed up to kill stuff with our class abilities, and that's all we want to do, ever, in PVE content." And sure, that's what most combat should be in a game like this, but some variety here and there should be welcomed, not shunned.


(Anyway, I'm curious what you think of the other part of the instance, specifically the forcefield thing.)

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Sure, you can say it's stupid, but is it any stupider than most of the same tank-and-spank trash mobs in these flashpoints. Just because the usual fights have more buttons to press, the fact that I've done the exact same rotation before negates any complexity to me.


And yes, like I said, the cannon event could be improved, but I think a couple simple fixes would be better than removing the whole thing...


When people complain about stuff like this, it's like telling Devs "Never try anything different! We signed up to kill stuff with our class abilities, and that's all we want to do, ever, in PVE content." And sure, that's what most combat should be in a game like this, but some variety here and there should be welcomed, not shunned.

1. draw something isn't stupid to the people who like it. it is to those who don't. people signed up for SWTOR, not to rotate something, but to DO something.


2. normal "tank and spank" don't have "more buttons to push".. they have **SOME** buttons to push. in fact, pushing a button fails the turret encounter.


3. when people complain about stuff like this, it's like telling the devs "stop making really really stupid encounters that require no interaction from the players"


4. force shield? don't remember, i ran colicoid once, and told my guildies i'm never going back. they all agreed with me.

Edited by oredith
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i encountered colicoid for the first time this evening, and I have to say, it is the dumbest flash point from a game design perspective imaginable. first off, the thing you need to do to play it has no relation to anything you did at any point during the game for the previous 40 levels. its a mini game that bears no resemblance to the way the game is played outside of that flash point.


it doesn't tell you that the cannons auto-fire. you figure that out yourself the hard way when you try to press a button to shoot and it dismounts you. it doesn't tell you that the only way to rotate the cannon is to use the movement keys. if you try to rotate the way your character normally rotates, by clicking the right mouse button and moving the mouse, that causes you to dismount the cannon. only way to learn that is the hard way too. then you might think, maybe I can heal or use some other non-attack ability while on the cannon. nope, do that and it auto-dismounts you and again. you literally cannot press any button or execute any power other than the move left and move right keys or you are dismounted from the cannon. and since there is no combat log and no feedback on what is happenning, it's quite easy to reach the erroneous conclusion that the mobs are the thing knocking you off the cannon rather than the horrible game design of the mini game.


now, don't get me wrong. it is not hard. its just a completely different game then the one you played for the previous 40 levels with no hint of this fact until after you've tried it a few times and discovered the hard way what the rules of the mini game actually are.


once you figure that out, it isn't hard. quite the opposite. It is utterly mindless because literally the only thing you can do is press the move left and move right keys constantly as mobs stream toward you. even attempting to do anything else causes you to lose the mini game.


it is literally nothing more than 1970 era Atari 2600 space invaders but your cannon auto-shoots for you, with the added "feature" that if you try to shoot the cannon yourself by pressing the fire button, the game has to be restarted from the beginning.


fun. :rolleyes:


that is right, i said it: the gameplay for that mini game has less thought behind it than the original space invaders, and is infinitely less interesting.


i was stunned at how ridiculous the whole thing was when i encountered it for the first time. that is a case study for how to design a flash point badly.


yes i'm being harsh, but Bioware deserves it. they really should be embarrassed that they allowed that to even go live.


Its Fun, and its Fine, nuff Said:cool:

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When people complain about stuff like this, it's like telling Devs "Never try anything different! We signed up to kill stuff with our class abilities, and that's all we want to do, ever, in PVE content." And sure, that's what most combat should be in a game like this, but some variety here and there should be welcomed, not shunned.


Some variety should be welcomed, when its well thought out and implemented. This is not. Had i wanted to play a 'rotate an autofire turret' game I'd find some Atari whatever from 1970 or something.


And as for vehicle combat in general, far from being that it has to be this stupid and annoying. They just need to spend more than 2 minutes thinking about it

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Some variety should be welcomed, when its well thought out and implemented. This is not. Had i wanted to play a 'rotate an autofire turret' game I'd find some Atari whatever from 1970 or something.


And as for vehicle combat in general, far from being that it has to be this stupid and annoying. They just need to spend more than 2 minutes thinking about it


This is optional, so aside of being silly there's no harm.


I tried it with my friends, we wiped, we laughed and that was it. I'll never bother again.


For me, "vehicle combat" sucks, period. I remember playing some old Medal of Honor and CoD and they all included some tank mission. First thing I did everytime was looking up some cheat to get through in the least amount time and annoyance possible. Those weren't optional.

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To those who said the cannon will dismount him when he used right mouse button to change the camera direction ... watch the position of your mouse cursor. If your mouse cursor is on top of the cannon, it works as Dismount instead of changing the camera direction. Needless to say, you need to move your mouse cursor away from the cannon.
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Turn them around and shoot the opposite way.




This is all you have to do to make it past that part of the instance. Turn the turrets around and shoot in the opposite direction. The mobs aggro on the person shooting them so this way they have further to travel and you have plenty of time to take them down.

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i use RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON , holding it down and moving the mouse for targetting..


seems perfectly natural way to move-target..


my group do it right 1st time..


but yes maybe for some ppl this will be a problem..


its fun instance though.

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