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Ah Colicoid, the pug destroyer.

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I blame no one but blizz with their faceroll game for the failings of this generations gamers.


When it comes to spamming buttons, everones a champion. When the mechanics change and something different is involved, 80% of players fail.


Colicoid for instance. Ive tried it 3 times, completed it once. The cannons.

Im Always the last to die, with more then half health most times as everyone gets wiped out.

1 guy today said hes not doing the instance till it gets fixed, hes going to report it to a gm to fix it...lol the instance isnt broken, its whats behind the keyboard.


Ive really given up hope for gamers of this generation, im surprised they know how to tie their own shoes.


Its actually just wanting me to quit gaming altogether, its that sad.


All my friends stayed in wow, my real life friends that are as gamer savvy ,5 of us, we ran everything together without failure ever... I wish they would come over to this game.


I cannot stand pugging anymore, and the guild im in are most 50 doing HM. I dont really know any of them anyway.


Why??What has led this generation to be horrible gamers? How cannot they understand simple mechanics of point and shoot, ranged > big > melee.. Is it the twitch gaming? hand eye co ordination? WTH is it. Even in heroics, i see ppl doing some silly stuff all the time...


Finally , why, just once, pls o mighty god, cannot i have a group that can just blitz flashpoints. Im the tank ffs, all they have to do is spam their attacks....


Wanna know the worst thing... I have to go away for work till next friday and i wont have access to TOR, so i have to wait till next week AGAIN to try to beat colicoid....

Edited by darthjerro
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I think I noticed the gigantic flaw in your battle plan. I noticed that you said you were the last to die early on. Later, you mention that you're the tank.


The reason your group is failing is because you're failing as a tank. If your healer is getting killed before you, it's your fault. If the DPS aren't killing in the correct order, it's your fault. If classes aren't CCing the right targets, it's your fault. You're supposed to be the one marking targets and explaining what they mean. It's a PUG, it's assumed that MAYBE one other person has run it before. You're the one that is supposed to, above all, keep the healer from dying because it means death for all of you if they do.


If you're the last one dying and you're the tank, it isn't because you're some legendary tank of the gods, it's because you're absolute **** that can't hold threat.

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I think I noticed the gigantic flaw in your battle plan. I noticed that you said you were the last to die early on. Later, you mention that you're the tank.


The reason your group is failing is because you're failing as a tank. If your healer is getting killed before you, it's your fault. If the DPS aren't killing in the correct order, it's your fault. If classes aren't CCing the right targets, it's your fault. You're supposed to be the one marking targets and explaining what they mean. It's a PUG, it's assumed that MAYBE one other person has run it before. You're the one that is supposed to, above all, keep the healer from dying because it means death for all of you if they do.


If you're the last one dying and you're the tank, it isn't because you're some legendary tank of the gods, it's because you're absolute **** that can't hold threat.


I suppose you just wanted to add your 2 cents worth here mate yea, because obviously you have no idea what your talking about. No one tanks adds on the cannons mkay. its a MINI game.


And about my tanking abilites , i think after more then 10 years of tanking they are quite impressive to be frank...


SO be fore you go spill youre drivel anywhere else , read my op where i said ON THE CANNONS.

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i encountered colicoid for the first time this evening, and I have to say, it is the dumbest flash point from a game design perspective imaginable. first off, the thing you need to do to play it has no relation to anything you did at any point during the game for the previous 40 levels. its a mini game that bears no resemblance to the way the game is played outside of that flash point.


it doesn't tell you that the cannons auto-fire. you figure that out yourself the hard way when you try to press a button to shoot and it dismounts you. it doesn't tell you that the only way to rotate the cannon is to use the movement keys. if you try to rotate the way your character normally rotates, by clicking the right mouse button and moving the mouse, that causes you to dismount the cannon. only way to learn that is the hard way too. then you might think, maybe I can heal or use some other non-attack ability while on the cannon. nope, do that and it auto-dismounts you and again. you literally cannot press any button or execute any power other than the move left and move right keys or you are dismounted from the cannon. and since there is no combat log and no feedback on what is happenning, it's quite easy to reach the erroneous conclusion that the mobs are the thing knocking you off the cannon rather than the horrible game design of the mini game.


now, don't get me wrong. it is not hard. its just a completely different game then the one you played for the previous 40 levels with no hint of this fact until after you've tried it a few times and discovered the hard way what the rules of the mini game actually are.


once you figure that out, it isn't hard. quite the opposite. It is utterly mindless because literally the only thing you can do is press the move left and move right keys constantly as mobs stream toward you. even attempting to do anything else causes you to lose the mini game.


it is literally nothing more than 1970 era Atari 2600 space invaders but your cannon auto-shoots for you, with the added "feature" that if you try to shoot the cannon yourself by pressing the fire button, the game has to be restarted from the beginning.


fun. :rolleyes:


that is right, i said it: the gameplay for that mini game has less thought behind it than the original space invaders, and is infinitely less interesting.


i was stunned at how ridiculous the whole thing was when i encountered it for the first time. that is a case study for how to design a flash point badly.


yes i'm being harsh, but Bioware deserves it. they really should be embarrassed that they allowed that to even go live.

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i encountered colicoid for the first time this evening, and I have to say, it is the dumbest flash point from a game design perspective imaginable. first off, the thing you need to do to play it has no relation to anything you did at any point during the game for the previous 40 levels. its a mini game that bears no resemblance to the way the game is played outside of that flash point.


it doesn't tell you that the cannons auto-fire. you figure that out yourself the hard way when you try to press a button to shoot and it dismounts you. it doesn't tell you that the only way to rotate the cannon is to use the movement keys. if you try to rotate the way your character normally rotates, by clicking the right mouse button and moving the mouse, that causes you to dismount the cannon. only way to learn that is the hard way too. then you might think, maybe I can heal or use some other non-attack ability while on the cannon. nope, do that and it auto-dismounts you and again. you literally cannot press any button or execute any power other than the move left and move right keys or you are dismounted from the cannon. and since there is no combat log and no feedback on what is happenning, it's quite easy to reach the erroneous conclusion that the mobs are the thing knocking you off the cannon rather than the horrible game design of the mini game.


now, don't get me wrong. it is not hard. its just a completely different game then the one you played for the previous 40 levels with no hint of this fact until after you've tried it a few times and discovered the hard way what the rules of the mini game actually are.


once you figure that out, it isn't hard. quite the opposite. It is utterly mindless because literally the only thing you can do is press the move left and move right keys constantly as mobs stream toward you. even attempting to do anything else causes you to lose the mini game.


it is literally nothing more than 1970 era Atari 2600 space invaders but your cannon auto-shoots for you, with the added "feature" that if you try to shoot the cannon yourself by pressing the fire button, the game has to be restarted from the beginning.


fun. :rolleyes:


that is right, i said it: the gameplay for that mini game has less thought behind it than the original space invaders, and is infinitely less interesting.


i was stunned at how ridiculous the whole thing was when i encountered it for the first time. that is a case study for how to design a flash point badly.


yes i'm being harsh, but Bioware deserves it. they really should be embarrassed that they allowed that to even go live.





the flashpoint has to stay the same.... i love how dumb people are laughing on them when i join a pug... the laughs themselves of nerdraging kiddos and adults crying its op and dont have time cos baby is crying is alone worth the repair bill!


Bioware leave the instance as it is it rocks... i did it once with a pug of smart people and now i wipe on 1st cannons for fun!


its like a minigame fueled by rage of noobs

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After a couple of failed attempts trying to fathom the controls i picked it up and it is very simple. However. it is *********** ****. why the hell would i buy the latest MMORPG to play the most unintelligent mini-game i have ever seen.


As allready said there is no way to initially find out the controlls other than repeatedly wiping untill you figure out that the only 2 buttons you can press without it throwing you off are left and right


a cannon that auto attacks and has the most jerky innaccurate movement of any turret in any game i have ever played- come on who the hell thought this would be fun?


I do often think i'm playing the first BETA version of this game

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I personally had no problem turning the cannon with the mouse :confused:


We wiped 2 times learning the spawn spots and gave a territory to control to each cannon, and cleaned the 2 stages of the cannon boss in one go.

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I personally had no problem turning the cannon with the mouse :confused:


We wiped 2 times learning the spawn spots and gave a territory to control to each cannon, and cleaned the 2 stages of the cannon boss in one go.


Same, just holding the right mouse button down and not letting go allows you to control the cannon with your mouse.


This flashpoint is actually one of the more enjoyable ones to because it's been the only one so far that hasn't been a mindless button spam.

Edited by drenmar
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The problem with the instance is that it introduces a completely new mechanic to the players, one that is somewhat buggy, unresponsive and unintuitive.


I completed the instance yesterday but we wiped a lot until we figured out what they wanted us to do. The thing is, the instance doesn't provide you with learning tools outside of trial & error, which is poor design.


They could at least have a tutorial tip pop up and explain the turret controls.


The maze part, while logical, is also frustrating because of the instant and unpredictable knocknack ability. Give it a cast-time or a way to see it coming, rather than having it trigger in the most inopportune moments.


As much as I like the idea of the instance, there's some basic game-design 101 missing here.

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This can be done in a PUG, even a bad one, if everyone speaks English and is not a total reject. I was in a PUG the first time I did it and we figured it out. First we wiped on the cannons. Then we had a good laugh about it, got a grip on the "point and shoot" mechanic and wiped on the cannons again. Then we decided "first and last time but gotta do it at least once" and I googled it while one of the party members asked his guild mates and we came to the same conclusion that, despite there being four cannons, it'll go much easier if we only man three and keep the healer in the middle. It was smooth sailing from there on out (the walkway puzzle was slightly annoying but we got past that one, too).


PUGs are like item lockboxes, you never know what you're gonna get :-)

Edited by Grimmas
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PUGs are like item lockboxes, you never know what you're gonna get :-)


Exactly :p I'm in a guild that offers me a full flashpoint group pretty much every time. But sometimes we just need a random. It's like lottery. You keep watching over the random for the first trash packs to see what he's doing. It's always a surprise, either he actually performs, or you just found another bottom how bad people can be in a video game.


I'm also very terrified at the direction mmo's are taking. The paying majority seems to be ones who have no clue what to do, and blame the game for being too hard. As they have the RIGHT, as a g0ddamn paying customer, to get everything the game has to offer. Be it gear or down a hard boss NPC. That's the attitude of a 3-year old. But guess this is the generation that has never been told "no". Too hard for you? Skip it and go complete something at your skill level. No need to demand the game to be dumbed down at your level. That's what made me quit wow, let's not make swtor fall to the same pit. Sound elitist? It's not. I'm just asking you not to whine about the content designed for ME. I'm not crying my eyes out at official forums how the space missions become boring as hell as they have no difficulty settings, which could provide better rewards *wink wink* (or did I just do that?)


Colicoid was a fresh breeze in the sea of tank and spank flashpoints. Sure the little puzzles grow old fast, but Colicoid doesnt even offer hardmode. The 1 run alone was more memorable for me than 3 flashpoints previous of that. We talked more between our guildies than we would ever had in some silly herp & derp flashpoint.


i encountered colicoid for the first time this evening, and I have to say, it is the dumbest flash point from a game design perspective imaginable. first off, the thing you need to do to play it has no relation to anything you did at any point during the game for the previous 40 levels. its a mini game that bears no resemblance to the way the game is played outside of that flash point.


Everything has to be the same from lvl 1 to Endgame Operations? Nothing innovative is permitted? Don't you dare enter Huttball. You are actually asked to PASS a ball to other players. The heretics! When has that been done before in an mmo? It just can't be allowed! How are you supposed to cope with that?

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - due to age of post, no action
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I personally had no problem turning the cannon with the mouse :confused:


We wiped 2 times learning the spawn spots and gave a territory to control to each cannon, and cleaned the 2 stages of the cannon boss in one go.


That is curious. Everyone in my group, including me, was immediately dismounted from the cannon the second we pressed the right mouse button. Wonder how it is supposed to work... that certainly does not work for any of us.

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I seriously hope you are talking about hardmode. The one time I did it on normal, with a pug while leveling, it was a complete joke.


If you could do Colicoid on HM it would be one of the easier runs, since typically puzzle-mode mechanics don't scale as heavily as more traditional fights (see: gunship Hm in WoW, 3rd and 4th bosses in Nightmare EV). Also very little trash.


Come to think of it..BW, please give us Colicoid HM. :)

Edited by Farabee
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As a healer, my experience with PUGs is all over the place. I like joining them as they are constantly asking for "healz" in chat, so I offer to go. Usually, it goes ok, but there have been more times that I'm comfortable with that I get blamed for the group wiping. I got kicked from a group running Insufficient Staff on Alderaan a few days ago after our second wipe. I asked the tank group leader what was up and he replied, "sorry dude, you suck." LOL I reminded him that I couldn't heal him or the group when I had to constantly heal myself or was dead (which is what I spent a majority of my time doing). He never answered. I HATE that crap as a healing class, but what are you gonna do? *shrugs*
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Exactly :p I'm in a guild that offers me a full flashpoint group pretty much every time. But sometimes we just need a random. It's like lottery. You keep watching over the random for the first trash packs to see what he's doing. It's always a surprise, either he actually performs, or you just found another bottom how bad people can be in a video game.


I'm also very terrified at the direction mmo's are taking. The paying majority seems to be ones who have no clue what to do, and blame the game for being too hard. As they have the RIGHT, as a g0ddamn paying customer, to get everything the game has to offer. Be it gear or down a hard boss NPC. That's the attitude of a 3-year old. But guess this is the generation that has never been told "no". Too hard for you? Skip it and go complete something at your skill level. No need to demand the game to be dumbed down at your level. That's what made me quit wow, let's not make swtor fall to the same pit. Sound elitist? It's not. I'm just asking you not to whine about the content designed for ME. I'm not crying my eyes out at official forums how the space missions become boring as hell as they have no difficulty settings, which could provide better rewards *wink wink* (or did I just do that?)


Colicoid was a fresh breeze in the sea of tank and spank flashpoints. Sure the little puzzles grow old fast, but Colicoid doesnt even offer hardmode. The 1 run alone was more memorable for me than 3 flashpoints previous of that. We talked more between our guildies than we would ever had in some silly herp & derp flashpoint.




Everything has to be the same from lvl 1 to Endgame Operations? Nothing innovative is permitted? Don't you dare enter Huttball. You are actually asked to PASS a ball to other players. The heretics! When has that been done before in an mmo? It just can't be allowed! How are you supposed to cope with that?


Actually that isn't what I said at all. When I say that it is poor game design to throw the player into a minigame which has no instructions in which the basic game mechanics are the exact opposite of everything the player has been doing for the last 40 level without even giving the player a single hint that the game mechanics he will be required to use to play this mini-game are completely different I am saying the implementation of this instance is just bad game design. Saying that is NOT the same thing as saying "everything must be the same and not innovative". You are reducing my argument to something I didn't ever say. But since I never said what you said I said, I'll dismiss it.




The whole idea of an instance that works in a unique way could be innovative, but the implementation of this one is so bad and counter intuitive that it isn't possible for it to be so.

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - due to age of post, no action
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This is one of the most stupid encounters ever designed...


The cannons move so slow and fire so slowly.


So easily get dismounted...


To successfully finish it, u have to shoot from behind...



It's right up there in stupidity with WoW's blue dragon encounters in northrend.


When will game designers learn that when the main gameplay is using a humanoid, vehicles are dumb?

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - due to age of post, no action
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After a couple of failed attempts trying to fathom the controls i picked it up and it is very simple. However. it is *********** ****. why the hell would i buy the latest MMORPG to play the most unintelligent mini-game i have ever seen.


As allready said there is no way to initially find out the controlls other than repeatedly wiping untill you figure out that the only 2 buttons you can press without it throwing you off are left and right


a cannon that auto attacks and has the most jerky innaccurate movement of any turret in any game i have ever played- come on who the hell thought this would be fun?


I do often think i'm playing the first BETA version of this game


use the right mouse button to turn.

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We figures out that the turrets autofired and you could use either left+right and mouse turning in about 5 seconds of our first try.


It took us 2 tries before having a healer not get on a turret and heal everyone else on it whilst they targeted ranged first and just dps'd everything down.


It was fun, a change from the norm, required a tad bit of thinking outside the box. Apparently all too much for this current generation of gamers. The OP isn't wrong.

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I tried it with 3 randoms, it was terrible. The one lvl 50 knew what he was doing, but the other two didnt. He and I were the last to die, only dying because the others did and let the bugs come through. I wanted to make them watch Starship Troopers as inspiration.


I feel your pain though. I've run heroics with VERY few randoms that knew what they were doing. I did manage to run a Foundry with absolutely no problem except 1 HK death. Added everybody from that group lol, havent had a problem with them.

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