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Something to ponder before you complain some more


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not sure if its been posted here, but what the heck it deserves another look even if it was




P.S. if you just don't like the game, there's no helping it. not everything is everyone's cup of tea. for example - i hate onions. doesn't matter how you dress them up, how you cook them - I'll still hate them. if this game is your onions, do yourself and everyone else a favor and stop this self inflicted torture, go play something that you actually enjoy and have fun with.


if you like the game, but bugs etc get in a way of some of your enjoyment? please be patient. and appreciate what you have, instead of grumbling about something you don't have.. yet.

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I'm not concerned with their rate of fixing the game, yet


I'm annoyed that they would charge 60 dollars, for something that needs so many fixes


I'm amused that they ask for 15 dollars a month for it


Ever Play WoW? Buy the expansions? The CAT expansion has many, many bugs when it was released (and still does), and it didn't get it's major bug fix till the 4.0.6 patch.

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That article has no relevance to the HUGE, glaring technical issues that the game is plagued with due to being rushed out for Christmas.


LucasArts forced Obsidian to do the same thing for KOTOR II. Remember how that worked? We got a brilliantly written game with absolutely NO resolution.

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Ever Play WoW? Buy the expansions? The CAT expansion has many, many bugs when it was released (and still does), and it didn't get it's major bug fix till the 4.0.6 patch.


Cataclysm, and Wrath of the Lich King were actually pretty bug-free, on Release. Not perfect, obviously, but about as good as an MMO can get


Anyway, WoW is an MMO; SWTOR is not

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That article has no relevance to the HUGE, glaring technical issues that the game is plagued with due to being rushed out for Christmas.


These aren't issues a particular "whiny" player is having.

These are issues everyone is having and issues that greatly impact the game.


Would you care to list these "HUGE glaring technical issues"?

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Would you care to list these "HUGE glaring technical issues"?


- Static low number of sound channels that mutes half the sounds in the game when there are as few as 12 NPCs/player characters in your vicinity, and no option to increase sound channels, which is something that's been present in every major MMO title for years

- High quality textures not actually being high quality but rather medium quality

- Can't install the game into your user directory on Windows 7 because Bioware's demented installers for all their games restrict user directories for no valid reason

- The huge delay issue that's caused dozens upon dozens of hundred page threads

- The animation issues


Should I go on...?

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That article has no relevance to the HUGE, glaring technical issues that the game is plagued with due to being rushed out for Christmas.


These aren't issues a particular "whiny" player is having.

These are issues everyone is having and issues that greatly impact the game.


I won't argue and say there aren't bugs. Clearly there are, they are well documented and have been discussed to no end on the forums. Further, there are several things that were missing in game or should have been added. Although they do impact my game (like legacy missing for example..) I wouldn't say they "greatly" impact my game. There's only been a few game breaking issues I've seen or heard since launch. I'm not trying to diminish the effects this has had on the game (and perhaps my viewpoint is different because I played for 6mo in closed beta), however the game does operate and most seem willing to work through things. It wasn't rushed out for christmas...it was rushed out because EA was tired to paying for something that was not giving a return, this is well known. Of course they picked the date right before christmas...but as far as EA was concerned the game was launching in 2011, no matter what the date.

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- Static low number of sound channels that mutes half the sounds in the game when there are as few as 12 NPCs/player characters in your vicinity, and no option to increase sound channels, which is something that's been present in every major MMO title for years

- High quality textures not actually being high quality but rather medium quality

- Can't install the game into your user directory on Windows 7 because Bioware's demented installers for all their games restrict user directories for no valid reason

- The huge delay issue that's caused dozens upon dozens of hundred page threads

- The animation issues


Should I go on...?


Sound issues aren't game breaking. Yea annoying, but not game breaking.

High quality textures to medium quality, yea sucks, but again not game breaking

Installation issues, now yes thats an issue. I haven't had any issues myself in that regard..but can understand the frustration of ppl who do. However, what game doesnt have those? Name one.

Delay issue, it's def an issue, but wouldn't call it game breaking. Unless your an elitest.

Animation issues? Could you be more specific?


To me the 3 fundamental game breaking technical issues in the game is/were the installation issue, loading screen issue, and Taris memory leak. Of which 2/3 have been fixed, for the most part.

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- Static low number of sound channels that mutes half the sounds in the game when there are as few as 12 NPCs/player characters in your vicinity, and no option to increase sound channels, which is something that's been present in every major MMO title for years

- High quality textures not actually being high quality but rather medium quality

- Can't install the game into your user directory on Windows 7 because Bioware's demented installers for all their games restrict user directories for no valid reason

- The huge delay issue that's caused dozens upon dozens of hundred page threads

- The animation issues


Should I go on...?






/sarcasm off


Seriously? This is what you call huge glaring issues? None of those are gamebreaking. :o


But ofcourse, don't mind me. I'm just a fanboi.. right? I'm a fanboy of pretty much every game company on this world if that's the case then.


Or wait, no.. maybe.. it's because I have common sense.. Something that's not so common sadly enough.

Edited by Archannon
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Ah yes, exaggeration.


Tip: exaggeration DOES NOT make you more important, nor you complaints more relevant and believed. In fact, it does the opposite.


You may like to eat ****, but that doesn't mean everyone does.

It's an ugly truth, and brutally put, but it's the only way to put it.


Most people actually want a normal product for their money.

A product that doesn't have bugs that not even the tiniest of indie devs who live off of Ramen in a basement make, let alone any other AAA MMO devs.

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/sarcasm off


Seriously? This is what you call huge glaring issues? None of those are gamebreaking. :o


But ofcourse, don't mind me. I'm just a fanboi.. right? I'm a fanboy of pretty much every game company on this world if that's the case then.


Or wait, no.. maybe.. it's because I have common sense.. Something that's not so common sadly enough.


Common sense, eh?


Name ONE AAA MMO title that has had these issues in the past years.


You can't. Yet you'll defend a botched and rushed release for some inexplicable reason.

If you call that common sense, I'd rather not be part of it.

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You may like to eat ****, but that doesn't mean everyone does.

It's an ugly truth, and brutally put, but it's the only way to put it.


Most people actually want a normal product for their money.

A product that doesn't have bugs that not even the tiniest of indie devs who live off of Ramen in a basement make, let alone any other AAA MMO devs.


Hmmm.. exaggeration seems to be an addiction of yours. Laced with condescension too I see. Does this make you feel powerful and important or something?


Actually, you sound like an angry person. Maybe you should just /quit the game and save yourself all the grief. Yah?

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I'm not concerned with their rate of fixing the game, yet


I'm annoyed that they would charge 60 dollars, for something that needs so many fixes


I'm amused that they ask for 15 dollars a month for it


And you have already cancelled anyways so bye bye! :D

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I'm not concerned with their rate of fixing the game, yet


I'm annoyed that they would charge 60 dollars, for something that needs so many fixes


I'm amused that they ask for 15 dollars a month for it


oh...look....another Ganadorf sighting. :)

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There is a difference between a game that needs some improvements at the outset and one that is not going to be getting any attention. Right now there's no precedent one way or another to go off of, so trying to take any stance beyond wait and see if foolhardy.


Should that mean you wish to let your sub lapse and wait to come back in a little while to see if your hopes have been answered or your fears played out, that is fine.


But taking a pure gloom and doom stance at present is folly.




I came from an MMO that was fairly well along in its life cycle when I first hitched onto it (no not WOW) I had the pleasure of coming into it right about when one might consider it at its prime, but unfortunately I also joined it as it was starting to crest downward from that peak.


It is a disappointing thing, but has served to temper my viewpoints on MMO's overall because I have a pretty solid point of reference for what a truly rushed/shoddy/unpolished product can feel like.



I still hop over to that game about once a week for guild activities because I enjoy the people there despite the fact that it lost half a dozen of us to this game, and about as many to skyrim.



Having those two comparative games however at the same time does a lot to temper my overall view of this game. Yes there are aspects that I wish were much more in line with different MMO's (the UI customization even without any mods having to be applied for example) but overall it shows me very much the feel of a product that one feels like the developers give a damn about vs. one that has reached that phoning it in stage to milk those loyal for as long as it can.

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Hmmm.. exaggeration seems to be an addiction of yours.


I only deal in facts.


Same challenge to you:

Name one AAA MMO title in the past years that has had such issues.


You can't. This is below amateur level. Such issues don't exist in any other game ever, let alone in 2012.


If you think that's exaggeration, you simply have no experience to be debating the issue in the first place.

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These aren't issues a particular "whiny" player is having.

These are issues everyone is having and issues that greatly impact the game.



Since you clearly know my gaming experience better than I do you must know I'm fortunate to not suffer from the issues you speak of. Not saying there aren't--clearly there are many issues--just saying I don't have the problems others post about.



- Static low number of sound channels that mutes half the sounds in the game when there are as few as 12 NPCs/player characters in your vicinity, and no option to increase sound channels, which is something that's been present in every major MMO title for years

- High quality textures not actually being high quality but rather medium quality

- Can't install the game into your user directory on Windows 7 because Bioware's demented installers for all their games restrict user directories for no valid reason

- The huge delay issue that's caused dozens upon dozens of hundred page threads

- The animation issues


Should I go on...?


Yes, you should, since you represent everyone who plays the game. Actually list "HUGE glaring technical issues" if you're going to list problems that "everyone" is having. Sound is buggy, yes, but I assume that's not going to affect everyone nor break their gaming experience. The textures issue is there and has been acknowledged but that doesn't break a game unless you're a graphics perfectionist. Install to a different directory then? That's a personal preference and not something that breaks a game. The delay--I assume you mean ability delay--is there, yes, but it hasn't affected my gaming experience, just like it hasn't affected others--the ones who have said as much in any case. Animation issues? There are parts where the animation is a bit buggy but it hasn't been anything major that I've seen so far. Unless someone else is having an issue where the animation crashes their game or makes it literally unplayable...


In the future, remember you don't speak for everyone. And if you're going to list "HUGE glaring technical issues" try to list the appropriate ones. K thanks.

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