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SWTOR Graphics Engine Discussion


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I am interested in discussing TOR's graphics engine and if needed a possible replacement.


The first question is do you think it needs to be replaced?


Second, what kind of engine would you like to see in the game? What kind of style would you like to see? What would be a good compromise that would satisfy the lower end users and still be pretty enough and stable enough to satisfy the more beefy system users?


Just an open discussion would be great, all opinions welcome!

Edited by Aisar
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By reading this post i can see you do not understand what a MASSIVE job a new engine would be. Simply put, its not gonna happen, maybe in 8 years if its still going, maybe. Likelihood is it will just be upgraded,


I could live with either a replacement or an upgrade. So assuming they upgrade it, I wonder how long that would take.


edit: by upgrade I want to make it clear I mean a ridiculous batch of fixes/upgrades.

Edited by Aisar
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Seems fine to me.


So you run the game on max settings with full shadows and get consistant 60+ FPS on the fleet, planets and warzones during peak hours? If so I would love to know your specs.

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So no one can give an opinion or any kind of uplifting information? This is one of the hottest issues and nothing. If this engine cannot be replaced or upgraded soon how many subscriptions will be lost because of this? Where's all the super smart guys lol.
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So no one can give an opinion or any kind of uplifting information? This is one of the hottest issues and nothing. If this engine cannot be replaced or upgraded soon how many subscriptions will be lost because of this? Where's all the super smart guys lol.


Yeah i can tell you the game will be optimized and will run more smoothly and at higher fps in the future. But if you are expecting to get 60 plus FPS in fleet on a 5770 that will never happen at max settings at 1080p.

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If this engine cannot be replaced or upgraded soon how many subscriptions will be lost because of this? Where's all the super smart guys lol.


You need to know how the backend programming of a game engine works before you can surmise on it being replaced "soon".


The "engine" of the game is hundreds of thousands of lines of code at its core. Each asset of the game, NPC's, Textures, Quest Coding, weapons, weapon damage...EVERYTHING you see, hear, do and kill in the game is locked to that core engine...everything.


Infront of the core mechanics engine is the parse engine which handles the code between the core of the engine and the user...basically...you.


Infront of that is the UI and Backend engine, that handles the code lines between the buttons you push on the UI and parses it into the mechanics and into the core.


Infront of that is the Front end engines...Physics, lighting and shadows and graphics.


You replace one...you need to replace ALL of them. It would take BW about 3 to 4 years to recode the game with a new engine, and that's a lenient estimate.


Reason i know this? Two years working in Activision (Pre Vivendi/Blizzard merger) and two years working in Interplay (before their first bankruptcy...when Interplay was a HUGE company).


Sure, engines have changed since i last worked in the gaming industry, but the layered style of core game mechanics is still there, just diluted down a lot.

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So no one can give an opinion or any kind of uplifting information? This is one of the hottest issues and nothing. If this engine cannot be replaced or upgraded soon how many subscriptions will be lost because of this? Where's all the super smart guys lol.


They left. I'm not joking I haven't seen a techy guy post here EVER.

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So no one can give an opinion or any kind of uplifting information? This is one of the hottest issues and nothing. If this engine cannot be replaced or upgraded soon how many subscriptions will be lost because of this? Where's all the super smart guys lol.


It's not one of the "hottest" issues, It's not even an issue. Game has bugs, they're dealing with it. The engine has nothing to do with it. It's a compatibility-optimization issue which is the dev's fault, not the engine's. The engine is fine, does the job, and is capable enough. It's just the retarded trolls in these forums that have no idea what they're talking about and blame everything on anything.


The game CANNOT get a different "graphics" engine. It doesn't NEED one. BioWare needs to optimize their stuff, and that's it.


It doesn't help that uninformed (to not say ignorant) people like you (I mean no disrespect) about things like this keep bringing this up and the massive herd of sheep jump on the expiatory bandwagon because that's all they know how to do, since they really don't understand bananas about anything.


The ONLY thing that can be done, is fix perfomance issues, make the experience overall "smoother", and add more content. You cannot change core mechanics or basic structure such as a graphics engine without shutting down the game completely.

Edited by Hanni
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So you run the game on max settings with full shadows and get consistant 60+ FPS on the fleet, planets and warzones during peak hours? If so I would love to know your specs.


2.93 GHZ i7 1333hz

4 gig ram

ati hd radeon 5770.


runs at 60 fps peak hour on fleet max settings(which is same as medium anyway) and shadows.


dont beleave me?


Ill get a screenshot when i get home.

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As stated previously, the game engine for this game is not going to be replaced, not even if they release an expansion for the game. As of this point the game has made it into production, all of the programming that they have done over the last many years would have to be written again from the ground up..


Discussion on a topic like this is irrelevant and worthless.

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So no one can give an opinion or any kind of uplifting information? This is one of the hottest issues and nothing. If this engine cannot be replaced or upgraded soon how many subscriptions will be lost because of this? Where's all the super smart guys lol.


It's such a serious issue it's getting hardly any replies?


Maybe people care more about the ability delay issue than the 'graphics engine'.

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You cant just replace an engine. It takes years and years to build en engine from scratch. They will probably upgrade the graphics sometimes like in WoW, but that is it. What they need to do is optimize the engine and give us the high res textures that are already in the game.
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It's not one of the "hottest" issues, It's not even an issue.


Hmmm--me thinks you do not run any temperature monitoring on your GPU or CPU--otherwise you would know this is probably the "hottest" issue.


Not only does the engine slow down when you get more than 10 folks on the screen, but your video card temp goes through the roof. I'm seeing temperatures about 10degree Celsius warmer than other games like BF3 or Crysis 2 with an Asus GTX 560 Ti.

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Hmmm--me thinks you do not run any temperature monitoring on your GPU or CPU--otherwise you would know this is probably the "hottest" issue.


Not only does the engine slow down when you get more than 10 folks on the screen, but your video card temp goes through the roof. I'm seeing temperatures about 10degree Celsius warmer than other games like BF3 or Crysis 2 with an Asus GTX 560 Ti.


Facepalm. Exactly what I was talking about.


"Engine slow down". I gotta start using my feet for facepalming.




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So you run the game on max settings with full shadows and get consistant 60+ FPS on the fleet, planets and warzones during peak hours? If so I would love to know your specs.


Why yes, yes I do.


If you really want to know my specs here you go:


I7 2600K @ 4.8ghz

1X6990 1X 6970 - Trifire

P8 Z68-V pro gen3

16gb Corsair Ram

Other bits and pieces playing on 3X Dell U3011's in eyefinity. So yes, I have 0 issues with the game all maxed with full shadows bla bla bla.

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I am interested in discussing TOR's graphics engine and if needed a possible replacement.


The first question is do you think it needs to be replaced?


Second, what kind of engine would you like to see in the game? What kind of style would you like to see? What would be a good compromise that would satisfy the lower end users and still be pretty enough and stable enough to satisfy the more beefy system users?


Just an open discussion would be great, all opinions welcome!


No, it doesn't need replacing. It needs more optimizing, is all.

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Before you all go off the deep end about replacement/upgrade of the graphics/game engine know this EA nor BW own the graphics/game engine. These people do which was bought out by Idea Fabrik


So stop buggin EA/BW about it all they can do is what the license lets them do. So, pass your complaints on to the real owners.


edited to fix a link

Edited by Ujest
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By reading this post i can see you do not understand what a MASSIVE job a new engine would be. Simply put, its not gonna happen, maybe in 8 years if its still going, maybe. Likelihood is it will just be upgraded,


Aye, replacing the game engine would required rebuilding the entire game...

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Not only does the engine slow down when you get more than 10 folks on the screen, but your video card temp goes through the roof. I'm seeing temperatures about 10degree Celsius warmer than other games like BF3 or Crysis 2 with an Asus GTX 560 Ti.


I run a high end machine

I7 2600k

sapphire radeon 6970 x2

16 gig cosair ram

256 SSD

1 terabyte hard drive

in a Haf case with 5 fans

typical frame rates in game 100fps, in warfronts 70fps


on the road right now on my lap top but I have never had temps go up more than 3 degrees and i run the game at high and vertical sync enabled. i have never seen any slow downs, running digital cable on internet

I participated in beta with several hundred people in one instance and only then did I experience lag and it was only 2-3 sec at most. i

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