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Level 50 Flashpoint loot vs difficulty out of line

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Flashpoints at level 50, such as Directive 7, The Battle of Ilum and The False Emperor don't really seem to have loot tables that are optimized to be in line with the level of difficulty of the Flashpoint.


There are several bosses in Directive 7 for example that drop greens. It seems counter-intuitive to make the difficulty of the encounters so high just to make them drop greens. It seems you're pushing folks to ignore these Flashpoints.


My suggestion is to have the loot tables for the bosses in these flashpoints given a second look. I don't really think it's intended (or at least I'd like to think it isn't intended) to have the only reward for downing some of the most difficult 4 man encounters in the game be a green item.



TL;DR - Why are bosses in level 50 Flashpoints dropping greens? The difficulty of the encounter is out of line with the reward.


(For the record, I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of defeating those encounters, but would have preferred to see better than a green drop on some of those bosses for the challenge they presented.)



Edited by Commodorepants
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Despite the obvious trolls, I feel inclined to reitorate or perhaps correct my initial observations.


I believe the essence of what I was trying to understand is why the loot that drops from Directive 7 (which is supposedly not a level 50 FP, even though everything in there is level 50 elites, champs etc) is of a quality that does not help gear a character toward getting into things like hard modes or ops.


The difficulty of the FP is great, love the challenge at first, figuring out the fights - but how does this, and similar FP at this level do anything to help gear you up toward hard modes or ops when all that drops is level 48 greens or level 48 blues?


Where is the logical progression? Perhaps I misunderstand the design intention or something, but it seems flawed in some manner.


For the record, I have done hard modes (so I'm not bad, derp), and in many ways some of them are easier than a fresh 50 trying to do D7 and only getting green/blue level 48 gear. I don't know quite how to explain that...

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I believe the essence of what I was trying to understand is why the loot that drops from Directive 7 (which is supposedly not a level 50 FP, even though everything in there is level 50 elites, champs etc)

Just to expend on this part, here's the levels;


Black Talon 10-14

Hammer Station 14-18

Athiss 18-22

Mandalorian Raiders 22-26

Cademimu 26-30

Boarding Party 30-34

Foundry 34-38

Colicoid Wargames 38-42

Red Reaper 42-46

Directive 7 46-50

Battle of Ilum 50

False Emperor 50


Quests are 1 level below the recommended maximum (D7 is a level 49 quest) and the mobs are generally 1-2 levels below (D7 mobs are 48).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
This is an awesome post which shows that you understand end-game raiding content perfectly.


LOL yes the end game Loot tables and diffculty lvls are ridiculously out of whack . some encounter s are so retardedly easy while others are near broken . the HM fp's rnadom drop endboss is not random it is 75% BH and 24% OP gear 1 % force user.

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All you need is, a tactic that works for whatever boss you are killing, if you have that, then the boss is easy. There are still bugs precent in hardmode flashpoints that makes it hader than it should be tho so even if you do it 100% correct (as intended) you will still encounter buged content.
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There is simply no reason to do normal L50 FPs at the moment except to unlock the hard mode of these FPs. The loot that drops is not even as good as the loot you get from the daily heroics on Belsavis/Ilum (at least those drops are give usable L50/L51 mods and not greens).
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LOL yes the end game Loot tables and diffculty lvls are ridiculously out of whack . some encounter s are so retardedly easy while others are near broken . the HM fp's rnadom drop endboss is not random it is 75% BH and 24% OP gear 1 % force user.


Funny. The drop rate I've seen is exactly the opposite. I guess random is random after all.

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