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The Jedi Knight Romance and Romance Possibilities Thread


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Perhaps some of you should consider this before being so quick about dismissing Doc. While he appears to be a womanizer... he provides you with the options of a little R&R without the feelings and the whole "breaking the code" deal.


If you confront him about messing around in "Something to Consider," he will flat-out admit that, seeing as you're a Jedi and he's fully aware that anything more serious or official is a potential career-ender for you, attachment-free fun was what he thought you wanted (and until now, if you're pursuing the romance at all, the AI hasn't given you the opportunity to tell him any different). Does that fit in conveniently with him being heavily attuned to challenge and novelty, and with him being pants-crappingly scared of honestly confronting the reality that he loves you? Absolutely. But up to this point, he thought he was doing the right thing here, not cynically stringing your character along because he thought he could get away with it.


Characters aside, Doc's lines are some of the best ones among all companions I tried out, I really commend whoever wrote his part.


"Prudy, you look terrific. Have you lost weight? Love the new hairstyle."

[cut to holoimage of decidedly hairless Twi'lek]


"The latest Journal of Xenomedicine reports that Wookiees live for centuries, and mate for life! How can they do that? It's unnatural."

"Apparently the Wookiees don't think so."

"Not that I would say that to a Wookiee's face or anything. I like my arms."

Edited by Meira_Arirai
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If you confront him about messing around in "Something to Consider," he will flat-out admit that, seeing as you're a Jedi and he's fully aware that anything more serious or official is a potential career-ender for you, attachment-free fun was what he thought you wanted (and until now, if you're pursuing the romance at all, the AI hasn't given you the opportunity to tell him any different). Does that fit in conveniently with him being heavily attuned to challenge and novelty, and with him being pants-crappingly scared of honestly confronting the reality that he loves you? Absolutely. But up to this point, he thought he was doing the right thing here, not cynically stringing your character along because he thought he could get away with it.


He get's so romantic when you get to the point when your JK and Doc starting a more serious relationship. I just got there in my JK's romance with Doc





I'm at the convo in which he asks if he is the only one going crazy. It is so sweet and when my JK says that she keeps coming back to him, it can only mean one thing


Doc "Normally I would kiss you for saying something like that, but I'm trying to do this right"

JK: says something to the effect of it sounding as if he has got some plan, where do they go from here

Doc " I don't know, but we'll do it together" (this sentence is perhaps wrong because right about now I'm hitting esc)



It is so sweet, I personally love it. And I have seen this convo a few times now because I keep hitting esc in the end so it will last a little longer. Jupp, I'm just that much of a fangirl, lol


Edited by SilentKitty
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i don't care much for any of the male NPC's so far on my 5 characters (yes i have 5 "toons"


and play them equally...most the time any ways) i also have been avoided their romance


options so i don't get stuck to one when the same sex options arrive... (don't hate lol) i was


told they were thinking about it for Post-launch...if that isn't the case looks like i have to


romance T7 rofl and HK-57 when they re-release him, because his defoliation of love was


absolutely PERFECT...


i just hope they do a good job with it and don't just do a *quick fix* lesbian romance options...:jawa_angel:

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Thanks for your opinion guys :) I will say however that as this thread is for avoiding the Doc romance and for those of us who don't enjoy him for our own opinions, defending him defeats the point of the discussion and also brings this off topic, I'd request that if you want to continue enthusing about Doc that you create a support thread for him. Apologies if this offends anyone, but the thread is getting weighed down with supporters/defenders and that's drowning out the message we want to give that not all of us like him.


If people want to continue talking in this thread, I'd like to direct the discussion more towards what you would like to see as an alternate romance either as a same sex or heterosexual relationship?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Doc didn't start out too well with me, but he started to grow on me. As some others already pointed out, when you bring up you won't break your code for a fling, he respects that.


As for forced; he is a big flirt, not so much a womanizer, in my opinion. You can flirt with him for a very long time without doing anything that actually breaks your code, and apart from sticking to the same flirting, he won't actually be disappointed (or at least he doesn't really show it). I think for a jedi romance, this is a sort of novelty, and I appreciate that they tried to do something different for a change.


And he is funny in his own way. I get it that not everyone likes his sense of humor though.


The one thing that confuses me is why jedi females don't get a force user option while males get only those. While I personally would dislike anything with Scourge (I don't want a sith romance on my jedi, it doesn't make sense for me), it could have been a bit more balanced. Having a romance option which is tied in more into the story than just another guy helping you out without a very good reason besides being a companion is.. well, I would like some more diverse options.


/And yeah, don't get me started on Cedrax. Thankfully, female consulars have another option (one I personally do like).

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My level 50 sentinel seems to have shut down the flirt options early when he made some remark of prescribing time in bed. I chose the LS option and it ended up reprimanding him and he responded there were other women out there.


No more flirt options after that (10000/10000 with Doc)

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My level 50 sentinel seems to have shut down the flirt options early when he made some remark of prescribing time in bed. I chose the LS option and it ended up reprimanding him and he responded there were other women out there.


No more flirt options after that (10000/10000 with Doc)


I think that happened with my male Jedi Guardian and Kira, too. I wouldn't flirt with her when she was still my Padawan. "It will be a hard life."


As far as Doc... my character thinks he's an arrogant, puffed up jackanape, but helps him with medical stuff. As a male PC, I get some "burst his bubble of boasting" dialog choices.... that he seems to like.

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I've played around with all the republic characters a bit now and I have to say, why are both jedi knight and consular love interests sleezeball men? Are only sleezy guys attracted to jedi? I guess jedi are kinda like nuns, so most men would assume they aren't interested and you only get the slimy desperate ones who try to make a pass at you.


I am rather dissapointed with all the love choices for female characters in this game, none of them are remotely appealing. I think the smuggler's Corso comes the closest to being likeable, but hes too stupid and annoying to really love. At least he's a sincerely nice guy though.


So, where's my T7 romance option? Seriously, he's the most likeable companion we've got.

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huh? What's that got to do with romance thread?



As for disappointment in male companions for female players, I wonder if BioWare hired a female writer to write that content? Dosn't seem like it. It seems more like a dude's interpretation of what women want, at least from what I've been hearing.

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I've played around with all the republic characters a bit now and I have to say, why are both jedi knight and consular love interests sleezeball men? Are only sleezy guys attracted to jedi? I guess jedi are kinda like nuns, so most men would assume they aren't interested and you only get the slimy desperate ones who try to make a pass at you.


I am rather dissapointed with all the love choices for female characters in this game, none of them are remotely appealing. I think the smuggler's Corso comes the closest to being likeable, but hes too stupid and annoying to really love. At least he's a sincerely nice guy though.


So, where's my T7 romance option? Seriously, he's the most likeable companion we've got.


Totally honest question here, since I am now curious: Are you a girl or a guy in RL?


'cause I'm a girl and absolutely adore Doc lol. You have to see past that rogue/rake facade he attempts to put forth lol.


Here's a good thread that discusses it:)



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  • 1 month later...

Personaly I try not to let light-side dark-side options affect how I play but I still like the corruption look and the fact that you can turn it off, like a dark jedi trying to hide his/her alliment from the council.

My knight is dark-side mostly due to the fact that she'll choose a strategic tactical advantage for the Republic and a disadvantage for the Empire even if it's against the jedi code, can get a little bloodthirsty depending on her opponent, and her hate towards the sith and the Empire leaves her to show no mercy to them (so you know what Praven's fate is but if I'd known he'd make an appearence later on I'd have chosen the other option). But even if she's an all means to an end kind of jedi she still wants to help others even if it puts her life at risk, has no disire for power unless it would give her an edge against the Empire, and her loyalties are with the Republic. Also she dosn't really make scence of the no attatchments rule. And knows she has fallen and won't deny it.


Doc is an ok romance option for me but it's hard to take a serious romance with him and the flirting options are kind of cheesey and makes it sound like my jedi is a damsel in distress. I've played as an inquisitor, warrior, agent, and smuggler (all female) and in those romances the guy acknowladges whom ever I'm playing as with respect and dignity, minus the time Corso was drunk but he caught himself before he went too far and said he didn't want to treat you like that. With Doc I can picture durring shore leave, fem knight and Doc are in a cantina and Doc is flirting with a dancer or such in front of the knight and then try to convince her into a threesome, he has some good qualities but they're too coverd up by a womanize attatiude.


I'm defenetly open to a Lord Scourge romance, what intrged me 1st was a sith lord as a jedi companion. Since of my jedi's mistrust in sith she would have wanted him locked up at the very least at 1st, then he'd earn my knight's respect but kept her guard up, the last few conversations with him and reading the book (Star Wars the Old Republic: Revan) I was sold on the whole possible romance thing with him.


I think there's a chance that Bengel Morr might be a possible companion and/or romance, it's easy to see if you turned him to the light-side since he's grateful for what you'd done and there's a conection from both him and the knight being Master Orgus's padawans, dark-side Bengel may be a little more work.

Edited by SaberPhoenix
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  • 2 months later...

(This is probably a huge necro of an old thread, but it's the one thread I can find that discusses the Doc romance in detail)


I think a lot of writers, (and game designers), sort of misinterpret the Jedi/love thing. For instance, your character receives dark side points the first time you sleep with Doc, even though there's no proscription in the Jedi code against having sex. In fact, because force sensitivity is a trait that is genetically linked, it would make sense for the Jedi to to actually encourage members of the order to have trysts.


Presumably, the way it has always been explained, the real proscription in the Jedi code is against forming attachments because forming attachments presumably leads to people who will place the needs of the individual to whom the character is attached over the needs of the galaxy. Now, there have been several Jedi written to this point who have challenged or objected to this particular proscription in the past. Jolee Bindo comes most immediately to mind as an example, but he's certainly not the only one.


In fact, in the future, Luke Skywalker, the canon Jedi of the SW universe, ends up marrying Mara Jade. That is in the new order, but the end result was not either of them ending up dark and veiny as a result of it. I suppose what I am saying is that there is a distinction between something that breaks the Jedi code and something that will inevitably lead to the dark side. I have always had difficulty lumping love in with rage and hate and jealousy and selfish ambition and so forth, which is what BW essentially did here by assigning dark side points to your character for having a liaison with this character.


As far as Doc himself is concerned, the way I played this was sort of a combination of my character's personal history, (which had little to do with the history that the designers handed to her), and what she has been doing for the past couple of years, (game time). Essentially, she has been more or less alone on a ship, with her only companions being a robot, who seems to only relate to her as a Jedi, and a female padawan, who seems to mainly only relate to her as a Jedi master.


In fact, everyone she encounters seems to only relate to her as a Jedi. Which is probably to be expected, but it leads inevitably toward sort of a lonely life. No one seems to really care about Brynn Kobal. They seem to mainly care about 'the Jedi' and, more immediatelty, what 'the Jedi' can do for them right now. Some of that is required by the hamhanded nature of writing for a game versus writing a story. In a game, almost everyone with whom she interacts is handing her an assignment, which means it's all about them. Kira, as funny as she is sometimes, is still mainly all about Kira. Kira expects you to be interested in her story, but she hardly spends any time at all talking to your character about your character.


T7 mainy seems to see you as nothing more than an interchangeable replacement for the other Jedi Master he once served. Which means if you die, he'll find another Jedi to replace you and maybe, at that point, he might tell some stories about you.


I guess what I am saying, (and what is my justification for why my character might actually fall for a guy like Doc - who is essentially sort of a selfish jerk), is that he is actually the first person who comes into what has essentially been a very lonely kind of life for Brynn to this point who actually seems to be interested in something other than the fact that she's a Jedi. That may be a small justification and, I'll admit, Brynn had serious second thoughts about the whole thing once she learned about the former fiancee and some of the things Doc has done.


However, I still don't think the dark side points were warranted at this point in the relationship because, at this point, it remains nothing more than a tryst. And, to my knowledge, having sex doesn't violate anything - not even a tenet of the Jedi code. And Brynn hasn't fallen in love with Doc yet. She might be sort of charmed by him and she might be flattered that someone thinks of her as something other than a Jedi, but if the revelations of his past continue as they have, she certainly won't end up marrying him.


Again, sorry for the necro thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...
As far as Doc himself is concerned, the way I played this was sort of a combination of my character's personal history, (which had little to do with the history that the designers handed to her), and what she has been doing for the past couple of years, (game time). Essentially, she has been more or less alone on a ship, with her only companions being a robot, who seems to only relate to her as a Jedi, and a female padawan, who seems to mainly only relate to her as a Jedi master.


I guess what I am saying, (and what is my justification for why my character might actually fall for a guy like Doc - who is essentially sort of a selfish jerk), is that he is actually the first person who comes into what has essentially been a very lonely kind of life for Brynn to this point who actually seems to be interested in something other than the fact that she's a Jedi. That may be a small justification and, I'll admit, Brynn had serious second thoughts about the whole thing once she learned about the former fiancee and some of the things Doc has done.


First, I want to say that you're almost exactly mirroring my thoughts here, in regards to why my knight is also charmed by him, though she's only just finished the second conversation. She's lonely. She's probably not ever going to go in for a serious relationship, or even a casual one, because she's too committed the order, but she can't help enjoying the attention. Even though I'm not on a role play server, I still like to think up backstories and reasons for my characters acting, rather than just random desicionmaking.


Second, I don't think Doc is that bad, but like I said, I've just started with him, so I can't say for sure. I do agree that the type of character most of you are describing would be better suited for a different class, particularly smuggler, trouper, or bounty hunter. I think the love interest for a jedi should be dignified, someone your average jedi would like as a friend as well as a LI


Third, I LOLed when I read your post, since Bryyn (Same pronunciation, different spelling, I'm pretty sure) is the name of my agent from the same legacy. Just a weird connection.


And finally, I've noticed a lot of people complaining about the love interests for female characters in the game on several different classes, particularly agents. All my alts are pretty low level, but there are too many comments to dismiss entirely. Maybe it's something that needs to be worked on.


Edit: From a purely practical standpoint, I'll continue to use him as my main comp because he matches my playstyle almost perfectly.

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Post deleted. I was just ranting when I originally made it, but avoiding him like I am should work, hopefully.


Edit, edit: Changed the title, formerly called 'Needing Tips On Avoiding the Doc romance'. This ended up turning into a general romance discussion for female Jedi Knights focusing mainly on comparing different opinions about Doc (love him, hate him, come on over and share your opinion, but please be civil!) and mainly discussion of the possibilities of Lord Scourge and Lord Praven as alternate romance options. If anybody else has any other suggestions for possible romance options, feel free to add to the discussion, but please be civil to others. ^_^


Er... the title's still the old one? What the heck? *confused blink* I don't post on forums often, so I'm still trying to sort things out. Does it take a while for the new title to replace the old one? *sweatdrop*


You cant romance scourge unfortunatly. In a companion quest he explains how becoming immortal made him immune to everything, pain, hunger, even love and other emotions.


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(This is probably a huge necro of an old thread, but it's the one thread I can find that discusses the Doc romance in detail)


I think a lot of writers, (and game designers), sort of misinterpret the Jedi/love thing. For instance, your character receives dark side points the first time you sleep with Doc, even though there's no proscription in the Jedi code against having sex. In fact, because force sensitivity is a trait that is genetically linked, it would make sense for the Jedi to to actually encourage members of the order to have trysts.


Presumably, the way it has always been explained, the real proscription in the Jedi code is against forming attachments because forming attachments presumably leads to people who will place the needs of the individual to whom the character is attached over the needs of the galaxy. Now, there have been several Jedi written to this point who have challenged or objected to this particular proscription in the past. Jolee Bindo comes most immediately to mind as an example, but he's certainly not the only one.


In fact, in the future, Luke Skywalker, the canon Jedi of the SW universe, ends up marrying Mara Jade. That is in the new order, but the end result was not either of them ending up dark and veiny as a result of it. I suppose what I am saying is that there is a distinction between something that breaks the Jedi code and something that will inevitably lead to the dark side. I have always had difficulty lumping love in with rage and hate and jealousy and selfish ambition and so forth, which is what BW essentially did here by assigning dark side points to your character for having a liaison with this character.


I'll repost from another thread about Jedi marriages and romancing, particularly since it applies to this..



""The "no attachments" thing was enacted after the Ruusan Reformation, which was before the prequel films but well after SWTOR. Before the Ruusan Reformation, while it was frowned upon for a Jedi to marry, it wasn't strictly outlawed. It was more like, the average everyday Jedi wasn't allowed to marry, but special exemptions were made for notable individuals (Revan and Bastile, Jolee Bindo, etc etc). If Anakin was open about his marriage to Padme, he probably would have been allowed to stay with her, given his status as a popular figure inside and outside the Order. The Jedi simply could not afford to chastise their most popular war leader during the middle of a war.


I think the DSPs from Doc's romance comes more from giving in to baser desires (Doc is all about baser desires, he's a party animal and womanizer) than the actual marriage itself. You can romance Kira (as a male JK), and not get any DSPs at all, even after "marrying" her. I put marrying in quotes because really the only witnesses are your crew, there's no marriage droid or whatever, given the conversation choices I had picked. However she does bring up the point that the Jedi allow marriages with the provision of Council oversight of said marriage, monthly reviews, only able to consumate the marriage on Tython (within the Temple), and what not. I had opted out of a public marriage, but still married her, which gave neither LSPs or DSPs. This makes me believe the act of marrying is in a grey area and it's more the reasons and intentions that lead to the LSP/DSP for the romances.


"Love doesn't lead to the dark side. Passion can lead to rage and fear, and can be controlled... but passion is not the same thing as love. Controlling your passions while being in love... that's what they should teach you to beware. But love itself will save you... not condemn you."

―Jolee Bindo


I think that about sums up the whole issue of Jedi marriage, are you getting married because of love or passion? Even the films depict this, Anakin gave into his passion and fell to the dark side, but it was the love of his son that eventually redeemed him to the light side.""


PS. Bioware please enact nested quotes in the forums, pretty please, with sugar on it...

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  • 1 month later...

Realistically speaking, the Jedi classes should have the option shut down any romance that could happen. Jedi are specifically encouraged to not pursue romantic relationships even in the SWTOR era, and the Corellian Jedi (Green Jedi) are mostly alone in their support of marriage between Jedi. So when someone flirts with you, you should really be able to just raise your hand and say: "No thanks. I am a Jedi and I take my responsibility seriously, friend." Or something like that. Just shut it down and not have to deal with it again in future conversations.


But yes.


Doc and Tharan are both obnoxious womanizers.


I want to punch them both.

Edited by UnimportantHero
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Totally honest question here, since I am now curious: Are you a girl or a guy in RL?


'cause I'm a girl and absolutely adore Doc lol. You have to see past that rogue/rake facade he attempts to put forth lol.


Here's a good thread that discusses it:)




I honestly had more fun with the Doc-romance than with Corso which surprised me a great deal. I found it to be very entertaining simply because it was so different from all the other romances I've done in Bioware games. And Doc, love the guy btw, I see more as a flirt and being very very scared of commitment. He even says so when you have gone a bit into the romance. My female JK asks him if he will take their romance serious and that stops him cold. He figured that since Jedi's are not supposed to be in committed relationships a fling was all that the female jedi ever wanted. I found it to be really sweet, he backs off and thinks about if they really want to do the happy-ever-after-thing. And the romance had the sweetest wedding-scene as well.


To each their own as always. I was never ever interested in Scourge and could well imagine booting him of the ship, especially after that bit that Scourge says in his last convo. No thanks, future kids will stay in the republic thank you very much. Doc however I love to bits and pieces, will probably replay the class again after more character-slots being available =)


Also love the fact that he feels so sure of my JK being able to handle everything. She my little warrior-woman. Like he says "Between my good looks and your light sabers there's nothing we can handle". Interesting to read that other felt that Doc referred to their JK as damsel in distress, I had the opposite feeling. That he felt so secure in my JK being the hero of the hour.


Different people like different things as always :p

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  • 3 months later...
Now I feel bad for deleting it since it was starting to bother me, then again, I always end up feeling ill when I post on a forum that I haven't really posted on before. It comes from me being a writer in my spare time (fanfiction, nothing original) so I always end up paying special attention to characters I end up interacting with in games like this, and BioWare is known for making some of the most engaging (and some of the most obnoxious) characters in any RPGs I've ever played.


Indeed, I honestly went into my class quests on Balmorra hoping to give Doc a chance, because he does all he can to help people, which is the only thing he has in common with my Jedi, but when his opening line was hitting on her; I felt an instant hatred for him that I've never felt for any other character, romance option or not, that BioWare's ever made, Carth from KOTOR coming close because his whiny attitude drove me bonkers. Had Doc's determination to help people been more emphasized on than him wanting to hit on everything he finds attractive, I'd actually like him and find him okay, and I'm honestly sad that it didn't turn out this way. Maybe he changes later on, I don't know, but I just can't force myself to gain affection with him because I'm extremely wary of trapping my character in an unwanted romance with him. To be honest, if I were only given an alternate option out of my companions, I'd choose to romance Scourge over Doc. I actually like Scourge and find his character to be quite intriguing, and I don't care that he's not exactly good looking, since I always look at character over physical appearance, and with my Jedi being a Miraluka, physical appearances aren't really a concern to her.


Though I don't play on an RP server, I put myself into my character's shoes, and with being cloistered away from society that's so different from the ways of the Jedi, my sentinel honestly felt very uncomfortable when Doc immediately hit on her, and she hates him now because of his attitude and only grudgingly allowed him to be part of her crew because she was forced to by the Jedi (who's name I forget) she worked with on Balmorra. Hell, Doc's the only character she's ever mean to since she's normally calm and gentle.


Every time Doc opens his mouth, he either says something that makes me want to reach through the screen and strangle him or he hits on my Jedi. It's really annoying and I'm taking great pains to avoid getting affection with him because of it, and the first quest to talk to him made me wish that the option to kill off companions was still available to us because the way he insulted Kira and T7 then went about making petty demands really, really pissed me off and I absolutely hate that I'm stuck with him on my ship and can't do a thing about it. Doc being the only romance option for female Jedi Knights makes me feel cheated, to be honest, and I don't appreciate it. Whoever wrote Doc's character did a very, very poor job of it. It's honestly very frustrating for me because I feel that I'm in the minority here because I'd prefer to romance a character like Praven over a character like Doc, because I prefer a man who's honorable and treats my character like a person over one who only seems to like her because he thinks she's beautiful. To me, that's very shallow and it isn't love, it's lust. Beauty is more than just being skin deep, after all.


BioWare's done some pretty engaging romances, and I always enjoy doing them since I have a choice to or not and depending on if any of the available options suit my character or not. What I don't appreciate is a romance option I don't want being thrown in my face, which is exactly how I felt when Doc first opened his mouth and when flirt options kept coming up, it honestly made me very angry. This also happened concerning Jacob in Mass Effect 2, but I was able to stand him and find him to be an okay character because he didn't constantly hit on my Shepard.



Above rant aside, I'm honestly glad I'm not alone in liking Praven's character, and I've gone into this more in the thread I made about him. I forgot about Watcher One, but sadly, he ended up committing suicide on me and I didn't think to back out and redo it. x_x I agree completely, and characters like them would make excellent companions, but since there's a choice to spare or kill them, I sadly don't see this happening anytime soon unless BioWare comes out and surprises us.



I know I said this in my old post, but I honestly wish there was a suggestion forum, I have so much to say on this and other things, but feel odd posting about this here in the Jedi Knight forum, because it doesn't feel right nor did having so many different subjects cobbled together in one post originally about only one thing feel right, either, but I digress.


Indeed, I honestly went into my class quests on Balmorra hoping to give Doc a chance, because he does all he can to help people, which is the only thing he has in common with my Jedi, but when his opening line was hitting on her; I felt an instant hatred for him that I've never felt for any other character, romance option or not, that BioWare's ever made, Carth from KOTOR coming close because his whiny attitude drove me bonkers.


Holy ****, that is EXACTLY what I felt about Corso. I went in playing a smooth talking, greedy, base building smuggler female. And Corso was rubbing me raw from the start. But when I did I my first few flirts with him present? And his little jealous streak PLUS his putting "ladies", not women, "ladies" on pedestals, I hated him. I hated him SO. MUCH. And wondered why the **** he wasn't with the troopers.


I have yet to persue Doc, but he sounds like someone my dark side attuned Jedi might like, but who knows when I get there.

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As a couple of other people have mentioned (and I did in another thread) he is quite litterally the character of autolycus as played by Bruce Campbell in xena/Hercules, he even has the exact same facial hair. Actually, he's not exactly the same, doc actually has the redeeming quality that he wants to help people. He stood up against me when I suggested leaving the injured imperials saying he had to help them.


I hadn't seen any pictures of doc before I first saw him in the game, I had no preconceived ideas about him, but the first thing he said was a chat up line, in the middle of a gosh darn battle.


I'm sorry, but that's frankly awesome. It's that unending unrelenting adherence to his attempt to chat up anything in a skirt (ok I was in trousers...). It absolutely made me love him as a character. The only thing that would have made it better is if he had actually been voiced by Bruce!


Will I go through with it? Not sure. Depends on how fast they open up same sex relationships because currently, kira would get it over him. But, give it another month for me to hit level cap and he might have won me over.


On a side note. I'm pretty much up on all starwars stuff. I cannot find anything that prevents a Jedi from having 'dalliances'. Attachment is the issue for Jedi, but there is nothing I can see that would prevent a 'flirtatious' Jedi bonking his/her way around the galaxy so long as it was physical rather than emotional.


Therefore, from my perspective, my Jedi has flirted with anyone she's been able to. The only issue is if I take it the final step and become 'attached'.


However, I always have the final 'canon' get out clause. I'm a Correllian Jedi, and they are allowed to have families...


OT: Old thread and post is old, but, Autolycus by season 4 was the exact same way when it came to helping people...so long as he was benefited in some way, but he still chose helping over himself more times than not. :p


Carry on~

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