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What skills are you not using?


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Got rid of Pommel Strike because there is barely any situation that uses it. Yes its strong but I can still take out a normal in 6 seconds and an elite in 14. That skill's triggers are kind of silly to try and pull out during a fight that its just not worth it.
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No after enure wears off it will drop to 1% minimium, so it cant kill you. Great tanking talent aswell if you need that extra health.


It can kill you when it wears off. It's happened several of times to me when I am fighting an elite, get to 5% health, use Ensure, and I take the fight down to 5% again and win, then it wears off and kills you. If you can kill them fast enough, you need to use introspection for survival.

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It can kill you when it wears off. It's happened several of times to me when I am fighting an elite, get to 5% health, use Ensure, and I take the fight down to 5% again and win, then it wears off and kills you. If you can kill them fast enough, you need to use introspection for survival.


Maybe you had a DOT on you and died becouse of that. I have used enure several times and after the mob has died and enure wears of at 5% I'm still left with that 1%hp. Sometimes I had a dot on me and it ticked after enure was gone and I died becouse of that :p

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Dispatch. Just needs gone.


Opportune Strike. Needs to be combined with pommel strike.


There's way too many abilities in this mess of a class, and way too many with conditional activations and/or long cooldowns, not to mention the LAAAG in ability activation.

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My CORE abilities are:


Riposte > Blade Storm > Guardian Slash > Sundering Strike > Slash > Strike


I can literally just arrange all but riposte on 1-5 and just push the leftmost one that's available. I hit Riposte when it lights up.


Saber Throw, Force Leap, and Hilt Strike are openers, or follow a Force Push, so nothing to "watch" for there. Force Kick is a fast cooldown and you just push it when you see a cast I want to stop; I don't even look to see if it's ready. Combat Focus and Master Strike are used when you're out of focus anyway.


The only "reactive" abilities we're watching are:


Dispatch - below 20%, and you can have % showing on the health bar.

Opportune Strike - Use it on standard/strong after a leap, don't watch it

Pommel Strike - Use it on standard/strong after a storm or hilt, don't watch it.


So basically you're watching Dispatch below 20%, and Riposte, which is off the GCD so you can just push it randomly.


I was ************ about this the other day with my brother and he started going down the list of my abilities to see which one was actually annoying me.


Just Opportune really; Pommel is a 45s cooldown and doesn't work on elite+, I could take it off my bar and never care. I only use it after a Hilt Strike or Stasis on strong mobs. Opportune is the one that is truly unpredictable, and I've heard is useless in PVP which is what I thought it was actually for.

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Well, the way alot of people are saying is that the cooldown skills are best used against bosses. (ie. elites and maybe some strongs), but since Guardians are abit gimped at the moment when it comes to survivability, which bioware admitted to, i am having to use those defensive cooldowns to just survive against a bunch of normals a strong.


Before you ask, my gear is totally up together, maybe 2 levels out, same with my companion, i kill the enemy fast enough, but the problem is, even when they are 2+ levels below me, i end up with significant damage done to me, making it a requirement to do the regen skill after every pull, which i don't think should be the case, 2 strong and an elite...sure.


It is not a L2P problem, so don't try to use that lame excuse.

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Hi all,


I just hit 28 on my guardian and picked up Pommel Strike and Enure and I'm trying to decide if its worth keeping them on my already very crowded skill bar. Now I've used up all bottom slots on my bottom bars and most of the right hand one as well and juggling abilities is becoming tricky, and there's more to come with sabre throw, hilt strike and the top tier talent skill :/


Has anyone else dropped a skill altogether, riposte maybe or slash? Or how are you working your rotations to utilise them


As a Guardian Tank, I don't seem to be able to drop any of my abilities... they are literally all important. Our class could probably use some consolidation of abilities, Hilt Strike and Pummel Strike should maybe be combined with a shorter cooldown. Dispatch and Saber Throw should be combined as well. Also Force Leap and Guardian Leap could be combined, it's effects being determined by weather you're targeting an enemy or player. Thinking about it more, there really is a ton of redundancy in our abilities and it wouldn't bother me except that all our abilities are situationally necessary and easily fill up 3 hotbars.

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I dont have a side gaming key board so i use the Num Lock keypad for my key bindings, as well as the left side of the key board for movement and a few things like Force leap, interrupts, sheilds, and taunts.


Took a bit of getting use to but i like it now. barely using the mouse anymore. not at all during combat



Have fun in PVP, lol.


Keyboard Turning ftw

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As a Guardian Tank, I don't seem to be able to drop any of my abilities... they are literally all important. Our class could probably use some consolidation of abilities, Hilt Strike and Pummel Strike should maybe be combined with a shorter cooldown. Dispatch and Saber Throw should be combined as well. Also Force Leap and Guardian Leap could be combined, it's effects being determined by weather you're targeting an enemy or player. Thinking about it more, there really is a ton of redundancy in our abilities and it wouldn't bother me except that all our abilities are situationally necessary and easily fill up 3 hotbars.


Now while I'm finding everything to be manageable, I would absolutely like to see some abilities consolidated!

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Cyclone slash, a poor mans force sweep or is it focus free?


Also not having pommel or opportune usable in pvp is daft, especially as we don't hit very hard as it is (defence spec at least)


Wish list:

Combine pommel and opportune in to one skill

Make force leap/guardian leap one skill that has different affect dependant on target

Up the dps on sunder armour and reduce cool down so we have the choice of dropping slash


Oh and sort the robes out, my bum looks big!

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Right now guardians are just on the edge of max keybinds. Depending on peoples set up they are maxed or just under max keybinds and currently just about everything is used. Without some sort of skill consolidation whenever they increase the level cap jedi knights in general are just going to become completely unmanageable.
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Nah, they won't be unmanageable. Yet.


Lots of skills could be combined, as mentioned earlier with Pom.Strike and Opp.Strike, the Leap skills and so on. This could make a world of change. However the skill I find myself not using anymore is Cyclone Slash, as I find it too expensive for too little damage. Even modded, it just straight up doesn't do it for me.


Pom.Strike and Opp.Strike I can use, though on rare occasions. But as it stands, the Jedi Guardian's binds are indeed many and messy, but manageable.


I do PvE, and run a hybrid tanker build.

Edited by Custard_Craze
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I never use the Freezing Force thing - it seems utterly useless.


Pommel Strike sounds good and I always TRY to use it - however it NEVER is available, even when enemies seem "incapacitated" (required for use).


I didn't take Enure at first but it can be useful. Just gives you an extra 10 seconds and 30% health to neutralise all threats before you die.

Edited by hurrakan
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I managed to drop strike out of rotation at lvl 36 when you get saber throw.


Vigiliance dps tree, dps form (shien?) and +1 focus from sundering strike is all that you need.

Just remmember about placing Sundering strike every 4.5s (that's every 2 normal abilities or 1 master strike/stasis)

I never run out of focus, even in pvp. sometimes I even dont use sundering strike in order to spend focus on slash, blade storm etc.


as Defense JK I barely used strike even before saber throw and that talent wich decreases time your soresu form generate focus. With those two I think that strike can be dropped forever.

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Cyclone slash, a poor mans force sweep or is it focus free?


Also not having pommel or opportune usable in pvp is daft, especially as we don't hit very hard as it is (defence spec at least)


Wish list:

Combine pommel and opportune in to one skill

Make force leap/guardian leap one skill that has different affect dependant on target

Up the dps on sunder armour and reduce cool down so we have the choice of dropping slash


Oh and sort the robes out, my bum looks big!


I agree with that.


Also, please reconsider the focus cost of some abilities. 3 Focus for Dispatch, 3 Focus for Riposte and a few others are kind-of expensive, especially if they're very situational skills.

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I'm fairly sure I've never once used Opportune Strike (lvl 49 defence tree).


For PvP I need to get better at using Freezing force and Resolute appropriately. Awe is also something I don't use enough.


I'm surprised at people saying Strike, I don't use it much, but sometimes you need a little extra focus and its handy to throw in.

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I haven't dropped any abilities yet, but I'm looking awful hard at you freezing force. I mean it's just a waste, it's not a stun, or an interrupt, it does no damage that I can tell. I'm lvl 34 guardian defense (around 7 points also invested into vigilance), and the few times I've wasted the time to use it, the results seem minimal at best. I just skip that useless thing and go straight for stuns and interrupts. Resolute is sort of in the same boat, but I also suspect I haven't been using it right. Freezing Force, OTOH, I have been using right, it's just so mickey mouse, why bother? I love the hilt strike, combined with the stun you get from force leap the hilt strike can be devastating, especially if Kira comes in and lands a crit. Opportune strike, I just got today and haven't really rolled it out yet though I do have it bound, it does seem a little redundant when you have the pommel right there though. Does guardian get the sabre throw? My sent had it around 23 and I still haven't seen it available to me yet, but I am specced for defense, so that could be it.
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