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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Champion Bags


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it would just be nice to know something like over a months time theres a good possiblity im going to get atleast x amount of loot if i do x amount of pvp/pve per day


you WILL receive X amount of loot as you will be receiving commendations to trade in for whatever you want.... be glad its just not open a bag and its a piece of gear or nothing and a few credits. How upset would you be then?

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as i will continually say on every post about Champion bags.... both pvp and pve are based off RNG, its all luck, i pve and pvp, for whatever reason i have had much better with pvp loot then pve. I would rather have more pve gear as i enjoy pve more then pvp (in its current state) however the RNG gods have deemed to give me more pvp gear.



its an mmo, RNG's are what mmo's are all about.... i seriously wonder if alot of people have never played an mmo before?


Except leveling 1-50 is reward after reward after reward. Hardmode dungeons drop 4-5 pieces of loot per run. PvP currently is like slamming into a wall.


In PvE, you are competing against other people for rolls, so you can at least be happy for a guildmate if they get something and you don't get a drop. At least SOMEBODY is progressing. If you PvP, you are rolling against yourself on a stupid bag that drops nothing worthwhile (don't try to say centurion tokens are worth anything compared to the level of the gear and how much a single piece costs), and progression is basically non-existent or going at the pace of a snail for many people.


Is it that hard of a concept to grasp?

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Except leveling 1-50 is reward after reward after reward. Hardmode dungeons drop 4-5 pieces of loot per run. PvP currently is like slamming into a wall.


In PvE, you are competing against other people for rolls, so you can at least be happy for a guildmate if they get something and you don't get a drop. At least SOMEBODY is progressing. If you PvP, you are rolling against yourself on a stupid bag that drops nothing worthwhile (don't try to say centurion tokens are worth anything compared to the level of the gear and how much a single piece costs), and progression is basically non-existent or going at the pace of a snail for many people.


Is it that hard of a concept to grasp?



As i said above my main focus is on pve, and in 3 weeks of doing HM FP's and running Ops i have exactly 4 pieces now of loot to show for it.... i am the MT for my guild and i am currently behind in gear due to the RNG not favoring me, how do you think i feel? it sucks but i know its how it goes.


In pvp i have been extremely lucky and some of my own guildmates hate me for the fact i am only valor rank 26 with 7 pieces of Champ gear with not a single duplicate yet.... its how it happens.


Centurion gear is not the best, but it gives you expertise and livable stats until you can upgrade, the only point i will give you is perhaps lowering the cost of it.

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So you want the free gear to be for slots you don't have yet.

Why do people complain about free things=(


Incorrect. YOU want free gear by agreeing with this system. Many say those who don't like the system want free gear when it's the other way around. You want to get lucky and get free gear instead of actually having to work for it. I don't care if they make gear cost 10,000 warzone marks. As long as everyone is taking the same amount of time and it's being rewarded by other factors other than luck.

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usually look down on complaining on forums, but your totally right. Someone who has just hit 50 may have a 5 set bonus as to someone who has been 50 for weeks may only have 1. I'm all down for weeks and weeks of grinding but not if my efforts are useless.







50 for 3 weeks, pvp 24/7 and only have 1/5 set bonus.

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Incorrect. YOU want free gear by agreeing with this system. Many say those who don't like the system want free gear when it's the other way around. You want to get lucky and get free gear instead of actually having to work for it. I don't care if they make gear cost 10,000 warzone marks. As long as everyone is taking the same amount of time and it's being rewarded by other factors other than luck.


Indeed i love free gear, it lets you gear up new 50's faster so you can be on close to same expertise level as geared 50's.


Then commendations let you nitpick what pieces you want.


It doesn't force you to grind, it lets you do dailies/weeklies and get geared up at a decent speed.

Its an awesome system for people who don't want to grind warzones for hours on end and just want to play a few a day.

Which is most people.


I understand people like other games PvP system, they reward grinding. SWTOR rewards playing daily but doesn't reward grinding.

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Im a casual pvp er... valor rank 14, 50 for 2 weeks, do ilum daily/weekly... and buy bags sometimes.


I have champion ear, feet, legs, wrist, belt and 2x centurion implants from the centurion tokens from bags.


Ive doubled up on feet/legs (companion wearing them).


Waiting on helm/chest weapons and any relic better than my matrix cube.


I think I have been pretty lucky...


A mate of mine has had 5 lightsabers.


RNG is bad, but i think they should balance it a bit... allow you to maybe trade unwanted items in for centurian tokens or fix their math.


On the other side, im starting to lose surge rating in favor of expertise!

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Just saw a valor 21, 25, and 28 with full, every slot champion items....


I am valor 41 currently and have two. How exactly is that fair?


Figure by time I hit valor 60, I will have three. I don't even get duplicates, all I get is centurian marks....


Go me!


RNG sucks.


No I don't want free gear but I would like to be rewarded occasionally....

Edited by fixit
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It only sucks for the 20% that are extremely unlucky.


And there will always be the 20%.


The unlucky 5% will probably unsub.


The unlucky 1% will flame the forums forever.


It was a bad design, far better to make everyone grind for at least 3 months to get their gear.

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Over 50 bags opened now with nothing but duplicates or worthless centurion marks.

Edit: I'm Valor 54 btw and there are people under valor rank 30 with more champion gear than me. Somethings wrong here.

Edited by Vallii
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PvP players seem to be used to the system of:


1. Engage is PvP

2. Get PvP currency

3. Buy PvP gear


This 3 step system rewards players equally for time invested. The more time you invest, the more gear you get. Now, I like the idea of completing daily/weekly quests to be a large chunk of gear progression. This allows time-strapped players a chance to progress at a decent rate without requiring a large amount of time. The problem lies in the randomness of Bioware's system:


1. Low-ish chance to receive an item

2. Duplicate items can be received

3. Cent Comms only afford the purchase of a few(1-3) pieces of low quality PvP gear a week

4. A Champ chest token can be found in the next bag after buying the Cent chest, thus wasting the Cent Comms spent (this is the reason #3 is considered a negative, otherwise I have no problem with the Cent Comms)


The problem most people have with BW's system is the frustration inherent in said system. Most don't mind having to spend a long time gearing up. Most wouldn't mind a little randomness. We just don't like disproportionate rewards for time invested. It may just be the PvP mindset. I would rather there be something closer to a fixed reward system. But, that's just my personal opinion.

Edited by Abelf
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PvP players seem to be used to the system of:


1. Engage is PvP

2. Get PvP currency

3. Buy PvP gear


This system rewards players equally for time invested. The more time you invest, the more gear you get. Now, I like the idea of completing daily/weekly quests to be a large chunk of gear progression. This allows time-strapped players a chance to progress at a decent rate without requiring a large amount of time. The problem lies in the randomness:


1. Low-ish chance to receive an item

2. Duplicate items can be received

3. Cent Comms only afford the purchase of a few(1-3) pieces of low quality PvP gear a week

4. A Champ chest token can be found in the next bag after buying the Cent chest, thus wasting the Cent Comms spent (this is the reason #3 is considered a negative, otherwise I have no problem with the Cent Comms)


The problem most people have with BW's system is the frustration inherent in said system. Most don't mind having to spend a long time gearing up. Most wouldn't mind a little randomness. We just don't like disproportionate rewards for time invested. It may just be the PvP mindset. I would rather there be something closer to a fixed reward system. But, that's just my personal opinion.


Totally incorrect. You can't be serious... Can you?


People rewarded for equal amount of time?


Did you even listen to him?


How is it fair that a level 20 Valor has more Champion gear than someone at level 50 Valor?



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I'm not a big fan of duplicates as I've gotten many, but people need to be patient and not just expect everything to be handed to them. 1 day each week you can get like 6 bags for the 2 dailies and 2 weeklies. Thats 18 comms right there, enough for an item. You can get 6 comms on every day of the week just with the 2 dailies. Thats another 36 comms from 12 bags. So 54 comms a week, not even counting bags you buy from WZ and Merc comms plus bonus items that may be in the bags. This only even lasts until valor 60, where EVERY box has an item. Sure it may take awhile, but it should. There is nothing else to earn in pvp after that atm.


But to sum up, yes I too prefer a non random system, as long as its not handouts. And I'm 58.5 valor and still missing 3 pieces but soon....boxes!

Edited by Sgt_shades
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Apply the same science to real life. You work you get rewarded. Why would someone work if they "might" get rewarded?


PVE is RnG but there is a set system in place for the loot. You do Hardmode BT for a chance to get the Wrist Token. Every time its the wrist token, now you just have to hope its for your class.


Now look at PvP loot. You get rewarded weekly, you have dailies, and you can buy bags. You can open 20 bags and get zero tokens or get the same token 20 times. If you ran a HM dungeon 20 times you will get your wrist piece. If you don't then you are the most unluckiest person in the world.


People want to be rewarded for time invested not invest all your time and we might give you something. Using the argument that it makes the playing field even for casuals and hardcore, it doesn't. If that's the reason for RnG then PVE should be the same way. Casuals should be able to get Rakata gear at the same rate, if not faster than hardcore nightmare mode raiders.


50 valor rank missing 4 champ pieces, so my luck is not bad. Seen rank 14 full champ.

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Totally incorrect. You can't be serious... Can you?


People rewarded for equal amount of time?


Did you even listen to him?


How is it fair that a level 20 Valor has more Champion gear than someone at level 50 Valor?




By "this system" I was talking about the system PvP players are used to, the one where you are rewarded at the end of a match with PvP currency and can then directly buy a piece of gear from a vendor. I am on your side.

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I might be the minority, but I like the Champion Bag system.


At first I hated it. I didn't get an item for my first 10 or so bags and I was so pissed. But I've gotten a few pieces of gear since then. I've got some dupilicates too. I actually don't mind duplicates because it gives me a reason to pick up gear for my other specs. I look forward to getting bags, and it makes it so I don't get completely geared out in a week or two.

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I might be the minority, but I like the Champion Bag system.


At first I hated it. I didn't get an item for my first 10 or so bags and I was so pissed. But I've gotten a few pieces of gear since then. I've got some dupilicates too. I actually don't mind duplicates because it gives me a reason to pick up gear for my other specs. I look forward to getting bags, and it makes it so I don't get completely geared out in a week or two.


I've given up on the fun of PVP and I've resorted to basically grinding for the purple bladed lightsaber. No one on my server/faction seems to care about winning warzones or I just get saddled with the WORST premades.


I just got another earpiece today though!

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Duplicate Champion gear needs to be tradable for Centurion (or champ?) Commendatons; even if at half cost, or even quarter.


I'd even go as far as saying we should be able to buy other class gear with the tokens too. Thus duplicates can be used for all companions as well.

Edited by nicnik
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I might be the minority, but I like the Champion Bag system.


At first I hated it. I didn't get an item for my first 10 or so bags and I was so pissed. But I've gotten a few pieces of gear since then. I've got some dupilicates too. I actually don't mind duplicates because it gives me a reason to pick up gear for my other specs. I look forward to getting bags, and it makes it so I don't get completely geared out in a week or two.


Yeah but see? You like it because you're one of the lucky ones. I have went 20-30 bags of nothing but commendations. If 10 made you mad. 30 would make you hate it. I get anywhere from 27-36 bags a week. I'm still missing nearly all my pieces.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Tank stats mitigation is a whole another subject, and as an immortal jugg who has taken all pvp tanking champ pieces i will say i feel your pain.


however again, its RNG, it will always be RNG even after they change the system over to ta token that allows you to take any set piece you want. Next people will complain about opening 25 bags without a token.


well 25 bags without a single piece of anything, nevermind repeats is lame beyond comparison. there is already little to do at 50, and without pvp, it just doesnt keep my interest. rng is a terrible idea, hell it doesnt even reward better or more successful teams/players.


valor rank = 56; champion pieces = 0

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well 25 bags without a single piece of anything, nevermind repeats is lame beyond comparison. there is already little to do at 50, and without pvp, it just doesnt keep my interest. rng is a terrible idea, hell it doesnt even reward better or more successful teams/players.


Thought you said in other thread that you unsubbed 5 mins ago. Why spam our forums if you aren't going to play anymore?

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The real problem here, and if you look at it, its what to do with all the repeated gear :S. At least let us trade, for example, two repeated boots for one gloves, or something like that, so we dont feel like were going to be farming for all eternity...
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Thought you said in other thread that you unsubbed 5 mins ago. Why spam our forums if you aren't going to play anymore?


He is not complaining to you I think, he paid for the game so he has the right to complain if he wants to, and if he's making a good point or is a good example of how stupid is this mechanic, perhaps BW will read and acknowlege the worst of this RNG.


sry for my english.

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He is not complaining to you I think, he paid for the game so he has the right to complain if he wants to, and if he's making a good point or is a good example of how stupid is this mechanic, perhaps BW will read and acknowlege the worst of this RNG.


sry for my english.


But stupid is relative here. For example I see the Champion Bags as wellfare, easy to get, queue for warzones and win sometimes even if you are really bad so because of that they are bit random which makes it very casual friendly.


On the other hand, after tomorrow's patch Battlemaster bags (which require LOT of Valor to open) are no longer random so if you are hardcore or whatever, you get it nice and steady(But quite some effort to reach Valor 60).


Although even Battlemaster is not too hardcore considering you have infinite time available to reach the rank so I don't see much reason for complaints, all things considered. Personally I would like some time limit for reaching this rank/reset but it's obviously not happening as people who would agree with me on this are extremely small minority.

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