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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I've been playing my Jugg alt a good bit lately, and words cannot describe how horrible combat can be on that character. I didn't realize it was THAT bad for SW/JKs. The problems my assassin has are absolutely nothing by comparison. Having to mash an ability half a dozen times to get it to go off (after having it stutter and play half the animation the first few times), having retaliation eat other abilities or vice versa, having things delayed for multiple GCDs, having the GCD reset partway through an action, etc.


Combat is so incredibly sloppy on my Juggernaut that it's actually kinda mindblowing that the game launched in such a state. Now I understand why some people were complaining so much. My assassin isn't THAT bad. My juggernaut is THAT bad and WORSE.

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This is extremely Painful with a Sith Assassin the ability response delay with 90% of my offensive moves and on my rear attacks almost certainly = death...


Its not Lag of FPS its a server side problem with hit detection and no reason why and zone with 16 people should have lag...


I also can watch my toon refuse complete certain abilities in PVP BG's only doesnt happen in open world.... I can only say it frustrating... and almost has equal /ragequit several times...

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I really want this game to succeed, but I'm afraid the only way is to vote with my wallet and if enough people do that I'm guessing the problem will be solved sooner rather than later.


I'll be watching the boards to see when and if there is a solution to this problem.



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This is the last day of my play/forum time before my initial 30 day sub ends.


I won't be waiting this out, hoping for a fix. I used all that patient waiting time in WAR and it didn't get me a thing. It got worse.


Others have pointed out that this issue is serious and will take a long time to fix. Right now, the company is waiting to see if enough people can ignore it and stick with the game. If so, then they won't have to dedicate time to changing it.


I say good luck to them and all the best.

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I've been playing my Jugg alt a good bit lately, and words cannot describe how horrible combat can be on that character. I didn't realize it was THAT bad for SW/JKs. The problems my assassin has are absolutely nothing by comparison. Having to mash an ability half a dozen times to get it to go off (after having it stutter and play half the animation the first few times), having retaliation eat other abilities or vice versa, having things delayed for multiple GCDs, having the GCD reset partway through an action, etc.


Combat is so incredibly sloppy on my Juggernaut that it's actually kinda mindblowing that the game launched in such a state. Now I understand why some people were complaining so much. My assassin isn't THAT bad. My juggernaut is THAT bad and WORSE.


The stutter-casting you describe is super noticable on channeled spells like Telekenitic Throw (pebbles). I swear half the time I hit that ability it doesn't go off, and half the time I try to chain an instant cast after Telekenitic Throw THAT ability doesn't go off.


And for what? So that I can see an animation of my sage lowering his left hand so that the pebbles stop flying, half a second after the channel is complete?



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I'm still not getting what people are saying by ability delay and responsiveness.... what do you mean by "ability delay" all you do is start your next ability when the previous one is ALMOST done and it goes auto... that's what I do anyway..


I have never EVER had a problem with anything even close to that... maybe I'm just one of the luckies I guess :)

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This is the last day of my play/forum time before my initial 30 day sub ends.


I won't be waiting this out, hoping for a fix. I used all that patient waiting time in WAR and it didn't get me a thing. It got worse.


Others have pointed out that this issue is serious and will take a long time to fix. Right now, the company is waiting to see if enough people can ignore it and stick with the game. If so, then they won't have to dedicate time to changing it.


I say good luck to them and all the best.




see ya

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The stutter-casting you describe is super noticable on channeled spells like Telekenitic Throw (pebbles). I swear half the time I hit that ability it doesn't go off, and half the time I try to chain an instant cast after Telekenitic Throw THAT ability doesn't go off.


And for what? So that I can see an animation of my sage lowering his left hand so that the pebbles stop flying, half a second after the channel is complete?




Interesting. I find that I don't have a lot of issues on my Sith Sorc. Part of the reason I'm having so much fun with him is that I really don't have very many ability delay issues at all...


The past few days have been kinda bad for me in general though. It seems that almost all of my characters are experiencing a rather predictable .25-.5 second delay on absolutely everything between button push and ability activation.

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I have lost no less than 50-100k worth of credits due to repair costs caused by ability delay or connectivity issues. I can't tell you how much more DPS I would be doing with a more responsive ability set, no ridiculous global cooldown, truly "instant" combat abilities, or with a one UI hotbar where I don't have to use the side bars/cover bar for functions I should just be able to use in one bar. Additionally, the cover system has caused me needless deaths, and not being able to cancel abilities or queue combat abilities has cost me dearly.


I find myself waiting an eternity to use my CA's. The abilities aren't that hard to figure out, I have them perfectly set up over a needless amount of hotbars. Just being able to use them successfully in order, when they're supposed to work would probably increase my Sniper's DPS at least 40-50 percent.


I can't even imagine how frustrating this must be for end game/raid spec DPS'ers.

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Hey Guys,


So, I am very happy to say that all the video sequences are done, ready and rendering! However, I still have to record the voice-over/narration. Once this is done, it'll just be about putting it together and compressing it, then uploading...


So, hoping to get this out asap!


Apologies it took me a while but I hope its worth it... it'll be a bit on the long side but I hope that is ok. I'd really like everyone to understand this issue as best as possible.

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I have spent 2 hours reading this whole threat...it was fun.

PvP it's unplayable in this game. After reading this forum, I have confirmed this is a real problem and not just my 'imagination'

As far as storyline goes... ya, perhaps it's playable...but still verryyy frustrating and not worth subscribing. ( As someone already said - I am horrified at the prospect of getting to level 50 - impossible to raid or do PvP)


And a reply for those who keep saying ' there is no delay' - I do not wish to be disrespectful or rude, but if you cannot see this issue, if you think everything is ok, then it is not the game who is broken, it's you.

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Hey Guys,


So, I am very happy to say that all the video sequences are done, ready and rendering! However, I still have to record the voice-over/narration. Once this is done, it'll just be about putting it together and compressing it, then uploading...


So, hoping to get this out asap!


Apologies it took me a while but I hope its worth it... it'll be a bit on the long side but I hope that is ok. I'd really like everyone to understand this issue as best as possible.


Thanks for the hard work Xcore, hopefully the game will get to the point where it can have a competitive pvp bracket. IMO its not worth while with the current ability delay/character response.


Praying for a solution that makes this awesome game pvp worthy

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It is a lot of footage to render and I will do so tonight, tomorrow then I'd record the narration and put it all together if all goes well and I hate to give an "eta" but lets hope for the best.


As I said, I hope to cover and basically define this "feeling" of "sluggishness", "character has stick in ***", "slow response", "ability not firing", "clunky" etc etc.


I think if Bioware/Developers really understand this "feeling" and why everyone always goes back to WoW... it will lead to a better gameplay, tighter controls and overall more competitive and rewarding experience as well as better endgame pve and pvp interaction.



What I will absolutely mention in the video is the Riposte (and other skills) Animations repeating and not executing but there will not be any video exactly showcasing it. I think its easy enough though to find on youtube etc.


I think something like that is much easier understood... but what I am trying to convey in this thread and many of us are "feeling" is much harder to really convey and explain, I hope the video and my narration will do the trick.

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Thanks for all the hard work. Playing a Marauder this is becoming almost game breaking and making me not want to play him even though I love the playstyle and the class. The problem seems to be getting worse or maybe I am just paying attention to it a little more.


I really hope this is addressed soon.

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Thanks for all the hard work. Playing a Marauder this is becoming almost game breaking and making me not want to play him even though I love the playstyle and the class. The problem seems to be getting worse or maybe I am just paying attention to it a little more.


I really hope this is addressed soon.


I think its more perceivable in laggy conditions but also its a lot worse once you are aware of it... you notice it more and more to the point that the game is unplayable or rather not as enjoyable. Likely because you "know" whats bugging you but you can't do anything about it AND if only it was fixed/not there you know you'd have the time of your "gaming life" so to speak...


I don't think it has "actually" gotten worse or better... I notice it just as much as two weeks ago etc.



I feel your pain as melee, I think ranged (Gunslinger/Sniper) have it just as bad or perhaps worse in certain ways BUT it is not as punishing as on Melee... you see in my preview video the movement around dummies while executing a rotation/abilities (simulating boss fight/pvp)? That is why its much more punishing on Melee... you have to factor in a lot more movement + delay = zomgbbqwtf...


Ranged, its noticeable, is a b*** but at least you can "somewhat" get by...

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