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How do you feel about your companion or companions?


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I mean on your own personal level. I'm a Inquisitor and I don't feel that much of an attachment to my companions on a emotional level. I only have two so far. As for my first one I just think of him as a slave or pet and I freaking hate the damn droid they gave me. If you use him in battle he doesn't shut up! And if you send him off to do missions he fails 50% of the time. >_< He's useless. I don't even use him anymore. Edited by ClayPeopleCry
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My main is a Bounty Hunter. I like Mako, Blizz and Torian. I tolerate the robot that came with the ship. Gault is at least somewhat entertaining, though I would not have chosen him. I want to blow Skage out an airlock. I'd have left him on Belsavis given the option.
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Well I like the fact that we have them, but from my perspective the inquisitor's companions, in particular, are a little blah. Inq is the most fun class for me gameplay-wise, but nothing about the companions hook me.


Almost every inquisitor I see, regardless of what level they are use Khem Val which seems dreadfully dull. But then again, most classes do seem to have one companion that is the most useful.

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Qyzen's kind of an oddball. I mostly humour him. Carry on doing what you do, Qyzen. Tharan I humour too, though in a more knowing way. I feel I understand him better. Zenith worries me, especially when I send him on diplomatic missions. Don't shoot anyone, Zenith. Those are trays of canapes, not land mines. Lt. Iresso is probably the one I'm closest to in terms of friendship. The fifth party member has not yet joined, but I know what's coming and I worry that I may not be the best choice to turn her into an upstanding Jedi...
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My main is a Bounty Hunter. I like Mako, Blizz and Torian. I tolerate the robot that came with the ship. Gault is at least somewhat entertaining, though I would not have chosen him. I want to blow Skage out an airlock. I'd have left him on Belsavis given the option.


I still only have the droid and Mako (and for a while I wanted to blow her out an airlock! lol.) But she's kind of grown on me in a "kid sister" sort of way. The droid is really annoying though... I WANT to deactivate him, lol.


On my Smuggler, I like Corso's personality a lot. I don't care for the mechanics of the class, but the snarky lines I get and having him as my companion with his great lines make being a Smuggler "fun." I like that droid too... except that he keeps implying my Smuggler is fat with his comments about adding wearing out the seat cushions and reducing the caloric intact of meals. :D

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I still only have the droid and Mako (and for a while I wanted to blow her out an airlock! lol.) But she's kind of grown on me in a "kid sister" sort of way. The droid is really annoying though... I WANT to deactivate him, lol.


On my Smuggler, I like Corso's personality a lot. I don't care for the mechanics of the class, but the snarky lines I get and having him as my companion with his great lines make being a Smuggler "fun." I like that droid too... except that he keeps implying my Smuggler is fat with his comments about adding wearing out the seat cushions and reducing the caloric intact of meals. :D


Your ship droid really says those things? Rofl. I love my droid, he tells me I look fit and deadly and offers me foot rubs. Yes please!

Edited by grania
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I'm an IA, and I have Kaliyo, Vector and Doctor Lokin (and the stupid ship droid.)


I'm playing Light Side, so Kaliyo often doesn't agree with my decisions, (she loves DS choices) but I've been romancing her and I really do like her personality.


Vector's... strange, but again another companion I really like.


Doctor Lokin I haven't spent much time with but he is kind of interesting and is obviously holding back some secrets and I'd like to find out what they are.


Stupid ship droid is.. stupid.


Other than the ship droid, I think BioWare did a great job with the IA's companions. I just met my next companion (haven't acquired her yet) and I like her already.

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As a Sith Warrior and a male, I prefer the female part over the rest.


Malavai Quin is an exception. He's like a drug. I must carry him around so that he can heal me, thus stealin possible conversations with my females that I would like to see.

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On my Consular I like Qyzen Fess, hes such a nice person which surprises me since i spent the last 10 years killing his species in other games when they were slavers and mercenaries. "Lizards Ho!" :D


Favourite companion i've unlocked so far is Elara Dorne, I love her accent and her eyes and how shes like memorised the entire Republic Army manual.

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My main is a Bounty Hunter. I like Mako, Blizz and Torian. I tolerate the robot that came with the ship. Gault is at least somewhat entertaining, though I would not have chosen him. I want to blow Skage out an airlock. I'd have left him on Belsavis given the option.


its amazing how accurate that portrays how i feel about bh companions. swear to god i wanna kill skadge

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I kinda envy sith inquisitor's jedi companion.


She questions him about his light side choices and etc.


Sith warrior's jedi doesn't do that.


Anyway, I loved Vette's behavior when you do her second affection quest.

Edited by Deshiel
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No one is supposed to like thier ship droid. They are all based on C-3PO who might be only less loathsome and insipid as ewoks and gungans.


Where's a wookie to turn the ship droid off when you need one? Maybe the droid should be quiet for a time after every failed mission....


So far I like Andronikus, Vette, Mako the best probably. We'll see about the SI's archeologist. Looking forward to a wookie and kira carsen.


Corso, the Rataki and Ashara are OK.


I like the trandoshan a bit more than the dashade but the ogre is a fine artificer.

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I kinda envy sith inquisitor's jedi companion.


She questions him about his light side choices and etc.


You envy us? Id rather have Jaesa who can be turned to dark side properly (Afaik).

Ashara is way too bright-eyed goody-two-shoes to be dark side inquisitor companion in my opinion. Or at least the ONLY romance option. She has started to irritate me. (Or rather the lack of my dialog options that can tell her to shut it irritates me)


Khem Val is very nice companion to start with. Reliable personal bodyguard type. Relationship type: reliable servant. I love how he hated me in the beginning. He is very much darkside, so he suits me well.


Andronikos: I like his personality, unfortunately I have little use for him in combat, as I need someone to tank for me. I havent wasted many gifts on him yet, so I dont know much about him yet.


Talos: I mainly use him as someone to run my archaeology/treasure hunting missions. No personal relationship whatsoever yet.


Xalek: No read on him whatsoever so far. I wish there were some master-apprentice training sessions to come. Something to give insight to what Xalek thinks (or doesnt) htink). I guess he is supposed to be my personal darth maul. That would be ok if he didnt sound like that guy with dreadlocks and glasses from Futurama.. I cant shake the mental image.


The sycophantic robot? My relationship is such that I blast him with force lightning whenever he opens his yap.


I dont actually mind people to suck up to me that much, Im a sith lord after all ;)


Edited by Karkais
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I love Kaliyo, I play an evil character and that suits her fine! I have a feeling she is holding back secrets but who cares?! She is bad ***!


SCORPIO is also awesome, after putting up with the ship droid it is nice to see an awesome *** kicking droid i do not wish to destroy.


The rest I hate:P

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Everyone's ship droid sucks. Period. Every time I walk by it I wish I could tell it or revere engineer it. Or at least remove it's voicebox.




I really liked Kaliyo until

she started banging random dudes on my ship



Vector is my favorite of the Agent companions, really like his personality, his voice and his Killik-Imperial Alliance story.


Doctor Lokin I really liked, until the end of his quests,

where it appears he may have been responsible for Vector's joining



Ensign Temple is a generic suckup with little personality. HURR I LUV EMPIRE, HURR RESPECT EVERYONE. Loaded her up with gifts and found the end of her story to be extremely stupid. Should've just left her on Hoth...


SCORPIO is amazing. Nothing else needs to be said.




Qyzen Fess is my hero. Probably tied with Vector for my favorite overall companion.


I don't like Theran Cedrix. Didn't really get my affection very high with Zenith before beta ended to get a good feel for him, but he seemed kinda boring.




I've got mixed feelings on Vette. Funny sometimes, but kinda a ***** when I made light / understanding choices.


I hate Quinn. He's a suckup, and his MOLE.

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Qyzen Fess is the coolest I think.

I like Trandoshans, and it is one few types you encounter a good one. Also he is something like a chaotic/good guy. In battle, he just wants to kick *** at anyone that is there. And in the talks, sometimes you cannot really predict when you will lose points. He has some funny attitudes; he seems to dig it when you show off how great you are in the most pompous ways, and sometimes he is slightly pissed if you just want some more information on the next task. I would love to if there would be more cutscenes when just Qyzen and the Jedi character discuss things, especially when is angry one time more when you spared an enemy. Also, I like that he believes in an religion just based on HIGHSCORE.

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As an IA I'm very content, especially on how well they've accommodated light siders.


Kaliyo - I absolutely abhor her to be honest. She's the opposite of everything my IA stands for - shes an obnoxious and manipulative cretin who bears no honor and is only loyal to herself. Her companion quests in particular have highlighted how much I dislike her.


Vector - One of my favourite companions in the game. He's a charming Imperial diplomat who's philosophy stretches beyond "surrender to the empire or die!". A great bromance option too :D


Doctor Lokin - Another one I like, he's an articulate albeit mad genius. I really enjoy the conversations I have with him.


Ensign Temple - If I could make from scratch a perfect romanceable companion for my IA it would be her. Like me she is extremely loyal and honor-bound to the empire, and like me she's also not a psychotic and irrational killer who values mercy, honor and reason. She's essentially the exact opposite of Kaliyo, which is I suppose why I really like her.


Scorpio - Don't really care much for her. She's just your typical psychotic and one-dimensional "everything must die!" companion, I don't think I've ever interacted with her again after picking her up.


Ideally I'd like to swap Kaliyo and Scorpio for anyone else, but 3/5 is a pretty good deal for me, considering that I do actually really like those 3.

Edited by ZakMorgan
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Am mostly enjoying the companions for my Knight so far.


TeeSeven is amusing. I like his chipper, encouraging attitude, and it gives me a great deal of pleasure watching him grapple into fights. "Congratulations, opponent. You've just been hit by a flame-throwing kegerator travelling at about thirty miles per hour."


It's nice to run around with an example of a Jedi who doesn't conform completely to the uptight, stuffy stereotype. I enjoy Kira's snarky commentary. She and my knight are roughly the same age and both came into the order relatively late in life, so I imagine them as being close friends.


Doc walks the bleeding edge between infuriating and hilarious, which was probably the point. Verbal sparring with him is fun. Under all the refers-to-self-in-third-person bluster, he's basically awkward, needy, and occasionally really sweet.


SeeToo...well, I pretty much want to kick him in the lugnuts a lot. Surely there are protocol/hospitality droids in the galaxy who don't behave like passive-aggressive mother-figures, right? Stay out of my room, and if you call my crew fat again, I'll sell you for salvage. Makes me feel extraordinarily nostalgic for HK-47 aboard the Ebon Hawk.

Edited by Meira_Arirai
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Surely there must be an airlock conveniently nearby from which they can be ejected. After all, since the devs decided that the entire 'story' aspect of the game would be reserved for only a specific demographic, they're just crappy pets, and I hate pet classes. An entire game of pet classes. Not exactly brilliant game design. But, then again, it's not as though this is actually an MMO.
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I still only have the droid and Mako (and for a while I wanted to blow her out an airlock! lol.) But she's kind of grown on me in a "kid sister" sort of way. The droid is really annoying though... I WANT to deactivate him, lol.


On my Smuggler, I like Corso's personality a lot. I don't care for the mechanics of the class, but the snarky lines I get and having him as my companion with his great lines make being a Smuggler "fun." I like that droid too... except that he keeps implying my Smuggler is fat with his comments about adding wearing out the seat cushions and reducing the caloric intact of meals. :D


"Master, i've marked the best escape pod for your sole use, i of course will go down with the ship" My favorite quote from my ship droid :D

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