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Everything posted by BobaCane

  1. I left my level 50 Operative on a ghost town server and created a Warrior on a new server which is heavily populated. The way I think the free character transfers going is like this. I will be able to move my Operative for free to a new server but not one that so already heavily populated, so therefore I would pay to have him moved to my new server.
  2. Thank you for the advice! I have changed my talent tree up a bit with your feedback Cannot put all this into practise as I am getting Error code 9000 but once that is fixed I can't wait to get back to tanking!
  3. So Two of my friends joined up to this game, both playing DPS. I already had a 50 (healer) on my old server but decided I would make a new character on their server, which had a lot more players on it anyway. As I already leveled a Op healer to 50, I was not keen on the idea of rolling another healer and as my friends already chose DPS roles I said I would tank, I have never tanked in any MMO before so this was all quite new to me, but I levelled and did all the flashpoints I could do, no wipes as of yet in any flashpoint (yey). So i am down with the basics (I'm level 27 atm) and I was looking for tips and advice for higher levels. First off this is where I plan to put my skill points at 50: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101GMGzuordfzZf0MZoM.1 I know people put a lot more points in Vengance and fewer in immortal but from what I can tell this is less defensive, what are the benefits of going more hybrid? Also how would my skill tree work at level 50? Secondly, I know the boss fights in flashpoints so I know what is needed of me, my problem is keeping aggro on adds and mobs. I do not have an AoE taunt yet so rely on smash, but there is always one or two adds running for the ranged dps or healer, how can i improve AoE tanking? Thirdly I would like to know if I have a general roation? At my level i sometimes run out of rage and have to build it up again, will this improve later on? Fourthly. I would really appreciate any general tips on how to play a Jugg tank at endgame and later on in levels. Thank you!
  4. 48 Operative. Would of been 50 bus Nar Shaddaa and Alderaan sucked all life out of me...
  5. IA: I love Kaliyo, I play an evil character and that suits her fine! I have a feeling she is holding back secrets but who cares?! She is bad ***! SCORPIO is also awesome, after putting up with the ship droid it is nice to see an awesome *** kicking droid i do not wish to destroy. The rest I hate:P
  6. As I am a big Game of Thrones fan I knew from the start I would choose from one of these as my legacy name: Stark Lannister Targaryen Tully Baratheon But in the end I Chose "Snow" as my legacy, after my favourite character Jon Snow. My Operative is known as "Cane Snow the Destructive" Very original.
  7. Place your healer in the middle not on a turret. Fight done.
  8. Is there a title from the Hoth planet? if so how do i get it. Looked on Google and it mentioned one but not how to get it.
  9. I have yet to find one republic player on my server, apart form in warzones.
  10. How can you find the population of each faction?
  11. I do not think it so so bad, things will pick up once launch is here an everybody is in.
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