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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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uh...so you have something to look forward to when you level. No one is forcing you to use any mods. With that said hopefully bw can tell by all these threads that the people in favor of mods generally don't seem to like the idea of a dbm in this game.


well i'd say its so you learn how to play your character. better understand your abilities and when to use them. i will admit if you were given all your max level abilities at once it would be harder, more time consuming and not very fun. but you are given them as you level as you learn to play.

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I don't support an ingame-recount, because I don't think anybody really needs this. The only somewhat valid pont is that raid-leadrs can root out lazy players, but I (as a part-time-raid-leader) never needed these things to see who was the one semi-afking.


I do however support a personal damagemeter, which will obviously be possible due to a personal combatlog, because players who like to use this to improve themselves should have the opportunity to do so.

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That's one way to do it and people have every right to approach raiding in that way if they want.


People should also be able to approach raiding using tools like Recount, Omen, etc to approach content in the way THEY want.


Neither way is inherently wrong. One might be more efficient than the other but both ways should be allowed.


People should be able to get top gear from solo quests to then if that is how they want to approach it right? Sure it might be easier but so what.


Dps parsers make the game significantly easier while also removing gameplay from the equation. If we are going to equivocate based on how people want to play then we need to expand that. Some people want to solo quest for the best gear, some people want to craft for the best gear. Since that is how they want to approach it the game should cater to them.


Content is being done without parsers so it is clear they are not necessary. I suggest people work on playing the game and not wait around to play the parser.

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well i'd say its so you learn how to play your character. better understand your abilities and when to use them. i will admit if you were given all your max level abilities at once it would be harder, more time consuming and not very fun. but you are given them as you level as you learn to play.

I don't need 50 levels to know how to play the class. It's a time sink. This game isn't rocket science. It's a hot key mmo.

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People should be able to get top gear from solo quests to then if that is how they want to approach it right? Sure it might be easier but so what.


Dps parsers make the game significantly easier while also removing gameplay from the equation. If we are going to equivocate based on how people want to play then we need to expand that. Some people want to solo quest for the best gear, some people want to craft for the best gear. Since that is how they want to approach it the game should cater to them.


Content is being done without parsers so it is clear they are not necessary. I suggest people work on playing the game and not wait around to play the parser.


Really? Strawman much?


Honestly. People who want addons might as well just give up if this guys mentality is representative of even a slightly significant portion of the player population. There appear to be far too many people who are simply afraid of data for whatever reason. They can have their way and push people who want to excel away from the game. Then everyone can sit around months later asking where everyone went and why the game is so very easy. Enjoy.

Edited by PjPablo
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But you are the one who can't play an mmorpg without a parser?


I can bash my head against a keyboard and play an MMO. It isn't hard. Some people like to try and push themselves to be better. Some people are lazy and scared to get called out for being bad.

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DPS meters are for WoW baddies, drooling over their keyboards as they link the damage output values for the group, to prove that, although they did cause the group to wipe 5 times, they totally did the most damage.


First they want DPS meters, next they will want panda jedi. No thankyou!


Clearly someone's bitter for never being good enough to be in a decent raiding guild.

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Guys you're going to get the ability to have personal parsing if that is what you want. Bioware are introducing a personal combat log, with that you should be able to workout what you are good at and what you need to improve on. Edited by Iskevosi
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i still cant beleive theres no combat log, NO C O M B A T L O G...... ***?

Well then it would be to easy right? To much information, we would just use it to cut everyone else down. =/

Edited by VicSix
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I can bash my head against a keyboard and play an MMO. It isn't hard. Some people like to try and push themselves to be better. Some people are lazy and scared to get called out for being bad.
la·zy [ley-zee] -zi·er, -zi·est, verb, -zied, -zy·ing. adjective

1. averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.

2. causing idleness or indolence: a hot, lazy afternoon.

3. slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy stream.


Funny how those who would prefer less bells and whistles in a video game can be tabbed as lazy, when one considers it is more work to play without them.

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la·zy [ley-zee] -zi·er, -zi·est, verb, -zied, -zy·ing. adjective

1. averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.

2. causing idleness or indolence: a hot, lazy afternoon.

3. slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy stream.


Funny how those who would prefer less bells and whistles in a video game can be tabbed as lazy, when one considers it is more work to play without them.


It's not more work to play without them. It's more frustrating.

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I just find it really ironic that people who are against parsers are saying it'll take the fun out of raiding.


You never consider that some people find the most fun out of min/maxing and pushing that extra 10 DPS, and assume everyone is like you.


Hardcore raiders are there because they like hardcore raiding. It's not a chore for them to min/max. Just because you wanted to be a unique little butterfly and never got invited to raids on WoW because you wanted to wear a fishing hat for its looks rather than your tier piece for its min/max potential, doesn't mean everyone is the same way.

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I didn't read any of the thread, I'm just answering the question. I would at least like a personal version where I can see my own dps. Don't get me wrong, I'm really not a min/maxer, but seeing my own numbers at least pushes me to try harder.
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Also, as a follow up to my own post, I would like to say I'm betting you will not see something like this for at least one major content patch. Reason being, I've play all the empire classes up to around 20 or so. While that's not a real test by any stretch, I could definitely tell some classes put out much more DPS than others. I personally don't think that's too huge of a deal, but the second numbers get crunched you'll see a flood of players asking why x is stronger than y and demanding fixes.
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I just find it really ironic that people who are against parsers are saying it'll take the fun out of raiding.


You never consider that some people find the most fun out of min/maxing and pushing that extra 10 DPS, and assume everyone is like you.


Hardcore raiders are there because they like hardcore raiding. It's not a chore for them to min/max. Just because you wanted to be a unique little butterfly and never got invited to raids on WoW because you wanted to wear a fishing hat for its looks rather than your tier piece for its min/max potential, doesn't mean everyone is the same way.


what were you doing from 1-max level? i was testing out my abilities to see how they worked together and in different situations.

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Like I said earlier, you can really tell who the raiders and who the nonraiders are in this thread.


It's more like: You can tell who are former WoW-raiders and who are not. Because I am an avid raider in LotRO and also did some raids in RIFT and funnily enough, I didn't need a damagemeter to be successful in any of these games.

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