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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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Dalaran had 10x as many people as Republic fleet in a SMALLER area. I also ran Dalaran on 60+ fps constantly, but not the case for this game.


No excuse.


We could also break this down into what is probably the case:


1. The normal player FPS Problem


2. A SW:TOR FPS problem that plagues many machines, for no currently known reason.


It's probably a combination of both then.

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For the millionth time, he hasn't acknowledged the huge number of people with high-end systems that are having performance problems. Yeah, we know, words are hard.



That's right because it isn't a large number of people.



Out of 1 million people it's 5% or 50,000 that have problems.


Of that it is a minoirity that have high end systems ie no more then 25,000 people



25,000 people out of 1 million (if it is even that many) is NOT A HUGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE


it's less then 2.5%



Yeah I know it's hard to wrap your head around the concept that the world doesn't revolve around you.

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Also a post just to make sure everyone is aware. BioWare did not make this engine. Granted they can now edit it. They did not MAKE this engine themselves. Therefore these starting problems--if they are engine related--will not be Bioware's fault. What will be their fault though, is if they neglect to re-write parts of the engine to fix it.
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I don't know bioware, when I am standing in one place I am at like 80fps in carrick station but when I move even an inch my fps drops to like 30. That doesn't look normal to me. Only times when my fps dropped to 30 was when I was in Wintergrasp in WoW with 100+ people or waiting in IF with 500+ players waiting for something big that I don't remember. And btw, that was on my old rig, my new rig trumps my previous one in every way.
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Sure, what Ohlen said was perfectly accurate, but it doesn't address the people who have high-end rigs and still have performance issues. I've ran this on three different systems now and while it runs the best on my newest rig (core i5 @ 4.0ghz, 16gb ram, 2x6770hd in xfire), it's still no where near the performance it should be. I still have to turn off shadows and lower some other settings to get consistent performance, even in little to no population areas.


I'm not saying the game is unplayable. I'm not saying it isn't enjoyable. I'm merely saying there are definite issues with the graphics/client. BioWare has been changing graphic settings since launch trying to alleviate the situation (no high res textures...the high settings actually don't change anything at the moment, AA still isn't working, player character modeling is always low res when out of a conversation/cutscene regardless of settings). Whatever is going on, I hope they figure it out soon.


Kudos to those who are having zero issues. I'm glad it's working perfectly for you, but for some people it isn't and there's no reason fighting them in defense of BioWare (unless they are just being rude, then by all means do!)... Just be happy it works for you, and hope that it gets fixed for those of us who have capable rigs and good internet providers.



well he has addressed that in that they have a team working on the issue


However I am wondering have you tried not running it in X-fire mode even as far as removing a card? In my old rig x-fire sometimes caused games to run slower.

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Sure, what Ohlen said was perfectly accurate, but it doesn't address the people who have high-end rigs and still have performance issues. I've ran this on three different systems now and while it runs the best on my newest rig (core i5 @ 4.0ghz, 16gb ram, 2x6770hd in xfire), it's still no where near the performance it should be. I still have to turn off shadows and lower some other settings to get consistent performance, even in little to no population areas.


I'm not saying the game is unplayable. I'm not saying it isn't enjoyable. I'm merely saying there are definite issues with the graphics/client. BioWare has been changing graphic settings since launch trying to alleviate the situation (no high res textures...the high settings actually don't change anything at the moment, AA still isn't working, player character modeling is always low res when out of a conversation/cutscene regardless of settings). Whatever is going on, I hope they figure it out soon.


Kudos to those who are having zero issues. I'm glad it's working perfectly for you, but for some people it isn't and there's no reason fighting them in defense of BioWare (unless they are just being rude, then by all means do!)... Just be happy it works for you, and hope that it gets fixed for those of us who have capable rigs and good internet providers.




When it is actually playable I love this game…it’s just not very playable for me since the Friday/Saturday patch…the DC’s before then were annoying, the constant crashes since are maddening.



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I was just in fleet earlier and did some research. The lowest my FPS got was 26 but most of the time it hovered around 40. There were 196 people according to the game. I went in set the graphics to medium and didnt change anything else. This is pretty good for my older system. Edited by Leggomy
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well he has addressed that in that they have a team working on the issue


However I am wondering have you tried not running it in X-fire mode even as far as removing a card? In my old rig x-fire sometimes caused games to run slower.


Yeah, I've ran it in both modes. Same results with 1 card or 2 cards. I wasn't saying that they weren't working on it. I've been more than impressed with how BW has been patching. Just tired of the "get a new rig/yours sucks" assumption.

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Reading through the thread and all specs I notice that people mostly leave their motherboard out, makes me wonder how many spend hundreds on cpu, gpu, psu, etc. then goes ahead and stick them on a cheap crappy MB Edited by Lundli
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I wouldnt say i am having performance issues....I am getting some slightly framey performance on tython, some other places....


My fan is running like a SOB.


There are a few memory leaks i have noticed that are fixed with a restart.


I wouldnt really call them issues...i would call them slight inconveniences that really can be fixed whenever and dont cause me that much concern.


I think they are addressing things one by one. So i would suggest you make a really well written description of your problem and let them deal with it. Carrying on like a 2 year old that doesnt have their rattle wont help anyone, especially you.

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Harder does not equal different.


My computer couldn't run a Virtual Boy game, but it can run SW:TOR. Does that mean that a Virtual Boy game is harder to run than SW:TOR?


actually your PC CAN run a virtual game boy


This is fail, they are still b/claiming "low end rigs" and it has been proven that is not the case, furthermore it has been shown the issue is the engine, lies lies and more lies = fail.

Edited by shananigan
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The engine isn't optimized for multi-core processors. Nothing to do with Microsoft.


Solely based on the fact that you know this (i had absolutely no idea) would you suggest ANY kind of solution to this? Can I manually change something in my BIOS or in some setting to change this?


Why the monkey did I just buy a brand new 4 core processor.

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The article is true, OP. When the vast majority of your players don't have any problems, that makes it very difficult to diagnose the cause.


Another fact: When the vast majority of people are not having problems, and a small percentage are... it's due to user error.

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The engine isn't optimized for multi-core processors. Nothing to do with Microsoft.


Not entirely true, windows 7 scheduler is poorly optimized. Windows 8 will be better optimized for higher core counts. It was one of the Things that killed Bulldozer besides it just not being good enough.

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I have absolutely no problems. It's rare for me to drop below 60FPS.


However, I do feel the pain of those of you having problems. I played Rift for a month or two when it first came out, and I remember how frustrating it was having terrible FPS no matter what you did playing on a machine that should not be having issues. I was frequently below 20FPS in Rift, no matter where graphics settings were, and my computer managed 3x that in Crysis with ease.


It was tremendously frustrating, and one of the top three issues that drove me away from that game.

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Solely based on the fact that you know this (i had absolutely no idea) would you suggest ANY kind of solution to this? Can I manually change something in my BIOS or in some setting to change this?


Why the monkey did I just buy a brand new 4 core processor.


Because BW is trying to claim peoples PC's as the issue, when their engine is the obvious problem.


Not entirely true, windows 7 scheduler is poorly optimized. Windows 8 will be better optimized for higher core counts. It was one of the Things that killed Bulldozer besides it just not being good enough.


umm the schedular has nothing to do with multiprocessing.

if a game is not multi-thread it wouldnt matter what Os you have it will not optimize the game. windows mearly spreads the single thread over all the cores, which could never be optimized if the game engine is not.

Edited by shananigan
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Not entirely true, windows 7 scheduler is poorly optimized. Windows 8 will be better optimized for higher core counts. It was one of the Things that killed Bulldozer besides it just not being good enough.


Solution?!?! /sadface

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actually your PC CAN run a virtual game boy


This is fail, they are still b/claiming "low end rigs" and it has been proven that is not the case, furthermore it has been shown the issue is the engine, lies lies and more lies = fail.



No the article says the majority of performance issues are on low end pcs, not all of them. if only 5 percent are having performance issues that number is now 100 after 2 million sold boxes. If a minority are the high performers, 1/5 for example, that would still ber 20,000 people on the forums will great computers complaining. So its within reason that bioware is not spreading lies, its just people do not realize that 5 percent, while a small percentage, is still a huge number of people.

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