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Playing vs Pre-Mades is frustrating, disrespectful...


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Being forced to play against pre-made groups in the warzones is degrading, disrespectful, humiliating and incredibly frustrating.


There's absolutely no chance of competition. You get slaughtered faster than a mob 10 levels lower. Chain stunned, snared and knocked around like a HS football player against an NFL linebacker.


Pre-mades should only be able to play other pre-mades. This would also stop them from gaining pvp rewards to fast and further lengthening the competition gap.


I don't understand why MMO's let this happen. In WoW it got to to the point where almost half of the BG's were like this, I really hope it doesn't turn out this way in SW-TOR because it has been the last couple nights.


Also, I can't be much fun for the pre-made groups...


Definition - member of a pre-made group: A loser who doesn't have a real live or responsibilities that sits in team chat and awkwardly socializes with people they won't ever meet in real life or have any kind of meaningful relationship with....channeling all their pent up ****** frustration into a video game.




I agree with you in regards to 8 man pre mades ruining the fun for the majority of players who are casual gamers and do not coordinate on vent or teamspeak.


However, I do not want to get stuck into a bracket full of hardcore elitists only, just because I want to queue for warzones with my wife.


We would count as a "premade" since we are queueing with a group, but we certainly are not premade, and are quite casual.


I am sure many gamers are in the same situation.


Unfortunately its not as easy as saying "no premades vs pugs"


What we need to do is limit the number of premade to 4, under any conditions. Do not allow people to queue at the same time and get an 8 man premade.


4 is beatable though hard, and it does allow friends and spouses to play togeher which is a worthy sacrifice to allow that to happen. However 8 man premades can only be overcome by other 8 man premades and that is really what is unacceptable.

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That rarely ever works, at least 3-4 people on your team have to be competent or willing to listen.


A fair point, a solid team helps. I've just PvPed on games for a long time. Luck can work against you, you just have to deal with it. Ive pretty much always been better at PVP than the people around me. A lot of them don't listen and simply do there own thing.


Rather than get upset about it, I learned to get stuff done on my own. As long as my team blocks the enemies from me, they are doing there job. That's just how I evolved as a pvper.

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I love the e-gangstas in this thread. There needs to be a 50s bracket. I am ok with pvp in this game other than that. The only reason the 50s don't want a 50 bracket is it will reduce the easy wins for pre-mades. If you're 50 and want to pvp then you should seek out like minded friends and do this, but you shouldn't get to wreck lowbie pvp to increase your e-peen.



That is all.

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I am running in premades and it's just like OP says, in 95% of going against randoms cases it's a complete slaughter and laughs on Teamspeak, 5% cases we actually get annoyed here and there and have to *gasp* work for a couple of minutes.


I keep hearing those fairy tales about some pugs who beat premades, but we simply never lost to a pug and there was never a case when it was a really tight win for us vs pugs.


Yesterday there was an epic game - double premade vs a total pug. Man this was a total faceroll.

Edited by Gaidax
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Some poster mentioned pre made 8 man. How would that even work? If I queued 8 Battlemasters together, we're almost as likely to face each other as working together, and it's probably a bad idea to queue together since 4 of us can almost surely assure victory against any opposition, but if we draw each other clearly only half of us can win. No, if you got an 8 people death squad you'd try to queue them in a staggered way to minimize the chance they face each other because you don't need 8 Battlemasters to win the average WZ.


You don't need to join a guild to find people who play well. First, getting high medal counts gets you noticed, and if you know what you're doing you can get high medal counts even in a losing effort. Take note of people who seems to know what they're doing. For example, the guy who healed 350K on your team is probably a good player. If you're completely left alone and open in Huttball, try jumping in place and most people, if they see you, usually realize that means 'I'm open'. Most of PvP has a relatively simple optimize strategy that does not require communication. For example if you see 2 guys heading to attack a far turret it's usually a good idea to follow them since you've to assume a far turret is usually defended by 2 guys, and defender has an advantage (their reinforcement get their sooner). You don't need vent or even type to do this. Just follow them because most likely those 2 guys will need the help.

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I really don't want to join a group, I don't play this game to socialize with strangers I meet online. Plus I just don't have the time to join a group like this nor would I want to.


This is not a single player game. Just because you play it that way doesn't mean others need to play it YOUR way.


You joined an MMO and you whine about other people who join a group for a coordinated warzone. Are you even listening to how ridiculous that is?

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Once there is a 50s only bracket it will probably be like this. I've beaten premades too when I got lucky with a few key players. However, when you end up with 2 50s versus the premade plus a few other 50s, you're just dead.

not rlly, well if the other team has good players - yes, if it's just a bunch of geared 50's you can still win with a pug :)

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A fair point, a solid team helps. I've just PvPed on games for a long time. Luck can work against you, you just have to deal with it. Ive pretty much always been better at PVP than the people around me. A lot of them don't listen and simply do there own thing.


At that point I just go for kills, at least when I'm on my assassin. I cannot possibly carry the team with him, maybe that will change with more gear, idk.


When I'm on my scoundrel healer, I feel as long as there's 1 or 2 competent DPS on my team we have a chance.


Regardless, I still do not get a real sense of competitive PvP in this game. There needs to be some type of premade vs. premade game type.

Edited by Jaku
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I think premades won't be as big of an issue once the 50 bracket is implemented.


You have to understand that the main reason that premades win games right now is because they get 4 level 50's into the game guaranteed, not even counting the chance that the other 4 players on their team could also be level 50. With the 50 bracket we'll see how they do.


Personally, fighting premades in pugs is one of the most fun things in the game for me. Sure sometimes it's a total stomp but other times the pug is able to pull off a win and then you get to call them bad in chat, which for me is like sex.

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All the posts that say " Join a group yourself", "Join a guild that premades", etc etc



Congratulations, you are officially dumb.|



That is "forcing".

I bet your tone would change if you were "forced" to Raid PVE to get PVP gear.

I bet your tone would change if you were on the receiving end.


A pre-made in PVP should ONLY be looking to fight another pre-made. The whole point is to have organized, AND CHALLENGING pvp. All they have to do is give pre-mades a different que all-together that only pits them against OTHER pre-mades and/or give solo players the OPTION to que against formed groups IF they want to.



That way you are not FORCING solo/pugs to go against pre-mades. AND you are not removing the ability to que as a group (in reverse, FORCING groups to PUG)



Pretty much, if you think solo pvpers should be forced into a BG with pre-mades, you shouldn't be pvping in the first place, and are horribad at it already. If you want to roflstomp some solo players with organization, wait for World PVP

Edited by cloudxshadowbane
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All the posts that say " Join a group yourself", "Join a guild that premades", etc etc



Congratulations, you are officially dumb.|



That is "forcing".

I bet your tone would change if you were "forced" to Raid PVE to get PVP gear.

I bet your tone would change if you were on the receiving end.


A pre-made in PVP should ONLY be looking to fight another pre-made. The whole point is to have organized, AND CHALLENGING pvp. All they have to do is give pre-mades a different que all-together that only pits them against OTHER pre-mades and/or give solo players the OPTION to que against formed groups IF they want to.



That way you are not FORCING solo/pugs to go against pre-mades. AND you are not removing the ability to que as a group (in reverse, FORCING groups to PUG)



Pretty much, if you think solo pvpers should be forced into a BG with pre-mades, you shouldn't be pvping in the first place, and are horribad at it already. If you want to roflstomp some solo players with organization, wait for World PVP

you don't have to play warzones if you don't want to? you could also just wait til the lvl 50 brackets?

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I think premades won't be as big of an issue once the 50 bracket is implemented.


You have to understand that the main reason that premades win games right now is because they get 4 level 50's into the game guaranteed, not even counting the chance that the other 4 players on their team could also be level 50. With the 50 bracket we'll see how they do.


Personally, fighting premades in pugs is one of the most fun things in the game for me. Sure sometimes it's a total stomp but other times the pug is able to pull off a win and then you get to call them bad in chat, which for me is like sex.


Pretty much. While being level 50 is somewhat overrated, if your team starts with 4 level 50s, it still gives you a considerable edge when the enemy side might not have 4 level 50s total. Yes there are always a couple of death squads of level 50 Battlemasters that will crush any 4 random level 50s but death squads are not very common, or they wouldn't be death squads. Or, rather, in that case it'd be just as likely you end up on the side of the death squad as opposed to against if the death squad is really that common.

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Definition - member of a pre-made group: A loser who doesn't have a real live or responsibilities that sits in team chat and awkwardly socializes with people they won't ever meet in real life or have any kind of meaningful relationship with....channeling all their pent up ****** frustration into a video game.


I get off work, drive home, make dinner, have a beer. I log in to the game, have a guild group put together in less than 5 min, and queue warzones until we bored and log off. We don't even have to talk much any more, we just know what needs to be done. It isn't difficult, it isn't done a hundred hours a week.


You are clearly butt hurt and it is pretty comical to watch you thrash about in the forums because you can't find three other people with basic PVP skills to group with.


So, stop channeling all of your pent up *********** frustration into the forums and go find a guild.

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this thread stinks of MMO jocks.



Premades have a place, and they aren't in an environment where 1-50 is getting mixed together. If you are unable to see that, you may need to lay off the denial. While I tend to think the OP was wacked out on some type of Drama Drug, he makes a point, no matter how dramatic it is presented.

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I get off work, drive home, make dinner, have a beer. I log in to the game, have a guild group put together in less than 5 min, and queue warzones until we bored and log off. We don't even have to talk much any more, we just know what needs to be done. It isn't difficult, it isn't done a hundred hours a week.


You are clearly butt hurt and it is pretty comical to watch you thrash about in the forums because you can't find three other people with basic PVP skills to group with.


So, stop channeling all of your pent up *********** frustration into the forums and go find a guild.










All the posts that say " Join a group yourself", "Join a guild that premades", etc etc



Congratulations, you are officially dumb.|



That is "forcing".

I bet your tone would change if you were "forced" to Raid PVE to get PVP gear.

I bet your tone would change if you were on the receiving end.


A pre-made in PVP should ONLY be looking to fight another pre-made. The whole point is to have organized, AND CHALLENGING pvp. All they have to do is give pre-mades a different que all-together that only pits them against OTHER pre-mades and/or give solo players the OPTION to que against formed groups IF they want to.



That way you are not FORCING solo/pugs to go against pre-mades. AND you are not removing the ability to que as a group (in reverse, FORCING groups to PUG)



Pretty much, if you think solo pvpers should be forced into a BG with pre-mades, you shouldn't be pvping in the first place, and are horribad at it already. If you want to roflstomp some solo players with organization, wait for World PVP

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All the posts that say " Join a group yourself", "Join a guild that premades", etc etc



Congratulations, you are officially dumb.|



That is "forcing".

I bet your tone would change if you were "forced" to Raid PVE to get PVP gear.

I bet your tone would change if you were on the receiving end.


A pre-made in PVP should ONLY be looking to fight another pre-made. The whole point is to have organized, AND CHALLENGING pvp. All they have to do is give pre-mades a different que all-together that only pits them against OTHER pre-mades and/or give solo players the OPTION to que against formed groups IF they want to.



That way you are not FORCING solo/pugs to go against pre-mades. AND you are not removing the ability to que as a group (in reverse, FORCING groups to PUG)



Pretty much, if you think solo pvpers should be forced into a BG with pre-mades, you shouldn't be pvping in the first place, and are horribad at it already. If you want to roflstomp some solo players with organization, wait for World PVP


Speaking of dumb, look in the mirror before you write.


There is no FORCING of anything. You have a choice. If you feel you can't deal with a pre-made, guess what? You can exit that warzone with absolutely no penalty. Q up again, easy.


And I have been on the receiving end of Pre-mades plenty of times. This is including since the inception of BG's in WoW. Any intelligent MMO player will understand that is the fact of MMO life. There will always be cases where you are faced with people who group.


Once in a while I also group with 2-3 casual friends. They're not elite pvpers by any stretch. Does that make a premade? Should I then be FORCED into a premade bracket? Hypocrite much?

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You clearly DO NOT want to play a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game


If I didn't want to play with and against other people, I wouldn't pvp, would I? I enjoy playing in a team against another team. I enjoy queuing up and being thrown into a random team against another random team. I do not enjoy finding a guild that pvps, then arranging voip, then arranging times to be online together, then steamrolling poor solo players for hours every day.


However, if premades and solo players were separated, with premade players given a ranking system and some extra rewards for their extra effort, I would do both. I would find a pvp guild and do premades sometimes, and sometimes I would solo queue.


Explain to me how I don't want to play a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game again?

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This is actually kinda funny. I really don't have a problem with 50 brackets - that seems perfectly fair. But not allowing people to queue with their friends is just stupid.


And frankly, even when they implement 50 brackets, solo queuers are just going to get farmed even worse by the premades. The best "equalizer" right now when you're facing a premade of 4 level 50s is to hope that they get saddled with 4 level 10-20 solo queuers. Bottom line, if you want to PvP competitively in this game, do so as a team. Competitive PvP is not a solo activity.

Edited by raelimar
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Speaking of dumb, look in the mirror before you write.


There is no FORCING of anything. You have a choice. If you feel you can't deal with a pre-made, guess what? You can exit that warzone with absolutely no penalty. Q up again, easy.


And I have been on the receiving end of Pre-mades plenty of times. This is including since the inception of BG's in WoW. Any intelligent MMO player will understand that is the fact of MMO life. There will always be cases where you are faced with people who group.


Once in a while I also group with 2-3 casual friends. They're not elite pvpers by any stretch. Does that make a premade? Should I then be FORCED into a premade bracket? Hypocrite much?


Ahh what it means to be young.


Nothing in that statement even made sense or made anything I say turn me into a Hypocrite.

But in light of you inability to read correctly, I will bite for simple amusement.


Is anyone forcing you to PVP in a group? with those 3 friends?


PUG pvp is just as much a part of every mmo as pre-made. If you want to pre-made. Go to world PVP. Something that can be avoided easily. Dailies require both.



/Repeat what you quoted from me

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Really? I mean, really?? Get a group together or join a guild that does PvP.



And actually, I need to edit you a bit here.


Definition - member of a pre-made group: A person who has superior organizational skills, usually with friends he knows in real life and enjoys some extra time with them on mumble. They like to hook up and have some drinks on the weekends at least 3-4 times a year. They are pals. They don't get frustrated, because due to their ability to coordinate and fight as a team, they win fights.


There, I fixed that for you.


i go drinking each weekend with my friends, and play swtor with them

so if we group up we are no (semi)premade ?! :(

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If you re lvl 50 and can't even get a few players to play with you, you have to hope that there actually exists players on your team that can at least a little bit socialize and make a group:rolleyes:


It's not forceing - you can play alone can you? you can also win in a pug vs a premade, at least i can (sometimes....)

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Ahh what it means to be young.


Nothing in that statement even made sense or made anything I say turn me into a Hypocrite.

But in light of you inability to read correctly, I will bite for simple amusement.


Is anyone forcing you to PVP in a group? with those 3 friends?


PUG pvp is just as much a part of every mmo as pre-made. If you want to pre-made. Go to world PVP. Something that can be avoided easily. Dailies require both.



/Repeat what you quoted from me


Nothing is forcing you to stay in the WZ vs a premade. Every MMO with PVP has always given an advantage to coordination and teamwork. Premades stomp pugs in every game.


This won't change and I'm sorry but you're going to get rolled until you join a guild that is half-way organized.

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