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Operative PvP video 10k crits. WOW


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9928 crit fillowed by a 6630 crit. Oh no not strong at all. I'm sure any class can pull this damage off.


You do realize that people who make videos like this just find it extremely hilarious they have such a huge advantage and only have to press 3 buttons to kill anyone, then restealthing and healing themself :D


Yeah and it was against a level 26... what do you expect?

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Looks like he is wearing pve gear? So he is going to have more cunning than with pvp gear typically, he has a 15% marauder buff, 2x 15% expertise buffs and from the looks of it, he is stimmed up the ***. If you use all of the above versus someone else that does not have expertise, it is totally possible and tbh, not worth crying over.




How to fix it?


A: Make some sort of negative aspect for the 15% expertise buffs (like WoWs berserking buff - 30% more daamge, 15% more damage taken) so it is not too much of a bonus and have no negative. Also, make it so the one you pick up and consumable are not stackable.


B: Change stims so they cannot be used in warzones OR make other professions have some sort of bonus that can be used in pvp as well (passive or not - ie: cybertech grenades).


C: Tweak Expertise so it is more like resiliance in WoW - it reduces crit chance and overall damage taken by players, but it doesnt INCREASE your damage.


I think c is the biggest problem right now. Players without expertise are being completely obliterated because they not only do less damage to players WITH resiliance, they are taking MORE too. The idea that expertise will cancel itself out amongst equally geared players is a good idea, but it makes getting expertise whhile other players have it painful and a little absurd, tbh.

Edited by Slickerpunk
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Oh look, operatives saying operatives aren't overpowered. Oh yeah, nearly 1 hitting enemys with an opener directly out of stealth knocking them down aswell isn't overpowered at all. The fact they can even do this is self explanatory that they should be nerfed, big time.


Ohplease, by the way, stop defending a class you so like to abuse yourself. Yes, that's what it is, abusing. 10k crits. Nuff said.


Its not the CLASS that is overpowered, its the buffs and consumable, if you pit a green geared operative vs a green geared trooper for example. It would be anyones guess who wins. But if you pit a full epic operative, that has every consumable on in the game at the same time hitting a lvl 13 consular then he is going to get super high damage. IF you pit a lvl 50 epic operative vs a lvl 50 epic jedi sentinel and neither have consumables then it's still anyones guess who wins.


You need to think a bit more before you cry out nerf and think why are they doing 10k crit when a green geared lvl 50 Operative is lucky to get a 2 - 3k crit with the same attack.

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WOW! A single Operative manage to build/stim/adrenal himself to hit 10k and EVERY OPERATIVE MUST BE NERFED!!1111


Some are calling for a nerf on the stims and adrenals instead of nerfing classes, and expertise. Isn't it expensive to buy all that stuff just to try and win a warzone?

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Ohplease, by the way, stop defending a class you so like to abuse yourself. Yes, that's what it is, abusing. 10k crits. Nuff said.


All those really big hit where on sub level 40s. Any level 50 with top gear and buffs can do that - and ranged classes can do it from range!!. We already know expertise and buffs give level 50s a massively unfiar advantage.

Edited by da_krall
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If you get a huge surge buff, and you crit, you'll do high damage when you also bypass armor. The ralic for example, pop that and anything else you can get your hands on give you that 20 secs to do your thing. To hit that high a damge is the result of high end gear meets low level.


I'm a battlemaster rank myself and i've done nothing but pvp. The general feel is that ranged dps is bit too much. JK sweap for example, you can't come close even with all the buff on. The trade off is that it's aoe and not single target.

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As for the trooper, 3.5k agsinst geared 50's is just nasty man. I've gotten gunned down by them myself. You could drop someone with 5k hp in 5 GCDs without ever getting near them. Most peole have no idea what is hitting them until it's too late, especially if you're fighting someone else.


I've definitely taken three or 3-4K shots in a row from range and never saw the person until it was too late. Many times actually.


Against non tank light armor wearer, as soon as you meet someone with shields, which is pretty much everyone including sorcs, the damage will drop considerably. The buffs only lasts for 12 or so seconds after applying the buffs, and you have to eat through the shield, which takes about 2-3 hits which is 5,6 seconds of that becouse of troopers crappy "damage after animation" bugg. So you have about 3 hits left to do any damage, and those with shields wont take 3,5k damage, more like 2k-2,5k, and those shields have a really short cooldown. Its a HUGE differance between hitting a expertise geared 50 and a normal geared 50.

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Some are calling for a nerf on the stims and adrenals instead of nerfing classes, and expertise. Isn't it expensive to buy all that stuff just to try and win a warzone?


Biochem has infinite reusable potions, adrenals, and stims. Its such an OP profession I dropped Armormech for it. >_>

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Thank you for proving my point. If they were so OP, then you should never beat them, right? When do Scrappers and their Operative counterparts win? When they have all their cooldowns available. When do you win? Shocker, when you have all your cooldowns available. Sounds like balance to me.


Bottom line is that Scrappers are 1 trick ponies, without that trick, guess what, they're nothing.


You're 7k crit ability also can be repeated. Scrappers get 1 big ability and it has to be used from stealth and completely fills up the opponents resolve bar.


No he cannot, demolition round has 15 sec cooldown, you need to use 3 grav rounds before it, which takes 4,5 seconds (more actually due to trooper damage/animation crap)

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enough said


@daphnialexandru I really don't care. I hope it does get nerfed. I don't believe it's balanced and I don't think the level of buff stacking is acceptable. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Also, I kill plenty of level 50s without using relics or adrenals too including another operative with good pvp gear. It's not easy to get clips of 1v2s or 1v3s against 50s the way the brackets work right now and also the layouts of the maps.


CallowPvP 46 minutes ago


from the player himself in the vid, Shock horror.


Lets be realistic, I have NEVER been killed on my 50 assassin by any other class 1v1 during the opener phase....... the knock down/stun/ or any other form off cc initiation spell to be more precise. But wait for it, these rules seemingly do not apply to the operative/smuggler. Hell, my own 2 second pitiful damaged opener is garbage... They however are the only class whom seemingly have this rare ability which according to any operative/smuggler, is working well within reason.


Sure, I'm only half champ gear but come on. Others who apparently have full champ gear and are tanks to say the least, experience this apparent strange phenomenon as the majority who post here. I think its time this class acknowledges this clear imbalance and be realistic for a second.


I read a post where someone stated that people cry nerf, but never offer solutions. Well, here's one, remove acid blade, the proc'd effect which reduces the targets armour by 50%. They will still get huge crits without it like every other class, more so with their huge crit chance, but their crits become normalized and within reason.


God... If my assassin had a proc'd percentage based armour debuff.......


Having not played the class and basing my opinion of it through playing against them and through reading how full champ tanks are getting rolled, this is the obvious nerf. Armour factor clearly means nothing to this class.


If my understanding of how their armour debuff works is way off, please correct me.

Edited by mcGowd
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so i came across this on youtube this morning... operative destroying highly geared opponents, critting for nearly 10,000, topping wz dmg by over double 2nd place.. ridiculous.


pretty good editing too.



lol @ "operative destroying highly geared opponents" then everyone is lvl 30

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The player himself admits it is borked.


It is borked.


I, like many of you, was VERY skeptical that any class was honestly OP, because forumtards like to whine all day about. Just for some background, I'm a always #1 (on my team) deception sin that never gets less than 7 medals a game, I have over 500 expertise. I don't find troopers overpowered, or consulars, or any of the classes you'll see complained about. But I'm sorry, the operative openers are too strong. It's not even the CLASS, it's the OPENERS.


99% of operatives suck. But the ones that don't, **** even me. Now, I do very very well in 1v1. There are very few people on my server that can beat me in a fair fight. But the other day I pissed off an operative and he stalked me for an entire warzone. I have 15k hp, 14% defense, and 26% absorb. He 3-4 shot me about 7-8 times in one game. I got to attack back for about 2 attacks on average. The only way I ever killed him was to watch him **** an ally and then assjam his fight.


I'm not a gray lowbie, I am a very nasty assassin, and I get 3-4 shot without being able to move.

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The player himself admits it is borked.


It is borked.


I, like many of you, was VERY skeptical that any class was honestly OP, because forumtards like to whine all day about. Just for some background, I'm a always #1 (on my team) deception sin that never gets less than 7 medals a game, I have over 500 expertise. I don't find troopers overpowered, or consulars, or any of the classes you'll see complained about. But I'm sorry, the operative openers are too strong. It's not even the CLASS, it's the OPENERS.


99% of operatives suck. But the ones that don't, **** even me. Now, I do very very well in 1v1. There are very few people on my server that can beat me in a fair fight. But the other day I pissed off an operative and he stalked me for an entire warzone. I have 15k hp, 14% defense, and 26% absorb. He 3-4 shot me about 7-8 times in one game. I got to attack back for about 2 attacks on average. The only way I ever killed him was to watch him **** an ally and then assjam his fight.


I'm not a gray lowbie, I am a very nasty assassin, and I get 3-4 shot without being able to move.


Operative opens on you

cc break

Force cloak - immune to damage for 3 seconds



3 seconds are up

low slash

if he cc breaks then stun and go to town

if he doesn't force potency+relic project+shadowstrike/force breach

spinning strike to finish him off


don't think most operatives are gonna be able to kill you in the time it takes you to force breach/spinning strike.

Edited by Paganini
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Operative opens on you


Force cloak - immune to damage for 3 seconds



3 seconds are up

low slash

if he trinkets then stun and go to town

if he doesn't force potency+relic project+shadowstrike/force breach

spinning strike to finish him off


don't think most operatives are gonna be able to kill you in the time it takes you to force breach/spinning strike.


So you need to trinket vs a class to stand a chance? Are you serious? No, thats not imbalanced. pft lmao

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