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Ninjas - why do they still do it?


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Because you can....


There are no manners in a fantasy game, you have a visual pixilated guy playing a game, the idea of a game is to win.


Are bluffer in Poker called liars?


Are defensive safety's in football, violent assault criminals because they hit someone?


The game has set up rules to play by and thats how its done.


"How dare you try and kill another pixeled player"!... EA, It's in the game! Thats their moto.


Stop crying about people not being nice to you in fantasy life.

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I never would ninja a item drop from a flashpoint and so on , but really , chests and world map objects , i sometimes take sometimes i dont , usually i dont have this problem , i play with a sith assassin to begin with , i usually dont fight mobs to do the mission , only the bonus.
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This has come up before on the "I can do anything I want" because I play on an RP server, and experienced RP'ers gave their "No, that's not the way it works" answer.


Game mechanics are not RP'ing. There is a difference between RP'ing your "Character" and the actions of *you* the player using game mechanics. Short answer: RP'ing doesn't justify being a D-bag. Also think of it this way: RP is a mutually consensual process. If both parties aren't into it, it ain't RP, it's harrassment.


I think I'll have to disagree with this one. Plus it's not even close to harrassment. If anything it's you out smarting the other player by making them do all the work for you while you take what they so coveted right from under them as they stand there helpless. Kinda makes the game feel more real. Welcome to space where anything can happen. Lol.

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I actually got called names for preventing someone from ninjaing a quest objective. Jumped in, started wailing on the mobs, saw what he was up to so I just took it mid combat. :D


The name calling was amusing anyway.


How can you ninja a quest objective? In a couple seconds itll just pop back up. This makes no sense.

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I've run into KS'rs and ninjas since I started playing EQ in 98-99. Long ago, I learned that it's not worth the emotional investment to worry about them, as I figure they are just sassy children. The world will hand them the consequences of their actions if they carry these bad attitudes into real life, and I assume that they do. I just keep playing, a couple of extra kills isn't a big deal. However...ninja a rare item or something that took some time to get, and I'll kill ya. :wea_12:
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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it? They could at least wait a few seconds to see if that's what the fighting player is going after. I've had this happen to me many times in this game already.






One word answer for that question.





What does that mean? Being rude and inconsiderate in a game won't cause harm to the antagonist. There are also no psychological or tangible ties to the victimized player that could cause remorse.


As a result of the above it is much more common and accepted by some(unfortunately) than in real life.


Currently the only civil way to resolve this right now is to put them on /ignore to avoid them socially. Shouting at them in General chat or /whispers could cause unwanted attention in the form of a suspension or ban.

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Do unto others before they do unto you?


Is that the idea?


unfortunately thats pretty much what most of the "community" think. and explains why its so poor.



Personally I dont ninja nodes and stuff, I would not like it done to me, so I dont get any pleasure from annoying someone else.


People forget that its no just a character in a computer game, its another person there. Mind you, a whole section of the "community" take pleasure in purposefully ganking lower levels just to make them log off in frustration.


Humans are in general total ***** and unfortunately MMOs bring out the worst in most of them.


Just shove them on ignore, and shrug it off. Hopefully if enough people do that, they will start to wonder why no one ever responds to their calls for a group....

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Geesh, I hate to be blunt, but some of the people in this thread are ridiculous acting like "ninjas" are the spawn of Satan. Saying "I hope they get there's!" isn't really the right way to go about it.


I have yet to have anyone shout at me, but sometimes I do, in fact, take quest objectives and nodes if someone is fighting nearby, even if they might possibly need it. The simple fact of the matter is that these things are EVERYWHERE. I just wasted 30 seconds of your time getting a quest objective, my last one, when you have 7 to go and there are 8 flashing objectives around the room.


The people hating hardcore on ninjas are a bit self-centered themselves. Trust me, it works both ways. Stop thinking "OMG what a 12-year old CHILD I hope the world hates him and I bet he's a jerk in real life!" and man up, don't assume the worst and fume about something you could never affect even if it were true, and keep playing.


What's a matter with people? You get something "stolen" and start fantasizing about the guy being this huge 12-year old jerk in real life and hoping that he's hated by everyone? My gosh.

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Geesh, I hate to be blunt, but some of the people in this thread are ridiculous acting like "ninjas" are the spawn of Satan. Saying "I hope they get there's!" isn't really the right way to go about it.


I have yet to have anyone shout at me, but sometimes I do, in fact, take quest objectives and nodes if someone is fighting nearby, even if they might possibly need it. The simple fact of the matter is that these things are EVERYWHERE. I just wasted 30 seconds of your time getting a quest objective, my last one, when you have 7 to go and there are 8 flashing objectives around the room.


The people hating hardcore on ninjas are a bit self-centered themselves. Trust me, it works both ways. Stop thinking "OMG what a 12-year old CHILD I hope the world hates him and I bet he's a jerk in real life!" and man up, don't assume the worst and fume about something you could never affect even if it were true, and keep playing.


What's a matter with people? You get something "stolen" and start fantasizing about the guy being this huge 12-year old jerk in real life and hoping that he's hated by everyone? My gosh.


apply your logic to you.


If these things are EVERYWHERE why no just go to the next one?


You spend an extra 30 secs, however if you do this to him, and the next person does it and the next he may end up spending 20mins trying to complete the quest.


Are you so self entitled and impatient you cant thing of someone else first?

You are a jerk, face up to it, dont hide behind self justification, man up to what you are. you place your own instant gratification above that of the person who is working to clear that mob to get the node/chest/objective.


As someone once said, the true person is not the one we allow others to see, its the one we are when no one else is looking.

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apply your logic to you.


If these things are EVERYWHERE why no just go to the next one?


You spend an extra 30 secs, however if you do this to him, and the next person does it and the next he may end up spending 20mins trying to complete the quest.


Are you so self entitled and impatient you cant thing of someone else first?

You are a jerk, face up to it, dont hide behind self justification, man up to what you are. you place your own instant gratification above that of the person who is working to clear that mob to get the node/chest/objective.


As someone once said, the true person is not the one we allow others to see, its the one we are when no one else is looking.


Consider the fact I didn't realize you needed it or even thought that you needed it. I'm not going to have a guilty complex walking away wondering, "Oh man, I hope that Gunslinger wasn't into Artifice!"


This is what I'm talking about. You assume I'm a jerk yet know nothing about me. If one random, most of the time accidental, occurrence is enough to make a player in an online MMO exhibit real anger and hate towards another player over a crafting node/objective in what amounts to a simple game, they are the ones with an attitude problem and an extremely short fuse. I've never had any problems with ninjas in this game. If someone takes an objective I'm fighting beside I figured that guy needed it more than I did and go on to the next one. Everyone needs the objectives/nodes/etc. to advance, who am I to get angry if one is taken nearby?

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To be honest the so called ninja who is 12 and is spoiled in real life as some of you like to think. Is more than likely a 25+ year old who is a pushover in real life and probably totally considerate of all those around him/her. But on video games they get to act out and go nuts!! Which brings us back to the point. It's just a video game. Not real life you can do anything long as it doesn't violate the TOS/rules of the game.





Edit: and fluffy burrito I totally agree with you.

Edited by bobbyisrael
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To be honest the so called ninja who is 12 and is spoiled in real life as some of you like to think. Is more than likely a 25+ year old who is a pushover in real life and probably totally considerate of all those around him/her. But on video games they get to act out and go nuts!! Which brings us back to the point. It's just a video game. Not real life you can do anything long as it doesn't violate the TOS/rules of the game.


Exactly. It's just a game. Who is the bad guy? Some person who took a node next to you, or the angry person spending the next 20 minutes sending him curse-filled tells telling him he hopes he gets banned?


In reality there's no ninja activity in this game that is going to injure your character to the point of no return. It's not as if someone is going to follow you around taking stuff, it's a random occurrence and they probably don't realize you needed it. (Camera angels, bonus objective part you're on that he's not, etc.)

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Consider the fact I didn't realize you needed it or even thought that you needed it. I'm not going to have a guilty complex walking away wondering, "Oh man, I hope that Gunslinger wasn't into Artifice!"


This is what I'm talking about. You assume I'm a jerk yet know nothing about me. If one random, most of the time accidental, occurrence is enough to make a player in an online MMO exhibit real anger and hate towards another player over a crafting node/objective in what amounts to a simple game, they are the ones with an attitude problem and an extremely short fuse. I've never had any problems with ninjas in this game. If someone takes an objective I'm fighting beside I figured that guy needed it more than I did and go on to the next one. Everyone needs the objectives/nodes/etc. to advance, who am I to get angry if one is taken nearby?


I know all I need to about you.


What did you think they were doing next to that node? Did you ask them?


And by your post you obviously do consider this.



I dont get angry, to be honest I kind of feel sorry for you. I'll shrug it off but if I see you do it again, and you will, its welcome to my ignore list.




Its this kind of attitude which has wrecked on line communities and MMO communities in general, why players resent others in the same area as them. Its partly bad game design, but its also bad attitude by players.

Edited by Cameirus
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Why do people feel it's still reasonable to walk right past someone fighting some mobs guarding a security chest or gathering node and just take it? They could at least wait a few seconds to see if that's what the fighting player is going after. I've had this happen to me many times in this game already.





The worst ones are the d-bags whose idea of "soloing" a open-world heroic quest is to follow a group around and tag kills and steal nodes/objectives while the group is in combat. I had one guy do this on Belsavis while the group I was in was running through a 4-man heroic quest. He even got some of my groupmates killed by pulling mobs aside from those that were in the groups we were fighting. Eventually, we just stopped as he pulled to watch him die and laugh at him before sticking him onto our ignore lists. Seriously, the thought processes of some of these @#%@#$#'s is just staggering to a normal person.

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I think I'll have to disagree with this one. Plus it's not even close to harrassment. If anything it's you out smarting the other player by making them do all the work for you while you take what they so coveted right from under them as they stand there helpless. Kinda makes the game feel more real. Welcome to space where anything can happen. Lol.


In the old world MuDs, one could honestly roleplay a punk, because there was always the chance of getting PKed for their actions. Not here. The first rule of RPing an evil character is not to do it in situations where the target player has no recourse to your actions, because the result is hardly roleplay.

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In the old world MuDs, one could honestly roleplay a punk, because there was always the chance of getting PKed for their actions. Not here. The first rule of RPing an evil character is not to do it in situations where the target player has no recourse to your actions, because the result is hardly roleplay.



Well the new rules esthablished by the council of rp'ers in June of 09 strictly states that one CAN in fact ninja if that player is indeed RPing a character with those type of characteristics

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Haven't seen to many ninjas.


I just hate when people don't say thank you for saving their life. I'll stand there till I get one.


Also, people not pointing out Lore. A simple /s Lore over here, will do.


I guess I'm just to nice.

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well, I do it because I honestly don't care if that player takes longer to complete his quest. I want to finish my quest. I get it too, I've literally had to sit in front of a console waiting to destroy it because the 3 or 4 people who came after me happen to have a better latency and destroy the console before I could.


The thing is if you're so careful about being friendly to people you're going to be spending a lot of time watching other people grab that last node you want. I'm not saying you should go out of your way to do it but I'm fine with it happening to me if I can do it to others.


That is the weakest excuse one could say. Just because other people are jerks, doesn't make it alright. Personally, I make a mental note of their name and make sure I don't group with them or help losers like ninja-looters in any way.

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Actually, I'm guessing a few of those ninjas are here on the forums complaining of how hard it is to get a group, I've put everyone of the ninjas I've met on my ignorelist (quite a big list by now) and they've been refused access to quite a number of groups I've tanked/healed for, revenge is sweet :D


Good for you. I am many of them are posting how much an oLFG tool is needed.

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