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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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You think the only way to get a group is to A) get dropped in one with a random tool... or B) spam general...


Wonder which one of us is really the idiot here. You want to play a multiplayer game where none of the other players matter at all. Maybe single player games would be better for you.

nah, he's probably just in the same boat I'm in: I like pugging with random people and being social. I think all you cliquish people who stick with the same group of people all the time are extremely antisocial.
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Yes it is. It's exactly what happened there and I really don't want to see that here.


Nope. They added a LFR tool with nerfed content so everyone could see the content they spent month building. The LFG tool generally had a gear level requirement and put you in the same exact content you were seeing before, just easier to get groups. Stop spreading lies.

Edited by Buur
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Yes it is. It's exactly what happened there and I really don't want to see that here.
No, you said that it has to be done that way; that's simply not true, just like he said.


The fact that the game was revamped to make it more casual friendly in cataclysm is irrelevant.

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Now this is a straw man. Making it easier to get groups doesn't have to lead to nerfed flashpoint content. Flashpoint content should be hard, not getting a group. This distinction is important to this argument.


It may not HAVE to... but I guarantee you it will. The moment the forums start getting flooded with people crying about how their random group of people who have never played together and have no coordination can't complete such and such instance and how unfair it is, you're going to see nerfs and it will continue until those people shut up. After all, they pay their $15 a month too and they're entitled... It's the same argument every single time.

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You think the only way to get a group is to A) get dropped in one with a random tool... or B) spam general...


Wonder which one of us is really the idiot here. You want to play a multiplayer game where none of the other players matter at all. Maybe single player games would be better for you.


Guilds is of course the best option, but I see so many declines in member-logons and there are tons of threads about it. So that's kinda hard aswell. Talked to a lot of people I've grouped with in zones for these group-quests and they all say they have trouble getting guildmates to join because members are declining all over.


Maybe it's turining into a singleplayer-game wether we like to or not. *shrug*

Sorry for calling you an idiot, that was rude and pointless.

Edited by Astron_
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It's not needed because it's a new game. There are players in most all areas to group with, players willing to do all content. Once the game gets older (say, a few years), and people are not willing to do certain content, and lower level areas are completely empty (whose idea was it to make PQs almost mandatory?), then the LFG tool will be needed, to ensure the content is still done.
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Its needed for people not in guilds. Spamming fleet chat is only catching a subset of the player base and on the later planets with their orbital stations is just a PITA to travel to. My high~ish level healer can't get groups anymore as most high level players are running with their guilds. Planets are basically empty even at prime time (~40 players on Hoth)


I've run a number of groups as DPS in WoW via LFD, my good runs outnumber bad runs 10 to 1. If you're tank/heals that number should be higher as you have more influence on the group. I don't see bad groups as a significant barrier to block a LFG tool in SWTOR.

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nah, he's probably just in the same boat I'm in: I like pugging with random people and being social. I think all you cliquish people who stick with the same group of people all the time are extremely antisocial.


Right... because being dropped in a group of random people you've never talked to is being social...


Opposite world is opposite!


I might even take your point if people actually conversed or socialized when they use LFD tools to drop them into their random, but they almost universally don't. They just want to rush to the last boss for their loot. And if they can't get that loot because their random friends are coordinated enough to finish the instance, they'll come here crying about how the content is too hard and how unfair it is that they can't get their goodies.


>>>Insert nerfs here.

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It may not HAVE to... but I guarantee you it will. The moment the forums start getting flooded with people crying about how their random group of people who have never played together and have no coordination can't complete such and such instance and how unfair it is, you're going to see nerfs and it will continue until those people shut up. After all, they pay their $15 a month too and they're entitled... It's the same argument every single time.


You do know spamming general chat doesn't lead to coordinate groups either. Running with people you know if obviously the optimum way to do it but you have an issue with pugs in general, not LFD finder.

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.


LFG didn't kill wow.


And swtor's LFG wont be like WoW's LFG.


And it is hard to get groups for many people.


When LFG comes here you aren't forced to use it. And trust me it is coming.

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I played WoW for 5 years. Groups were great. You had a crapload of people in the same zone, general chat was vibrant and you had no trouble finding groups. Then a LFG tool was introduced and getting groups became much easier. At the same time it killed the old feeling of the dungeons, much for the reasons you mentioned.


I've played this game for 20 days. Groups are nonexistent. Zones are extremely sharded, general chat doesn't exist other than for the LFG spam and on the republic side it's extremely hard to find groups. A LFG tool is very much needed, one possible reason could be that the balance of EMPIRE/REPUBLIC is extremely lopsided.


So in regards to a LFG, I say hell yes.

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.


I agree.

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Guilds is of course the best option, but I see so many declines in member-logons and there are tons of threads about it. So that's kinda hard aswell. Talked to a lot of people I've grouped with in zones for these group-quests and they all say they have trouble getting guildmates to join because members are declining all over.


Maybe it's turining into a singleplayer-game wether we like to or not. *shrug*

Sorry for calling you an idiot, that was rude and pointless.


No worries. I'm a little too thick skinned to be hurt by it. I've been called way worse =P


I do see your point. My guild is currently not really facing attrition, but I'm actually a little surprised by that. There's going to be some people who bought the game and played for a while and decided that it wasn't for them. Personally, I LOVE the game. Most of the issues (not all) that I have with the game are getting fixed in patch 1.1


In any case, you're probably going to get your way. Bioware has already stated that they've considered a deeper tool for LFD, but that they are waiting until more people are higher on the levelling curve. Personally, I hope that they don't go too far with it, and definitely don't make it cross-server...

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i never had ANY problem whatsoever to find a group for something, start asking people and stop beeing lazy


This! In beta-now, never did I wait for a Heroic I wanted to do. Your General chat is all the "LFG" tool needed.

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"I don't have a problem, so the problem doesn't exist."


Your argument is invalid.


I don't get why people keep making this argument. Even if you don't have any problems finding groups isn't the vast amount of these threads and the word of countless other players enough evidence to convince you that other people do have trouble finding groups?

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You do know spamming general chat doesn't lead to coordinate groups either. Running with people you know if obviously the optimum way to do it but you have an issue with pugs in general, not LFD finder.


I'm not fond of pugs, that's true... But I play a LOT (I'm homebound) and I have a 50 and several smaller toons. I'm kind of forced to pug sometimes. My guild just doesn't have enough people to satisfy my gaming addiction. I find a lot of people close to the heroic 2+ or 4 and ask them directly if they're interested in doing it. Most of the time I get a positive response. Sometimes I skip one or two because I level past it. My friends list is growing... and... unlike in WoW, my ignore list is actually much smaller than my friends list.


I LIKE this game... A LOT. I don't want to see it turned into a lobby game, ala WoW.

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great.


I'm playing it for 3 and a half years now. No they weren't.



Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one.


Before the LFG tool there were times where groups wouldn't even materialize or they would break apart before you filled the last spot. It sometimes required you hours to look for group members. Now with the tool it might be a bit harder to keep groups together - everyone using the tool can see, that sometimes members frequently leave the group and you have to look for a replacement - but: the tool makes it easier to refill that spot. Sometimes you are getting a new member immediately. Before the LFG tool, when someone left the group - which also happened back then - you had to look again for maybe 30-60 minutes, sometimes even longer, and sometimes without any success to fill that spot.


After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


People always acted like that. Maybe the number of unfriendly people increased, but you had ninja looters back then just as well.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.


Game is out a month now. Wait 7 years, see how easy it'll be to find a group for low level dungeons. See how much you'll like spending hours looking for a group.

Edited by Nindoriel
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What is so "socializing" about spamming LFM BBQ ? If I want to socialize I talk to people Im mutually interested in, and I think non-problematic group finding is actually helping that, because it just means I get to "meet" more people than on general chat. I think they should implement server wide channels aswell easy finder for people who wants to be more efficient with their time spent ingame. That way those who want to just experience content have easy way to do so and people who prefer picking other party members according to their taste and preferences can use LFG channel.

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I don't get why people keep making this argument. Even if you don't have any problems finding groups isn't the vast amount of these threads and the word of countless other players enough evidence to convince you that other people do have trouble finding groups?


Because if some people aren't having any problem at all, and other people can't manage it... then those other people aren't doing something right.


Maybe... just maybe... there are more ways to get a group going besides spamming general or getting dropped into a random group with a finder...


If other people are doing it with no problem, then why can't you..?

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