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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Bioware, please be aware this is not sufficient at getting groups for a lot of players. We need a LFG tool.

Edited by Moricthian
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Actually what is arrogant and selfish are the people who want instant gratification and a dumbed down game so that they can cruise through content that should be a bit of a challenge.
Who's asking for that?


I mean, I haven't seen anyone who's Pro lfg tool asking for that.


Istant gratification? No, they want to be able to play the and get groups for specific cotent in a reasonable amount of time


Dumbed down? No, I don't think anyone who's looking for an lfg tool is asking for that.


Arrogant and selfish is wanting a lobby game so they don't have to be bothered to talk to people in the game.
Noone's asking for a lobby game.


Not that there's anything wrong with playing it as such, if that's what floats your boat.



Not saying that's you, but that describes the vast majority of the people who want that tool,
False statement. The vast majority want nothing of the sort.


You're saying I'm selfish because I don't want the game changed
Yes, if you want the game to not be changed to accommodate other people's playing styles... that's selfish.


you're being just as selfish for wanting to change the game into something that YOU want.
false statement. I don't want to change the game into anything. I want the game to remain the same, and additional tools to be added to support the way that I'd like to play it. You're free to continue playing exactly the same game. Edited by ferroz
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You should really learn what that word means if you're going to use it.


Actually, the person I quoted is, since he's disagreeing with a person who says that it isn't.


So, not a straw man.


Not really. I like socializing with people; there's hardly anyone around when I'm playing, so my opportunities are limited.


There are the people who like socializing, are too shy to spam random people (since it's kind of rude) but are fine chatting it up with people they're matched with in a matching system.


There are the people who like socializing, but the people they wind up knowing who are on at the time just aren't the right roles to do anything meaningful; say, 2 tanks and a dps, none of which with a heal ability or companion.


that's 3 easy counterexamples of people who really like socializing with people but are still having trouble finding people to do things with.


I understand what a strawman is, and you people constantly making the claim that anyone who doesn't want the WoW-type LFG tool thinks that spamming general is socializing is a HUGE strawman. So many people in this thread have used it, and I have yet to see even one single person claim that spamming a LF1M message in the general chat constitues socializing.


And most of the people here crying about not being able to find groups sure as hell don't have a problem being completely rude on the forums... Why would they be so timid and afraid to send a short tell to someone to see if they wanted to run something..?


Once again, if you guys spent half the time as you do complaining in the forums in the game making contacts with people who like to group, you'd have enough people to group with for the life of this game and probably into the next game too.


All I see is a lot of lame excuses as to why it's too hard, and it's a thin veil for their real desire for easy faceroll insta-runs.

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Stop trying to defend a useless lfg tool. The fact that these threads get so long shows u that it doesn't work. How many people need to point this out to you before u listen?


The thread is only long because it's being prolonged by people who don't understand some simple things.


For example, Liathan clearly didn't know about the "LFG" point. Yet that's an extremely useful function if you're going to set up groups. How can you even comment on the LFG system if you don't know about it?


So, again, if there's a fault with BW, it's in not being more informative about what the existing LFG tool CAN do.


So yeah, the LFG tool could do with some improvements, but it actually does the job required of it, if you know what it can do.

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When I saw the title of this thread my first thoughts were, "**** YOU!"


I didn't mean it to be offensive but that's how I felt. World Of Warcrafts greatest UI tool was actually the LFG system, before the LFG system I hadn't done half of the instances and I've was a player since vinella. Then this LFG tool system came up and wow I can actually wait 15mins and get automaticly into a game, score!


The same things happening with SWTOR, I haven't done most of the flashpoints because I begin "/1 LFG (flashpoint)" 45 minutes later and I'm posting the same **** again! Too many people are off questing to care about the flashpoints and it's a shame because they are really cool... I've been in the first couple mainly because I know a few friends that play this game.


I want the LFG system because I actually want to do Flashpoints! I'm actually rather angry at this thread because it's annoying to hear this, "LFG system ruined WoW because WoW was so much better back before hand", "LFG system is really bad socially because you end up getting some noob and it ruins it!" -Shut up, just shut up!

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Who's asking for that?


I mean, I haven't seen anyone who's Pro lfg tool asking for that.


Istant gratification? No, they want to be able to play the and get groups for specific cotent in a reasonable amount of time


Dumbed down? No, I don't think anyone who's looking for an lfg tool is asking for that.


Noone's asking for a lobby game.


Not that there's anything wrong with playing it as such, if that's what floats your boat.



False statement. The vast majority want nothing of the sort.


Yes, if you want the game to not be changed to accommodate other people's playing styles... that's selfish.


false statement. I don't want to change the game into anything. I want the game to remain the same, and additional tools to be added to support the way that I'd like to play it. You're free to continue playing exactly the same game.


Just ignore him. He doesn't back up anything he says with any reason or evidence. He will see an LFG tool as ez-mode epic grindfest regardless of how much logic or reason you might employ to convince him otherwise. Let's just hope BW has the intelligence to ignore the nonsense.

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But what are we going to do about the pvp warzone queue? I mean loot better/faster than you will get in the early pve stages just by sitting in the lobby? Are you leading the charge against this?


Why would I..? I don't care about the loot you get or how you got it.


I'm assuming that you actually had to PvP for it, right..? Or did you afk in the zone or something?

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If you type LFG in the search box, you get a selection of up to 100 people who are LFG ON YOUR SERVER, drawn from all planets, all instances.


Also, if you clear the search box and hit return, you get a selection of 100 people ON YOUR SERVER.


Now that you know this, you might well say this should be more obvious. And I'd agree! :)


I think you missed the point that I was trying to make, which was that no one uses said LFG tool and thus it's pointless.

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You must really be bored if personal attacks and trolling is the only thing you have to do today.


I'm not attacking you personally, just the way you argue. I know nothing about you, I have no reason to attack you persoanlly. That doens' change the fact that you make rediculous claims and then don't back them up with any reason or evidence.

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Actually what is arrogant and selfish are the people who want instant gratification and a dumbed down game so that they can cruise through content that should be a bit of a challenge. Arrogant and selfish is wanting a lobby game so they don't have to be bothered to talk to people in the game.


Wait, do you really think dungeons in this game are challenging? Pfffffff, hahaha.


If anything, finding people to do run the dungeon is a hundred times harder than running it.

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To the above poster who mentioned CoX as an example of how to pug and have fun. I absolutely loved CoX, but this is not the same game. When you were on Talos Island (as an example) alll you had to do was /lfg a couple of times and you were on a team. The combat was very different and fun. Many times I would hear people say "Wow, incredible!" after an encounter. Teams generally stuck togther, sometimes for hours with people coming and going effortlessly. It's just not that way here, and I don't see it happening.
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Why would I..? I don't care about the loot you get or how you got it.


I'm assuming that you actually had to PvP for it, right..? Or did you afk in the zone or something?


So let me get this straight. You have no problem with people insta grouping and porting to the Warzone as long as they actually PvP for their loot.


Yet you have a problem with people insta grouping and porting ot the Flashpoint even though they get gear by downing Flashpoint bosses?

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Who's asking for that?


I mean, I haven't seen anyone who's Pro lfg tool asking for that.


Istant gratification? No, they want to be able to play the and get groups for specific cotent in a reasonable amount of time


Dumbed down? No, I don't think anyone who's looking for an lfg tool is asking for that.


Noone's asking for a lobby game.


Not that there's anything wrong with playing it as such, if that's what floats your boat.



False statement. The vast majority want nothing of the sort.


Yes, if you want the game to not be changed to accommodate other people's playing styles... that's selfish.


false statement. I don't want to change the game into anything. I want the game to remain the same, and additional tools to be added to support the way that I'd like to play it. You're free to continue playing exactly the same game.


The game doesn't reamin the same with the change you want, so, yes you do. You want the game to be a lobby game with your wonderful WoW instance finder that magically puts a group together for you to faceroll the content and hit your purple pinata. That's what WoW has been since that tool was used for heroic endgame runs. Everyone just sits around chatting in general waiting for their queue to pop so they can run in and grab the freebies.


That changes the game irrevocably, and wanting to make this into WoW is selfish on your part, when other people DON'T WANT THAT.

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I understand what a strawman is,
Clearly not


and you people constantly making the claim that anyone who doesn't want the WoW-type LFG tool thinks that spamming general is socializing is a HUGE strawman.
No, sorry, Ive pointed out a specific person arguing in favor of that (the one I quoted and argued against), so it's not a stawman. Also, I'm not aware of anyone using that rebuttal to counter an unrelated point, so it can't be a strawman, even if noone was arguing that spamming /1 = being social.


again, please learn what a strawman argument is if you're going to parrot it.


And most of the people here crying about not being able to find groups sure as hell don't have a problem being completely rude on the forums... Why would they be so timid and afraid to send a short tell to someone to see if they wanted to run something..?
Ad hominem fallacy. Try using a valid argument please.


Forums != game. People often chat very different in one than the other.


Once again, if you guys spent half the time as you do complaining in the forums in the game making contacts with people who like to group, you'd have enough people to group with for the life of this game and probably into the next game too.
No, I spend more time in game making contacts with people who like to group. It doesn't solve the issue.


All I see is a lot of lame excuses as to why it's too hard, and it's a thin veil for their real desire for easy faceroll insta-runs.
ad hominem fallacy. Try using real counter arguments please.


Can you quote someone saying that getting groups is hard; can you do so in a case where they actually meant hard rather than tedious?


Beyond that, can you actually quote people who are asking for lfd because the flashpoints themselves are hard? I really doubt it, so the "faceroll insta-runs" claim is extremely far fetched.

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Actually what is arrogant and selfish are the people who want instant gratification and a dumbed down game so that they can cruise through content that should be a bit of a challenge. Arrogant and selfish is wanting a lobby game so they don't have to be bothered to talk to people in the game.


Not saying that's you, but that describes the vast majority of the people who want that tool, and it's what the game will change to... boring faceroll crap... if they get what they want for the hardmode flashpoints.


You're saying I'm selfish because I don't want the game changed into a lobby game, but you're being just as selfish for wanting to change the game into something that YOU want.


Here's the problem with your argument. You automatically assume that everyone wants instant gratification and easy mode content. Guess what, I'm not looking for easy mode content, I enjoy it it, it's fun. But the challenge of the content shouldn't be finding the group, it should be downing the bosses. I'm not asking to change the game into anything, I'm simply asking for a better way to find a group. What you need to do is recognize that there's a big difference between wanting an easier way to find a group and wanting easier content.

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I'm not attacking you personally, just the way you argue. I know nothing about you, I have no reason to attack you persoanlly. That doens' change the fact that you make rediculous claims and then don't back them up with any reason or evidence.


And yet that's exactly what you did and you didn't even have the balls to do it directly in a reply to me.


Sad trolling is sad.


'nuff said.

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Why would I..? I don't care about the loot you get or how you got it.


I'm assuming that you actually had to PvP for it, right..? Or did you afk in the zone or something?


U can go afk while waiting for a group if u want, no need to spam in /1.


With a lfg u have to do something aswell, u do the flashpoints instead of looking for a group to do them.

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The game doesn't reamin the same with the change you want, so, yes you do.
No, you're free to continue playing the game exactly as you are today.


oh, unless you're in such a miniscule minority that you won't be able to find anyone who wouldn't prefer to use a matchmaking system... are you going to make that claim?


You want the game to be a lobby game with your wonderful WoW instance finder that magically puts a group together for you to faceroll the content and hit your purple pinata.
Ad hominem fallacy. Please use valid arguments.


That's not what I'm asking for at all.


That's what WoW has been since that tool was used for heroic endgame runs. Everyone just sits around chatting in general waiting for their queue to pop so they can run in and grab the freebies.
Actually, it was more like that before lfd... people would sit in dalaran waiting for people to do the daily heroic or daily regular. That behavior far predates the lfd. If anything, lfd got people back out into the world because there was no longer any advantage to sitting in a city instead of going out and doing dailies.


That changes the game irrevocably, and wanting to make this into WoW is selfish on your part, when other people DON'T WANT THAT.
rose tinted glasses.
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So let me get this straight. You have no problem with people insta grouping and porting to the Warzone as long as they actually PvP for their loot.


Yet you have a problem with people insta grouping and porting ot the Flashpoint even though they get gear by downing Flashpoint bosses?


Yes, because those flashpoints would then all get tuned to be standard for random groups with no coordination.


Get it..?


PvP warzones aren't tuned.

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Shut up, just shut up!


Learn to use the LFG tool that exists, and then see if you still think it's hard to find people for Flashpoints. There are posts about how to use it on this very thread.


Mainly, if you type LFG into the search box, that gives you up to 100 people who have the LFG flag on FROM YOUR WHOLE SERVER. Not just the area you're in. All you need to do then is look for people roundabout the right level and politely and informatively whisper them.


Try it and see if it's not pretty easy.


Again, while there are obviously some pros to an automated LFD tool, there are also cons. As I said to someone above, Blizzard resisted it for years. Why? Becuase they're stupid and can't see that it's a useful tool for some people? Think about it.


No, the reason they did eventually put an LFD in is because WoW has reached a point where the tradeoff between building community and giving people an eazymode LFD tool was now worth it for them. Before, it wasn't worth it for them; before that point, they obviously valued building community by making people work for it a little bit above giving people an eazymode LFD tool.

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/1 LFG Hammer Station

/1 LFG Hammer Station

/1 LFG Hammer Station

/1 LFG Hammer Station

/1 LFG Hammer Station

/1 LFG Hammer Station


20 mins later.


/1 LFM2 Hammer Station, (tank and healer)

/1 LFM2 Hammer Station, (tank and healer)

/1 LFM2 Hammer Station, (tank and healer)

/1 LFM2 Hammer Station, (tank and healer)


20 mins later.


/1 LFM1 Hammer Station, (healer)

/1 LFM1 Hammer Station, (healer)

/1 LFM1 Hammer Station, (healer)

/1 LFM1 Hammer Station, (healer)


20 mins later...


Looks like we're not getting a healer guys... Sorry. :/


(we never actually get in the game... *********** hell all that socialising was so much fun! Good job we got no noobs) = True story!

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U can go afk while waiting for a group if u want, no need to spam in /1.
No, if I afk then I don't see groups that are forming and don't get invited.


I also have to be in a place where I can see /1 (ie, the fleet, really) instead of out in the game world; otherwise I'm not going to see most of the groups that form.


The current setup highly encourages people to sit in the fleet doing nothing waiting on groups to form. A valid lfg tool allows people to get back out into the world.

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No, you're free to continue playing the game exactly as you are today.


I wouldn't be. You'd change the game with your tool because all the content needs to be able to be cleared by a bunch of random people with no coordination. Faceroll.



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