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10 Good
  1. Wait, do you really think dungeons in this game are challenging? Pfffffff, hahaha. If anything, finding people to do run the dungeon is a hundred times harder than running it.
  2. Haha, people are so self-entitled. Arguments for the anti-LFG people are: But it ruins communities! But free gear! But it's not hard to find a group! It doesn't ruin communities. Get off your high horse. And who cares about dungeon gear anyway? If you care about people getting gear that is already easy to get, you're a baddie that will never down the first boss of the entry level ops. If you're a healer or a tank, it's not hard to find a group. Geez, I wonder why. Why don't you reroll a republic side DPS on a PvE server and try to form a group? B-B-But... just get in a guild. You will be fine. This game is dead anyway. This is just beating on a dead horse.
  3. People that don't want LFG play on full servers or Empire side. Good luck trying to find a group for any lv30+ FP on a light server, Republic side. You will either spam 1 hour for a group or you will just give up after 10min. Not having dual spec doesn't help at all. Most of the people are just rolling DPS specs for questing and they don't even bother with FPs. Why? Because they have to waste questing time to find a group. Because afking in the fleet while spamming doesn't give you XP. Players ignoring one of the key aspects of the game. Bad design at its best.
  4. This game is a trainwreck. It's full of bugs, the gameplay is the same as any other f2p in the market... except the f2p usually have better animations. There are no plans and no dates for patching critical bugs. "Blue" posts? Forget it. Please fire who did the Auction House system. You ripped off WoW in every single aspect but you couldn't ripoff Auctioneer? Really? Not only you make the AH hard to use for new players, thus driving them away from using it again, but you also restrict players from auctioning items with the 50 item limit. The only great parts of this game are the first two zones. Even that, after two or three alts, you will get bored. Voice Acting for every single "kill and fetch" quest gets annoying after some days and you can't even disable it. Hell, just give me a wall of text and some buttons to see if I want Light or Dark points. I don't care if I will do your job for you, just stop talking and give me the quest. And the worst part of it: the community. Some guys are so blind they actually don't want people to criticize on this game at all. Constructive criticism? Go back to WoW, kid. They contribute to the laziness of this developer by saying this game is "amazing" in its current state. I seriously hope you guys don't do this. I feel like I just paid 60$ for a game in beta phase. I'm not going to pay another 15$ to see where this is going. BioWare is never going to see my money again. As a last appeal, just look at what Final Fantasy XIV is doing. They created a bad game. They got called on it, people raged hard. You know what they did? They are going to change or redesign the bad parts of the game. They do polls to see what the community thinks about certain aspects of the game. They listen to us. If you want to put this train back on rails, that's what you got to do. And fire Hamburger Helper, of course.
  5. No. If I'm going to play a ripped-off Shaman (Bodyguard), i"m going to play my Shaman instead. At least I don't have an ability delay and I have mouseover healing. Feels pretty bad that I supported this company with my 60$. I'm never going to buy any other BioWare product again. I'm going to save my subscription money for GuildWars2 or/and TERA.
  6. People advocate against the LFG tool because they say it destroys community. Why don't you request server forums instead of spouting lies about this tool? I guess all of you that are against it don't play on a low population server or are in a big guild. This game needs a LFG tool badly. Not only for people that don't have time to spam /1 for hours to look for a lv30 flashpoint, but also for new players that just want to experience every aspect of the game. You can queue easily for PvP, but why can't you queue that way for PvE? Here's what happens when I join a FP group: Get invited. Clear dungeon. Thank everyone and leave. Does that mean I'm buddies with people that just cleared the dungeon with me? No. Will I contact them later for chat? No. I just wanted loot and XP and that was it. I'm sure everybody that was in the run was there for that and we got it. LFG would make it easier to find people adn the results would be exactly the same. Stop being selfish.
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