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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Agree and disagree.


I agree that LFG tool was a community killer in WoW, especially cross server. No more need for friends list or worrying about know good players just wait for random body 6791 to fill the needed spot.


However sitting in Fleet and spamming LFG for an hour or more kinda sucks. I'd rather go quest and be able to do stuff while I wait. I'd be for a global LFG channel but it would only be horridly abused by trolls. This has been proven time and again. So no universal LFG channel. BAD IDEA there.


So all that leaves is a LFG tool. I'd prefer it to be server only however.

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Definitely not needed. My healer never has a problem finding a group, never have to spam LFG because I am constantly getting invites from the moment I log in. Not sure what other people are doing wrong.


I am sure you are just running Black Talon repeatedly, there's no way you are experiencing that kind of game play beyond 40.

Edited by ryanvward
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LFG tool is ALWAYS needed. There is no way BW can control how players play the game and typically players that do Flashpoints or most Heroics have seen the story and prefer to rush through it for the nth time. Luckily my guild Acolytes on Jung Ma is very active so find groups not too difficult. Edited by AlphaBraddox
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Quit stretching things to extremes. We have WoW's example of an LFD tool and what it does to the game. Why would we want that aspect copied here, so we can have faceroll content with random people we never see again..?


Again, you might as well be dropped into a flashpoint with 3 companions. At least you'll have more of a connection to them and a better idea of what they bring to the table.



You're equating SWTOR with WoW because of an LFG tool and you're accusing me of stretching things to the extremes?? How does an lfd make content faceroll, how could it possibly make things easier? it matches up people for a dungeon that's it.


I'm not trying to build lasting connections here, It's not SWTOR job to help you find friends. Almost every single flashpoint I've ran in swtor with random people outside my guild I picked up on General has been a wordless steamroll with a "thanks for group" at the end, exactly the same as WoWs dungeon finder.

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We need something that makes finding people to group with successful more often than it currently is.


The /who page is nearly useless and we're locked into instances with 200 people (ish) or less, most of which are just there to shop on the station. (when at empire station)


Everyone just wants something that makes finding groups more pleasant. Cross server group finders is a large step.


We should start with creating zones where all those 200 people are all looking for groups. I would guess less than half of the people in the zones at the flashpoints are looking for groups, and then how many other zones are you not able to talk to?


I assume general is not server wide so you're only talking to the 200 people in your instance. Give us a channel where we can talk to everyone in all instances of that location.


Or better yet make that /who tool more useful and make it server wide. I think the instances are the problem, you can't even talk to all the people in your same location right now. (right?)

Edited by TumblerSW
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Almost every single flashpoint I've ran in swtor with random people outside my guild I picked up on General has been a wordless steamroll with a "thanks for group" at the end, exactly the same as WoWs dungeon finder.


This is very true. In fact, at first I assumed it would be different. I was actually shocked to find this to be true.

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I don't understand why making it easier to find a group makes the game faceroll. Shouldn't the challenge come from the flashpoint itself rather than the hassle of preparing for it? If the flashpoint provided ample difficulty, what does it matter how a group gets there? Edited by Moricthian
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I don't understand why making it easier to find a group makes the game faceroll. Shouldn't the challenge come from the flashpoint itself rather than the hassle of preparing for it? If the flashpoint provided ample difficulty, what does it matter how a group gets there?


Because a lot of people have the flawed notion that spamming in town for a group creates a community. Anything that discourages spamming for group is a bad thing. I don't get it either.

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.


Don't be a baddie and die? Sounds like you're upset that people didn't want to carry you because it was easier to find a new group instead.

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WoW's zones outside capital cities are ghost towns. This decline coincided with the implementation of the LFG tool. Don't let the same thing happen in SWtOR. If the LFG tool cannot be implemented without killing zone activity, then do NOT do it.


Yea, my opinion.


They were already ghost towns. If you wanted a group you sat in town spamming. LFG allowed you to leave the city and do other stuff while looking for a group.


Memory is a funny thing.

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WoW's zones outside capital cities are ghost towns. This decline coincided with the implementation of the LFG tool. Don't let the same thing happen in SWtOR. If the LFG tool cannot be implemented without killing zone activity, then do NOT do it.


Yea, my opinion.



95% of areas in WoW are ghost towns because there is nothing there to offer max level players not because of LFG, areas with new content/ dailies have plenty of people in them. This same thing will happen in SWTOR, the only difference is in SWTOR you will be forced to sit at the fleet and spam general where in WoW you can go anywhere you want while waiting for a group.

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I agree that we don't need a full fledge LFG tool vis a vis WoW. We already have an LFG too, but people refuse to call it that and don't understand or refuse to actually use it.


If you are LFG:

1.) Type /who

2.) Flag yourself as LFG

3.) Enter basic comment (ie: DPS / HM)

4.) Go about your normal activities (Questing, PvPing, etc).


If you are LFM

1.) Type /who

2.) In the search box, type "LFG" and hit enter.

3.) Look through all the "LFG" flagged people location agnostic.


You can futher delimit the search results:

1.) "LFG 24-28" Will return all players who are both flagged as LFG (regardless of location) and are within the (inclusive) level range 24-28.

2.) "LFG Bounty Hunter"

3.) "LFG Mercenary"


There are SEVERAL ways to search. Type "/who" and mouseover the magnifying glass. It will tell you the various ways you can delimit a search.


What we need is more people leveraging what we have instead of spamming needlessly into /1 on the fleet or claiming they HAVE to do that. You don't HAVE to do that. Use the existing system.


Want and ask for me? Sure. But lets not claim things that just aren't true.

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You're equating SWTOR with WoW because of an LFG tool and you're accusing me of stretching things to the extremes?? How does an lfd make content faceroll, how could it possibly make things easier? it matches up people for a dungeon that's it.


I'm not trying to build lasting connections here, It's not SWTOR job to help you find friends. Almost every single flashpoint I've ran in swtor with random people outside my guild I picked up on General has been a wordless steamroll with a "thanks for group" at the end, exactly the same as WoWs dungeon finder.


I'm not equating swtor with WoW. You're the one trying to stretch my argument to that so you can strawman it. What's really ludicrous is that the end of your post does pretty much exactly what you accused me of doing.


And you're already admitting that it's what you want. You want a WoW-like system to drop you into a dungeon with random nameless people you'll likely never group with again to faceroll to the end and get your free epix. The problem with the tool is that it ends with people crying that the instance is just too hard and they shouldn't have to wait 30 mins in a queue and then be denied their free epix because they couldn't manage the content. Cata dungeons in WoW were actually fairly challenging at first, but the lazy LFD people whined until Blizzard nerfed the hell out of them and they became boring and totally pointless... and the entire game has become a lobby game where people sit around and chat in the cities while they wait for their random steamrolled free epix.


Well, not all of the current flashpoints at endgame are total facerolls. Some of them are fun and challenging, especially on hardmode. I LIKE playing with a group that has an idea of each other's abilities and still have the content remain at least a little challenging for us. But when you LFD people get ahold of it, all of a sudden all of the content has to be tooled to a level that can be completed by any group of random noobs.


No, thanks.


Why don't we just put a vendor in the middle of the fleet that drops you a free epic every hour and just be done with it...?

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Why don't we just put a vendor in the middle of the fleet that drops you a free epic every hour and just be done with it...?


Now this is a straw man. Making it easier to get groups doesn't have to lead to nerfed flashpoint content. Flashpoint content should be hard, not getting a group. This distinction is important to this argument.

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I'm not equating swtor with WoW. You're the one trying to stretch my argument to that so you can strawman it. What's really ludicrous is that the end of your post does pretty much exactly what you accused me of doing.


And you're already admitting that it's what you want. You want a WoW-like system to drop you into a dungeon with random nameless people you'll likely never group with again to faceroll to the end and get your free epix. The problem with the tool is that it ends with people crying that the instance is just too hard and they shouldn't have to wait 30 mins in a queue and then be denied their free epix because they couldn't manage the content. Cata dungeons in WoW were actually fairly challenging at first, but the lazy LFD people whined until Blizzard nerfed the hell out of them and they became boring and totally pointless... and the entire game has become a lobby game where people sit around and chat in the cities while they wait for their random steamrolled free epix.


Well, not all of the current flashpoints at endgame are total facerolls. Some of them are fun and challenging, especially on hardmode. I LIKE playing with a group that has an idea of each other's abilities and still have the content remain at least a little challenging for us. But when you LFD people get ahold of it, all of a sudden all of the content has to be tooled to a level that can be completed by any group of random noobs.


No, thanks.


Why don't we just put a vendor in the middle of the fleet that drops you a free epic every hour and just be done with it...?



Yes, because having a tool to make groups easier to make versus spamming a chatchannel for ages to fill your group is the equivalent of getting free epics from a npc versus working with a team thru a dungeon, yes?




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Yes, because having a tool to make groups easier to make versus spamming a chatchannel for ages to fill your group is the equivalent of getting free epics from a npc versus working with a team thru a dungeon, yes?





You think the only way to get a group is to A) get dropped in one with a random tool... or B) spam general...


Wonder which one of us is really the idiot here. You want to play a multiplayer game where none of the other players matter at all. Maybe single player games would be better for you.

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WoW's zones outside capital cities are ghost towns.
True, though this is less the case than it was before lfd.

This decline coincided with the implementation of the LFG tool.
False; the decline happened once people started hitting max level, and continued as more people hit max level.


If anything, LFD got more people back out into the world; it was noticeable, as someone who was leveling multiple characters right around the time it was released.


In particular, the daily quest hubs (ex: the tournament) got a lot more busy, since you could get your daily dungeon/heroic in without having to sit in dalaran for a group.


Yea, my opinion.
your opinion is based on false assumptions.
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