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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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For the good of the community this should never happen.


I am in favor of an LFG global chat channel, that will solve your problem but NO AutoGrouping, No queue system, no crossserver no insta teleport


This. We can talk about the rest (i don't like LFG dedicated tool), but this NO.

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.





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i never had ANY problem whatsoever to find a group for something, start asking people and stop beeing lazy


sounds like a good point if only it worked in reality


On dxun battle circle you ask in chat and the response is........dead


Go to any heroic area and you will be lucky to find 1 player there.


I think it comes down to this.


What is the point of heroic quests and flashpoints??


I believe they are a focus point where players who normally wouldnt bump into each other during questing to actually BUMP into each other and play together without the stigma of guilds and all the stuff that goes with them.


From other MMOs i played "public" quests were a good thing, as they did kindly push lonely players into group enviroment which was great for game, and many guilds were formed due to this.


Currently i never see any players just metting up and doing heroics bar the odd 1 or two, other than that it purely guilds who arange a meeting, have a debate/argument/ arange meeting point+time, allow for delays, travel time ect, do the heroic, have a argument, and repeat:D


not very fluid atm so believe it needs work

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Please for the love of sanity ignore people like the OP. LFG is BADLY needed. Unless you enjoy spamming general chat "LFT 1 XYZ to go!"





Well spamming in general chat apparently "builds community" according to anti-LFG ppl.

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More than in any other MMO,it is needed here because the Players are divided into several instances on the same server and are not in a unique space doing almost the same thing ,mainly because of the story quests system,so what should work elsewhere can't work here.

We need it ,and we need it yesterday.

Edited by TucoR
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Well... I did play for 7 years but I never claimed that Blizzard implementing their tool is what killed the community. I think we can pretty much all agree that by the time they added their tool, there wasn't much left of a community to kill. In fact, for all of the lower level content, Blizzard adding their dungeon finder tool was a stroke of genius. It made all of the lower level stuff accessible and fun again.


But for the endgame five man content it was pure evil and AWFUL... and not needed at all. It made it so all of the pre-raid content had to be tuned so that a group of uncoordinated people in greens and maybe a few blues should be able to complete it. That leaves nothing fun for the people at endgame who don't really care for faceroll loot pinatas. Nothing left that takes any real cooperation except for raiding, and a lot of people don't have time for that. Cata was fun for a little bit, because completing stuff meant that people had to actually work together or fail, but they had to make that faceroll too because people just have to have their freebie wins.


Add in the fact that the cross-server aspect of it protects and encourages the worst of the worst jackhats to act as bad as they could manage, and it just wasn't an enjoyable experience for a lot of people.


So what does that leave people at endgame to do... Dailies..?


Yeah. I quit WoW because of that. I have better things to do.


Good. Then when SWTOR adds it you can quit this game and go to the next game and whine about it.

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Good. Then when SWTOR adds it you can quit this game and go to the next game and whine about it.


I'm not whining about anything. I love the game. It will evolve and there will be some stuff I don't like so much... But I'm not the one crying on the forums about how I can't find groups and Bioware needs to hold my hand.


That would be you LFD lovers who really only see other people as a means to an end and think that a shiny new purple is going to save your lives.

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I'm not whining about anything. I love the game. It will evolve and there will be some stuff I don't like so much... But I'm not the one crying on the forums about how I can't find groups and Bioware needs to hold my hand.


That would be you LFD lovers who really only see other people as a means to an end and think that a shiny new purple is going to save your lives.


I could not care less about purples. I like to see content and I like to do it in the time I have allotted to playing. LFD helps me achieve that. Sorry if it doesn't fit into your definition of what an MMO is but your definition of MMO is dead.

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Join a guild?

Make some friends in the real world that you can play SWTOR with?


That way you don't have to sit around waiting for some random person to group with.

Simple solution to a simple problem.


If i heared that again i will raise my keyboard and slam it in the posters face. Sure, my Real world friends do all the same as i do, and if yes, level at the same speed. Pointless post.


I have se same fade experience, im in a bigger guild (100+= and still dont get everytime all set up. I have a tank Main and a Healer twink, both have problems filling it up.


A general LFG is needed, not a matchmaking tool that teleports yu directly, but a common platform where everybody can join and not such hidden features with the LFG option and the even more hidden feature by filtering after LFG (globaly).

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I'm not whining about anything. I love the game. It will evolve and there will be some stuff I don't like so much... But I'm not the one crying on the forums about how I can't find groups and Bioware needs to hold my hand.


That would be you LFD lovers who really only see other people as a means to an end and think that a shiny new purple is going to save your lives.


Yeah, anyone doing things strictly for the gear would realize that focusing on gear while leveling is a bit pointless. That 'purple' you might get from a flashpoint will just be replaced in a day or two anyway.


The path of least resistance thus far is solo questing on planets with companions. Anyone spending time looking for a group for flashpoints is doing so because *gasp* they'd like to see that content, and maybe hang out with other people. I'm worried that this is going to end up like WoW pre-LFD, where finding groups for lower level instances becomes such a hassle that people resign themselves to leveling to end-game while hardly touching any group content.

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If you're here for Flashpoints, then you're doing it wrong. Story areas in the world are just as enjoyable and usually contain more relevant content. Let's face it the 6 flashpoints at the Drop hangar in fleet are subpar and overall disconnected with the SWTOR story arc.


I would rather SWTOR allow you to use all your companions in a flashpoint.

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I could not care less about purples. I like to see content and I like to do it in the time I have allotted to playing. LFD helps me achieve that. Sorry if it doesn't fit into your definition of what an MMO is but your definition of MMO is dead.


Seems to be doing pretty well here. But even I agree that it would be nice to have a stronger LFG function in the game for Heroic 2+ or 4s and pre-50 flashpoints. For that, even cross-server wouldn't bother me.


I just don't want the hardmode flashpoints dumbed down even more than they are now to appease a crowd of people who can't be bothered to learn to play their own class or work with other people.


And that's exactly what people will cry for when they find out that they can't faceroll through them with crappy gear and no coordination.

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What is that even supposed to mean?


LFG messages are efficient means of communicating to a large group of people that an instance wants to be ran.




Seems to me that the people in this thread who can't find groups are the same people who think the only way to get groups is to spam the general chat.

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Seems to be doing pretty well here. But even I agree that it would be nice to have a stronger LFG function in the game for Heroic 2+ or 4s and pre-50 flashpoints. For that, even cross-server wouldn't bother me.


I just don't want the hardmode flashpoints dumbed down even more than they are now to appease a crowd of people who can't be bothered to learn to play their own class or work with other people.


And that's exactly what people will cry for when they find out that they can't faceroll through them with crappy gear and no coordination.


Your last two paragraphs really don't have anything to do with LFG tools.

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Yeah, anyone doing things strictly for the gear would realize that focusing on gear while leveling is a bit pointless. That 'purple' you might get from a flashpoint will just be replaced in a day or two anyway.


The path of least resistance thus far is solo questing on planets with companions. Anyone spending time looking for a group for flashpoints is doing so because *gasp* they'd like to see that content, and maybe hang out with other people. I'm worried that this is going to end up like WoW pre-LFD, where finding groups for lower level instances becomes such a hassle that people resign themselves to leveling to end-game while hardly touching any group content.


I did almost all of the heroics and flashpoints. And when I was levelling my main, there was a grand total of 3 or 4 people at the most on the planets where I was. I play a lot so I was pretty far ahead of the curve, and still managed to get groups without much problem. I passed up a few just because I had outlevelled them. I think it would be pretty hard to do all of the content without levelling past some of it, even if you just did missions and no space or pvp.


Having an instance finder for lower level instances would be awesome, though. That was one part that Blizzard was near perfect on. I've got other toons too, and I want to do that content with them.

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Your last two paragraphs really don't have anything to do with LFG tools.


Untrue. Why do you think that Blizzard nerfed the hell out of Cata heroics almost right after it launched..? It was because the casuals reached cap and they were crying about how unfair it was to wait 30 minutes in the queue and then not have the ability to complete the heroics. The crying was epic.


Then Blizzard tuned the heroics to be faceroll so that any random group of uncoordinated people could sleepwalk through them.

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Untrue. Why do you think that Blizzard nerfed the hell out of Cata heroics almost right after it launched..? It was because the casuals reached cap and they were crying about how unfair it was to wait 30 minutes in the queue and then not have the ability to complete the heroics. The crying was epic.


Then Blizzard tuned the heroics to be faceroll so that any random group of uncoordinated people could sleepwalk through them.


Good lord. I try to leave, come back to check to see where the thread went, and you keep spewing the same lies.


From the WoW forums in January (Nearly 3 months after Cata Launched):


Any changes that have been made to select dungeons or encounters in Cataclysm have been listed in our hotfixes blog: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/1232869#blog


As far as changes specifically made to decrease difficulty go, they've been few and far between. Most of them were fixes to specific abilities or encounters which were difficult in unintended ways. Heroic Deadmines is the only dungeon I can think of off the top of my head where we did intentionally tone down the difficulty a bit.


Your perception of the dungeons becoming easier is far more likely a result of players gaining better gear and more experience running each dungeon. That is exactly the design intent behind these dungeons becoming easier over time. Right now Heroic dungeons are a relatively small step below the highest raid tier in the game. <b>This will change over time, making them more accessible.</b>


-Bolded for my emphisis


Entire thread here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1827524366


Apparently, these people laughed at the notion as well, and realized there were other reason's content became easier, like, you know, gear aquisition, coordination, and a basic understanding.


But I'm sure it was all caused by the LFG feature.

Edited by Halbe
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LFG tool is not needed -_- I have no issue finding groups for anything.


Been 50 for a week cant find a single flashpoint when in imperial fleet. with 150-200 users in it.


Its annoying to the point where ive been playing other games again. Sick of waiting for a hour to maybe get invited to one.

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Untrue. Why do you think that Blizzard nerfed the hell out of Cata heroics almost right after it launched..? It was because the casuals reached cap and they were crying about how unfair it was to wait 30 minutes in the queue and then not have the ability to complete the heroics. The crying was epic.


Then Blizzard tuned the heroics to be faceroll so that any random group of uncoordinated people could sleepwalk through them.




Not only does a LFD take away from the community, but it FORCES a dumbing down of content to make it palatable for those random groups. Heroics should be hard, they should require some coordination, even more so with raids. Instead, Blizz HAS to constantly nerf the ever loving crap out of everything so that the people who feel "entitled" to content they have no business in feel better.

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Then Blizzard tuned the heroics to be faceroll so that any random group of uncoordinated people could sleepwalk through them.


This happens with or without a LFD tool. Maybe you weren't around in classic WoW when dungeons were repeatedly nerfed so that more people could complete them (there was no LFD tool then). And the content is generally not nerfed just so people can sleepwalk through them. Overtuned abilities get fixed so they aren't so punishing for people wishing to run in pugs.

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