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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Well the reasoning is shady.

There are players who could not care less about exploration and want to spam group content from day 1.


lol they didn't implement the LFG tool so people could explore..... really? haha because last time I checked pretty much all the flashpoints are in one instanced place for carrick station.

Edited by Volksworgen
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lol they didn't implement the LFG tool so people could explore..... really? haha because last time I checked pretty much all the flashpoints are in one instanced place for carrick station.


Pretty much.


WoW did dungeons right. They were always an extension of events in a particular zone, and typically concluded a zone wide story arc so there were always people in the zone itching to do it.


In SWTOR you have to go to a specific flashpoint start area, and the story of the flashpoint begins and ends in the instance. There's zero story leading up to it on any planet.


Either way, they need to get a proper LFG tool in the game. I don't care if it's not a dungeon finder, I just want a freakin' window where I can advertise myself or search for groups/group members, and filter by level/class/role/quest/flashpoint/operation.


One freaking flag with a comment that isn't even visible past 15 characters is as good as having done nothing at all.

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WoW has created enough requirements to prevent people from going ninja. If you are not the right class for something you can't need on it(except for DEing or greeding). And you are absolutely wrong about "say w/e they want" part because that can happen to you within a server too. These are all assumptions and made up stuff. If all that happens in WoW that often then why is this game having like 10+ million subs? All those people must be stupid for staying there if few hundred here say that this and that in WoW killed the community.


Methinks you have a man-crush on a Pandaren Monk.


McDonald's sells a lot of Big Macs too, but I wouldn't neccesarily call it food. People still eat it, don't they..?


Are THEY stupid..? Yep... Pretty much.


Selling a lot of stuff doesn't mean it's quality, although I'm not hating on WoW, so much as pointing out that majority opinion isn't always right.


Quite the opposite, actually.

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I generally only have about 1.5 to 2 hours per day 3 days a week to play this game. If I don't get a group together with in 15 minutes of trying, I quit trying and head back to doing missions. When I am doing missions, I don't look at the general chat very often, so even if someone is saying 'LFG Athiss' there is a good chance I will not see it, I am to busy questing. I always flag myself with a LFG comment with what ever flashpoint I want to do, and I am 1 of 3 people who are flagging ourselves lfg for something in the planet I am at that has over 100 people on it. I have yet recieved an invite because I flagged myself, nor have I ever seen anybody else flag themselves for the same flashpoint.


Its funny how many times I have heard people say, after I joined, saying that they have been waiting for a tank for for 45 minutes. The funny thing is, I have been in the game for that long if not more, but I have missed their messages because I am to busy doing missions. If there was an LFD system, that group could have found me much faster.


This game needs a serious overhaul on ways to find a group, the current system is 99% garbage.

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Methinks you have a man-crush on a Pandaren Monk.


McDonald's sells a lot of Big Macs too, but I wouldn't neccesarily call it food. People still eat it, don't they..?


Are THEY stupid..? Yep... Pretty much.


Selling a lot of stuff doesn't mean it's quality, although I'm not hating on WoW, so much as pointing out that majority opinion isn't always right.


Quite the opposite, actually.


McDonals is a valid argument because it has been proven over and over again that their food is not 100% pure(leave their fries anywhere for a week or even more and they will still be the same, FRESH). WoW on the other hand, people claim that they have "played WoW for 7 years and after the LFG tool the community died" without providing any kind of proof. Show me some statistics or SOMETHING, because I can tell you the same thing about anything. Making stuff up is pretty easy.

Edited by Volksworgen
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I mean, come on. It's Friday night! Who doesn't come home from work from a 9-5pm grind and want to go out and do stuff? Yeah! Get your drinks on, pull up a chair, and log into Star Wars: The Old Republic right the **** now and do what you were BORN TO DO.






Applebee's with your co-workers are for *******.




Oh, I am in a guild, let's see.. some are making alts (AHAHA GOOD LUCK JACKHOLES) one mistelled a graphic ERP message in guild chat.


'Hey man, you need to socialize more to get those groups.'


WHAT DO YOU THINK I HAVE BEEN DOING? I'm sorry, was asking people, 'Hey do you want to join my group?' and being ignored or being given absolutely HILARIOUS 4Chan/Reddit responses that just never get old NOT CONSIDERED BEING SOCIAL?




I hope I meet my wife through 'socializing' with people in the Old Republic. Because you know, that's the only way to 'socialize' with another human being, is through MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLEPLAYING GAMES.


'I never had this problem- clearly it's on your end.'


OHHH WHOOPIDEE DOO. MAY I BASK IN YOUR RADIANCE, OH MIGHTY SOCIAL GOD OF THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY? What's your secret? Being a Tank? Or a Healer? One of those people with the foresight of choosing an Advanced Class that can do more than just DPS? BECAUSE THAT IS SOME AMAZING SOCIAL PROWESS.



Now if you social INEPTS don't mind, I'm going to get my drinks on and hit on a Twi'lek tart, maybe she would turn out to be an amazing HEALER.


In the Nar Shadaaa cantina, because THATS WHAT SOCIAL PLAYERS DO.





Edited by NoiseTankXIII
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Nonsense. A LFG tool is absolutely needed. I just spent and hour and a half in fleet trying to find a Foundry grp and have been trying to find one for the past 4 nights with no luck. I know you people don't care, but this is a subscription breaker for me. I can't continue to waste away my hours just looking for a group.


I'd like to be able to jump in and experience content and have fun but with the current system, its simply not happening.

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Then, for people like me who like a good tight group of people we've played with on a regular or semi-regular basis, those groups become harder to create. Who wants to bother getting a real group together when you can just hit button 1 and your group is magically there?


"Who wants to bother getting a real group together when you can just hit button 1 and your group is magically there?"


Well, it sounds like you and your good tight group of people want to bother, or at least that seems to be what you're getting at. Yet somehow after the introduction of a LFG queue, it became harder for you to create your group? How did this happen, did the LFG queue somehow remove the ability for you to /invite your friends? Was voodoo involved? Really, i'm interested.


If nobody wants a LFG tool, because everyone would prefer to spam general chat in fleet, then the introduction of a LFG tool would change nothing at all. You and this supposed majority of people who really don't want a LFG tool could carry on screaming for a healer in /1, and create groups out of your guildies and friends as you have always done, and nothing will change.


Unless of course, most of the community actually does want a LFG tool, and would gladly use it instead of arsing about in fleet doing nothing while they try to put a group together. Then all those people who *gasp* really like the feature, wouldn't bother waiting around for hours for you to form a group out of trade chat, and would simply queue for a dungeon instead. Then poor you, instead of filling that 4th random player slot with some guy you don't know out of /1, you would have to fill it with some guy you don't know out of a dungeon queue. THE WORLD IS ENDING.


So there's the kicker: If most of the community truely doesn't want a LFG tool, then the introduction of a LFG tool makes no difference whatsoever. However the truth, as should be blindingly apparent to everyone here, is that most of the playerbase actually would like to use a LFG queue, because being able to press a button and magically form a group is actually pretty *********** fantastic.


And if i'm wrong and people don't use it? Well then it won't matter if it's in the game, will it?

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IMO it's not the LFG tool that was bad, it was letting it form groups across servers that was so terrible. As long as groups are formed from only your own server, you - and everyone in your group - know that if a guy is really a jerk, you can always contact his GM and make a complaint about him, or denounce his idiocy in public chat. But the cross-server factor means everyone is anonymous and knows they can act any way they want with no fear of retribution.
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Why does everybody automatically assume cross-server? There is more than one way to implement a LFG tool.


You want cross server so as to maximise the pool of players. Even in WOW's LFG you have to wait sometimes 5, 10, 20 mins - depending on time of day and which dungeon you want to run etc.


Had the LFG *NOT* been cross server it would not even be half as good.

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The main reason I hated Dungeons in vanilla is because it took so long to get a PUG up and PUGs are bad 90% of the time, so a lot of the time there'd be a point where something wrong would happen (wipe that couldn't be passed, afk, gtg, etc) that would pretty much kill the group and it would be another long time until the PUG could find another (most of the time everybody would just give up before that).


This is a problem I'm running into in this game. Hell, most of the time I want to do a flashpoint it's almost impossible to get a group up. I might have a 40% rate of actually finding a group in under 30 minutes (where I call it quits) for flashpoints so far.


LFD allows for no talking, no waiting, no BS. Just do the dungeon or move the hell on.


This game is so heavily instanced, it NEEDS an LFD tool for at least the whole server.

Edited by YooYooMa
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IMO it's not the LFG tool that was bad, it was letting it form groups across servers that was so terrible. As long as groups are formed from only your own server, you - and everyone in your group - know that if a guy is really a jerk, you can always contact his GM and make a complaint about him, or denounce his idiocy in public chat. But the cross-server factor means everyone is anonymous and knows they can act any way they want with no fear of retribution.




The LFG tool MUST be cross-server else it will not work in finding you a quick group. And this is on WOW standards with 11 million players. In a game like SWTOR it will be much harder.


If you land on bad players who simply leave, go AFK, do whatever anti-social, you simply kick them and continue with a replacement. This is however rare based on my experience. It happens but is rare. This rare event may cost you some wasted time, but it is a risk you'd gladly take.


It is most absurd, and a complete joke to hear that somehow if someone misbehaves on the local server they will have ramifications. What are you going to do exactly? Contact his GM? He may well be pals with the GM, heck the GM could be his alt. He may not be in a guilld even. If you feel so much about complaining, go make an alt on his server, a level 1 alt and complain to his GM. There.


This thread is full of so much rubbish about how bad the LFG is, I believe it is completely made up.

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The OP is full of it.


It regularly takes upwards of 30 minutes to find a group. All the while, you're sitting in Fleet doing absolutely nothing. And then you have to put up with a rude or bad player because you don't want to wait another 30 minutes to find someone else. And then someone drops group and you watch as your run falls apart. Congratulations, you've wasted an hour barely interacting with anyone and accomplishing nothing. Kudos.


You can have a small tight-knit community of players that run group content. Or you can have group content that is accessible to most players.


I'd rather my game was accessible to most people, rather than catering to a group of people willing to spend 2 or more hours accomplishing absolutely nothing in game.

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Oh, great, welcome to "Com Wars Episode V - the RandomPire strikes back" - now with 10% more rants and bad words. Party on!


I do not know how the situation is on other servers but on mine people are already very... disgusting. Not many, but most

a) ... are already bots or are playing like bots: no words, just get into, get items, kkthxbye (sometimes, at least)

b) ... use bad words, rant, attack each other



I do not know why I ever ever ever believed that this com would be better than the WoW one. And I do not know if I will ever want a bad-com-catalyst called "LFG tool".


Sure, would make things easier, but also attract even more... not-so-kind-people. This, along with those heroic flashpoints plus the first "DMG meter tool, NAO"-threads (at least on German forums) are good signs for a shift of SW:ToR to a SciFi WoW 2.0



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McDonals is a valid argument because it has been proven over and over again that their food is not 100% pure(leave their fries anywhere for a week or even more and they will still be the same, FRESH). WoW on the other hand, people claim that they have "played WoW for 7 years and after the LFG tool the community died" without providing any kind of proof. Show me some statistics or SOMETHING, because I can tell you the same thing about anything. Making stuff up is pretty easy.


Well... I did play for 7 years but I never claimed that Blizzard implementing their tool is what killed the community. I think we can pretty much all agree that by the time they added their tool, there wasn't much left of a community to kill. In fact, for all of the lower level content, Blizzard adding their dungeon finder tool was a stroke of genius. It made all of the lower level stuff accessible and fun again.


But for the endgame five man content it was pure evil and AWFUL... and not needed at all. It made it so all of the pre-raid content had to be tuned so that a group of uncoordinated people in greens and maybe a few blues should be able to complete it. That leaves nothing fun for the people at endgame who don't really care for faceroll loot pinatas. Nothing left that takes any real cooperation except for raiding, and a lot of people don't have time for that. Cata was fun for a little bit, because completing stuff meant that people had to actually work together or fail, but they had to make that faceroll too because people just have to have their freebie wins.


Add in the fact that the cross-server aspect of it protects and encourages the worst of the worst jackhats to act as bad as they could manage, and it just wasn't an enjoyable experience for a lot of people.


So what does that leave people at endgame to do... Dailies..?


Yeah. I quit WoW because of that. I have better things to do.

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It is needed. When Fleet has 30 people in it, I am not sitting in there with my thumb in you know where for an hour waiting on someone to log in, spamming over and over. I want to que LFG for Esseles, head to Corrusant and start questing. When I get a popup, I can go experience that content....


For the good of the community this should never happen.


I am in favor of an LFG global chat channel, that will solve your problem but NO AutoGrouping, No queue system, no crossserver no insta teleport

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