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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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I don't care what the solution is, as long as it's some kind of improvement to this flagging system we have now.


The flagging system smacks of a programmers way of thinking to me. Simple, lightweight, seemingly logical and elegant, yet cast by the wayside by the chaotic and illogical path of the end user, and reality as a whole.

Edited by savagepotato
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WoW community was dead BEFORE lfg tool- lfg tool had nothing to do with it- your view is skewered!


lfg is NEEDED in this game due to heavy instancing of EVERYTHING


Completely untrue, your view is skewered as you probably didnt play WoW prior to LFG.


Regardless of what you want to say, prior to LFG people made names for themselves on servers, good or bad.

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Nobody uses the LFG flag whatsoever, and this is not an exaggeration.


I haven't seen one other person flagged, EVER outside of the Imperial Fleet.


I have had to forego every single heroic mission past level 40, because not a single other person does them. Trust me, I looked. I looked the entire time I was on each of these planets, everything past Hoth.


The response I always get is that groups are too hard to put together.


Main reason I left. I pay for access to content. Even if I spam all night I can't get a group.

You need a cross server dungeon finder because ppl will catch on to lower ques on other servers then clogg those servers. (I know I would reroll for that).

The whole 'community' arguement is bogus, exaggerated bs. In this sharded game I don't even 'see' a community lol.

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LFG tool is priority in this game.

I stopped getting a group for Group Quest at lvl 35 and getting a Flashpoint group is a matter of sitting hours in your Imperial Fleet waiting for the bloody Healer to be available.

Since lvl 35 this game became a solo game, and that's not the reason I play a Mmorpg.

Fix it Asap Bioware

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How the hell are you guys not having trouble finding groups? my crappy 'standard' server is so empty the fleet has a max of like 40-50ppl and the planets don't, ever get past like 25 or so people, more like we NEED a lfg tool that also is cross server, I dont even bother doing flashpoints or group quests cause of how empty it is. Edited by Phoenix_Down
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I have to laugh every time someone mentions WoW + community and LFG tool or Dual Spec in one sentence. :D


I don't laugh, I get depressed.


It pains me how badly people insist on turning a game into another game.


While I do want refinements to TOR in so many places, I can only hope bioware can make this a better game while not caving to the incessant demand to just make everything work like WoW.

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group.

I've found that groups are no more difficult to keep together after lfd than they were pre-lfd.


Pre-lfd people would leave if it was a bad group. Post-lfd people will leave if it is a bad group.


the only difference is the speed that you can replace them. Pre-lfd you may get a replacement as quickly as 10 minutes, but often it was longer. Post-lfd I've never waited more than 10, usually replacements were in the dungeon next to you in under a minute.


edit: I think the by using the word needed you're really just arguing against a straw man.

Edited by ferroz
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I would support a LFG tab, similar to the "who" or "guild" tab.


I am not a fan of teleporting every person from different universes (servers) into an instance from any planet.


What I would like to see, is a tab that helps organize and communicate grouping with people from any planet within a server. Even broadcasting LFG in general chat of the fleet is annoying because I cannot click on that person to see what level and class they are. I have to manually search for that information. A nice, new UI for grouping (or possibly updating the search tab) would be a huge step in alleviating most of the problems with grouping.


I think there was a cybertech crafting item in beta that summoned group members. I'm not opposed to that idea because it is a money sink, but I do not like the current WoW design of a LFG tool at all. There needs to be something done with how groups are formed in this game, even if it's a simple universal LFG tab.

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How the hell are you guys not having trouble finding groups? my crappy 'standard' server is so empty the fleet has a max of like 40-50ppl and the planets don't, ever get past like 25 or so people, more like we NEED a lfg tool that also is cross server, I dont even bother doing flashpoints or group quests cause of how empty it is.


I with you man, was playing my 21 Trooper yesterday on Taris... I saw 1 other person.....ONE! (Server is STANDARD pop)


Immediately, just untracked all the group crap and kept rolling. No point in it on my server.

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A LFG channel might be a good idea.


I suppose I feel like LFG tools just kind of hand people everything. Maybe you aren't a good player? Why should all the lazy players just get to breeze through content. I feel like a lot of people just want other people to carry them to loot.



exactly. i have said it before but, a LFG or LFD or what ever you want to call it. is only wanted by 2 kinda of ppl. ppl that have not much time and ppl that are bad players and can't get a group because they are known bad players. i feel sorry for casual players that want a LFG coz it saves time, but the bad players that you are grouped with spoil the LFG system


also its a tool that should be added when the game is in decline and a group is hard to find not in week 3. LFG chat channel seems like a much better idea for the game as it is

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Definitely not needed. My healer never has a problem finding a group, never have to spam LFG because I am constantly getting invites from the moment I log in. Not sure what other people are doing wrong.


I am not for a LFD tool but still... Come on, did you read your own sentence? you have to be able to realize it's different for a healer than DPS...


I am a healer too and people send me random whispers asking for groups. Trust me when I say DPS players do not have this issue.

Edited by savagepotato
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Definitely not needed. My healer never has a problem finding a group, never have to spam LFG because I am constantly getting invites from the moment I log in. Not sure what other people are doing wrong.
not playing the role that is rare and hard to find?


of course you're not having problems finding groups as a healer. Just like I generally don't have problems finding groups as a tank.

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I'm on a heavy server and it still takes forever at least 30 min. At first I thought it was a because the republic side didn't have alot on it, so I made a empire side char. Guess what not as long (30 min compared to a hour +) and that's with a healer (sorc). LFG is needed.


Not doing the guild thing, because that requires to much of commitment to doing meaniless and stupid things. I like the idea of a group of friends just playing for a guild, but when comes to b.s. most guild have you can keep it.

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Definitely not needed. My healer never has a problem finding a group, never have to spam LFG because I am constantly getting invites from the moment I log in. Not sure what other people are doing wrong.


Maybe your server actually has people in it, i had to switch when bioware messed up the release and said go to a lower pop server which was useless i should have stayed on my full server

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group.


I played on Kirin Tor since about two months before BC launched.


Throughout BC, getting into an instance group on that server was basically sitting and shouting for hours to try to get into a group and if you did, then you shouted looking for a tank or healer. After a bit, you got tired and just started looking to buy one that you would run with. Only to discover that the tank already did Heroic Mech that day so you were now out of luck and back to square one.


The community sucked on the server back then. The crap everyone complains about now happened back then. It happens still. It's one of the reasons I transfered all of my characters off that server to a different one.


For me, to be honest, I have met and stayed friends with a far far better group of people since LFG and Real ID were put into the game and I honestly am looking forward to being able to raid and BG with Real ID friends.


Yep, the server community still sucks, but my friends list has never been fuller and it's been from meeting good people in LFD.


Just because you can join a group and not say a word, doesn't mean you have to.


WoW's community problem isn't caused by WoW. It's caused by the people who play it.

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I think all the people against any sort of LFG tool for us casuals or people on lowpop servers, always come off with an aire of "hollier than thou", standing up there like "I am cool cause I got a guild, if you were as cool as me, you wouldnt need LFG tool!".


endstate: Guilds are cool for OPS, but needed for gimpy FP and heroic world quests? haha... no thank you. Keep your Guild tag and let me be on my way please.

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I with you man, was playing my 21 Trooper yesterday on Taris... I saw 1 other person.....ONE! (Server is STANDARD pop)


Immediately, just untracked all the group crap and kept rolling. No point in it on my server.


Well, Taris is a planet that a lot of people like to skip for some reason. I liked it, but a lot of my friends hated it. Granted, I've never seen it with only one other person in it. I did see high level planets with only a few people, but that's because I outlevelled most people. I could drop into Coruscant right now and there's probably going to be 150 people or so. I have a few low 20s alts and don't have any issues getting groups with them.


Maybe you're playing on the wrong server..?

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BOTH scenarios suck balls.


The current state of the game doesnt facilitate any real community.


And a LFG tool will make everyone feel less accountable for their immature actions.


Neither of which matter if you have a good guild

Edited by pewny
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