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Why did Bioware choose the hero engine?


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That's what they did. They stated from the beginning that they wanted to go with an artstyle and graphics options that allowed even those people who couldn't afford monster PCs to play. Most games that use Unreal or Cry engines are designed for gaming rigs.


Yet those with monster pc's have crap performance and bad graphics.... thats the whole reason we are discussing hero engine and this mmo is it not?


they had 7 years of dev time on this game with this engine and yet the graphics are subpar at best and performance is laughable.


A game like Aion runs on my laptop just fine and its graphics blow this game away.


Its called having options and working LOD levels for people with different PC setups.


They were lazy and didn't want to add those features in maybe?


But saying they chose the engine because more could play it is not a very good argument because they could have chose a graphically heavy engine with options to lower graphics to a playable level....

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Why did they choose a engine that is so heavily instanced instead of building their own like Blizzard did?


Im just wondering because I keep hearing about all the money they spent and the heart of this game the main engine seems very cheap.


Any reason for this?


Because building an engine is a super easy task?


Yeah all you do is type in what you want to do and that's it. No lines of code, no complex compiling, none of that. No seriously you can make your own game engine in a weekend on a stock 2008 HP, without any extra software. IT'S THAT EASY, WHY DID BIOWARE NOT THINK OF THAT?



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In late 2007 - 2008, what were the engines of choice at the time?


Ncsoft used cry engine 1 in Aion its dev began before swtor's and it cost them 18 mil to make, it runs smoother and looks better.


Unreal has been used in multiple mmo's some failed some succeeded but they all ran like champs and had better graphics then swtor to boot.


Tera I believe started dev around the same time as bioware did with swtor and their game plays better is more responsive and looks 10x better and will be released this spring.


GW2 built their own custom engine for the game they will also be releasing this year.


The reason I dont have to prove anything is because there are companies out there that have done it right and wont have techinical issues that affect the game as negatively as we have seen with swtor.


Maybe hero engine is fully capable, if thats the case its the devs that are lacking. And again i dont have to prove anything because there are teams out there doing better work with less resources.


Prove me wrong.

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Ncsoft used cry engine 1 in Aion its dev began before swtor's and it cost them 18 mil to make, it runs smoother and looks better.


Unreal has been used in multiple mmo's some failed some succeeded but they all ran like champs and had better graphics then swtor to boot.


Tera I believe started dev around the same time as bioware did with swtor and their game plays better is more responsive and looks 10x better and will be released this spring.


GW2 built their own custom engine for the game they will also be releasing this year.


The reason I dont have to prove anything is because there are companies out there that have done it right and wont have techinical issues that affect the game as negatively as we have seen with swtor.


Maybe hero engine is fully capable, if thats the case its the devs that are lacking. And again i dont have to prove anything because there are teams out there doing better work with less resources.


Prove me wrong.

All your posts are a really long way of saying this:


Rift is arguably a better game in every single way mechanically and it was also the first MMO of the company, they had no real MMO vets on their team, and they did it on a comparatively shoestring budget.


The problem with Rift of course was its completely uninteresting who-gives-a-**** world and story.

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OH! that totally explains the double .exe running.


Thanks for that clarification.


It's really a shame because the game had a lot of potential. I'm afraid though much like WARhammer with such a fundamental flaw the game won't hold it popularity.


We can already see how much trouble they're having squashing bugs that have been reported for many months now.


Some engines are just fundamentally flawed and it appears Hero is one of them.


I still don't think WARhammer has fixed pet pathing, they never will either.


imho what WAR had done with the gamebryo engine far surpasses what the swtor crew has done with hero engine. the real problems with WAR have to do with ttk, zerg or realm imbalance, and a dwindling population. that game always played smooth for me and i constantly was flagged for pvp in the lakes, not doing pqs or lotd.

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Ncsoft used cry engine 1 in Aion its dev began before swtor's and it cost them 18 mil to make, it runs smoother and looks better.


Unreal has been used in multiple mmo's some failed some succeeded but they all ran like champs and had better graphics then swtor to boot.


Tera I believe started dev around the same time as bioware did with swtor and their game plays better is more responsive and looks 10x better and will be released this spring.


GW2 built their own custom engine for the game they will also be releasing this year.


The reason I dont have to prove anything is because there are companies out there that have done it right and wont have techinical issues that affect the game as negatively as we have seen with swtor.


Maybe hero engine is fully capable, if thats the case its the devs that are lacking. And again i dont have to prove anything because there are teams out there doing better work with less resources.


Prove me wrong.


i played DCUO a few weeks before tOR went live and they have a great game running on the Unreal engine, much smoother than tOR and very responsive combat.

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But saying they chose the engine because more could play it is not a very good argument because they could have chose a graphically heavy engine with options to lower graphics to a playable level....



This isn't really a true statement. Graphics scaling is ALWAYS horrible. The disparity is too great. Low settings can only go so low without completely compromising the game.


The high-res graphics in TOR are actually pretty amazing. It's clear they had some issues with their coding to get them to process properly, but they're working on and should have it ready by February.

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i played DCUO a few weeks before tOR went live and they have a great game running on the Unreal engine, much smoother than tOR and very responsive combat.




There are dozens of mmo's that have used Unreal and all of them run very well on any machine.


I honestly dont care myself that bioware used hero engine. What I do care about is the fact that they cannot get it running properly and make the game look good. Its not their art direction thats the problem either it just doesn't look good doesnt run good and lags bad in populated areas.


If it didn't have all these issues that are tieing into the engine then cool we wouldn't be having this stuff on the forums daily ya know lol.

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This isn't really a true statement. Graphics scaling is ALWAYS horrible. The disparity is too great. Low settings can only go so low without completely compromising the game.


The high-res graphics in TOR are actually pretty amazing. It's clear they had some issues with their coding to get them to process properly, but they're working on and should have it ready by February.


Okay then let me ask you this.


Why is it an engine with superior graphics is able to run smoother then swtor on an identical system?


They have performance issues accross the board this is either the engines fault or their devs cant figure it out. Thats it thats all there is to it. Its the devs or its the engine or both.

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There are dozens of mmo's that have used Unreal and all of them run very well on any machine.


I honestly dont care myself that bioware used hero engine. What I do care about is the fact that they cannot get it running properly and make the game look good. Its not their art direction thats the problem either it just doesn't look good doesnt run good and lags bad in populated areas.


If it didn't have all these issues that are tieing into the engine then cool we wouldn't be having this stuff on the forums daily ya know lol.




Please list because when I search for games that run Unreal I see the following. FPS FPS FPS, 100 more FPS games. 2 Crappy MMOS, and 2 MMOs nobody has heard of. Hate to sound like I'm nitpicking, but come on now.

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Please list because when I search for games that run Unreal I see the following. FPS FPS FPS, 100 more FPS games. 2 Crappy MMOS, and 2 MMOs nobody has heard of. Hate to sound like I'm nitpicking, but come on now.


Please do you own research then get back to me. google is a good place to start. I count 22 so far and thats just a quick glance. Defiantly a respectable number and it does not include tera, BnS or bless.


Rather then jumping on whatever you can to call me out try to come up with something of substance...

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Okay then let me ask you this.


Why is it an engine with superior graphics is able to run smoother then swtor on an identical system?



Please give specific examples of specific games. The above statement is anecdotal.


Furthermore, no two versions of the Unreal and Cry engines are the same between games.

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i played DCUO a few weeks before tOR went live and they have a great game running on the Unreal engine, much smoother than tOR and very responsive combat.


You got that right. Graphics in that game are frickin glorious! Best MMO graphics in my opinion.


Not only that the world is unbelievable to look at especially if you have the power of flight. I would find myself just exploring and not even caring about quests some days.


The combat is unique, but also, to date probably the MOST exploited in any MMO i've played.


Speed hacks, latency hacks, animation glitches and all without any chance or hope of a fix. the developers in so many words said they can't fix the exploits either because they don't know how or it's inherent to the engine. Probably a little of both.


The MMO that takes the industry by storm will have their own engine and their own team of developers that went to college and obtained degrees in this field. it will be both visually ground breaking and incredibly responsive..before the beta testing ends.

Edited by VoXPCS
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i played DCUO a few weeks before tOR went live and they have a great game running on the Unreal engine, much smoother than tOR and very responsive combat.


Really, I think DCUO was terrible. I played it for about as long as it took me to get off of the first ship. It had voice acting as well but during its voice scenes, if you looked at superman's face when he saved you, only his bottom lip moved and his mouth didn’t even come close to mirror what he was saying. I played the game on my Laptop, so, the graphics looked like crap. I guess I should have loaded it onto my desktop and looked at it, but still, my opinion would have not changed.

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You got that right. Graphics in that game are frickin glorious! Best MMO graphics in my opinion.


Not only that the world is unbelievable to look at especially if you have the power of flight. I would find myself just exploring and not even caring about quests some days.


The combat is unique, but also, to date probably the MOST exploited in any MMO i've played.


Speed hacks, latency hacks, animation glitches and all without any chance or hope of a fix. the developers in so many words said they can't fix the exploits either because they don't know how or it's inherent to the engine. Probably a little of both.


The MMO that takes the industry by storm will have their own engine and their own team of developers that went to college and obtained degrees in this field. it will be both visually ground breaking and incredibly responsive..before the beta testing ends.


Which could be GW2, custom engine great art style and new way to play and its F2P

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Please give specific examples of specific games. The above statement is anecdotal.


Furthermore, no two versions of the Unreal and Cry engines are the same between games.


Okay I will use aion for my example.


Think you could ever raid with 700 people in swtor with smooth fps and better graphics? Probably not.


In aion you can. They took cry engine as their base and evolved it for that game.


Its smooth its responsive and can handle some serious numbers when it comes to pvp with hundreds of players.


They have an adaptable LoD system that you can set manually in prefs for char detail so if your system isn't up to snuff it will auto adjust textures and models to keep your fps up.


I never had to use it.

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Really, I think DCUO was terrible. I played it for about as long as it took me to get off of the first ship. It had voice acting as well but during its voice scenes, if you looked at superman's face when he saved you, only his bottom lip moved and his mouth didn’t even come close to mirror what he was saying. I played the game on my Laptop, so, the graphics looked like crap. I guess I should have loaded it onto my desktop and looked at it, but still, my opinion would have not changed.


Yes. If you're going to run an MMO, or any game for that matter why wouldn't your intentions be to run it at it's fullest? Or not at all...


Yes the facial animations weren't up to par, but the rest of the package far exceeds anything on the market today, less the exploits that aren't fixable as well Sony Online Entertainment.


Which is where MMOs go to die. That company could screw up a polish wet dream if given the chance. Fail company.

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Why did they choose a engine that is so heavily instanced instead of building their own like Blizzard did?


Buy a clue please. Instancing is a design decision within the game, by the game designers. It has nothing to do with the engine. Further, the engine released by Bioware is not really the hero engine, it is the hero engine as a core, which they then extensivly altered and augmented.


Hard to take you seriously when you are so out of touch with things like this.

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Why did they choose a engine that is so heavily instanced instead of building their own like Blizzard did?


Im just wondering because I keep hearing about all the money they spent and the heart of this game the main engine seems very cheap.


Any reason for this?


it is very likely the people who made the choice had no game or developer experience.

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Which could be GW2, custom engine great art style and new way to play and its F2P


I sincerely hope so. I'm on playing TOR because there isn't anything better yet, but I'm thinking there will be.


People have in their mind that you have to pay a monthly fee for the game to be great, I partially agree, and am hoping to be proven wrong.


From what I've seen of GW2, it's quite amazing, combat alone is unique, group composition is unique as well.

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I sincerely hope so. I'm on playing TOR because there isn't anything better yet, but I'm thinking there will be.


People have in their mind that you have to pay a monthly fee for the game to be great, I partially agree, and am hoping to be proven wrong.


From what I've seen of GW2, it's quite amazing, combat alone is unique, group composition is unique as well.


Everyone praised and waited for SWTOR to come save them as well, if you keep looking to the next big thing you will never be happy.


GW2 isn't going to be awesome or great. Even if it is, the forums will be flooded with people whining and saying "man can't wait for D3 to come out"

Edited by emeraldhill
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