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50 brackets will kill this game~


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Not enough 50 Republics. Queues will stop popping. Level 50 will be boring, discouraging the replay value of a new character. Sith will get very sick of huttball.


Better idea? MATCHMAKING. :D


Don't let one team have more 50's than the other. (I.e. like you have done to me every single game I have played in the past 72 hours where Sith have 4 level 50's and we have 1.)

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I'll have a level 50 by the end of the week. 80% of players will also have a 50 by then. I plan to pvp with my lvl 50 most of the time. My 2nd alt will pvp about 20% of the time. I'm sensing though you will miss ganking level 10's. I'm already reading threads about expertise geared lvl 50's making nerf threads. It is just a fact that premade teams in vent, with expertise gear, stims, etc. can roll over lvl 50 PUG groups.


Actually, I would support having volunteer premade warzone that awarded a lot more commendations and valor points.

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Nope. 50 brackets will make the game fun. I'm very much looking forward to only fighting 50's on my 50, and looking forward to not dying instantly to 50's on my alts.


It's the absolute #1 thing that will make or break the game for me and i'm sure many others feel the same way. If it means queues will be longer, so be it.

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Not enough 50 Republics. Queues will stop popping. Level 50 will be boring, discouraging the replay value of a new character. Sith will get very sick of huttball.


Better idea? MATCHMAKING. :D


Don't let one team have more 50's than the other. (I.e. like you have done to me every single game I have played in the past 72 hours where Sith have 4 level 50's and we have 1.)


no it wont kill this game lvl 50 brackets will make pvp alot more fun and balanced.


the only players lvl 50 brackets will annoy are those that prey on low lvl's easy kills so they can get lots of medals each game. well im sorry but you 50's have had your fun in griefing the lower lvl's getting easy medals and commidations now you can fight players y our own lvl.


lvl 50's with full pvp gear ruins the bolster system so it will be alot better when 50's get there own bracket when they add it at the end of the month.

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OF COURSE matchmaking is the better answer.


But the problem is, most people don't want quality PvP or challenging PvP. Most people running premades DO NOT want to face other premades! Look at WoW and ranked BGs. What they do want is to be matched against a gaggle of slack-jawed yokels and bulldoze over them. The whole point of getting to 50 and getting geared is so you can stomp on those who haven't done it yet.


That's human nature. And unless you want massive cancellations, that can't be allowed to happen.

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I'll have a level 50 by the end of the week. 80% of players will also have a 50 by then.

You're on crack.


I'd bet the bulk of the playerbase is in their 30s. Look at the population density where you are, then go back a couple planets and look there. There's a lot of people who only put in an hour or two a day.

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You're on crack.


I'd bet the bulk of the playerbase is in their 30s. Look at the population density where you are, then go back a couple planets and look there. There's a lot of people who only put in an hour or two a day.


Yeah my wife and I are level 30 exactly. We do not rush through content and we have gone back to help some late joining friends etc..


So we wont be 50 for awhile yet, no rush, no point to rush.

Edited by Fox_McCloud
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Do you actually think the developers do not have metrics on this?

They know how many 50's there are and how many are PvP'ing.


Better idea? MATCHMAKING. :D


Don't let one team have more 50's than the other. (I.e. like you have done to me every single game I have played in the past 72 hours where Sith have 4 level 50's and we have 1.)



Your solution works too but two brackets is easier to manage. Add up the levels of both sides and give an expertise buff of varying proportion to balance. It would stink to get to level 50 finally and become a freshman again because you are 50 with no PvP gear.. Everyone deserves some time as a high school senior before becoming a college freshmen.



End this thread.

Edited by richardya
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Not enough 50 Republics. Queues will stop popping. Level 50 will be boring, discouraging the replay value of a new character. Sith will get very sick of huttball.


Better idea? MATCHMAKING. :D


Don't let one team have more 50's than the other. (I.e. like you have done to me every single game I have played in the past 72 hours where Sith have 4 level 50's and we have 1.)


I'm sorry, but there has to be some consequence for rolling the 8:1 population imbalanced faction.

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Personally, it would be easy to do a match making style in this game. They already have Valor, So all it would take is to set queues up that at first is does only matches with your Valor level, then a minute later 5 levels +/-, another minute passes 10 levels +/-


Best way to compare it is Halo's old matchmaking.

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In the past 3 days, I've had Huttball pop about 85-90% of the time. I fully anticipate this percentage to increase to 95-100% once the 50 only bracket is live.


Instead of fixing the CORE PROBLEM of faction imbalance, Bioware has decided to sweep that under the rug and attempt to hide it by adding more faction vs faction Warzones. I'm very disappointed in how Bioware is handling this issue and hope they do something to fix it.

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Not enough 50 Republics. Queues will stop popping. Level 50 will be boring, discouraging the replay value of a new character. Sith will get very sick of huttball.


Better idea? MATCHMAKING. :D


Don't let one team have more 50's than the other. (I.e. like you have done to me every single game I have played in the past 72 hours where Sith have 4 level 50's and we have 1.)



This is still just going to have the same problem. If there are more imp's than rep's then there will be more lvl 50 imp's than lvl 50 rep's hence long queues and lots of imp vs imp huttball. The 50's bracket will however actually let lower lvls have some sort of meaningful pvp where they are not just cannon fodder for 50's with lots of expertise.

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Disclaimer: I'm a RP_PvE server player -- not only am I a effin' Carebear, but I've got the big *** stomach patch to go with it.


When I first jumped in to the PvP Warzones for the first time, I was shocked to see that it wasn't bracketed. The revulsion at being steamrolled by a Sith with a overwhelming power base, was.. something I wasn't prepared for.


That was a week ago. I'm now a Skirmisher, I'm only 18 -- not a lot of playtime, and a lot of that in the cantinas on Coruscant -- but I *love* facing off against the overwhelming odds, now.


Yes, when the opposing team is 99% 50s, we're going to lose -- there's only so much that skill can overcome. But, if I can interrupt a 50 from planting a bomb, or I can heal a 45 on my team so that he can stand toe to toe against two 45+? I've done *good things* for my team. If I've got three 30ish Sith wailing on me in Huttball, while I'm doing knockback AoE and healtanking? That's three Sith that aren't focused on their objective. I may not get MVP for these acts, but I do ENJOY IT.


Not everyone will, of course. I'd like to see a balance -- a limit, perhaps -- so that you can't get 10 50s on a single team. But to me, standing up against all odds, and making a difference? That's what Star Wars is all about, yeah? Something about a movie, a few people, one ship, vs a whole damned empire?


That's what its about. That will be lost -- but perhaps something else will be gained. I guess we'll see.

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In the past 3 days, I've had Huttball pop about 85-90% of the time. I fully anticipate this percentage to increase to 95-100% once the 50 only bracket is live.


Instead of fixing the CORE PROBLEM of faction imbalance, Bioware has decided to sweep that under the rug and attempt to hide it by adding more faction vs faction Warzones. I'm very disappointed in how Bioware is handling this issue and hope they do something to fix it.


While I agree that this is the real problem, it's not really BWs problem. More players rolled imperial than republic and the only solution is for some of those players to switch to republic. BW can't really force you to roll one faction over another.


While incentives are possible they don't tend to be a good fix without causing other problems in the process. I mean, with all the imperials complaining about seeing all huttball but not being willing to reroll and give up 3 weeks of progress for a better experience for the rest of the time they play the game we'd have to be talking about some pretty hefty advantages to make a meaningful difference here.

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I second the OP. Those brackets will cause nothing but harm compared to a proper bolster system. Bioware is simply taking the cheap and lazy way there and should really take the time and effort to handle it without seperating the PVP players in those silly brackets. The waiting time already now can be pretty long on some servers.
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72% of statistics are made up.


As long as 95% of people believe in them its fine.


Also-BOO HOO Enjoy hutball you bad evil sith wanabe.


Meanwhile I will enjoy even more instant ques on republic side.

Edited by Lerdoc
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50's need their own bracket, champion eqed players next to a level ten isnt any fun, chances are most of the complainers are level 50's who enjoy beating down on lower levels and cant actually stand to pvp other 50's this way more lower level chars will get involved and pvp will actually get a boost, i know alot of people that refuse to pvp because of level 50's sitting there and camping them for easy kills/medals,


hell, most pvp games i get into nowadays all i hear is people are happy the level 50's are getting their own bracket, that says something

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In the past 3 days, I've had Huttball pop about 85-90% of the time. I fully anticipate this percentage to increase to 95-100% once the 50 only bracket is live.


Instead of fixing the CORE PROBLEM of faction imbalance, Bioware has decided to sweep that under the rug and attempt to hide it by adding more faction vs faction Warzones. I'm very disappointed in how Bioware is handling this issue and hope they do something to fix it.


And how do you think they could "fix" what is beyond them? Want to have a Bioware employee kidnap your cat and threat to kill it if you won't delete your inq sorc and reroll rep asap? Seriously, stop being stupid.


Players created the problem and players have to deal with it. Well, imperials at least, because here on rep side we think that que is long if we wait longer then 2 minutes and huttball is maybe 20-25% of all my games.


So stop this "bioware fix imbalance or I call whambulance" and reroll or suck it sith kid.

Edited by Lerdoc
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It's all of your faults for wanting to be evil like the rest of the world and all rolling sith cause its "cooler"... You brought this upon yourselves... you really did. I rolled republic just so I wouldn't have to deal with it and I'm not regretting it for a second, instant ques for life.
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This is kind of off-topic for this discussion though. Regardless BioWare is addressing the faction imbalance by making imp vs imp PvP more palatable. There's nothing wrong with imp vs imp PvP, there's something wrong with only being able to do huttball. BioWare already has plans to roll out more same faction WZ, so let's not beat this dead horse.
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And how do you think they could "fix" what is beyond them? Want to have a Bioware employee kidnap your cat and threat to kill it if you won't delete your inq sorc and reroll rep asap? Seriously, stop being stupid.


Players created the problem and players have to deal with it. Well, imperials at least, because here on rep side we think that que is long if we wait longer then 2 minutes and huttball is maybe 20-25% of all my games.


So stop this "bioware fix imbalance or I call whambulance" and reroll or suck it sith kid.


Amen. If Imperials really want fair PvP, some of them need to balls up and roll Republic. I'm already Republic. The only way Bioware can fix this is to allow transfers cross faction, AC for AC, with gear in tact. That is the ONLY way the faction imbalance will ever change. No level 50 sorc/operative is going to reroll just to help the Republic out.

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