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Worst head start idea ever?


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And you're the same people that would be ************ and complaining had you logged in with a que of over 500. These are the people that can never be pleased. BW is doing a good job with how they are handling it, it gives them the chance to bring up more servers (hopefully) as we go.
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Oh my God , we have been waiting for years for the game whats another day or so CHILLEX people


There are so many reasons people may wish to be in now...It only takes the smallest amount of thinking about others. Example, our friends are already in and leveling, our pvp opposition is getting strongholds and preparing ganking choke holds, Our guilds are leaving us behind in levels. Etc. Each persons reason is their own, and valid to them.

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They should have sent an email to everyone already that, says what wave you're assigned to. It doesn't mean they have to tell you when the wave will be sent but at least people in wave 12 could be productive with their time for a day or two...
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The game launches on the 20th. If I'm unable to play on the 20th, I'll be upset. Crying about not getting into early access, as soon as early access begins (when the structure of early access was fairly clear), is pretty pathetic.


Don't any of you work? The game isn't going anywhere, and you can be sure to have access on the 20th. If you expected more than that, you clearly have reading comprehension issues.

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Well, I thought a lot of the whiners would go out with the new forums. Too bad.


This post almost seems like a whine about the lack of whiners leaving. OOOOOO Irony, it has a way of sneaking up on you like a Ninja and holding a shiny gold mirror at ones face.

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I ordered in November, I wasn't aware at the time I'd have to wait a bit longer than others. It's a little bit of a bummer, but it's just how it went. I'll be playing another game on my day off in the meaning time, and checking my email every few hours.


Maybe I'll get to play today, maybe later in the week. There is no reason to rage about things out of our control. I'm not bummed at Bioware. I'm pleased with the sort of games they are providing. It would be nice to play on my only day off during the week, but that's just how the cookie crumbled.


I'm going to romance myself an ex-Templar now. :p

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There is no point in QQ'ing about the staggered launch at this point in time, so let it go people.


The point that should be addressed is the lack of servers up at this time. They know full well that they will need a LOT more then currently exist (as of the last official update they are still on July 21st date and server status shows nearly all servers at medium+ capacity). Why not add more servers now and open up the stream a bit more?


And for those that insist this is PGA and not launch, take your heads out of the sand. We are past beta and everything is now live. The 20th is just for sales records.

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It's absolutely terrible. At the very least they should've let you know when you're getting in so you don't feel like an ******e for sitting and waiting for something that might not even be coming.


i am feeling your pain

but waiting might not be the best option right now.


i agree completely that they should announce at least a rule stating at which times they are releasing new waves, but apparently that is too much to ask, common courtesy really....


Dear customers,


we are aware of your eager and anticipation to log in and play swtor , since we decided with a new approach to stagger the early access in batches we will do so every hour by sending new emails to let you know that you can start playing, beginning with (insert time) , blah blah blah.


hope this helps.


Mr Foun Daclue

Edited by naniyo
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This has to be the worst idea ever....letting people in waves join the game? Didn't we do server stress testing in the beta about 3 weeks ago? I'm still amazed at how this is being handled




If I had access today, letting people in waves would be the best idea ever!


But I didn't get in so it's the worst idea ever!!

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Well they wrote in their mail that they will let people in, in the order and time they redeemed their code, but still I Pre-Paid for the game a few months ago and redeemed my code directly, but still ppl that just bought the game 10 days ago get in before peeps that bought the game ages ago? I mean where is the logic in that?
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YAAAAAAY yet another raging 7 year old schoolgirl who dropped her cookie QQ thread.. woohoo keep up the whining crybabies.. you guys have to be around aswell to be the contrast to others who actually do have the common decency and patience to w8 :p


but really... you crybabies do know you aint getting nowhere with your emo posting?:w_tongue:

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You pre-ordered. At least you get to play before the 20th.


I'd rather this, personally, than the 12 hr + wait times in Rift during early launch to attempt to reserve a name on a server. At least you know that WHEN you get in, you won't be fighting as many people (Hopefully). The prior waves will have staggered out of the newb areas.


Stop whining and go do something productive-- though admittedly, in between, I'm still checking my email. ;)

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This is why I didn't call out sick for work today. Based on how they handled selecting people for the beta weekends, I knew this was going to be a brutal day. I got up at 4:15PST, saw no email, and went back to sleep. Have fun fellow Jedi's QQing all day on the forums.:D
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Please, would you stop complaining, this is just a perk to get into the game early. The release date is still the 20th, if we all decided to buy the game on release, everyone could get in. This is just a bonus for us, and a way for BioWare to handle the server load a little bit more smoothly, everybody wins.


This is not a *********** perk you imbeciles WE *********** PAID FOR IT WAKE UP

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