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Worst head start idea ever?


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This will become standard for major MMO releases eventually.


One of the best ideas for launch of a major game.


If they let everyone in at the same time you would see thousands of posts crying about queues, lag and full servers.


Nothing different than is happening now really:)

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What is so awful about getting the chance to play a game for free 7 days before it launches? If you don't get in today, then 6 days, or 5 days? Just go do something else and check your email for your acceptance. Refreshing your browser or your game is pointless.


Again, the game hasn't launched and won't for 7 days

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Personally I'd rather be sitting in a 4 hour queue - ala Rift, at least knowing I might get to play at SOME point today, rather than sitting wondering what day I'm even going to get the chance.



this!, I was telling exactly same thing to my guildmates not long ago.

Edited by rkopczak
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This has to be the worst idea ever....letting people in waves join the game? Didn't we do server stress testing in the beta about 3 weeks ago? I'm still amazed at how this is being handled


Translation, I didn't get in right away so I'm going to ***** about it. If I was allowed in, it would be the best idea ever to stagger early release. BUT i didn't get allowed in so I'm going to complain incessantly about it even though this was expected months ago.

Edited by DarthAnaethil
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This is exactly how they said MONTHS ago that they will be doing this. Are you really THAT invested in this game that you cannot bare to wait another day or two, or three to get into it? C'mon already just enjoy the game when you can--no sense in crying about how they are handling it cause it will get you nowhere.
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I know this is going to sound like QQ i wanna play but damn it sure as hell is annoying knowing that peeps are playing today and I prbly wont get to play till 18th-maybe 19th (early dec purchase). Had I known from the get go that you would get access according to how early you purchased then I would have bought it earlier. :mad: To simply state i'm pissed is an understatement! I'd rather have everyone join and have servers crash 5-10 times today and less and less as the days go by then wait almost a week to get my "early" start if I'm not a star wars geek... C'MON! (no pun intended if u are a star wars geek :D )
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Personally, I think this "staggered" launch is a brilliant idea.


Many of us will have been present at an MMO launch before and experienced the frustrations of not being able to log in for hours, lagging out, server crashes, and other first day frustrations.


At least this way, when you get the mail to say you're in, you will actually be able to get in and play, and the servers are likely to be stable at the same time.


I think it makes for a very smooth launch indeed!

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I know this is going to sound like QQ i wanna play but damn it sure as hell is annoying knowing that peeps are playing today and I prbly wont get to play till 18th-maybe 19th (early dec purchase). Had I known from the get go that you would get access according to how early you purchased then I would have bought it earlier. :mad: To simply state i'm pissed is an understatement! I'd rather have everyone join and have servers crash 5-10 times today and less and less as the days go by then wait almost a week to get my "early" start if I'm not a star wars geek... C'MON! (no pun intended if u are a star wars geek :D )


well are you pissed at bioware or yourself? lol

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This has to be the worst idea ever....letting people in waves join the game? Didn't we do server stress testing in the beta about 3 weeks ago? I'm still amazed at how this is being handled


Yes they did stress test, the stress test was to determine how much stress they could put on the servers at once to determine how large the initial waves should be and what signs to look out for that the servers are getting to stressed or are ready for more.


Mindbogling isn't it?

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This has to be the worst idea ever....letting people in waves join the game? Didn't we do server stress testing in the beta about 3 weeks ago? I'm still amazed at how this is being handled


Omg, I didn't get in the first day, oh noez, now everyone will be at a higher level than me when I get into the game a few days later.


And all that just to provide a stable launch without many issues, how dare they?!

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Personally, I think this "staggered" launch is a brilliant idea.


Many of us will have been present at an MMO launch before and experienced the frustrations of not being able to log in for hours, lagging out, server crashes, and other first day frustrations.


At least this way, when you get the mail to say you're in, you will actually be able to get in and play, and the servers are likely to be stable at the same time.


I think it makes for a very smooth launch indeed!


I agree that the staggered launch is a great idea but...They should have found a way to give people a time frame based on their pre-order day, even if it's not a time at least a day.

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