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Rolling need for your companion


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Your argument is that your position is self-evident. Something that's self-evident has plenty of proof to back it up.


Let's see yours. Where is your ample evidence that people get blacklisted and can't find groups? Come on, put your money where your mouth is and show us.


See for yourself once you continue ninja looting people.

Edited by ApolloAtlantis
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Your argument is that your position is self-evident. Something that's self-evident has plenty of proof to back it up.


Let's see yours. Where is your ample evidence that people get blacklisted and can't find groups? Come on, put your money where your mouth is and show us.


I used to see blacklisting as an effective element on servers....no longer the case really as soloing is sooo easy and most games no longer give credence to the integrity of a server community.

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Let me know what your toon name is, and what server and faction you're on. I will show you your proof. Go ahead, post it for all of us to see.


You wish to libel me in an attempt to gather proof for something that's supposed to have ample proof already? Shouldn't you be able to show me someone this has already happened to rather than making up stories?


Your position is getting weaker and weaker.

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This seems to be a very controversial topic! Myself, I wouldn't roll need for my companion unless the group had discussed it and agreed.


However, I see the other point of view too. In order for me to effectively play solo (which is about 85% of my play time), I need to not only have my character geared well but also my companion. If Corso has lousy gear, he will be a lousy tank, and I will struggle and die a lot. Since solo content was designed with companions factored into the equation, you essentially need to gear up not one but two characters in order to be effective.


The big issue I see with gearing companions is that you have five of them. I stick to just one, as I'm sure many people do, and honestly I wouldn't mind if someone rolled Need for an item for their "essential" companion. But it gets more iffy when you keep two companions geared (one for regular mobs, one for elites). . . or three . . . or all of them!


Another sticky issue: some players may be able to share gear with their companion of choice. For example, no one would bat an eye if I rolled need on a Smuggler item while playing on my Smuggler. But I could easily just give it to Risha, my companion who wears Smuggler gear too. Or I could use it for a day and then give it to Risha.


Honestly, I wish they would let flashpoints drop loot for classes other than those currently in it. I'd love to mow through the low level ones to get some heavy armor for my companion, but I can only do that if I bring along a player that can use, and thus will Need, that type of armor. That really doesn't help matters any. -_-

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You wish to libel me in an attempt to gather proof for something that's supposed to have ample proof already? Shouldn't you be able to show me someone this has already happened to rather than making up stories?


Your position is getting weaker and weaker.


No libel involved. If you continue ninja looting, you will see the proof for yourself.

Edited by ApolloAtlantis
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Actually I often make it clear that I am rolling need on companion gear. I have not had a problem since. No problem in any case, and if they have a problem I can find another group. Try toning down the drama lolololol.


You see ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That's etiqette and I would be perfectly happy if people announced it before hand. It's the jerk who has no consideration for his actions until it is too late, that deserves a kick/ignore.


Rolling for your companion should not be considered the norm in a PUG, however. The rarity of certain falls should go to the Main who is in the group. No one should assume that the player who NEEDS it because that's his main class won't be hurt by some bloke who rolls NEED who is going to put it on his pet.

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My point went right over your head. What I meant is that NOBODY is. That's why you posting in general that someone is a ninja will have little to no effect on their group-finding ability.


I think that you're giving your "point" quite a bit more credit than it deserves. In fact, it deserves none, because it's oxymoronic, given the context.


If you are saying something is "acceptable behavior", then you are installing yourself as the authority. It doesn't matter a whit whether you're saying it's "acceptable behavior" or "not acceptable behavior" it's that you're claiming that your viewpoint is the correct one. We all appoint ourselves as an authority whenever we voice an opinion. It's not rocket science.


That's about as much of my time as I am willing to expend on you. Au revoir!


P.S. The "libel" thing was cute - entertaining drama to be sure - but you should probably research the term before you casually toss it around on a forum without knowing what it means.

Edited by KippTabor
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I think that you're giving your "point" quite a bit more credit than it deserves. In fact, it deserves none, because it's oxymoronic, given the context.


If you are saying something is "acceptable behavior", then you are installing yourself as the authority. It doesn't matter a whit whether you're saying it's "acceptable behavior" or "not acceptable behavior" it's that you're claiming that your viewpoint is the correct one. We all appoint ourselves as an authority whenever we voice an opinion. It's not rocket science.


That's about as much of my time as I am willing to expend on you. Au revoir!


lol ok then buddy. go back to playing.

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I've adopted the following:


Someone needs on gear without saying anything, and they obviously can't use?

Someone needs on something for a companion?

I need on every single thing that drops in the instance.

Then when I get out, I put them on the do not group list and that's that.

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You wish to libel me in an attempt to gather proof for something that's supposed to have ample proof already? Shouldn't you be able to show me someone this has already happened to rather than making up stories?


Your position is getting weaker and weaker.


If you are so sure it wont happen then....


Post your name, server, guild, and that you will roll need on every piece of gear for your companion in raids/groups even though a player may need that item.

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Nothing emotional about it, I fail to see the logic in rolling on loot for your companion that comes from an area where you can't use your companion. Your companion didn't help the group in any way, yet you think you should be able to take the loot for it.


As I said earlier there are plenty of solo quest rewards that are companion specific. People who join group to equip companions are just flat out greedy. They abuse the groups that they join for thier own self interests.


No, you REFUSE to see the logic. That's different than being unable to see the logic. You just don't like it.


The fact of the matter is that companions are now a part of your complete character. Nothing is going to change that until Bioware changes it.


If it comes down to people actually trying to blacklist people for rolling on their companions, the community will be split in half. I have a very hard time believing that people are so dense as to not see this new shift in character customization.


I guess I will find out. But something tells me I'm just dealing with a vocal minority here.

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I've adopted the following:


Someone needs on gear without saying anything, and they obviously can't use?

Someone needs on something for a companion?

I need on every single thing that drops in the instance.

Then when I get out, I put them on the do not group list and that's that.


wow that is excellent. lets all do that

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Companions are used for soloing and farming, both of which can be done in greens, so they don't really need anything more. Companions are not used in PvP, operations, group flashpoints and other actually gear intensive content. People shouldn't be needing on gear just because they want it.


Either way I'd go by a more logical rule, if your companion is not helping you earn the gear, it doesn't get priority in winning it, to me its like rolling need on BoEs for your friends.

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If you are so sure it wont happen then....


Post your name, server, guild, and that you will roll need on every piece of gear for your companion in raids/groups even though a player may need that item.


Shouldn't be necessary. You should be able to show me 150 people it already happened to, since it's so self-evident and everything. Let's see them.

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No, you REFUSE to see the logic. That's different than being unable to see the logic. You just don't like it.


The fact of the matter is that companions are now a part of your complete character. Nothing is going to change that until Bioware changes it.


If it comes down to people actually trying to blacklist people for rolling on their companions, the community will be split in half. I have a very hard time believing that people are so dense as to not see this new shift in character customization.


I guess I will find out. But something tells me I'm just dealing with a vocal minority here.


What exactly did your companion contribute to that flashpoint group that you rolled need against to get gear for it? Your companion isn't there and contributed in absolutely no way, yet you insist on rolling for gear for it. And you think I'm refusing to see logic...

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Shouldn't be necessary. You should be able to show me 150 people it already happened to, since it's so self-evident and everything. Let's see them.


You're extremely adamant that the concept of social blacklisting does not exist in MMOs.

Edited by ApolloAtlantis
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If you are so sure it wont happen then....


Post your name, server, guild, and that you will roll need on every piece of gear for your companion in raids/groups even though a player may need that item.


One would be an idiot to post their character info on these forums due to the maturity level of the folks that cannot accept that others have a different opinion that themselves. Just opening yourself up for abuse that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

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Shouldn't be necessary. You should be able to show me 150 people it already happened to, since it's so self-evident and everything. Let's see them.


You should be able to show me 150 people who it didn't happen to. Since it's so self-evident and everything. Let's see them.


See how circular logic "works"? It doesn't.

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What exactly did your companion contribute to that flashpoint group that you rolled need against to get gear for it? Your companion isn't there and contributed in absolutely no way, yet you insist on rolling for gear for it. And you think I'm refusing to see logic...


I've already been over this. I will repeat myself. The point of an instance is to gear up your character. Your companion is a part of your character. I don't care that I couldn't use my companion for the instance (because I would if I could!), that's not the point. The point is gearing out my character, which includes my companion!


*I* am the one playing the game as clearly intended by Bioware. You are the one setting subjective rules that have nothing to do with the reality of the game.

Edited by Marlaine
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You should be able to show me 150 people who it didn't happen to. Since it's so self-evident and everything. Let's see them.


See how circular logic "works"? It doesn't.


*points at the 10,000 people who did a flashpoint today*

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My personal feeling is people (REAL people) come first. That does not include your companions and alts.


However, by simple game design, you are free to roll how you want on whatever you want. You are also free to be blacklisted on your server for the rest of your character's existence.


Make your choice and live with the consequences.

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You know, if anything, the self-entitlement attitude people have about gear is kinda putting a bad taste in my mouth. Why does anyone think that just because they are in a group and something drops they can use that it will automatically go to them? Who told you that? I have just as much right to that light armor chest piece, dps lightsaber or blaster pistol as you do. It's none of your business why I needed it, I needed it therefore I need it. End of story.
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One would be an idiot to post their character info on these forums due to the maturity level of the folks that cannot accept that others have a different opinion that themselves. Just opening yourself up for abuse that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.


I agree, but I don't think he really expects the poster's info, I think he's trying to make a larger point. Just my take, though I may certainly be mistaken.

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One would be an idiot to post their character info on these forums due to the maturity level of the folks that cannot accept that others have a different opinion that themselves. Just opening yourself up for abuse that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.


No kidding. Last thing I need is my ignore list and email box being full because the guy demanding my info has a grudge and makes 389 alts on my server to harass me.

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I agree, but I don't think he really expects the poster's info, I think he's trying to make a larger point. Just my take, though I may certainly be mistaken.




But asking someone to post player info on a forum proves not point at all, as no rational person will take this request seriously.

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