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Rolling need for your companion


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I was tanking Athiss last night on my powertech and the last boss dropped an amazing pistol that was head and shoulders above the one I had. Being grouped with two operatives and an assassin I was giddy to get such a nice upgrade.... Wait no, one of the operatives rolled need as well saying it was for his tank companion and then won the roll.... Everyone in the group called him a dirt bag or some other name and he soon quit the group.


Bioware should really implement a loot rolling system that reflects how players actually distribute loot and to prevent douche bags from rolling need on an item they can't even equip in order to give it to their companion, sell it, or other ridiculous endevor.


Sorry to say it but Blizzard took many expansions to finally apply this restriction and the world has been a better place ever since.

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I had this happen to me.


I promptly ignored said player, left the group (which disintegrated after I left) and went on.


If someone does that, they are already too selfish/stupid to say sorry or anything. They'll just leave or start cursing. No need to waste finger movement and type for these idiots.

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Anyone attempts to roll need on something thats not for they're class they are instantly shut down in my groups. I explain the rules to them ONCE and inform them that if it is done again then they will be removed from the group.
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Unfortunetly for me it was the last boss. It's a douche bag move that I have seen before in other MMOs. There is no recourse when they decide to dick you on the last boss other then to spam in general chat that they are a ninja looting douch.


Laying ground rules every time you start an instance is neither practical nor needed since the consencus of the comunity is not to role need on items you can't use.

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Unfortunetly for me it was the last boss. It's a douche bag move that I have seen before in other MMOs. There is no recourse when they decide to dick you on the last boss other then to spam in general chat that they are a ninja looting douch.
Unless you established loot rules as a group, and everyone agreed, he's not a ninja looting anything...


Laying ground rules every time you start an instance is neither practical nor needed since the consencus of the comunity is not to role need on items you can't use.
If you're not willing to take 30 seconds to do this, then don't cry when people don't follow your unwritten rules. Edited by ferroz
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Really you can only decide on loot rules before you group. Even adding a rolling option for companion won't help because people would just click on that if it took priority over greed.


If people are being douchebags, don't group with them. And since servers are closed communities, they'll build themselves a reputation for being mean players.

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Yet another thread about this?


OK, if you insist.


Roll however you want on whatever you want. You fought for it and have as much right to it as anyone else. What you do with it once once you get it is your business and no one else has anything to say about it.



I feel sorry for you. Guess you won't be experiencing much group content

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Agreed with above.


The only system that works is to just let everyone do what they want. With the "need only for your class" system - there's still nothing to stop a Bounty Hunter for claiming "need" on an item when he intends to do nothing but sell it.


Barring omniscience, freedom is the only way to insure everyone has an equal chance to do whatever it is they like with the drops in a fight.


It isn't characters or companions playing this game - it's people.

Edited by Democratus
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Yet another thread about this?


OK, if you insist.


Roll however you want on whatever you want. You fought for it and have as much right to it as anyone else. What you do with it once once you get it is your business and no one else has anything to say about it.



Amen, brother. I see rolling on items for your companion as acceptable. If you didn't have the foresight to lay down some ground rules about loot beforehand then I don't think you can lambast that fellow for rolling for his companion.

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Amen, brother. I see rolling on items for your companion as acceptable. If you didn't have the foresight to lay down some ground rules about loot beforehand then I don't think you can lambast that fellow for rolling for his companion.


If this is the case then why bother have anything but need roll? Everyone will roll need on everything. Would that make it corect? I need credits therefore I should roll need on every item?


There is a general consensus of rolling need for main spec first. If you are the tank you should get priority on tank items not some DPSer's companion and you should definetly not need on items you can't even use.

Edited by Formorianman
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This is my first MMO so if this would not work, then I won't argue as I don't have much experience with this type of game. However from reading the comments, what if you could only get gear for your class on the LAST BOSS of a flashpoint? Then you can set ground rules beforehand and this would prevent people from obeying rules till last boss where they roll need. Thoughts?
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There is such a thing as MMO etiquette and while I agree that a player should be able to roll for whatever he wants as he both participates in the group and contributes equally so should be allowed to go for whatever loot he wants, I think if a group puts down some ground rules and someone doesn't follow them or intend to follow them gets the insta kick without warning, without reason. I won't even bother responding to him, just kick and done.
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This is my first MMO so if this would not work, then I won't argue as I don't have much experience with this type of game. However from reading the comments, what if you could only get gear for your class on the LAST BOSS of a flashpoint? Then you can set ground rules beforehand and this would prevent people from obeying rules till last boss where they roll need. Thoughts?


My point exactly. You can set all the ground rules you like, but the game doesn't prevent people from being stupid. Blizzard implemented a system where players could not roll on gear they could not use. It still didn't prevent ALL griefing but it was certainly a step in the right direction.


As well if I'm going to have to explain loot rules to every person I group with Bioware better implement macros real soon.

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if you need it for your comp then you need it, simple as that, if you dont like it dont group with anyone.


Your comp is integral to your main so it needs to be equipped same as you do. Get over it or **** off and play something else.

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Guys, lets just all need on everything since we can do whatever we want with whatever we want right?


^worst logic I have ever heard.


There is an unwritten rule about all of this, but the fact is it is unwritten. People will always be selfish and unless you establish rules beforehand there is not much you can do.

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If this is the case then why bother have anything but need roll? Everyone will roll need on everything. Would that make it corect? I need credits therefore I should roll need on every item?


There is a general consensus of rolling need for main spec first. If you are the tank you should get priority on tank items not some DPSer's companion and you should definetly not need on items you can't even use.


You're using circular logic lmao - doesn't work here bud :)

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And this is why i will only run content with Guild groups.


The idea is simple, your companion is considered "off spec" for the concept of rolling on gear.


And when something comes up that my companions can use i ask in chat \ mumble hey that's an upgrade for x companion can i roll on it.



Your companion does nothing for you in a flashpoint that has 4 players,


Your companion does nothing for you in operations,


Your companion does nothing for you in warzones.


You only need your companion for 2+ content and solo'ing, which your companion does not need top gear for.



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I have done this a few times, but always asking first: "Hey, that's a perfect huge upgrade for Khem, Mind if I roll need on it?" If there are no objections, off I go. Usually, I only ask this if no one else has rolled Need on it already, as I feel PCs have a priority over Companions.



It is up to us to have an etiquette for these things. Make C-3PO proud!

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Best solution : Dont pug

Second best solution : If you do decide to pug, set up loot rules



Yes it's annoying if someone rolls for your item but thank the maker it's SWTOR. Armor/Weps drop on a regular basis.


Coming from a game where I tried 300+ runs to get a weapon for my class and decided to leave the game because bosses pretty much never dropped anything at all I find SWTOR very friendly with their loottable.

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