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how do you guys manage it?


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i'm currently level 35 aprox , and i'm having problems specially in pvp with the skills , there's no room to bind all my offensive skills in the keyboard , and by clicking on them i lose

movement , idk if u guys have the same problem but for me it's difficult because in wow i had almost all my dmg abilities binded into keys and didn't have to click on them and focus more on my movement.

Edited by ShoteR
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I personally have I think 24 key binds. I run the top row with the standard 1 - = config and then the second center row I have set to Alt + 1 - =. Takes some getting used too but I don't think I could actually function well with out those powers. After you bind the skills you want its really all about practice and muscle memory. So that when you're in a "pinch" scenario you don't have to look to see where things are at.


We're certainly a power rich class and we need a great many of them. There is just a practice curve on all of it, and at 35 (I'm at the same level) our class is just now starting to really take its shape.

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level 32 here:


-Buffs, forms, guard, quick travel and mounts on left quickslots

-Defensive cooldowns (3 min cd ones), pots, Unleash, rest skill (forgot name) and useless skills (pommel lol) on right quickslots. AoE taunt also (basically, the "oh crap" quickslot bar)

-Everything else in bottom quickslots as follow:

1-Force Charge


3-Interrupt (forgot name also)

4-Sweeping Strikes

5-Smash (see that 4-5 is my AoE area)

6-Pass the Huttball! :D Reserved

Shift+t- Taunt

T- Force Scream

Shift+e- Chilling Blast

E- Retaliation

Shift+f- Vicious Slash

F- Sundering Assault

Shift+g- Enrage

G- Impale

Shift+v- Force Choke

V- Reserved for Shatter

Shift+b- Force push



Basically, all the offensive skills are right under my left finger, hope it helps

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So far?





Shift 1,2,3,4

alt 1,2,3,4

middle mouse, shift middle mouse, control middle mouse

e, shift-e, q, shift-q, r, shift-r, f, shift-f, z, shift-z, x, shift-x, c, shift-c, v, shift-v


but I'm running out of easy bindings and I'm only level 38... =(

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i'm currently level 35 aprox , and i'm having problems specially in pvp with the skills , there's no room to bind all my offensive skills in the keyboard , and by clicking on them i lose

movement , idk if u guys have the same problem but for me it's difficult because in wow i had almost all my dmg abilities binded into keys and didn't have to click on them and focus more on my movement.


Clickers world man :3, clickers world xDDD.


I used to be a Hunter clicker on WoW, so i had more than 10 binds, here i got three full bars and i need to half click half bind, if dont, im lost xD.

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I use shift+{q, w, e, r, a, s, d, f, z, x, c, v} and ctrl+{q, w, e, r, s, f, z, x, c, v} and ctrl+shift+{a, d} (ctrl+a and ctrl+d bindings don't work for some reason). In total, that's 24 skills. My long CD defensive abilities (ie, endure pain, invincible, saber ward) are on backspace, ctrl+backspace, shift+backspace. Works extremely well for me. Buffs and stances are not keybound (you won't be using or toggling them very often during battle) and put on the side. Edited by Taybul
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So far?





Shift 1,2,3,4

alt 1,2,3,4

middle mouse, shift middle mouse, control middle mouse

e, shift-e, q, shift-q, r, shift-r, f, shift-f, z, shift-z, x, shift-x, c, shift-c, v, shift-v


but I'm running out of easy bindings and I'm only level 38... =(


use 5, shift 5, ctrl 1-5, `, shift `, ctrl r, ctrl f, ctrl z, ctrl x, ctrl c, ctrl v, shift t, ctrl t, alt t, shift g, ctrl g, alt g. Some may not be as easy to reach depending on how you manipulate your character. i play jazz piano, so i'm able to reach key combinations that aren't as accessible, but the ones i've listed should all be within 2 keys of your "neutral" position (over w,a,s,d). pinky hits shift and ctrl, thumb hits alt.


I never bind e or q because i use strafing while attacking sometimes. I also have 2 mouse buttons with shift and ctrl modifiers. I have more keybinds than abilities and i'm lvl 41.


what abilities are you binding? stances, buffs and such don't need to be really. I have my stances bound although i usually click them. I have guard bound because i'm immortal and frequently change guard when appropriate.

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I have a pretty simple set up:


On top bar

1. =,-,0 to E,Q,R respectively

2. 5-9 bound to my Logitech G5 gaming mouse

3. 1-4 I press as normal


Bottom Bar:

1. Alt1-Alt4 for 1-4

2. Shift 5-9 (the mouse makes life much easier)

3. Last 3 spots I bind for random keys for stims, channel hatred, and unleash


Side bars are usually reserved for buffs, mounts, trinkets etc


My biggest problem so far is on every other mmo i have used Z,X as my trinket spot. I got X to work fine, but Z binds to sheath and unsheath and I haven't figured out how to unbind it yet.

Edited by ManCandy
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I think i'm going to give this bind a try for my immortal jugg


1- sweeping strikes

2- Sunder

3- Retaliation

4- Smash

5- Force scream

S1- Taunt

s2- Force choke

s3- backhand

s4- Crushing blow

s5- area taunt

a1- invulnerable

a2- saber ward

a3- use the force

a4- medkit

a5- area slow

shift right click- interrupt

shift middle- shatter

Middle mouse- charge

shift left click- assault


what do you all think?

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Another good Trick my brother uses (I am not coordinated enough) he remaps his movement keys to E,S,D,F


Then you end up with Q,W,R,T,A,G,Z,X,C,V all within reasonable reach. Although every time I try to play his toon i spin around in circles.

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Another good Trick my brother uses (I am not coordinated enough) he remaps his movement keys to E,S,D,F


Then you end up with Q,W,R,T,A,G,Z,X,C,V all within reasonable reach. Although every time I try to play his toon i spin around in circles.


I'm thinking about this, but after ~10 years of gaming with wasd... I don't know if my brain could function with esdf :D


Atm, I have:


1-4 (5 is too far for my stubby fingers)



As well as 2 mouse buttons.


Thats 20, all of which I use constantly, and several more abilities that really need to be bound, so I'm going to look into esdf I suppose, It does open up a lot more keys.

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I use a cyborg rat 7, you can map multiple keys to each button so I put both sunder and that basic rage building strike on the same one, in that order. Uses sunder when its available and the other strike when its on cd. Thats only for 2 skills obviously, but thats the technique I plan on using to keep all my moves under control. Edited by Jeminis
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Move forward and back peddle aren't bound (I use my mouse to move...strafe/mouse if I need to move backwards - never turn your back!). W/R are my strafes...and all UI functions/Sit/Sheath are bound to numpad.


My keybinds are as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, q, e, t, y, a, s, d, f, g, h, z, x, c, v, b, n, f6, f7, f8, f9, shift 1-3, shift a,d,f,q,e,r,z,x,c, scroll wheel up/down, mouse button 4/5.


Shift keys are for things like pots/adrenals/throw huttball/mounts/buffs. F keys are for forms/OOC heal. T


Mouse button 4/5 are for intercede/force charge. Mouse wheel up is guard, mouse wheel down is interrupt.


Number keys are defensive cds/stunbreaker/taunts atm they all fit on those 6 buttons.


Letter keys are for my abilities.


The class is really fun, and has a high skill cap, but it won't be possible to play for people who don't use custom keybinds....it isn't a keyboard turners class.

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I never bind e or q because i use strafing while attacking sometimes. I also have 2 mouse buttons with shift and ctrl modifiers. I have more keybinds than abilities and i'm lvl 41.


I use strafe on A and D, opens up more bindings.





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I'm left handed so I use arrow keys, keypad for the hotbars (I'm not a mouse clicker), insert key for targetting (ctrl insert as well), delete for ventrilo mic, home for target companion for quick healing or guard or focus, end for autorun, keypad (ctrl)1-9,0,.,=, 8 mouse buttons, a couple on control and shift mouse buttons, ctrl+wheeldown to target friendlies, I pretty much use up everything I can access. Been doing this for 10+ years in MMO games, and even today I still find new convenient key combinations. Edited by Sookster
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