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Why was this labelled as underpowered?


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Are Juggs more survivable? For certain they are, that is what they are suppose to be. But I have rarely seen one that out damages me, if it is it was because I was solo queing and they had a healer in their group. I have seen them get more medals since they get guard and Marauders do not. I really do think it mostly comes down to the player, I don't have a problem dropping Juggs or Guardians in 1 v 1.


I know for sure as rage their smash hit for 30% more


veangance is better than carnage and anni/immortal cannot be compared


but yes the jug does more damage than the marauder. aswell as having more defence, utility and mobility and a whole list of other thing

Edited by mastersloup
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Class can be kited and stunlocked and virtually destroyed by any other class unless you have a healer dedicated to you..


every other class has range and ways to CC you while we have none.


Force Pull was removed from us in beta as was the 30M saber throw.


also the class is MUCh too squishy while soloing or raiding in PVE and dont bring enough to the table in a game tuned for range DPS.


Boss mechanics favor ranged DPS and punish melee DPS..


the entire game is tuned agaisnt the 2 melee ACs.. and we need ways to deal with it.


if you think the Mar is fine.. go play ANY range class to 50 and tell me they are not 100% easier to play and much more powerful..


we need some love.. the damage is GREAT.. IF.. you can deliver it..

Learn 2 play

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How is an AoE sprint, AoE gamebreaking Dmg+healing buff useless in a warzone? Those skills are borderline OP imo. Also, how is this now personal? By saying that I'm not fighting competent players you're just proving to me that you are getting personal against me and calling me bad. I can promise you, that you are nothing special and your random insight on this class isn't going anywhere.


The class is fine, get better.


1v1 a good sorc or operative please

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Been playing my Marauder (lvl 50 for about 2 weeks now). I do enjoy the class and have had a few issues others have pointed out in regards to survivability, I am Carnage specced, but I'm thinking of trying Annihilation instead.


I think the issue with the Marauder is actually the complexity of skill priorities we have, don't get me wrong, I love that the class isn't about facerolling on your keyboard, in WoW I raided asa Shadowpriest for a bout 4 years and the Marauder playstles kind of feels right for me... however. Due to the fact that the Marauder is Melee, we need to focus far more on our positioning than ranged classes, not only so we are in range to do damage, but also so we can keep out of any AOE effects a mob may be placing on us. With ranged classes in this game however, they don't have to worry about positioning as much and they don't have as complicated a playstyle, making them far easier to play.


I don't think the Marauder as such is underpowered, it's just so much more difficult to play in comparison with other classes, but we don't really get rewarded for that. I find my Merc quite boring to play because its just too easy mashing the same buttons, but atleast with my merc I can actually look at the fight and enjoy the scenery, with my marauder my eyes are focused on the ground at the mobs base and at my cooldowns, I barely get to see the scenery!


I don't presume to know how to streamline the class, I don't want the marauder to be a faceroll class, but at the same time, I think it is a bit overlly complicated with a minimal return for effort invested.

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I know for sure as rage their smash hit for 30% more


veangance is better than carnage and anni/immortal cannot be compared


but yes the jug does more damage than the marauder. aswell as having more defence, utility and mobility and a whole list of other thing


its comical how totally wrong you are.

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I rolled a sorc, I deleted my sorc.


Marauders are sexy, just because you cannot roll your face on your keyboard and expect to win doesn't mean a class is bad. The only thing we are missing are hoods.


Guys, seriously we need to rage more about the hoods.


Finally someone with his head screwed on straight.

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The people calling Marauders/Sentinels underpowered in PvP are bad at this game. I can understand if you think we need tweaks in the PvE department (although it's more of an issue with encounters being melee unfriendly in general rather than a class issue) but we pretty much wreck face in PvP at the moment.


If anything, Bioware's completely terrible ability delay garbage is what is breaking this class.


I beg to differ.


I play a Medness spec Sorc and am currently rank valor rank 58. I pretty much laugh at any Mara/Sent that is foolish enough to engage in a 1v1 situation against me.


Your class is way too easily kited. Sure, you are capable of dealing some pretty huge damage, but it is just too simple (at least for my class/spec) to prevent you from doing it.


I duel many top players on my server on a regular basis. I have not ONCE lost to a Marauder. They are not bad players, your guys class just stinks...sorry to break it to you.

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First off, I love my marauder for the most part. But I feel like we were an after thought compared to the other classes. They switched us from heavy to medium armor pretty late in beta, which screwed us in 3 ways.


1. I don't think they had enough time to balance our survivability, for the massive Armor reduction


2. Armor vendors are missing TONS of marauder medium armor and upgrades. Commendation vendors never have the higher level Might armoring and Hilts, and at high levels, dont have any Might gear at all. The dark/light side vendors, have no medium Marauder armor. And I have only once gotten a blue or orange medium armor piece, I have gotten a dozen or so heavy peices.


3. Our armor looks awful. Mostly lame "t-shirts". No hooded armor, even though thats exactly what I expected.


The class is very hard to play, and needs some tweeking, but I wouldn't argue that they are underpowered. I generally wreck in all Warzones accept Hutt Ball, because of all the knockbacks... I can't stay on a target for my life, when they are up on bridges.

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"underpowered" is inexact.

"disadvantaged" in term of ease of releasing damage is more accurate.


We can do as much damage as other classes, but the process is heavier.


This is true. Words of God I would say. You should make this a thread, have it stickied AND locked.

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This. 100% this.



yea if you cant get the hang of the class.... i am never kited.. not saying im a ****** i just get the class and use the skills accordingly... and to say we have no survivability is just a joke imo. cloak camo rage SW are just a few ways... if you are getting owned its not the classes fault because many out there are excelling at it

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I'm just curious why the Marauder got labelled as underpowered and broken all throughout beta and people are still under the impression that they are bad class?


I think they are the strongest class in the game. They do immense melee damage, then they add bleeds ontop of that, they have amazing group utility with the buffs they provide, they have several interrupts and on top of that they have the best defensive cooldowns outside of a tank spec so they are extremely difficult to kill.


I'm just wondering why people thought they were ever underpowered or even continue to think they are?


Maybe at low levels?


I think we should be right where we are & everyone else above us, is broken!. ;)

Edited by Kodokai
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