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DEVS: Please disable vehicles in space stations etc.


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It just plain looks silly to see speeder bikes in space stations sized for running. Did you see anyone zipping around on speeder bikes IN the halls of the Death Star? No. Why? Because that would look stupid. Like riding a Harley around in the mall.
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It just plain looks silly to see speeder bikes in space stations sized for running. Did you see anyone zipping around on speeder bikes IN the halls of the Death Star? No. Why? Because that would look stupid. Like riding a Harley around in the mall.

Ok so looks are everything:eek:

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It just plain looks silly to see speeder bikes in space stations sized for running. Did you see anyone zipping around on speeder bikes IN the halls of the Death Star? No. Why? Because that would look stupid. Like riding a Harley around in the mall.


You can think of them as segway's

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You can think of them as segway's


Which also look pretty stupid...


But I agree with OP, because maybe the Level I speeders are somewhat justifyable as "Segways", but when people cruise around in Level III speeders the size of a car, it's starting to look ridiculous, when they pile up in front of the GTN.


Fleet isn't that large and sprint should suffice to get around quick enough.

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I'm still levelling but I love seeing what things I get to aim for later. I think it's nice people can show off their latest acquisition. It's not as if the fleet isn't big enough for people to be whizzing about.


On my slow level 25 mount I'm very happy to be able to use it when I need to go from one side to the other.


So if it's for immersion reasons maybe just do it on RP servers where that kind of thing is important to players.

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Apparently Tedium = Immersion.


Nope immersion = immersion, tedium is just something that comes as the result. :D


What the OP wants won't happen, I always thought it was a little weird that people were riding Speeders in the spacedock but these game mechanics will always be preferred as it makes a stroll around the "city" more bearable.

Edited by MalakDawnfire
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Man its hard enough to use your speeder as it is when your questing cause of enemies. stop complaining about things that make life easier


It looks ridiculous and it drains performance for everyone, because the speeders need to be rendered, too. Also it wouldn't take that much longer moving around the fleet without speeders. It's not like it's as huge as the Dune Sea.

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Man its hard enough to use your speeder as it is when your questing cause of enemies. stop complaining about things that make life easier


Ditto. I don't to want to run slowly over and over all over the large station each of the many times I visit the fleet.

Edited by Elysith
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Personally I like the vehicles, but people abuse it. They pull their vehicle right up to the mail box whereby you can't check your mail.


To me it's the same generation doing this that's calling for nerfing classes, nerfing buffs, etc. There is no pleasing them. I call them the lost generation of latch key children. Absolutely no moral compass either.

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It looks ridiculous and it drains performance for everyone, because the speeders need to be rendered, too. Also it wouldn't take that much longer moving around the fleet without speeders. It's not like it's as huge as the Dune Sea.


So you're saying that we shouldn't be allowed to drive around golf carts in shopping malls? How am I going to get from the food court to Babbage's quickly? You are a killjoy.

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So you're saying that we shouldn't be allowed to drive around golf carts in shopping malls? How am I going to get from the food court to Babbage's quickly? You are a killjoy.


You could run?


Also the big speeders are more the equivalent of full-size cars... and that gives me THE business-idea of the year: Drive-Thru-Malls. :D


please dont


in fact please enable speeders in spaceports. its not lazy, its just that after the 500th time of going through dromund kas' spaceport, it feels like a waste of time.


And while we're at it, we could completly remove travel by foot at all. How about implementing a teleportation-system without cooldown? We'd just click a point on the map (any map in fact, so we won't have to use those cumbersome spaceships) and the game teleports us there.

Edited by CaptainHagbard
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Why only speeders? People having sprint and run toggled on constantly looks wrong too. I say only allow walking. Except on Hoth rebelside ofc since we all clearly saw in the movies rebels running around in their base there. It is afterall very important with realism in a game where we have aliens with long elephant trunks as nooses.
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