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Get all pre-orders in at once


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These waves of invites have got to be one of the worst marketing stunts I've ever seen in a major MMORPG's launch. There were more servers up during the beta then there are now. Did 3/4 of them melt down? I can't imagine that a launch such as this was what the developers had wanted for their player base. Do they have to run new cables all of a sudden to install new servers to cope with a potential amount of players which could already have been calculated based on the amount of pre-order sales?


Also, the disposition towards owners of the Collector Editions is cheap at best. The amount of CE's available one could pre-order online (and thus have the key sent home) in Europe was definately not sufficient to meet the demand. This left people searching for potentially quite a long time.

I've looked in two countries myself (admited I was there on a holiday, but still..). Eventually it took me until early september to actually find a collector's edition, even though I've looked around since the day they were for sale.

In my opinion people who wanted to spend less effort or money on the version they got (or eventually settled for less) shouldn't lead to all of them should be rewarded over those who actually invest more time and money on getting the best edition available.

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Yea because letting a few million people log in at once would definately not crash the servers. Like it has done in just about every other big MMO launch.


Hate to break it to you, but what does SWTOR have planned for next tuesdays maintenance? You'll have a few million people logging in at once then.


WoW has 11 million players. How do they let millions of people in at once every tuesday morning?

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Yea because letting a few million people log in at once would definately not crash the servers. Like it has done in just about every other big MMO launch.


Not to sound like whining, but Rift had no problems at launch and that was a pretty big launch.

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I don't get these threads. Anyone following this game for a while knew about the early access and when the game was available for pre-order. All the info was plastered on this site for everyone to see.


If people had pre-ordered the first day you would be in right now.

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Currently there are give or take 50 EU servers up for whatever region you're at. A fair estimate, based on the amount of pre-launch guilds, beta experience, etc. is a capacity of +- 5 - 7.5k players per server. I fail to see how a maximum capacity of 350k (less at launch time) of which only a fraction has been invited actually compares to 'millions', especially considering a server stress test has been done at the beta three weeks ago.


edit: zootzoot, you do realize they've changed the facts considering the amount of early-access days in advance you can start, right? they were by no means streamlined when it was first anounced, and thus when people starting hunting for their editions.

Edited by Morkatog
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we are not the general public. Go to a store, buy the game, create an acocunt and login. If that works for you. then we have launched :p


Anyone can still "pre-order" the game and get in, so yes, we are the general public. You are not special. You are falling for marketing speak.


This is launch day. Saying otherwise is intellectually dishonest and will not win you brownie points with BioWare or EA.

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Hate to break it to you, but what does SWTOR have planned for next tuesdays maintenance? You'll have a few million people logging in at once then.


WoW has 11 million players. How do they let millions of people in at once every tuesday morning?




Blizzard has a direct link to AT&T's backbone. They have high performance monster like blade servers. They gross at least 3 billion a year. Big difference.

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Launch is when the general public gets access to the servers. IE. Today.


Negative...The game is 'live' it will 'launch' on the 20th..this is early access for those of us who payed for the game early...hence 'early access'...and if you/me had payed for a CE, we would prob be in right now...he who pays da most, plays da most..

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There number are already at over 3 million, Wow took years to get 10 million. They can't let everyone in all at once. Server won't be able to handle the huge number like DC online.



Only thing that could of been better. Is sending out a email telling US when our early access day is. Instead of making us wait.

Edited by Todaz
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Hate to break it to you, but what does SWTOR have planned for next tuesdays maintenance? You'll have a few million people logging in at once then.


WoW has 11 million players. How do they let millions of people in at once every tuesday morning?


Wow does not have 11 million players, they lost a few million this year. Also most of those were always in Asia, not US/EU. Then there is the fact that wow servers go down over-night when not many are playing. If they go down in the day then they often do have login problems when people try to get back in.


Also don't you remember what happened at cataclysm launch? They told everyone to relog to access the new content, then the login servers went down for hours and the queues were 2-3 hours long for a couple of weeks after.

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These waves of invites have got to be one of the worst marketing stunts I've ever seen in a major MMORPG's launch. There were more servers up during the beta then there are now. Did 3/4 of them melt down? I can't imagine that a launch such as this was what the developers had wanted for their player base. Do they have to run new cables all of a sudden to install new servers to cope with a potential amount of players which could already have been calculated based on the amount of pre-order sales?


Also, the disposition towards owners of the Collector Editions is cheap at best. The amount of CE's available one could pre-order online (and thus have the key sent home) in Europe was definately not sufficient to meet the demand. This left people searching for potentially quite a long time.

I've looked in two countries myself (admited I was there on a holiday, but still..). Eventually it took me until early september to actually find a collector's edition, even though I've looked around since the day they were for sale.

In my opinion people who wanted to spend less effort or money on the version they got (or eventually settled for less) shouldn't lead to all of them should be rewarded over those who actually invest more time and money on getting the best edition available.


you are well spoken, but it seems you have no idea whats going on and why things are the way they are so ill let you keep speculating.

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