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EGA Wave Statistics - Theory of Access


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This is just USA charts


Week ending------------ total Preorders:

10th december----------939,358

03rd december----------916,490


26th november----------900,756

12th november----------753,132

5th november------------698,589


29th october-------------654,810

22nd october------------606,078

15th october-------------548,505

8th october--------------518,222


24th september---------426,136

17th september---------402,915

10th september---------386,137


20th august--------------301,650

13th august--------------264,924

6th august---------------203,931


By these stats, July was day one, August - september is day two and day three is october, november and decemeber pre-orders before the 10th.

July was day one *Confirmed*

August - september is day two *Confirmed*

(people who preordered later september are getting invites)




30th july-----------------119,260


Statistically, there were more pre-orders (203,931 approx) between 21st - 6th august (8 days!) than there was over any other month.


Also assuming that Europe will almost have had more or the same number of preorders over the 9 july days, (100,000+ again) we can assume that less than >300,000 invites were sent out on day one (hence why some people claim they pre-ordered in july, but still did not receive an email.


November showed a incredible increase of pre-orders.


Within logical reasoning, we can believe that Bioware have used the past 17 hours since the last wave of invites to assess the success and failure of servers. This is in fact a stress test, and Trial and Error is a common method of stress testing.


TL : DR We should expect more than 5 waves today, on the 14th of December including around 200,000 additional players that pre-ordered between July and september.



Comfort numbers: imagining that a state of the art server of today can hold 4,000 players in total.


4,000 X 100 (number of servers) = 400,000 players.

2,000,000 (total number of pre-orders) / 400,000 = 5

5 days required of waves, by the 17th, everyone who pre-ordered can play



EDIT: Important information provided by fellow SWTOR players!


Here's my 5 day model which leaves Dec 18 for all-in (SR said everyone would get 1 full day) and Dec 19 as down day before launch:





I ran similiar numbers with a few difference scenarios on the 12th.




If anyone is interested. I haven't updated with what we know of yesteday though, so some adjustments would need to be made


EDIT2: Any important Rockjaw, the Senior Community Manager for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ quotes starting 14th december!


@Rockjaw Stephen Reid

I will say - as I mentioned yesterday - that today the 'timeline' of people who get in will be much, much longer. Beyond July...


@Rockjaw Stephen Reid

Remember when I said we had a huge spike in pre-orders in the first few days? I wasn't lying.



Edited by Noroimuja
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VGA chartz doesn't include digital download BTW. Tried extrapolating that same data yesterday but there are too many places it doesn't catch and it's basically a guess-timate. For all we know, 300-400k people could have been allowed in yesterday, maybe more...
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I'm surprised there isn't more flaming the OP from people who aren't in yet. Good work and it does give you some idea of when you can expect to get in. Even though I preordered Sep 4 I'm still not expecting to get in until tomorrow at the earliest.
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I'm surprised there isn't more flaming the OP from people who aren't in yet..


I mean why would we flame him? He's giving us the information we've been craving from BioWare in a nice concise way. The lack of nerd rage here just goes to show that with minimal effort BioWare could make everything run a lot smoother. Tell us whats going on, the whole shroud of mystery is just silly and irritating.

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I mean why would we flame him? He's giving us the information we've been craving from BioWare in a nice concise way. The lack of nerd rage here just goes to show that with minimal effort BioWare could make everything run a lot smoother. Tell us whats going on, the whole shroud of mystery is just silly and irritating.

lol because that seems to be the only thing happening on these forums right now.


But the problem is, if BioWare gave us a schedule like that and didn't keep to it EXACTLY then people would freak out even more than they are now.


Yes, the silence sucks, but it's needed in a way.

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