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Allowing a player to defect to the other side at level 50.


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I am not really onboard with the idea, but I do see where it is coming from.


Due to two groups of friends coming to the game with different faction choices I have been splitting my time with parallel classes and I have to admit I find my sorceror far more appealing overall then my sage.




This isn't the race choices I made (I am happy with the overall design of each one I made) or even so much the storyline differences but rather the animations associated with each's respective skills (as well as a slight nod to the overall gear aesthetic).



I still enjoy playing the sage overall, but if I could replace his entire array of skills with the sith counterparts I think I'd do it in a heartbeat.


Not sure if the differences are as prevalent on other toons (nothing else I have is higher then 12 so far) but on these two it's rather significant.

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Dark Side and Light Side is not something specific to the Republic or the Empire. There are followers of both paths on both sides.


That said, going counter-intuitive (dark republic/light imperial) might be a fair way ultimately to lead towards ultimately crossing to the other faction since it involves overt over decisions or a significant grind if one decides further along, making it more likely to be a thought out decision instead of "I'm bored with X faction let's switch sides"

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Would love this idea... would be great if it involved a story line quest that had lightside/darkside points requirement (light to join republic etc). Something like a great act of good to turn light (see vader at end of rotj) or an act of evil to turn dark (see anakin ep3).
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Would love this idea... would be great if it involved a story line quest that had lightside/darkside points requirement (light to join republic etc). Something like a great act of good to turn light (see vader at end of rotj) or an act of evil to turn dark (see anakin ep3).
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Just a suggestion, this might solve the population imbalance. I think most people are attached to a class more than to a side. Allowing players to defect to the other side at level 50 might solve the population imbalance.


Or it might encourage it? THe closest option we will get of this is paid faction change.

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  • 7 months later...
I have no real problem with this so long as something like this doesn't prevent future class stories from being written or delay them, lots of us are now really only playing for the class stories and waiting on fresh stories to be released.
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I would love a betrayal quest (Republic) or a Redemption quest (Empire). This may happen when you are lvl 50 and your light/dark side is lvl 5. This could be a really new path for story, cause it could be a choice of levelling a new level cap. What some people claim is a lack of choice in the story when reached lvl 50. Now with new level cap on the way it could of been a nice thing to give different ways of reaching it: one through new planet and linear story of your class, and another one with planet and betrayal/redemption, where your character decides to follow is peace/anger and leave the wrong side to dedicate himself to the new cause. They could also add the grey path if your light/dark side is between +900/-900. Some ideas for the writers! :D Edited by NinjaApacHe
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I would love a betrayal quest (Republic) or a Redemption quest (Empire). This may happen when you are lvl 50 and your light/dark side is lvl 5. This could be a really new path for story, cause it could be a choice of levelling a new level cap. What some people claim is a lack of choice in the story when reached lvl 50. Now with new level cap on the way it could of been a nice thing to give different ways of reaching it: one through new planet and linear story of your class, and another one with planet and betrayal/redemption, where your character decides to follow is peace/anger and leave the wrong side to dedicate himself to the new cause. They could also add the grey path if your light/dark side is between +900/-900. Some ideas for the writers! :D


I'd agree, the down side of such a nice idea is that they would have to write 2 to 3 stories for each class.

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I have no real problem with this so long as something like this doesn't prevent future class stories from being written or delay them, lots of us are now really only playing for the class stories and waiting on fresh stories to be released.




Well I think new story for this game is dead... For now. Reason being that he gem does not currently have the sub base to do it. Just look at the initial cost of production. The game would have to start to pick up players and turning more of a profit before they invest in all that time for voice acting.


Regarding th OP, I think it's a fantastic idea and lore already has tons of president for this. Heck even in some of the class stories we bring NPC's to one side or the other.


I do feel something like thus would still be hampered by my top statement tho.

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I'd agree, the down side of such a nice idea is that they would have to write 2 to 3 stories for each class.


Perhaps it could only be done at say half way through the last chapter of the class quest, cutting down on what have to be written/voiced.

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