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Logic for Dummies -- Read


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Ok lots of people have many reasons for wanting to start in early access. I agree many of them are valid. However I know 1 sure way to avoid 99% of them.


On the 20th -- Role on a server that comes out that day. Here is why.


1. You start same time as everyone else, if not early.


2. If it is PVP you are not being ganked by 40's and 50's out to grief.


3. You have a chance to be server first at something.


4. You avoid the 1% -- and by that I mean the 1% of elite people who troll these forums.


5. You start on an even playing field. The exploits used during headstart are a non-issue.


6. This forum has 200k posts in 24hrs. Assuming average person posted 1 time that is

100k people who post on forums. Majority of those people are going right to headstart servers. Do you really want to play an entire year with these people?


7. Launch day is more fun when you and all your friends start the same level on the same day. When you already have a 25+ level difference starting out it can be a real lonely leveling till you catch up.


Anyway. That is my thoughts. Why people are complain I do not get. We can play a few days get more familiar with the game. When real Launch comes around we can ditch the B.S server in the headstart program.



"The Only Way To Win Is Not To Play" -- We can not change what Bioware has done. But the best way to get what we want is to just not play their little games. Let the *Forum Trolls* have the headstart servers. We can make the most popular populated servers the ones that come out after headstart.

Edited by Justiful
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Which is why we shouldn't have EGA anyway.


Beta Testing is so that servers don't explode.



You do realize launch day will still have heavy queue lines, and running around with 100000 of lower levels waiting for spawns?


All EGA did was screw the economy, and let elite day oners get a head start on everything.


-Just saying.

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On the 20th -- Role on a server that comes out that day. Here is why.


I've been considering that...when I finally get into EGA just making a throwaway character to satisfy the addiction for a few days. My one concern is that given the rarity of RP-PvP servers, there may not *be* any new ones released after EGA.

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Which is why we shouldn't have EGA anyway.


Beta Testing is so that servers don't explode.



You do realize launch day will still have heavy queue lines, and running around with 100000 of lower levels waiting for spawns?


All EGA did was screw the economy, and let elite day oners get a head start on everything.


-Just saying.


That's what i was thinking. Servers on the stress weekend were pretty packed yet not exploding. the argument about there being a million people in starter zones is a little ridiculous considering areas have instances, this isn't World of Warcraft all over again. This feels like beta 2.0 atm.

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All EGA did was screw the economy, and let elite day oners get a head start on everything.


I think it would be rather funny if, come Friday, everyone who got into EGA the first couple of days were locked out until the 20th. After all, Bioware did say *up to five days*. They never said that getting in on the 13th guaranteed you would be able to play non-stop through the 19th. :D

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I demand access before anyone else because I'm an impatien modern day individualist and I cant wait more then 5 seconds for anything.:mad:


Yea. *hug* --


I can't get no satisfaction,

I can't get no satisfaction.

'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.

I can't get no, I can't get no.


When I'm sitten at my desk.

And the man comes on the forums

and he is telling me more and more

about some useless information

supposed to fire my imagination.

I can't get no, oh no no no.

Hey hey hey, that's what I say.

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if there are brand spanking new car smell servers the 20th then absolutely i'll be happy to roll a toon or 2 there.


the people who are mad, are merely mad because they want to play a game they've waited years for.. and where early access was a marketed, selling point of a game which they pre ordered based on the marketed selling point that they'd get in early.


there are people in early.


the other folks who are not in early yet, feel like they aren't getting something they bought and paid for..


they may or may not be reasonable, but when you've waited years to play along with millions of other people, and there are a magical, special few thousand who are playing but you're not one of them, i can see how they'd get a bit grumpy.


a week from now, no one will remember or care. but on the 13th and 14th.. they care very much

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