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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Beautiful... Just... Beautiful


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My Jedi Sage is level 48 right now and even though forums say it's the most boring story I enjoy it. ")


This game is different.


First time ever playing MMO I rush to 50 not because I want to be 50 and do endgame stuff, but I am so imaptient to start a new class so I can enjoy the story again and again and again.


And then when I have them all to 50 /grin... I am sure there will be enough to do for a long time to go. Crafting, getting companion affection, getting uber gear...


I guess every game is like life... if you are happy inside you can find joy in everything you do, if you are not... and you look for somebody or something to make you happy... then you are going to be disappointed no matter what :)


Anyway... I love this game and though I know it lacks some stuff and has issues I am willing to give devs time to fix it and improve it so I can enjoy it even more.


I played EQ2 from 2004, LOTRO, RIFT, AoC, Vanguard, Aion... aside of EQ2 which was a great game, none of other games could hold my interest even though I am big fan of LOTRO. This game has amazing story... and though some people don't care much about it... it makes me immersed in the world. No other game could do it so far...

Edited by Evensong
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Joined January 2012, post is invalid.



The game is horrid.


Your point of view is flawed.. Read my whole post and then comment and try to troll...


Come back after level 30 and see if you feel the same way after 20 levels of kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Run to another area to talk some more


I will come back after each 10 levels and tell you my experience... but to me this game isnt really set up to just kill talk and rush to level 50.. Its about the story.. Once you immerse yourself into it.. it can be quite breathtaking :)




I am glad to see so many people agree and are having as much of a blast as i am!

Edited by Morbidxiix
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Oh believe me, it'll feel like a job once you get to fifty.


Well parking your rear infront of a monitor for 12-18 hrs /day would kind of make it a job.


Kind of cute realizing that if BW had added the xtra high level content all the hardcores had wanted they would have blown through that by now as well and wanting more which they would have finished by the middle of next week anyways...

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I fully agree with Gabby Johnson. This game is a breath of fresh air with it's unique combat system, innovate gameplay and top o' the line graphics. Whoever is responsible for nailing every single claim of "next-gen MMO" deserves a promotion.





- General Manager Ray Muzyka



Homerun Ray is his new nickname.


Top o the line graphics...really where? Horrible draw distance, no anti alaising, muddled plain BAD textures on what I look at the most my main character...don't know what you've been playing. I like the game but top o the line graphics that's laughable at best.

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Yeah, the hardcore whine, and the casual players love the game. As with every MMO, the former are impossible to please.


I don't consider myself a casual. I've complained about some very MORONIC BioWare mistakes (no hood down option? Come on guys.....), but I'm having fun.

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Well parking your rear infront of a monitor for 12-18 hrs /day would kind of make it a job.


Kind of cute realizing that if BW had added the xtra high level content all the hardcores had wanted they would have blown through that by now as well and wanting more which they would have finished by the middle of next week anyways...


Lol yeah its kind of like inhaleing a bag of cookies while you stare across the kitchen at the box of twinkies your going to inhale in a few minutes.

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Level 10 w00t.. After 3 more hours of playtime id say I am still loving it .. I now have the option to travel to another planet world which is AMAZING.. Not only was that amazing but i think my favorite part was getting my light-saber i feel superior :D The design is just fantastic.. The ideas and thoughts were well drawn out.. I am still in love with a video game .. This is the first Edited by Morbidxiix
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Working on my second one too. Been a blast so far, definitely worth the money for the amount of entertainment I'm getting.

I think my total playtime is a little over 7 days. Comes out to about $1.75 per hour, including my next sub fee. Not too shabby.

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Come back after level 30 and see if you feel the same way after 20 levels of kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Run to another area to talk some more


Im past level 30 and I don't understand how you only get talk kill talk kill out of it. Do you expect there to be no resistance whenever you do something? Do you not realize that the Empire and the Republic aren't allies? The only kill quest that I ever generally get are bonus quest. Otherwise it variates from destroying gas filters to provoke the republic to starting a war to sneaking in a republic base so that I can plant sensors that give the empire the coordinates for an orbital strike. That is sooo much more than WoW offers.

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Yes thank you for the red people,

Thank you for the green people.

Thank you for the blue people.

Thank you for the purple people.

Sheer brilliance of how you got people to buy this!!


Check out lore if you have a problem with it. Most races in the Star Wars universe are very human-like.

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game is utter dog****.


its marketed as an MMO purely to make money.


The company execs with their MBAs from Yale see a market trend and think that they can put the MMO sticker on any pile of ****, and make money off it.


Hmmmm people are having fun..... It seems like they knew how to get our money then. Fun game= more people. I think they have the right idea.

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