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Why cant we be Wookies?


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Shyriiwook would be the word you are looking for.


All I can say is that I would LOVE it if I could get my character to spout off in Ugnaught! That is truely the MOST ANNOYING LANGUAGE EVER!!! It would be hillarious!


Either way, language is not a barrier in Star Wars. It never was (except for that scene in ep 4 when Luke was in the cantina) and never needs to be.

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I want to play a Mon Cal Smuggler, eventually. I really don't care if all romance options are nixed due to picking an alien-alien race -- by the time I've leveled my humanoid Main and alts, I won't be interested in that anymore.
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I'd say Wookies are likely not going to be a player character option for some time. The lack of ability to speak Basic being the main obstacle both in lore and user experience.


Possible expansion races I could see getting added: Togruta, Cathar, Mon Cal, Nautolan... *possibly* even droid.

Edited by Hamsterkill
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Yes, I understand your frustration. I ask myself every day at work, "Why can't I be a wookie?"


It would solve so many issues.




If I was a wookiee I would...


rip off the arms of my customers when they cross me.


roar at my customers when they whine at me.


wear only a bandolier to work.

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At first I was really disappointed by the lack of alien races. The few we do have access to (sith, rakata, chiss) are just version of humans with skin tones (red, grey, blue, green).

The furthest from human is Twi'lek, which I'm glad we have, but they're pretty humanoid.


I was thinking about it, and its mostly to do with animations / models. In an MMORPG, there's tons of loot, and you don't want to have to make 20 custom versions of EACH set of armor to fit different body types. Thats why there's just the 3 or 4, and they're very similar, the exact same across all species. The bodies are the same, the heads and skin change.


Even then though, you could have Kel Dor, Nautolan, Tholothian, etc., even Mon Calamari, with VERY little work. Human bodies, different heads.


So, disappointing. But the devs did say, most Star Wars stories focus on Humans... and I'll kinda buy that.


Also, the voices all sound targeted at human, so they don't fit so well for other species. Having additional voices for each species would take a LONG time.

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I wanted to clear up a couple of misconceptions here about Wookies and if they 'fit' in the game.


First of all, given the game's timeline, Kashyyk, the homeworld of the Wookies, has been recently liberated by the Republic from the control of Mandalorian slavers. They have access to advanced technology (which they're very good with) are natural spacefarers and have a diverse culture with some of them even having been Jedi in the past.


Secondly, there's a natural story to follow with the tensions of Wookies who wouldn't want to trust the Republic for fear of becoming a slave race again and those who want to improve the life of Wookies generally. And of course those who want to do it for themselves. :D


Thirdly, the character models are already there. If there's a companion character, that means gear and weapons can be assigned to them...just like a player character. They can run, they can shoot, they can do things.


Fourthly, Wookies are not the only alien race that doesn't speak basic. How many Rodians, Ugnaughts, Trandoshans and even droids has the average player encountered in-game that use subtitles? There's hardly a reason to complain that a player character would be disadvantaged by that. You could even go so far as to use a human voice from the player's perspective, and have it 'heard' by NPC's as the usual growls and grunts. Besides, when you actually listen to NPC dialogue, there is a tremendous number of phrases in Twi'lek and even Huttese that are repeated over and over.


I know that Huttese in particular is lifted from a West African tribal dialect Lucas found that he thought would exotic enough for the movies, and so there's a language built in. Sound mixing Wookie sounds which are in turn a mix of walrus, bear and lion sounds isn't going to be that hard.


Sure, being human or humanoid is great for your first run through on your first MMO, but there's little to no excuse for not introducing non-humans later on as the universe expands.





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I believe the wording was: "Part of what makes Wookies great is their mystery. Being able to play a Wookie would take that away."



Oh this is such a cop out on their part.


What makes a wookie great is that it's a #*&@^!! Wookie.


Chewbacca did not have "mystique" or a certain je ne sais qua. I wasn't burning to know what Chewie's favorite Oprah book of the month was, or if he was partial to using saffron and sassafrass in his cooking.




He was 8 feet of fur and muscle that made part scary part hilarious wookie noises. That tore off people's arms when he got irritated with them.


What's no to love ?

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