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Back in my day...


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don't forget no maps, you could get lost in your own starting city for hours... and if you went some place you shouldn't you died, and had to retrieve your body to get your items.. sometimes entire play sessions were dedicated to getting your body back


the only classes who could affectively solo past like lvl 15 were druids, necros, and mages





supposedly eq3 is going to go back to its roots.


SoE, still around the block?, thought they where already died out with the amount of failed MMO's they produced.


name one game, they not ****ed up, made wrong or is basically ****?

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don't forget no maps, you could get lost in your own starting city for hours... and if you went some place you shouldn't you died, and had to retrieve your body to get your items.. sometimes entire play sessions were dedicated to getting your body back


the only classes who could affectively solo past like lvl 15 were druids, necros, and mages





supposedly eq3 is going to go back to its roots.


I have my doubts about any current gen MMO. Even eq3. Verant made EQ 1, not Sony, and those guys are LONG gone.


I quite literally want the same exact game/expansion released for the latest hardware.

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aaaahhh...the good old days....how i liked them...mainstream ftl i guess?


what breaks my heart even more is how games like Space Quest, King's Quest, Quest for Glory died out after FPS games started taking over the market..


for a while those seemed to be the only games that ever came out.

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Ahh the old says of gaming.

I remember starting with EQ1, Shaman, and wondering how i woud ever be able to afford all those skills. Turns out i couldnt, for some i couldnt even find the NPC to train them.


So i asked around, met people and the world of social gaming opened up to me. I was giddy every time i could afford a new spell, marvelled at the epic loot some had from boss encounters that seemed forever distant. We had fun simply exploring together or helping each other out for no actual reward but the feeling of community.

And maybe the thought you might need them some time when having to do a difficult corpse run:)


DAoC was less marvelous because the first time is always the most impressing (for some things), but we had loads of fun, especially in the beginning times.

Getting together 80 people for a dragon raid, having to find two or three full groups to do your armsman classquest.

Finding that awesome piece of chest plate armor that 5 years later no one would even look at anymore :)


Good times...

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what breaks my heart even more is how games like Space Quest, King's Quest, Quest for Glory died out after FPS games started taking over the market..


for a while those seemed to be the only games that ever came out.


FPS games are taking over the market? I haven't played a good one since quake 3, and the only one that I still play right now is quake live insta-gib. That thing came out like a decade ago now...


I also really enjoy my time I spend in King's bounty (which is basically a better heroes V), and I liked borderlands (RPG more than FPS really).

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Back in my day...



- We didnt have raid groups. We rangled 100+ people and made groups of 6 to try and kill one world boss. None of this 8-man easy mode content. You had to actually have a sizeable group to get things done.



- Raid buffs took 30 minutes and you liked it. There was no massive raid group. Everyone just made their small groups and took orders.



- We didnt have these instances...if you wanted to kill something you had to camp its spawn and RACE against everyone else to get it. If you didnt get it you had to wait another 7 days just to get a chance to take it down.



- If you had a weapon that had a "The" in it, it was legitmately epic. There was MAYBE two or three on the server and it was drooled over.



- Purple loot was actually epic. None of these quest turn ins, full epic gear by soloing content bull*****. Being decked head to toe in purple actually meant something.



- Orange loot was MAYBE one or two per server.




- You couldn't solo your way 1-50. You HAD to group because mobs were too mean to kill by yourself. It built a genuine connection across the server and people really got to know eachother.



- Getting access to an endgame zone took WORK. Months and months of work to even get INSIDE.









(Feel free to add your own)


Sounds like good old EverQuest 1 :D

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back in my day we had to hook up an oscilloscope to an analog computer just to play Tennis for Two which was just watching a blurry ball vibrate back and forth in 1 color...


also we had to walk 20 miles uphill in the snow both ways to get said oscilloscope.. and while playing you had a 50/50 chance you or someone in your immediate vicinity would die of polio ..

Edited by Liquidacid
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Ah, I love "back in my day" topics...


Every once in a while, when I miss Norrath, I'd log on and smack Dorn B'Dynn for the times he chased my Cleric throughout the zone. Good times...good times!!!

Edited by Izbehl
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As much as nostalgia tells me those EQ days were good, in reality it was horrible and I never even got past level 33.

Even at that level you had to group to get any experience and it could take over an hour sometimes just to get a group.

You also got poeple that could cheat, I knew a friend who had 3 pc's set up and bots on all of them collecting gold and experience while he was at work!

those days were not good old days!


I think in today's fast paced world people dont have that kind of time or patience anymore and if todays mmo's were still like that I know I wouldnt play them.

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back in my day we had to hook up an oscilloscope to an analog computer just to play Tennis for Two which was just watching a blurry ball vibrate back and forth in 1 color...


also we had to walk 20 miles uphill in the snow both ways to get said oscilloscope.. and while playing you had a 50/50 chance you or someone in your immediate vicinity would die of polio ..


Your memory must be getting fuzzy, I distinctly recall it being dysenteri, not polio.

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Back in the day we didn't play mmorpgs for the gameplay but for the immersion into another world.


It wasn't about the mechanics it was about the imagination!


You didn't play a warrior because you wanted to tank or a mage because of the dps.


You played them to experience virtual life as a warrior or mage, or whatever...


But maybe that was just me...

Edited by Technotica
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I have my doubts about any current gen MMO. Even eq3. Verant made EQ 1, not Sony, and those guys are LONG gone.


I quite literally want the same exact game/expansion released for the latest hardware.


What this guy said. I only tried out EQ while playing UO but when the original developer of a really great game isnt there for the sequel(s) its not going to have the same feel. Origin / Lord British did UO. Origin got acquired by i forgot who, changes came , no longer the same feel. Time to go.

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SoE, still around the block?, thought they where already died out with the amount of failed MMO's they produced.


name one game, they not ****ed up, made wrong or is basically ****?


This isnt your genre but they did Planetside. Which in its day and for those of us who played it was huge. 300 people on a planet regularly battling it out, in huge robots, cloaked suits, rolling armor etc and no slow down. (no instancing :p) but to go along with what you said. they were rolling in dough cranked out an xpack area that people only used to aquire the new weps and vehicles then go back to where everyone else was. After that they couldnt figure out what to do so merged servers and let it burn out. theyre making a part 2 which i'm waiting for but we'll see.

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what breaks my heart even more is how games like Space Quest, King's Quest, Quest for Glory died out after FPS games started taking over the market..


for a while those seemed to be the only games that ever came out.


wow i remember kings quest from high school. we spent our lunch hrs in the computer lab trying to navigate the bramble patch.. jebus

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- Healers would have to start a chat channel and set up macros announcing our casts and who was up next or else the raid boss would smite you for casting your complete heal twice in a row


No. Lol.. takes 10 seconds for that complete heal to land. What would happen is the tank would be dead from lack of healing of one missed heal followed fairly quickly by the entire heal chain being summoned and shredded while the mob cackled.


People really have no idea with their spam bots the intricies of a CH cycle back in the day. Developers wouldn't even think of setting up a scenario that required one NOW, much less when people had really crappy computers, connections, and what not.

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wow i remember kings quest from high school. we spent our lunch hrs in the computer lab trying to navigate the bramble patch.. jebus

Kings quest, Police quest. Monkey Island, Beneath a Steel Sky I could go on lol


Great games, To think that was only back in the 90's

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Lower Guk corpse runs.../shiver. I played everquest since beta and still have an open account to mess with on occassion. But even now its been made easy with corpse summoners and portals. But the OPs point is valid, this instant gratification generation has dumbed down the genre too much and cry and whine if they have any obsticles.
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Back in my day games had 4 colors, 2d grx and no internet :).

Im only 30.


How gaming has progressed.


4 colours? Bleedin' LUXURY. In my day, games were monochrome. Wit just buzzy speaker f'r sound effects AND music, and we had to load off cassette tape!</python>

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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4 colours? Bleedin' LUXURY. In my day, games were monochrome. With just a buzzy speaker for sound effects AND music, and we had to load of cassette tape!

I was there too lol, Spectrum, C64.


God I hated the load screen on the C64, the noise ewwwwwwww

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Lower Guk corpse runs.../shiver. I played everquest since beta and still have an open account to mess with on occassion. But even now its been made easy with corpse summoners and portals. But the OPs point is valid, this instant gratification generation has dumbed down the genre too much and cry and whine if they have any obsticles.

We need devs who FEED on the tears of the fallen, like in the old days.

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