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Back in my day...


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I remember back in UO gear made you take less damage. And thats it.


Wearing a t shirt doesnt make you stronger.


all the best stuff was made by players. I remember when grandmaster black smith was on there would be a line of people waiting to get stuff made. Imminently accurate something something katana :p

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Back in my day...



- We didnt have raid groups. We rangled 100+ people and made groups of 6 to try and kill one world boss. None of this 8-man easy mode content. You had to actually have a sizeable group to get things done.



- Raid buffs took 30 minutes and you liked it. There was no massive raid group. Everyone just made their small groups and took orders.



- We didnt have these instances...if you wanted to kill something you had to camp its spawn and RACE against everyone else to get it. If you didnt get it you had to wait another 7 days just to get a chance to take it down.



- If you had a weapon that had a "The" in it, it was legitmately epic. There was MAYBE two or three on the server and it was drooled over.



- Purple loot was actually epic. None of these quest turn ins, full epic gear by soloing content bull*****. Being decked head to toe in purple actually meant something.



- Orange loot was MAYBE one or two per server.




- You couldn't solo your way 1-50. You HAD to group because mobs were too mean to kill by yourself. It built a genuine connection across the server and people really got to know eachother.



- Getting access to an endgame zone took WORK. Months and months of work to even get INSIDE.









(Feel free to add your own)


Back in my Day... (FFXI)


- We could only solo to Level 10. Then, even if a monster conned as 'Easy Prey', it really meant 'he will potentially **** your eyesocket while he murders you in the most horrific ways possible.'


- We would kill billions upon billions of crabs and never see a population change in their numbers.


- You had to have 18 people to get to the end of a dungoun, just to switch down to 3 individual 6-man teams that became independant to have all 3 take on the 'final boss.' This was just to see storyline, content, and unlock new areas, and chances were pretty good that 'final boss' was going to **** you if you came in unprepared even in the slightest. Then you would have to take over an hour to get back to the SAME SPOT just to try again.


- We used to have a 10% EXP loss for dying. We could level down and become unable to wear our 'phat lewtz' we had.


- The closest thing to 'fast travel' we had was Teleport, Warp, and Airships.

===> Airships required you to wait JUST TO BOARD THEM since they 'weren't in the dock', and then you had to wait on the ride to get to the next town. This could take anywhere from 10-20 minutes just to get between major cities.

===> Teleports would get you to a specific point, but was only castable by one class (WHM), wheather as a main or a sub. If subbed, you could only go to 3 areas and had to walk your *** to the next area.

===> Warping would take you anywhere instantly... as long as you were a BLM, had your HomePoint in that area, and didn't actually want to go anywhere else but where your homepoint was. It only really worked if you knew well in advance you were going to go back there. (Hearthstone no cooldown)


- We did not have mounts. You had to be near where a Chocobo was and BUY one, or you were stuck hoofing it. And you also had to BUY Your chocobo each time.



Ah, but here's my favorite:


- Back in my day, if I didn't like someone, I could brutally murder them in cold blood. For you see, I was a Beast Master. I would bring monsters over to the people I didn't like, and unleash them to ravage the bodies of the fools who dared to defy me. Yes, those silly idiots who took my camp or took my chest? Say hello to a level 75 monster's tentacles for me.


~~ Beastmaster for life~~

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After a few hours, I've finally read the whole 28 page thread. It has refreshed playing AC when I was really young and I now remember dying and walking back to my body, and loosing items. At least.. I think it was that game? Anyways, thanks for sharing the experiences of those games, "the train" is funny, lots of it does sound fun, except I can see the issues with Perma death, that would make the game, extremely to almost impossible.. for players that don't play all the time.


Things are really fast I find, in games today. And I don't think fast is good. I level slow. I'm only on my first character in TOR and at level 29. I'm waiting for my new laptop, so haven't logged in a few days.


Some ideas that I do like is a very low percentage drop rates for rare items. Even if there were like 100 different end game items, that would randomly spawn in the game, in different intervals, with low drop rates.. would be cool. For example, since this game launched, if only a few gamers had special items at this moment. Yet make these 100 items have only a slight variability as to not give a excellent advantage... I don't know if that's possible, yet would be cool.


XP loss at death is cool. Being able to revive at the same location, with the only penalty is armor durability drop (potentially loosing an item if not paying attention) is.. not such a huge loss. There should be some sort of "danger" when venturing forth in the world... to slow down players... it's the reason meditation and yoga are popular for healing in the "actual" world, so slowing things down would help MMOs in my opinion. So yeah, just loosing credits for dying is kinda lame, if you could have...


... some sort of PvP where only a certain level range is there, like lets say I venture into a PvP zone, doing a quest or something, and I'm level 41, and let's say a level 45 comes along, and let's say the bracket is (40-45), and he wins the battle, I loose my LOWEST gear piece. S/he gets to loot it. I'd be down for that.


What else? Long boss spawns? Yeah sure. I remember someone saying randomly spawned world bosses that can spawn in a variety of locations.. would be interesting.


Someone in this thread mentioned the actuality of fear and danger being a factor.. so there is a sense of accomplishment. I'd like to see some of that... I can only recall a few video games where you're shaking at the boss battle... I grew up with sega, so I remember sonic 2 boss, with the epic music being a classic moment for me, with 0 rings... THAT was amazing.


Anyways, I've got nothing against any of the P2P MMO games I've played, which only include AC, WOW, & TOR. So yeah, even without experiencing Everquest or Ultima Online, they sound like something I'd enjoy very much.... if the counter argument to not having those types of games around is the time factor about "real" life... I'd say mankind as a whole needs to "slow down".


Are we racing to end game? Are we racing to the grave? Is it about the journey or the destination or neither?


I rant... I have more ideas too... I like writing/typing.

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What Air? We didn't have AIR! lol



"Back in my day":


Try perma-death in old SWG, lose your whole toon for good if some MBH (i.e. me) got the drop on you too many times.


At least the hatemail was funny;p


I've an old friend from my Vox server days in EQ2 (back when there were people on that server). Killed some FP in commonlands and took 83 plat from his corpse(idiot didn't bank before leaving town). He had pics of this on the server forums. This was years ago so I doubt it's still there but was too funny as we were all in vent when he did it;p

Edited by MandraMoody
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  • 4 weeks later...
Back in my day...



- We didnt have raid groups. We rangled 100+ people and made groups of 6 to try and kill one world boss. None of this 8-man easy mode content. You had to actually have a sizeable group to get things done.



- Raid buffs took 30 minutes and you liked it. There was no massive raid group. Everyone just made their small groups and took orders.



- We didnt have these instances...if you wanted to kill something you had to camp its spawn and RACE against everyone else to get it. If you didnt get it you had to wait another 7 days just to get a chance to take it down.



- If you had a weapon that had a "The" in it, it was legitmately epic. There was MAYBE two or three on the server and it was drooled over.



- Purple loot was actually epic. None of these quest turn ins, full epic gear by soloing content bull*****. Being decked head to toe in purple actually meant something.



- Orange loot was MAYBE one or two per server.




- You couldn't solo your way 1-50. You HAD to group because mobs were too mean to kill by yourself. It built a genuine connection across the server and people really got to know eachother.



- Getting access to an endgame zone took WORK. Months and months of work to even get INSIDE.









(Feel free to add your own)



This brings back a flood of good memories of my younger years and an absolute flood of FURY at how bad SWTOR is right now and how much I am putting up with w/o realizing it.


Thank you, sir, for reminding me of happier times and better games.



P.S. You forgot Corpse-runs, losing the corpse, and losing all your gear. :D:p


Also also: You forgot falling off the platforms in wood-elf land. Lesser Faydwer, I think it was.

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This thread is the best and happiest thing I have read on these forums ever.




This thread.


I love it more than I can express.


EverQuest was TRUE adventure. I remember when I was just a little kid I would be thinking about it all day at school, planning where I would run off to. Planning what class I would make to kill skeletons at the gates of Freeport.


I actually WANTED to poke my head into every nook and cranny of the game. Swtor? I struggle to get from point A to point B!


Amazing how it all comes back from the most unremembered parts of my mind from 15+ years ago.



And Eastern Commons! Who remembers that place? Killing ASPS for their venom gland for a gold piece... And if you wanted to sell something, you had to stand in the tunnel and /shout what you wanted to sell and for how much, barter with people, and do things like the world was REAL.


AAaaaaaaaaaahahaha. Remember having to pay a cleric to change the weather with a spell they had to use gems for? :D:D:D:D


But best of all...





Just one "TRAIN!!!!" shout in Everquest brought me a flood of adrenaline and anticipation that SWTOR has done only once when I got my first lightsaber.
















What happened guys... What happened to MMOs?



SWTOR is such a wreck, and recalling all these memories of better days has me teetering on the edge of tossing the idea of ever playing SWTOR again to the wind.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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What happened guys... What happened to MMOs? SWTOR is such a wreck, and recalling all these memories of better days has me teetering on the edge of tossing the idea of ever playing SWTOR again to the wind.


World of Warcraft happened - but it was Ok. Wow was fun too. :) Then everyone started trying to copy it..hence, current location.


My fondest EQ memory is probably selling stuff in the EC tunnel on my Magician - Gnimmish on E'ci..So much fun to haggle and sell wares, trade, and build the community we had on that server.


That and GM events, remember those? GM's showed up, turned into Giants, made the sky rain blood. Punted players around the zone for giggles. Spawned awesome mobs and - interacted with everyone.


Oh! Can't forget the groups for hours camping FBSS or Short Sword of the Ykesha, discussing everything from family life - politics - TV shows. Awesome.


Sure, the mechanics were Horrible - but the people made it fantastic..


Oh yeah! One time, my best friend (we still MMO together today), ran an entire Derv camp over my gnome as I was AOEing. They just ran by and I was flat, and he just ran off laughing.



Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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World of Warcraft happened - but it was Ok. Wow was fun too. :) Then everyone started trying to copy it..hence, current location.


My fondest EQ memory is probably selling stuff in the EC tunnel on my Magician - Gnimmish on E'ci..So much fun to haggle and sell wares, trade, and build the community we had on that server.


That and GM events, remember those? GM's showed up, turned into Giants, made the sky rain blood. Punted players around the zone for giggles. Spawned awesome mobs and - interacted with everyone.


Oh! Can't forget the groups for hours camping FBSS or Short Sword of the Ykesha, discussing everything from family life - politics - TV shows. Awesome.


Sure, the mechanics were Horrible - but the people made it fantastic..


Oh yeah! One time, my best friend (we still MMO together today), ran an entire Derv camp over my gnome as I was AOEing. They just ran by and I was flat, and he just ran off laughing.








YEEEEEES. Oh the glory of remembering this useless junk! LOL


That was the server I was on. I can't even remember what my char's name was though. :p

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young

In a world of magnets and miracles

Our thoughts strayed constantly and without boundary


The grass was greener

The light was brighter

With friends surrounded

The nights of wonder




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Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young

In a world of magnets and miracles

Our thoughts strayed constantly and without boundary


The grass was greener

The light was brighter

With friends surrounded

The nights of wonder





Sound the division bell, let it be heard as far as the dark side of the moon! Of course the only way to get there is by learning to fly, and one needs money for that. Oh well, might as well get comfortably numb about it since my high hopes for that goal have been dashed. Oh well... Let's let this game shine on like a crazy diamond and be happy!

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Back in my day...


- I ran around PKing, chasing and getting chased back forth town.


- If I died, I could lose XP, Armor, Potions etc.


- I spent time socializing with players in town and didn't spend every day worrying about leveling/grinding time sinks


- Games weren't so linear


- PvP made sense and no one spent hours on the forum complaining about overpowered classes


- There were no factions


-Titles meant something


- Guild vs Guild fights were the majority of the PvP


- PvP and PvE weren't separated and made into gimmicks


- I could make houses and decorate it


- I could buy ships and sail them


- I could make my own fun, and didn't need to come to horrid forums because the community was mostly in game.


- Games had combat logs


- Developers ACTUALLY did care about the game they made

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