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PvP changes that would keep PvPers around long-term...


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1. Obviously a 50 bracket although this could hurt younger servers and cause people to quit due to not enough people queuing who are lvl 50...


2. rewards for world pvP. Maybe valor or commendations for killing someone in open world. Or a certain commendation that you could trade in for a higher commendation? Maybe something along those lines?


3. Stats. I want to know my k/d ratio. I hear this might be coming and stats are currently being recorded in a database?


4. Parties need to allow more members so that you can que with more than 4 people in WZ. parties hould allow upt o 8 people to be qued.


5. Cross server WZ would address the having to go through hutball every other WZ. It would hurt the since of community but would still be better IMO.


6. Guild on Guid war zones for serious PvP guilds.


7. Resources or spawns that are worth protecting and taking from repub or Imp. could make things interesting if there were in game resources worth fighting over...


8. tournaments, monthly/weekly rewards for guilds with the most wins, monthly/weekly players with the most wins, and players with the best monthly k/d ratio.


9. Monthly Imp vs Republic meet up points on a world and have a death match for 1-2 hours. each player gets 5 respawns then is out of the match. rewards would be determined.


10. Allow WZ commendations and merc commendations to be spent on somehting useful so you're not always capped out until you get to lvl 50... Make it more expensive. Even if it is 1000 WZ and 1000 Merc cmds do something at least!


These are the fixes that i think would keep high level players interested and people subscribing to this game and staying for a long time. simple fixes that do not require a change in a lot fo mechanics with the exception of cross server WZ and some world PvP. This list caters al the Pvpers of the game. thoughts?

Edited by Torothin
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I think these are [retty solid/ do-able ideas that would not hurt the PvE side of things or affect lots of in-game mechanics...


the solid one's they are already working on or are coming... the 50's bracket and kills count in ilum for the objectives.


Other than that just no...

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10. Firing the WAR/Mythic PvP development team



You are crazy if you think they had much to do with this pvp. Dark Age of Camelot and WAR, flaws and all, were the best pvp games ever. How you could look at this game's pvp and say it was influenced by Mythic developers is ludicrous. Its absolutely nothing like it. Mythic pvp has always been about killing other players in addition to large scale RVR combat. Mythic never rolled out instanced pvp with level 10 in with level 50 either. If anything if they have anybody left from Mythic when they did Dark Age of Camelot they should put that person in charge of this games awful pvp asap. The current state of this game's pvp is 100% Bioware's responsiblity. :mad:

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You are crazy if you think they had much to do with this pvp. Dark Age of Camelot and WAR, flaws and all, were the best pvp games ever. How you could look at this game's pvp and say it was influenced by Mythic developers is ludicrous. Its absolutely nothing like it. Mythic pvp has always been about killing other players in addition to large scale RVR combat. Mythic never rolled out instanced pvp with level 10 in with level 50 either. If anything if they have anybody left from Mythic when they did Dark Age of Camelot they should put that person in charge of this games awful pvp asap. The current state of this game's pvp is 100% Bioware's responsiblity. :mad:


Mythic's fire burned out with DAOC. /thread after mentioning WAR as the "best pvp game ever"


EDIT - Also, scaled and instanced PvP is 100% a WAR concept.

Edited by bklynfinest
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10. Firing the WAR/Mythic PvP development team


Wrong. Mythic does not need to be fired, they're the only part of the crew who knows how to make decent PvP. The problem is Bioware/EA is like "Naahhh you're gonna make this game our way, because we're bigger than you and own you."


Mythic is known for their PvP, it's what they do, but ever since they've been handcuffed (after being purchased by EA) by mass-production and cookie-cutter MMO standards they've been pigeonholed into servility by their dark masters.


If Bioware and EA would just let Mythic work their magic, especially when it comes to world pvp, without forcing them to pretty much copy/paste WoW's programming because that's "popular", you'd have fantastic, legendary PvP in this game. But seeing as Bioware wanted to create WoW with different skins because they saw easy money, we got what we got.


Same thing with WAR, EA promised "Mythic is here! They're bringing back RvR!" But what they meant was "Our version of what we think RvR should be, in order to appeal to more people/copy a lot of WoW because that's popular." And you got a fail product as a result.

Edited by Mhak
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1. Obviously a 50 bracket although this could hurt younger servers and cause people to quit due to not enough people queuing who are lvl 50...


2. rewards for world pvP. Maybe valor or commendations for killing someone in open world. Or a certain commendation that you could trade in for a higher commendation? Maybe something along those lines?


3. Stats. I want to know my k/d ratio. I hear this might be coming and stats are currently being recorded in a database?


4. Parties need to allow more members so that you can que with more than 4 people in WZ. parties hould allow upt o 8 people to be qued.


5. Cross server WZ would address the having to go through hutball every other WZ. It would hurt the since of community but would still be better IMO.


6. Guild on Guid war zones for serious PvP guilds.


7. Resources or spawns that are worth protecting and taking from repub or Imp. could make things interesting if there were in game resources worth fighting over...


8. tournaments, monthly/weekly rewards for guilds with the most wins, monthly/weekly players with the most wins, and players with the best monthly k/d ratio.


9. Monthly Imp vs Republic meet up points on a world and have a death match for 1-2 hours. each player gets 5 respawns then is out of the match. rewards would be determined.


These are the fixes that i think would keep high level players interested and people subscribing to this game and staying for a long time. simple fixes that do not require a change in a lot fo mechanics with the exception of cross server WZ and some world PvP. This list caters al the Pvpers of the game. thoughts?


1. Has already been addressed by BW...


2. Has already been addressed by BW...


3. Has already been addressed by BW...


4. Has already been addressed by BW...


5. No, Cross server queues means no accountability for what people say and do in the Warzones, and it is the only thing that will kill a server's sense of community...


6. One step at a time...


7. It's called Valor buffs...


8. Has already been addressed by BW...


9. How is this BW's responsibility?


C'mon people, let's stay relevant!



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My opinion is that first of all they need to do something with Ilum, today when I saw Republic and Empire just standing 20 meters from each other and switching battle objectives my heart sank...


Few more warzones would help with diversity also and they are not so hard to make imo.

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In what world is Mythic good at PVP? The only good game they've done is DAOC. War crashed in a fantastic fireball of fail. If you paid attention there was a collective sigh from the gaming community when it was announced that Mythic would be put in charge of the PVP for this game.


IMHO they need to look at a team that makes a good MOBA and bring them in to consult for their PVP. MOBAs are almost completely balanced around abilities and I think an MMO could really benefit from that knowledge.

Edited by Scoobings
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In what world is Mythic good at PVP? The only good game they've done is DAOC. War crashed in a fantastic fireball of fail. If you paid attention there was a collective sigh from the gaming community when it was announced that Mythic would be put in charge of the PVP for this game.


Nobody seems to understand what happened with WAR. Mythic made DAoC while they were an independent company. In other words, they could make their game, and it clearly worked.


Then they got purchased by EA. EA has a reputation in the gaming industry - $$$ > customers. With WAR, they did not let Mythic make the game, LOL AT SUCH AN IDEA. DAoC was a small game by MMO standards, EA saw WoW's millions of subs and wanted those kinds of numbers. They oversaw the creation of the game, they demanded deadlines, they demanded PvP that would appeal to "the masses" rather than the couple hundred K people who played DAoC, they nailed the coffin shut on that game.


Mythic in turn lost most of their credibility and reputation because their dark overlords wanted easy $$$ instead of a great product. SWTOR is absolutely no different, it's just a copy/paste attempt at WoW for lots of $$$.

Edited by Mhak
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I dont like cross-server WZ... because its nice 'getting to know' the people who you pvp in WZ's.


After a while you start to see the same people in your warzones and find out who is good and who isnt. It becomes more personal the way it is.


You become famous or infamous in WZ's because its so personal.

Edited by grimreaperguild
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10. Firing the WAR/Mythic PvP development team


Wrong. They actually did nice and fun job in WHO. At least game was very diverse with mechanic mirrors and role mirrors mixed within factions.


However, it seems like they took janitors from WAR/Mythic to work on pvp here.

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Great ideas, really hope for pvp stats and cross server queues. Not sure what that guy is trying to say by no accountability or server community w/e. If anything cross server strengthens server comraderie. Queue times are going to be absolutely horrible when the 50's only bracket is implemented. Too many rerollers rping the different class stories.
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1. Obviously a 50 bracket although this could hurt younger servers and cause people to quit due to not enough people queuing who are lvl 50...


2. rewards for world pvP. Maybe valor or commendations for killing someone in open world. Or a certain commendation that you could trade in for a higher commendation? Maybe something along those lines?


3. Stats. I want to know my k/d ratio. I hear this might be coming and stats are currently being recorded in a database?


4. Parties need to allow more members so that you can que with more than 4 people in WZ. parties hould allow upt o 8 people to be qued.


5. Cross server WZ would address the having to go through hutball every other WZ. It would hurt the since of community but would still be better IMO.


6. Guild on Guid war zones for serious PvP guilds.


7. Resources or spawns that are worth protecting and taking from repub or Imp. could make things interesting if there were in game resources worth fighting over...


8. tournaments, monthly/weekly rewards for guilds with the most wins, monthly/weekly players with the most wins, and players with the best monthly k/d ratio.


9. Monthly Imp vs Republic meet up points on a world and have a death match for 1-2 hours. each player gets 5 respawns then is out of the match. rewards would be determined.


These are the fixes that i think would keep high level players interested and people subscribing to this game and staying for a long time. simple fixes that do not require a change in a lot fo mechanics with the exception of cross server WZ and some world PvP. This list caters al the Pvpers of the game. thoughts?


You mean this? http://www.swtor.com/blog/new-year%E2%80%99s-pvp-update


Granted, there are a couple things there that BW hasn't addressed yet, but we are only in month one so I'm willing to give them a bit more time. Although cross-server queues is a garbage idea that I hope they avoid at all costs.

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Mythic screwed the pooch with WAR PvP. Keep trading, horribly expliotable combat mechanics (ie, procs on procs), ridiculous consumables/gems causing imbalances everywhere, Bright Wizards, Witchblades, Magus/Eng pulls, AE that dealt way too much damage, DoK/WP healing OPness, etc. It's really a long list.


The good news is that most of that is gone from SWTOR. They kept it simple, so there's hope.


Back to the OPs discussion:


A simple change for PvP: Award Merc points for world/Ilum kills. Use the DAoC model where you don't get points for killing the same person more than once every x min


There is no fix for Ilum. People will trade if it's the easiest way to get their reward

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50 bracket and premade bracket.


Your point number 4 to allow 8 players to queue together is ridiculous. A 4 man premade is enough to dominate a warzone and camp the graveyard as it is. 8 man premades in the random bracket would kill this game.

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Wrong. Mythic does not need to be fired, they're the only part of the crew who knows how to make decent PvP. The problem is Bioware/EA is like "Naahhh you're gonna make this game our way, because we're bigger than you and own you."


Mythic is known for their PvP, it's what they do, but ever since they've been handcuffed (after being purchased by EA) by mass-production and cookie-cutter MMO standards they've been pigeonholed into servility by their dark masters.


If Bioware and EA would just let Mythic work their magic, especially when it comes to world pvp, without forcing them to pretty much copy/paste WoW's programming because that's "popular", you'd have fantastic, legendary PvP in this game. But seeing as Bioware wanted to create WoW with different skins because they saw easy money, we got what we got.


Same thing with WAR, EA promised "Mythic is here! They're bringing back RvR!" But what they meant was "Our version of what we think RvR should be, in order to appeal to more people/copy a lot of WoW because that's popular." And you got a fail product as a result.



You've got too much nostalgia in your eyes if you think DAoC was great pvp. Might have been for casters, but that melee system was and still is crap.


The only thing about it's pvp I liked was the siege system, the rest of it can die in a fire.

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Right. I forgot EA execs are also pro-PvPers in their free time that they are able to comment on the nitty gritty of all things PvP. Agree Mythic probably had to follow some overall theme e.g. make the PvP more carebear friendly but the fine details they managed to screw up on their own.
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50 bracket and premade bracket.


Your point number 4 to allow 8 players to queue together is ridiculous. A 4 man premade is enough to dominate a warzone and camp the graveyard as it is. 8 man premades in the random bracket would kill this game.


So when the day comes around and you have 8 guildies on TS that want to pvP together. Wouldn't you prefer to all PvP in the same group and work as a team? How is this ridiculous?

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