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Trooper: Commando Gunnery Chain, what is the best?


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Got my Commando to 33 recently and I find myself spamming Gravity Round and HIB (when it recharges).


I have heard that I should throw some Full Auto in there too.


This is single target DPS.


What is the best?


Currently I GR/HIB/GR/GR/GR/GR/GR/GR/HIB (when it recharges)


Is there a better one?

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I usually open with full auto, since grav round and charged bolts have a chance to reset the refresh on full auto. I also use hammer shot as a spacer, since the higher your ammo bar is, the faster it refills.


Usual pve rotation for me would be FA, GR, GR, Demolition Shot, GR, GR, HIB, FA if it hasn't refreshed yet. Toss a cryo grenade in there if you want to heal, or charged bolts if your target has 5 grav vortices; charged bolts has a slightly higher max damage than grav round, and gives you charged barrel counters and whatever that ability is that increases the power of HIB.

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At 39 what I find myself doing for single target DPS on elites and champions is Grav Round x3, Cryo nade, Full auto, Grav Round x2, High Impact Bolt, Grav Round, Recharge Cells, Grav Round x3, Hammer Shot, Grav Round, High Impact Bolt, then if the fight isn't over (which generally means I'm fighting a chapion) I alternate Grav Round and Hammer Shot until I get 5 stacks of Charged Barrell then I throw in High Impact Bolt after the 5th Grav Round.


This is of course for soloing. When grouped I use FA on cooldown as long as the target has 4 or more gravity vortexes on it already because FA is your highest DPS skill for the ammo spent.

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normally grav round x3, demo round, full auto if procced, 2 more grav round, HiB, rinse and reapeat. Normally I'll keep grav rounding while waiting for demo round and HiB to reset, using full auto whenever is out of CD (mostly due to the proc). Hammer shot is used sparingly to save some ammo.


Remember that you don't have to wait for full auto to be on cd for the dmg buff to proc. It works even if Full auto is NOT on cd.

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IMO you want to get the charged barrier up asap. Enemy going to use his best shots on you near beginning of fight, and you have 5 stacks of Charged Barrier to get up, which don't multiply as fast as talented grav vortices. You can use charged bolts to build these stacks too.


Of course, you can also let Dorne open on a boss and pull aggro off of her, reducing the need for charged barrier at the very beginning.

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I Start with Grav Round and only use FA if i have the 25% damage bonus. I think that FA isnt worth it if you dont have the bonus (and the passive isnt worth it because it resets FA, but because it increases its damage). I prefer to stack the armor reduction of Grav Round asap, as it will not only increase your damage, but everyone elses too.


But im now Valor Rank 54 and i found that it's way more complex than a simple Rotation. Learn your Skills and find the right Situation to use them.

For Example, FA needs 4 Seconds to do Full damage, if an enemy is near something that blocks your Line of sight, it's better to use the 1 impact damage of Grav round that comes faster.

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If you want to do permanent damage just do the following:


grav-hammer-grav-hammer-grav-high impact- full auto, rinse and repeat, just keep 5 stacks of grav up and use high impact and full auto when up.


the reason for using hammer after grav is obvious, by doing so you are always at 90-100% ammo and can basically fire all day. In addition 1 grav + hammer is sometimes enough to take a mob out.

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I Start with Grav Round and only use FA if i have the 25% damage bonus. I think that FA isnt worth it if you dont have the bonus (and the passive isnt worth it because it resets FA, but because it increases its damage). I prefer to stack the armor reduction of Grav Round asap, as it will not only increase your damage, but everyone elses too.


Thank you! I agree, I only use FA when it pops for the 25% bonus damage. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.

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I would say it is more of a priority rather then chain based sequence.


The way i see it its like that:


FA (Procced) > HiB (buff x5) > Demo Round [debuf x5] [i am not sure HiB x5 is better than Demo. testing required] > Grav (if debuf < 5) > hammer shot (if ammo < 6) > Grav.



Using this priority, grav acts as a filler, while hammer shot acts as resource regeneration.

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Grav--Grav--Demo--HiB--FA / HS / Grav depending on ammo or situation.


Just over 3 seconds to cast initial 4 shots for massive damage.


Full Auto is great to use as a 5th shot when sitting at around 8 ammo because its pretty much a free cast and you have their armor weakened as well as a chance to proc the damage buff during the initial shots.


I wouldn't open with FA because any kind of hit will remove a tick and dramatically reduce its damage. Refreshing the recast is not a priority due to this problem.

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I'm sure I'm not the only one,but the first to ask i guess.........


But wth does Proc,proc'd, or procced mean anyway?


proc means, that a passive of some sort activates when you use an ability. For example your Grav Round can proc your passive from the Skill Tree (by 60%) that your FA resets and does 25% more damage.


And to return to the Rotation matter: i have underused FA a bit, but i think most people still overuse it. It's a handy skill against Tanks that withstand your normal rotation. Usually, after Grav, Grav-Demo, Grav-HiB my Target is down. If not, i use another Grav or if the passive already proc'd, i use FA. The nice thing about FA is, that it ensures sustained damage, because the cells u used regenerate during the time it needs to channel.


But another thing to relativate the rotation; it matters which level you and your target have. if i snipe a lvl 10-20. i use 2 Gravs and a finisher and its done. Against lvl 50 i use a longer rotation and i try to get the full stack of armor reduction from Grav rounds.


And i wanted to add something about HiB or Demo which may not everyone will know. Demo increases its damage by amount of grav armordebuff-stack on your target. HiB increases its damage by your passive buff in your tree, which isnt on your target. So you wanna use Demo on your first target, because it has the grav debuff on it. you can now switch target and snipe someone with HiB, because you have the dmg buff from your gravroation before still on you.


The last thing i want to point out is the shield stack from Grav round (if you specced the passive, which you absolutely should).

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...... You can use charged bolts to build these stacks too.....


Once you get Grav.round you should NEVER ever think of using charged bolt, just remove it from your bar. Unless ofc. you are some perverted gunnery/assault spec w/o grav.round meaning you are doing it wrong anyway


If you want to do permanent damage just do the following:


grav-hammer-grav-hammer-grav-high impact- full auto, rinse and repeat, just keep 5 stacks of grav up and use high impact and full auto when up.


the reason for using hammer after grav is obvious, by doing so you are always at 90-100% ammo and can basically fire all day. In addition 1 grav + hammer is sometimes enough to take a mob out.


Staying at 90-100% is a waste of potential procs from FA. Ammo regen is maxed from 61-100% ammo, so you should ideally stay ~70%


Speaking only for gunnery since i have not much exp as Assault spec.


The best rotation rather there is priority. Depending on the situation - solo, group, PvP, PVE. providing there is a tank and you are not getting hit (this ***** the FA dmg due to the lame game design atm) your best skill is FA, followed by HIB and DR (with 5 vortex stats) and grav.round. Just rotate them at your own discression.

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Thank you! I agree, I only use FA when it pops for the 25% bonus damage. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.


I disagree with this mainly because Curtain of Fire finishes the cooldown on FA, so opening with it (it still does good DPS/DPA even normally, especially with crits) doesn't hurt you at all, and using it when its up but demo/hib are both down is also a good use of time.



I am not sure HiB x5 is better than Demo. testing required



With Crits demo round is definitely better since it benefits from Deadly Cannon and HiB doesn't.


Also it only takes 3 grav rounds to get maximum damage out of demo round but takes 5 to get maximum damage out of HiB

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Hammer shot so don't pull agro > Grav Roundx3 > Reserve Powercell > Demo Round > Hammer shot if you didn't crit somewhere in there > Full auto > Grav Round x 2 > High Impact > Hammer shot if you're low on ammo > Demo Round > keep up grav round, high impact on cooldown, demo round on cooldown, full auto on proc, hammer shot to conserve ammo; if you're burning pop recharge cells when you're low and preferably have that talent form medic tree.


Always, always, always open with hammer shot, you can shoot while getting into position and your tanks and healers won't hate you like they hate me.

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I think that's pretty situational. I've had no real problems opening with full auto on bosses. Hammer Shot is more of a damage filler while you wait for Ammo so you're always in the highest ammo regen level. Other than that, finishing off mobs with like 400 HP and firing on the move if I need to run around some (like during the final Directive 7 boss) I honestly don't use Hammershot much at all.
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