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Can Bioware really fix all the issues with PvP?


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Mirror classes that aren't balanced with their mirror counterparts with crucial pvp elements like faster casting times, cooldowns on abilities, and additional CC's given to one class and not the other. Implementing a resolve system that greatly diminishes a classes survival who depends on CC and not increasing their defense elsewhere (gunslingers/snipers). Rogue type classes running around with stun + burst abilities that are unmanageable. Mage classes getting 3k bubbles every 20 seconds and super sprint speed making them very tough to kill (that's 9k damage a minute they can absorb). Level 50's running around in warzones with obvious PvP advantages. A PvP reward system that doesn't quite seem fair some players based on the amount of work put in. In open world pvp allowing a certain class (sage/consular) to essentially CC your companion continuously for as long as they see fit with Force Lift/Whirlwind and keep them out of the fight completely altogether.


Can Bioware really fix all the blantant PvP problems in general as well as fix a class imbalance that spreads across multiple class archtypes? Their first big patch update will say a lot about how well they know what's going on within their own game, and how aggressive or conservitive they are going to be about fixing it. I'm looking forward to seeing if they are going to take one step forward, or two steps back. I just hope it's not 2 inches forward and several more months of frustration.

Edited by DimeStax
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Could BioWare do it? I have been playing BioWare games for almost 20 years, and I would not put anything past their capabilities. IMO they are in the top 3 game developers of all time, with a strong case for being #1.


Problem is, BioWare made the incomprehensible choice of using the team from Mythic to develop this game.


Could Mythic do it? No, absolutely without a doubt, they can not.

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Stop the Bioware propaganda. Mythic did not develop this game. Some of there developers worked on it along with Bioware's team. All the big decsions were made by Bioware's head honchos. If you ever played Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer I don't know how in the world you could say the pvp that exists in this game right now is anything like those games. If it was the pvp would be 1000 times better. You would have rewards for killing other players, abilities you can earn through pvp, pvp objectives that aren't crap, bracketed warzones that aren't crappily desigened, and crowd control immunity timers that actually worked. Seriously get your heads out of Bioware's hiney and take a deep breathe fresh air.
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Bioware can't. EA can't.


Mythic could, but is owned and controlled utterly by EA and will never be allowed to do what they want to again. Examples - WAR and SWTOR. Some people think Mythic actually got what they wanted to do in these games. lol no.


Mythic hasn't been allowed to work their magic since before they were bought by EA and still an independent company. They are controlled utterly and forced to pump out the same cookie-cutter crap that everybody on the MMO scene is growing tired with, but which businesses like EA know still rake in the $$$.


I don't know that even if unshackled they'd remember how to work the magic they did with DAoC; so long have they been forced into mindless servility. But they'll never be given the shot to anyway, so it's mute.

Edited by Mhak
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Mirror classes that aren't balanced with their mirror counterparts with crucial pvp elements like faster casting times, cooldowns on abilities, and additional CC's given to one class and not the other. Implementing a resolve system that greatly diminishes a classes survival who depends on CC and not increasing their defense elsewhere (gunslingers/snipers). Rogue type classes running around with stun + burst abilities that are unmanageable. Mage classes getting 3k bubbles every 20 seconds and super sprint speed making them very tough to kill (that's 9k damage a minute they can absorb). Level 50's running around in warzones with obvious PvP advantages. A PvP reward system that doesn't quite seem fair some players based on the amount of work put in. In open world pvp allowing a certain class (sage/consular) to essentially CC your companion continuously for as long as they see fit with Force Lift/Whirlwind and keep them out of the fight completely altogether.


Can Bioware really fix all the blantant PvP problems in general as well as fix a class imbalance that spreads across multiple class archtypes? Their first big patch update will say a lot about how well they know what's going on within their own game, and how aggressive or conservitive they are going to be about fixing it. I'm looking forward to seeing if they are going to take one step forward, or two steps back. I just hope it's not 2 inches forward and several more months of frustration.


The only thing you said that is true is "Level 50's running around in warzones with obvious PvP advantages." Yes, level 50's have "obvious" advantages over say, a level 10 player.


Everything else you mentioned either is not true or is not a problem. PvP is actually the most balanced I've seen for any MMO at launch.

I really hope that Bioware isn't listening to people like you.

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I’m sure BW could fix the issues with PvP, the question is if they will and when? It certainly does not seem like a priority. What would give people hope is a clear statement by BW that they realize the Resolve system is not working as intended and that the Stuns/Roots/Etc. are out of hand, a that they are fast tracking the issue to the top of their “to fix” list. Then they could follow it up by a statement regarding the RNG Bag system, and how it will be redesigned to reward work, time invested, but not dumb luck.
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The only thing you said that is true is "Level 50's running around in warzones with obvious PvP advantages." Yes, level 50's have "obvious" advantages over say, a level 10 player.


Everything else you mentioned either is not true or is not a problem. PvP is actually the most balanced I've seen for any MMO at launch.

I really hope that Bioware isn't listening to people like you.


Are you blind? If it wasn't an issue then there wouldn't be so many threads complaining about it. If you think the game is perfect and no changes need to be made, good for you. As they say; ignorance is bliss. But if your a man of reason and logic then you would concede that nothing is ever perfect, but a great game is distringuished from a lame game by how it pursues perfection. The first step is identifying what needs to be improved. So once again, good for you if you think nothing is wrong... keep your eyes shut, your ears covered, stay off the forums and you'll be the happiest person in the world knowing none the wiser. For everyone else who lives in the real world, these discussions are for you.

Edited by DimeStax
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Are you blind? If it wasn't an issue then there wouldn't be so many threads complaining about it. If you think the game is perfect and no changes need to be made, good for you. As they say; ignorance is bliss. But if your a man of reason and logic then you would concede that nothing is ever perfect, but a great game is distringuished from a lame game by how it pursues perfection. The first step is identifying what needs to be improved. So once again, good for you if you think nothing is wrong... keep your eyes shut, your ears covered, stay off the forums and you'll be the happiest person in the world knowing none the wiser. For everyone else who lives in the real world, these discussions are for you.


I didn't say that nothing was wrong with PvP, I said the issues you mentioned in your post either were not correct or were not actually problems.


Here are some aspects of PvP that the majority of the community agrees on need to be changed:


- Groups should not disband when entering a PvP warzone

- Targeting is too difficult due to it being hard to see whom you have targetted. The red circle reticule on the players feet can be hard to see when blended in with the environment.

- Response times when selecting abilities is slow compared to other MMO's and could be improved.

- Combat log (not just a PvP issue) would be nice to have for training purposes. Makes it easier to improve your skills if you can look at a log of what hit you.

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I didn't say that nothing was wrong with PvP, I said the issues you mentioned in your post either were not correct or were not actually problems.


Here are some aspects of PvP that the majority of the community agrees on need to be changed:


- Groups should not disband when entering a PvP warzone

- Targeting is too difficult due to it being hard to see whom you have targetted. The red circle reticule on the players feet can be hard to see when blended in with the environment.

- Response times when selecting abilities is slow compared to other MMO's and could be improved.

- Combat log (not just a PvP issue) would be nice to have for training purposes. Makes it easier to improve your skills if you can look at a log of what hit you.


So basically nothing to do with class balancing or anything truly pvp relevant? Fixing that stuff needs to be done, but there are certainly more dire balance issues, reward issues, and pvp game mechanics that need to be addressed first over making a targetting ring more visible, or adding a combat log for training. Those are little perks that we would like to have, but don't fix the obvious problems that are glaring Bioware in the face. That's what I care about... not the fact that my group disbands when I get out of a warzone.

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Yes they can. Whether they will, or not is a different story. I read posts where people say it's coming, but I never read about a source. What little I've read of Stephen Reid on Twitter, he talks about pets more than he does pvp. It's all fluff.
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So basically nothing to do with class balancing or anything truly pvp relevant? Fixing that stuff needs to be done, but there are certainly more dire balance issues, reward issues, and pvp game mechanics that need to be addressed first over making a targetting ring more visible, or adding a combat log for training. Those are little perks that we would like to have, but don't fix the obvious problems that are glaring Bioware in the face. That's what I care about... not the fact that my group disbands when I get out of a warzone.


That's the thing, many people disagree with you. Just because you personally think something needs to be changed doesn't mean that it should be done.

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Are you blind? If it wasn't an issue then there wouldn't be so many threads complaining about it. If you think the game is perfect and no changes need to be made, good for you. As they say; ignorance is bliss. But if your a man of reason and logic then you would concede that nothing is ever perfect, but a great game is distringuished from a lame game by how it pursues perfection. The first step is identifying what needs to be improved. So once again, good for you if you think nothing is wrong... keep your eyes shut, your ears covered, stay off the forums and you'll be the happiest person in the world knowing none the wiser. For everyone else who lives in the real world, these discussions are for you.


You're pretty ignorant yourself. With the exception of a few imbalances, such as the Scoundrel/Operative being a bit OP unless you know how to pop a defensive cooldown correctly, the game is pretty well balanced. I only run into problems when there are 3+ healers on 1 team. Most of the people complaining are low levels getting rolled by high levels. Bioware wanted to try something new and allow all levels to compete to minimize the need for cross-server PvP. It didn't entirely work. The 50's are rolling everyone. They are making a bracket for the 50's now and when this happens THEN we can talk about balancing.


I mean seriously there has probably never been a match with all level 50's on both teams. How can you guys talk about balancing when it's not balancing that's the problem. It's the bolster system not accommodating for PvP Gear.

Edited by Rehsals
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I believe they can, and I don't think they are that far off.


Some changes are already on the way later this month:



Thats just them basically saying


'we screwed up totally when we made the game'


Its management flim-flam of the most opaque nature. However i really hope they take the slap on the butt like adults and get things sorted.

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The only thing you said that is true is "Level 50's running around in warzones with obvious PvP advantages." Yes, level 50's have "obvious" advantages over say, a level 10 player.


Everything else you mentioned either is not true or is not a problem. PvP is actually the most balanced I've seen for any MMO at launch.

I really hope that Bioware isn't listening to people like you.


No, not everything was false, in fact it is TRUE, look at agents and smugglers, Agents 1 min CD on flash Bang, Smugglers 1 min 30 sec CD....


Agents Electro knife stun thing can be done on the run, Smugglers nut kick roots you in place for a second to perform it.


Those are just TWO examples I am aware of. But just those two prove the OP is stating facts not falsehoods, at least for the most part.


(though honestly... Smugglers Dirty Kick ability has got to be the greatest stun EVER!.... I use it even if faced with certain death just to see the eyes roll back in the head of the Sith I am fighting while getting roflstomped by his ten buddies....)

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Stop the Bioware propaganda. Mythic did not develop this game. Some of there developers worked on it along with Bioware's team. All the big decsions were made by Bioware's head honchos. If you ever played Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer I don't know how in the world you could say the pvp that exists in this game right now is anything like those games. If it was the pvp would be 1000 times better. You would have rewards for killing other players, abilities you can earn through pvp, pvp objectives that aren't crap, bracketed warzones that aren't crappily desigened, and crowd control immunity timers that actually worked. Seriously get your heads out of Bioware's hiney and take a deep breathe fresh air.


Yeah, I played DAoC and WAR. Played DAoC for years.


If Mythic had been able to follow through on the original concepts they brought to the table in DAoC, it would be in line with WC is now. They destroyed it. Proof? There is one DAoC server now, with about the population of one of the multiple servers they had 6 months after launch.


WAR was doomed from the beginning. It never got off the ground as far as I'm concerned.


I dont think you have any idea what the word Propaganda means btw.

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