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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Where is Commando interrupt?


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In solo PvE, I've yet to run into a problem with Cryo nade/Stockstrike (with the knock-back effect)/charged blast can't handle. In fact, I frequently solo champs I come across far easier than I could have on my sage.


oh really?


Try fight the Sith Advisor mobs. http://www.torhead.com/npc/hstST32#class-abilities


Now tell me, that you dont need a interrupt :p

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Leveling up I would have agreed with Fluffy Burrito.


After attempting one hard mode esseles as a pick up DPS (other three were all from the same guild) I see the OP's point exactly. We ran Vanguard tank, Sage DPS, Combat Medic, and me as Gunnery Commando. We must have wiped to Iron Fist 10 times because the two interrupts were saved to stop Headshot leaving us to run while he was doing Missle Salvo and we just didn't have the damage to get him down with us running everywhere.


I took two things from the experience:

1) I need to do Illum Dailies till I can get properly modded out before attempting more Hard Modes.


2) We really would benefit from a true interrupt. I wouldn't even mind the skill which turns it into a minor knockback turning it into a true interrupt, or making it a level 50 upgrade applicable only to NPCs, or hell make the adjustment to Sticky grenade if we want a ranged interrupt. The only real change that would have to be made is make it interrupt bosses. I'm fine with us not getting any boost in PVP, but at endgame the OP is 100% right about us needing an interrupt and anyone whose played an MO for an extended period of time will tell you the game starts at endgame as oxymoronic as that sounds.

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Leveling up I would have agreed with Fluffy Burrito.


After attempting one hard mode esseles as a pick up DPS (other three were all from the same guild) I see the OP's point exactly. We ran Vanguard tank, Sage DPS, Combat Medic, and me as Gunnery Commando. We must have wiped to Iron Fist 10 times because the two interrupts were saved to stop Headshot leaving us to run while he was doing Missle Salvo and we just didn't have the damage to get him down with us running everywhere.


I took two things from the experience:

1) I need to do Illum Dailies till I can get properly modded out before attempting more Hard Modes.


2) We really would benefit from a true interrupt. I wouldn't even mind the skill which turns it into a minor knockback turning it into a true interrupt, or making it a level 50 upgrade applicable only to NPCs, or hell make the adjustment to Sticky grenade if we want a ranged interrupt. The only real change that would have to be made is make it interrupt bosses. I'm fine with us not getting any boost in PVP, but at endgame the OP is 100% right about us needing an interrupt and anyone whose played an MO for an extended period of time will tell you the game starts at endgame as oxymoronic as that sounds.


Having two interrupts though, you should have been fine. Headbutt is the only thing you need to interrupt that fight. It was most likely #1 all the way considering it's a pure dps race to beat his enrage timer; it's not very heal heavy. If everyone had been geared up it would have gone smoothly.


I do agree, however, that the fact I might be having an easier time face-rolling while leveling is partly due to the fact this is my second character, so I know more about the content before going into it.


Seriously though, for everything Commando gets, we can't have EVERYTHING. It'd be a little ridiculous having an interrupt in PvP (It'd be far to easy to kill healers for us then, considering we can already do most of our dps from max range and are more maneuverable than slingers.) and the majority of pugs you will usually have the interrupts necessary to succeed.

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oh really?


Try fight the Sith Advisor mobs. http://www.torhead.com/npc/hstST32#class-abilities


Now tell me, that you dont need a interrupt :p


Just did it yesterday. :D Well, not easily. >_< Interrupt affliction and stay out of their storm AOE thing.


TBH fighting elites is a lot easier if you pretend you're a melee dps. It defies logic but lets you use stock-strike (which already has a low cd) to interrupt.

Edited by Fluffyburrito
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Seriously though, for everything Commando gets, we can't have EVERYTHING. It'd be a little ridiculous having an interrupt in PvP (It'd be far to easy to kill healers for us then, considering we can already do most of our dps from max range and are more maneuverable than slingers.) and the majority of pugs you will usually have the interrupts necessary to succeed.


Guy.. We specified that commandos need a interrupt for PvE. I even agreed we don't need a pvp interrupt atm. Quit bringing up how OP it would make us in PvP.


Again. Commandos would benefit from a PvE only interrupt.

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See the Dev post in this thread. The Devs designed these PvE quest boss fights around having an interrupt that locks out, and then "forgot" to give one to one AC.


With this design, Commandos need an interrupt.



We're looking at this.


A few general notes on challenging fights.


One of the most important aspects of higher level fights against elites is to counter their special abilities. You are required to use your interrupting abilities (e.g. Distraction on the Imperial Agent) in these fights to prevent these enemies from gaining the upper hand. In the short term, stuns and ballistic attacks/knockback will also help, but your interrupt abilities have the added benefit of preventing the target from using their special abilities.


Make sure your companion is properly equipped and that their signature abilities are enabled. For example, if you rely on your companion to take the brunt of the beating in a fight, make sure their 'defensive stance' is activated. Turn off their area of effect abilities when you're fighting single enemies - they are not efficient for these fights. You can enable/disable abilities by opening your companion panel (~ by default) and right clicking the ability. The green indicator on an ability tells you if a companion will consider the ability for use in their AI rotation.


Do not underestimate the benefit of stims and relics as short term efforts to turn the tide. Same goes for your 20 minute 'heroic moment' ability (the one that only works with your companion and triggers the music).


This sounds obvious, but make sure that your skill points (k) are distributed and that you've trained primary your abilities to level.


Finally, if all else fails, gaining additional equipment, levels or bringing a friend along to help with a challenging fight can be used to overcome temporary blocks. However, be advised that if you run into constantly very challenging fights, it is a good indication that your equipment might need updating.


All these notes aside, we are looking at difficulty issues constantly. If we find a trend that indicate a certain fight is broken or a specific advanced class has issues, we will act accordingly. If you want to provide additional insights, such as your character's spec, your approach to combat, your companion or a particular fight you would like us to look at, please feel free to do so in this thread.




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See the Dev post in this thread. The Devs designed these PvE quest boss fights around having an interrupt that locks out, and then "forgot" to give one to one AC.


With this design, Commandos need an interrupt.


Or at least an interrupt item in the hard FP's fights that require interrupt similar to the knock back one about to be added before the Malgus fight in False Emperor.

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Talented stockstrike does a knockback that interupts.. which helps in PvP and regular elite/champs (just not bosses).


Talented Stockstrike is not available to Assault Specialists and, since it doesn't work on bosses, is useless for PVE.

Edited by MeanMartian
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An interrupt to play post 50 borders on required. I haven't needed it so far in leveling, but having played other classes post 50 I can say that several missions need A LOT of interrupts on the PvE content. Hard mode often requires all players to spam interrupts. I have sat on team speak where the leader called out the order of player interrupts so we always had someone stopping numerous boss abilities.


I like the Commando but IMO this really is an oversight. Adding an interrupt would not OP the class in any way that I can see. Replace an existing ability or force players to spend a skill point to get it if they must but it really should be there.

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Seriously though, for everything Commando gets, we can't have EVERYTHING. It'd be a little ridiculous having an interrupt in PvP (It'd be far to easy to kill healers for us then, considering we can already do most of our dps from max range and are more maneuverable than slingers.) and the majority of pugs you will usually have the interrupts necessary to succeed.


You do realize that jedi sages get a 60 sec cc 1 min cd (like us) they get a 4 second stun (like us) they get an aoe knock back (like us) put out lots of dps (like us) AND they get an interrupt. Which of course is not like us.


Giving commandos something that is pretty much required in this game would not be game breaking or unbalancing or anything like that. It'll just put us in line with every other class.

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Until you are in HM Flashpoints or Operations at end-game where interrupts are necessary, even cycling interrupts, then you haven't really experienced the full game. You don't know what's required for an effective group, and simply.. you don't know what you're talking about.


So, to people who state that Commandos don't need an interrupt because they could solo a sub-50 mob:


"Thanks for your input, now please go sit down in the kiddy corner."

Edited by MidnightEcho
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Commandos need a interrupt. It probably should be PvE only but it is absolutely required when fighting hardmode bosses or champions that are immune in incaps/knock backs.


Sages are the closest analog class to Commandos - they have it in addition to other tools as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Frankly, having perhaps the highest DPS and heavy armor is worth the trade for a lack of an interrupt. I have yet to see a boss that requires 3 interrupts within 8 seconds. Therefore, you only need one other healer/DPS to have an interrupt in addition to the boss. If you are running 2 trooper DPS and trooper heals then you may have a problem, but you will definitely NOT have a problem producing DPS.
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but doesnt everybody else get like 3 stuns, 1 knockback, 1 interrupt and 1 dash/stealth/jump?!


Not at all. My main is a Sentinel (I'm starting to level a Combat Medic, which is why I'm here). I have AWESOME interrupts (Awe, Force Stasis, and Force Kick, which I spec'd into for a 6 second CD), but I have no true stun (Force Stasis pretty much roots me as well as my target), and no knockback whatsoever. Believe me, there's plenty of complaining about that in the JK forums...

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What commandos, both medic and gunnery, bring to the table is their sustainable & very high amount of damage & healing. Which cannot be matched by any other class. HOWEVER I feel the need of the interrupt, I'm feeling the lack of utility my class suffers. I cannot do anything else but heal or dps. Occasional stun and cc is fine for add control for some fights, however it is not enough, it doesn't justify sages having all the utility in the galaxy coupled with really strong aoe healing and perfectly fine single target healing.


Commandos need more utility.

Edited by roflstones
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Whatever the emo in this post, if the stupidly OP sith inquis's can get a ranged interrupt we deserve one too.


Today I totally lost a 1v1 on a sith inq because of his well used ranged interrupts. Kudos to him using his interrupt but I don't understand why this fairly standard functionality was ommitted from troopers.


It seems like BW doesn't care to touch troopers seeing as how 30% of the people playing are troopers. A bit of rerolling through attrition can't be bad?

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