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Your story-related "'wow' moments"


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As a counterweight for the (often legitimate) criticism raised here, I thought it would be cool to start a thread about the story and lore moments in-game that took you aback with how unexpected, cool, immersive, or otherwise enjoyable they were. Since these may end up being spoilery, I will politely suggest marking them as such.


A few of my recent ones, as a Jedi Knight:




The general look and feel of Taris, as a long-time KotOR fan. I spent several minutes around the wreckage of the Endar Spire, just taking in the scenery, the music, and everything- the planet reclaiming itself after orbital bombardment reminded me of some urban exploring I've done, on a much larger scale. I'm sad about not getting to see the holovids I salvaged from that mission on the Spire, but I enjoyed that questline.


The post-action mail from Agent Galen, where he admits that, as a Power Guard test subject, he returned from captivity wishing to die, but that you sold him on the idea that, even after what he'd been through, he could have meaning, purpose, and pride in his accomplishments. As someone with returned injured veterans for family members, I'm not ashamed to admit that I teared up a little.


On a completely different note, the mail I got after facerolling Kira's Sith "brother," from a rival dark Jedi, as thanks for removing his competition for his master's regard. I sat there staring at it for several minutes, mentally stammering, totally taken aback. In general, one of the things that draws me to Star Wars and the Old Republic era is the constant reminders that there's a world beyond what your character sees, does, and knows, and that your actions affect it in unexpected ways sometimes. This really brought that home for me.


The duel with Lord Praven on Tatooine. I'm enjoying the interactions I've had with Empire and Sith characters who are not cartoon-character psychotic (Watcher One, Grand Moff Kilran, et cetera). Having a civilized conversation with a True Sith Darksider, coming to terms with each others' differences, and each coming away with stuff to think about was unexpected and very cool.


Edited by Meira_Arirai
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From my Jedi Knight...



At the end of chapter 1, after you defeat Darth Angral, the Emperor takes control of Kira Carson. She draws Angral's red saber while Battle of the Heroes plays in the background. The whole scene, I'm thinking, "This is why I picked Jedi Knight. This is awesome."


If only there were a way to get her dark side outfit, it looks so much better than the usual gear I find for her...



As a Trooper...



I'd like to say finding out Havoc Squad was defecting to the Empire was a "wow" moment, but the very first thing I saw after creating the character was "You mean the obviously evil Havoc Squad?" in general chat, followed by people discussing how obvious it is that they're traitors. Thanks guys.


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Finding out Revan is alive and doing everything in my power to keep it that way^^

nah but in all seriousness now, Taris, Tatooine, Korriban, Nar Shaadaa,Revan and the Exile, the Endar Spire, the Rakata and HK-47, all of these locations and people made SWTOR such an awesome experience, i couldnt thank Bioware enough if

Revan somehow survived the Foundry though( Come on! Force teleportation is Canon!)

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When I had to choose between Jaxo and the prisoners, I picked to save Jaxo thinking that in true super hero fashion I would then figure out a way to save both if I chose not to abandon her. The shock of getting 250 dark side points and -219 with Elara stunned me enough to forget about the Esc key. :mad:


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Imperial Agent:



MAN, I flipped when Darth Jadus turned out to be alive and then a greater nutjob than I first thought.


I also flipped when the Republic began using that keyword on me. I was like, THE HELL IS THIS. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN. WHAT. WHY. HOW. I DIDN'T CHOOSE THAT. :eek:


Go BioWare! Those were the biggest flipouts I've ever had. Definitely beats the Revan reveal in the original KotOR.






I flipped my **** when I found out Skavak stole my ship, but I'm not sure that counts. I've set a record for how many times the same sentence has been said on a single planet...








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As a Trooper...



I'd like to say finding out Havoc Squad was defecting to the Empire was a "wow" moment, but the very first thing I saw after creating the character was "You mean the obviously evil Havoc Squad?" in general chat, followed by people discussing how obvious it is that they're traitors. Thanks guys.


Yeah, it's funny how "obvious" things are once you know them :rolleyes: Sorry they spoiled it for you. For what it's worth, I didn't see it coming either.

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The Imperial Agent story in general gets in an express elevator to hell near the end of Dromund Kaas, and any time you're ordered to return to Imperial Intelligence is a bad sign, but in particular...



When you return after Taris. Who's manipulating you? Everyone. Who can you trust? No one.


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Sith Inquisitor:



The Mother Machine.


I was playing as a Twi'lek and after that quest I was so dumbfounded.


It took me a while to wrap my head around the fact that an AI who calls herself Ashaa was quite literally the mother of many humanoid species: Twi'leks, Chiss, Zabraks, etc. She was created by the Rakata in order to create new Force-sensitive species. I am still dumbfounded on the inside.


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A general comment about spoilers: maybe I'm the only one, but while I do not want to have anything spoiled, I do want to participate in discussions relating things I have already experienced. If you do not label your spoiler with something that indicates what is it about, it is impossible to know if you do know it or not, unless you open and read it - and it may be too late. So, please label them. :)


Anyway, on topic: Jedi Consular



I am still early in the story (halfway through chapter 1), but I have been particularly impressed by the part where you have to actually fight Yuon. :eek:


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So from my SW I had a few "wow" moments.


First on Alderaan:



Walk into General Organa's bunker, slice through the doors and dispatch the two guards absurdly easily while she's talking. Enter the room and throw a blaster out of her lover's hands, shattering a large screen. Just had me going in my mind 'Yes... Yes. This is a Sith.'






Hunting down the spies of Barras and find out one who is a Jedi. Confront her and then get confronted by two Jedis and two troopers... hurl my saber slaughtering a Jedi and the troopers before defeating both the spy and the surviving Jedi.


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A general comment about spoilers: maybe I'm the only one, but while I do not want to have anything spoiled, I do want to participate in discussions relating things I have already experienced. If you do not label your spoiler with something that indicates what is it about, it is impossible to know if you do know it or not, unless you open and read it - and it may be too late. So, please label them. :)


Anyway, on topic: Jedi Consular



I am still early in the story (halfway through chapter 1), but I have been particularly impressed by the part where you have to actually fight Yuon. :eek:

Not the last one in the Consular storyline. There are a few twists that I sorta saw coming, so they didn't quite have the same impact, but there was a huge one for me at the end of Act 2:



When you find out Blaesus was spying on you on behalf of the Empire, I was expecting to confront him and find a snitch with a Sith Lord holding his leash. What I wasn't expecting was him to be a damn Sith Lord himself!


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For my JK (level 50) i can say that

I found the story thrilling, especially on tatooine, where i had to save master *******, just after battling Lord Praven. even though that battle was almost impossible to win, i enjoyed it. in general i've been happy about the difficulty. i was dissapointed by the Emperor though, he just isn't a one man job. the thing about this Clss story is that it actually makes you feel like a Jedi knight



Yesterday i started leveling a Sith inquisitor (level 11)


I think what makes it fun to play this is that there are always to options, either force lightning is the solution to the problem, or Khem Val can eat your problem. I like how the torture scenes on Korriban worked. but perhaps thats just because im a sadistic maniac :p at least it made me feel like a Sith. My Jedi knight is still my main though even though the Sith Inq is a nice class im more into swinging a lightsaber in the name of good.


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As a smuggler:



The hanger bay door suddenly opening - And finally... MY SHIP!!





...on Tattooine:



Sith Girl: (waves hand) "You want to kill your Captain".

Corso: "Umm... I want to kill you, Captain".

Me: "Have you totally lost your mind?"


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Imperial Agent



"Send Hunter my love" made me raise an eyebrow, especially in an IP that is known for being touchy about homosexuality. "What is this, a homosexual antagonist? That's new, good one BioWare!" but nope it turns out Hunter was a girl all along, of course. I should have seen that coming.


Imperial Intelligence being disbanded was already ruined for me by a guildie, but the fact it didn't get remade in the ending was a larger surprise for me personally.


Oh and seeing Watcher Two as the new Keeper was a "Waitwat" moment too.


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  • 2 weeks later...

For the Agent? Let's see...



Jadus being killed, and then finding out he's not actually dead, but playing the role of puppetmaster and antagonist for Act 1




Being mind controlled by the SIS, and then finding out it was really the Imperials all along




Finding out about the Star Cabal on Belsavis




Finding out that you're essentially the "Chosen One" for the Voss, and the Shining Man who they all revered was actually just a poser




Lord Razer disbanding Imperial Intelligence, arresting Kaliyo, and reassinging you to the Imperial military




Having the option to work for the Republic or go rogue - basically, two of the possible Imperial Agent endings involve leaving the Empire


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