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Amazed at the hate. I love this game!


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SWTOR is not competing with wow in 2004, it's competing with wow in 2012. Is this like the fanboy rally song or something. Whenever someone posts anything relating to how boring and lifeless the game is, this immediate response is the first.


You're talking about things that are COMPLETELY subjective as if they were objective. One doesn't have to be a fanboy to enjoy this game.


Furthermore, I dare you to name one game that launched with the amount of polish and completion that WoW has today. Name one game, one of the thousands of MMOs that have launched, name one, ONE.


It doesn't matter if it's competing with WoW, MMO's grow, they start out buggy and incomplete, and are refined over months and years of people complaining about a certain issue and it getting fixed.


If you weren't looking at this from such a biased standpoint, you'd understand. If you knew how MMOs worked, you'd understand. No MMO in the history of EVER (whether it be 2000 or 2012) has launched with the polish and amount of content that WoW currently has.


Your claims are simply subjective at best, and a LOT of people disagree with them.


In terms of an MMO though, it failed hard. You can justify your 15 bucks a month with whatever crazy notion you come up with, but in the end the game will hemmorhage subscribers due to some critical flaws which have been discussed here many many times.

Subjective AND conjecture.


The game should have had a better working endgame at 50.

Possibly your only objective statement when giving your critique of the game.


The PvP is completely idiotic and stale, in six years they couldn't make another warzone?



The world feels lifeless, completely and utterly devoid of anything other successful mmo's have done.



No weather cycles, no day/night, instanced worlds with far too much empty space. The game world does not feel seamless, too much sharding, loading, zoning, instancing etc...

Objective observation with subjective conclusion.


It plays like a single player game with a chat box, yep this is a large complaint and one I'm not sure how they will fix. Simple things like chat bubbles were ignored so we get to watch a small rectangle at the top of the screen we can't even move zoom by at mach 5 while we type TANK LFG XXX.

Objective facts with subjective conclusion.


I can even excuse the lack of addons, I can understand addons are not for everyone, fine. However to not have a customizable UI is beyond lazy. Even Rift got most of the things right out of the gate and they had a much much smaller budget.

Subjective... Although I agree on some points.


The fanboys who blindly pay thier fee's to the Bioware gods are going to support this train wreck, which is fine I guess, thier money not mine.

Yes because only a fanboy can possibly like this game. You're showing your bias and you're needlessly insulting anyone who disagrees with you. The only thing an intelligent person gets from this statement is "HEY GUYZ, IF YOU LIKEZ SOMETHIN U IZ FANBOY STUPIDHEAD".


They probably liked Dragon Age 2 also.

I do like Dragon Age 2, not as much as the first though. Oh wait, I'm a fanboy who has no taste because I disagree with you. I forgot, sorry, I'll do better at agreeing with everything you say next time.


In conclusion, I think we can understand two things.


A) Over 80% of your statements that you made were subjective, yet your overall message seems to indicate that what you're saying is an objective truth.


B) You're senselessly rude, you attack without purpose. You need to learn to talk like a sensible and rational person, and recognize that BOTH sides have good points to make, and neither is made up of purely fanboys or haters.


Here's something that will help you avoid unpleasant situations in the future. If you're voicing a subjective opinion, automatically assume that it's wrong. Even if it is not, other people will have subjective opinions that disagree with yours, and every time you make it sound like your opinion is fact and the other person has an incorrect opinion, you just make people laugh at you.


I like this game, it has a lot of potential. It's launched better than most MMOs have (as someone who's seen his fair share of launches), but it has a long way to go before it can appeal to the hardcore/endgame crowd. I'm however, optimistic because of how well Bioware has done so far at addressing our concerns. Not even a month in and they're fixing quite a few of our big PvP concerns (Ilum not worth it, bracketing for 50s and a few others).



Like the game, or don't like the game. Just don't demean everyone else who disagrees with you.

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I agree with OP I love this game, but I canceled, ended my sub anway,why? Because of bad customer support and no ingame GM's with all the bugs and problems one have ingame. Until that is fixed I suppose I am a negative whiner who wont pay to play this game anymore.
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If you recall, wow only had MC at launch. Technically SWTOR has more end-game at launch than wow did.


Look for something other to do than raids, cause there's a lot more to mmos than raiding. For example, try leveling some crafting alts.


Actually, MC was not even in at launch it was the first patch.

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a couple of points


1) half of the complaints on these boards are made by WoW fans demanding features from WoW. but this is a rouse, they have no intention of staying and never did. they got the game for the free trail, just so they can size up the competition, bash the game on its own forums and at least sound like they know what their talking about when they're condemning it to other ppl.


2) when all the WoW trolls go home or back to their bridge or where ever they go, the forums might get quieter. but most of the ppl that are enjoying the game are happily playing the game, and are oblivious to all the drama going on, on the forums. and they will continue to do so. the game is in no danger and will survive if not frive

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Theres no way you could even hope to tackle MC at launch. You had to gear up running 5 mans first.. which didnt just ALWAYS drop blue quality gear that was perfectly tailored to the party members. Then you have to run 10 man's (UBRS) to try to eek out a few pieces of fire resist gear. Although what I was mostly after in UBRS was things like black dragon scales so I could then I could craft fire resist gear for myself (yes crafting was useful... strange concept I know).


It was OK that WoW didnt launch with MC because not only did it take about 10 times as long to get end level but end game had a real progression so even by 60 molten core was a few months off.


Wow... reminiscing about WoW circa 2004 makes me realize even more how horribly amateur the people working on swtor have turned out to be.

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Haters will Hate, OP

I've been part of several MMO launches and there always some very consistent 'issues'

1) PvP folks never seem to be satisfied.

2) PVE folks that rush to 50 always complain about lack of end game content.


It has a lot to do with the fact that both are vocal minorities, just ignore it and move on.

Edited by Calimwulf
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"Better" is a word that makes a comparison. It is not possible for something to be "better" from an objective standpoint. That's not how the word works.


I don't need a lesson in what objective means, the fact is some things are objectively better than others (e.g. a fish is objectively better at swimming than an elephant, lions are objectively better than deer at hunting). You can judge things from a technical standpoint to determine what is objectively better as well (e.g. Crysis 2 has a better engine than Crysis, because they simply improved upon it, it loses nothing and gains in multiple areas, while I don't know if this statement is true, that's an EXAMPLE of how you can objectively determine if something is better than something else).


Of a more excellent or effective type or quality, is the definition of benefit.


1. That feature has benefits for some people.

2. That feature has no negative effect for anyone.

3. Therefore it follows logically that feature being implemented is objectively better than it not being implemented.


Now, I don't claim to know for certain that statement IS true, I simply believed it at the time I was typing that. Though I'll be more careful about not doing that in the future.


Regardless, just disregard that part of my statement if you have an issue with it.

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This game wasn't designed to appease the end-game-hard-core. FFS read any of the interviews. Bioware stated several times there will be all the features of other mmo's but they also said they were catering to a more casual player base.


That is the basic information that most the disappointed crowd seems to miss.


I love the game. I am quite pleased with my experience.

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I cannot think of a single way this game is superior to Mass Effect.


You can't group with with other people to tackle large, raid style content.




On that note, I love ME. Its a great game. But they are different. I can't wait for ME3.

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First if I had 1 hour to play...i wouldn't spend it on swtor....loading / queue/ loading screen after screen after screen...first half hour gone. SERIOUSLY...and even on high end machine...the loading screens are a joke...Probably the reason you will never see mods in this game....then the planets would probably NEVER load.


The game is great if you are looking for a single player experience...up to lvl 40 personally i have done maybe 4-5 flashpoints...maybe 3-4 heroics 4...and most heroics 2 but on my own with CC and good companion you don't need a second player... The story is great i enjoy it alot but i loved Baldurs Gate more..and that was 10-15 years ago? SW has maybe like thousand books out there saga's to read so the story was going to be great anyway's no innovation there.


BUT this is an mmo...where is the mmo? Please dont say anything about new game give it time.... we HAVE to compare it with current mmo's with similar budgets...and only blizzard comes to mind....they have the resources to compete with blizzard....WHERE ARE THEY? I quit wow some time ago....im not paying again for a bad replica...

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I'm not even worried about end game and I know there are two raids already.


I have been playing since launch but I'm only level 38. I don't have time to sit in front of my computer 24/7. Things that come before SWTOR:



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Too many people came into this game thinking they were the majority. They rushed to 50, found all the differences from WoW, and went to the forums to complain. Its a sad, sad world they live in.


This is not WoW.


I play a lot too. Considering I have a life outside of this game, I get on as much as I can and I am only level 38! I just don't understand the mentality of people coming here from WoW, power grinding to 50 (they don't leave the house), beating both raids and then trashing on the game.



You played all that time just to complain? What the heck is wrong with you? Add some constructive criticsm or add to the conversation. No one cares that you think you are a leet pr0 pla4y3r with m4d skillz.


That said, I find this game the perfect balance between casual and hardcore. Great stories and great gameplay. There are some serious bugs but I have full confidence they are working on them.

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Theres no way you could even hope to tackle MC at launch. You had to gear up running 5 mans first.. which didnt just ALWAYS drop blue quality gear that was perfectly tailored to the party members. Then you have to run 10 man's (UBRS) to try to eek out a few pieces of fire resist gear. Although what I was mostly after in UBRS was things like black dragon scales so I could then I could craft fire resist gear for myself (yes crafting was useful... strange concept I know).


It was OK that WoW didnt launch with MC because not only did it take about 10 times as long to get end level but end game had a real progression so even by 60 molten core was a few months off.


Wow... reminiscing about WoW circa 2004 makes me realize even more how horribly amateur the people working on swtor have turned out to be.



So by all that definition, are you suggesting WoW has fallen on it's face? or Back-tracked to amateur status? Because all of those things you fawn over are long dead. Progression in WoW, since late BC, has been a joke. Heck, they are resorting to using Pokemon and Pandas just to desperately bump their numbers. At least swtor will be able to take a moral high ground and stick to what it is good at: letting you play a character in the Star Wars universe. No, this game is not perfect, no MMO will ever be "perfect"; but with the above goal in mind, this game has hit home.

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Some of the bugs and lack of certain features (UI is especially bad) is kinda a let down, but I'd still rather be playing SWTOR than WoW. I can't stand the idea of going back to WoW. SWTOR ftw.


basically this x 1000.


The game might lack here and there, but it is in no way a strong enough defect to push me to a different game.


a couple of points


1) half of the complaints on these boards are made by WoW fans demanding features from WoW. but this is a rouse, they have no intention of staying and never did. they got the game for the free trail, just so they can size up the competition, bash the game on its own forums and at least sound like they know what their talking about when they're condemning it to other ppl.


2) when all the WoW trolls go home or back to their bridge or where ever they go, the forums might get quieter. but most of the ppl that are enjoying the game are happily playing the game, and are oblivious to all the drama going on, on the forums. and they will continue to do so. the game is in no danger and will survive if not frive


they should lock forums to accounts with active subs so once the 30 day is over the forums are clean ^_^


Theres no way you could even hope to tackle MC at launch. You had to gear up running 5 mans first.. which didnt just ALWAYS drop blue quality gear that was perfectly tailored to the party members. Then you have to run 10 man's (UBRS) to try to eek out a few pieces of fire resist gear. Although what I was mostly after in UBRS was things like black dragon scales so I could then I could craft fire resist gear for myself (yes crafting was useful... strange concept I know).


It was OK that WoW didnt launch with MC because not only did it take about 10 times as long to get end level but end game had a real progression so even by 60 molten core was a few months off.


Wow... reminiscing about WoW circa 2004 makes me realize even more how horribly amateur the people working on swtor have turned out to be.


essentially blaming BW for playing towards its market of people with no patience, the second something takes time everyone complains, yet the second its done too fast they complain too.


The market needs to make up its mind. Otherwise stop complaining.

Edited by mcfabulous
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SWTOR has problems, so does every other MMO.


Heard a kid literally ************ that snipers don't play like CoD and he kept calling Bioware "******S" and the like in general chat until the defenders of the empire rolled in and trolled him into ragequitting.

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WoW- Has no storyline, ***** and pillaged it's own lore, has no community whatsoever, chock full of trolls that have no lives, constant fighting, PvP styled as "LOL MY GEAR > YOUR'S EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE MORE SKILL THAN ME I STOMP YOU" PvE that gets boring and repetitive, Bad loot system, etc.



SWTOR- Has a rich, vibrant storyline. Does not break lore. Has a community requirement for many things, enabling you to make friends easier(imagine that!) and doesn't just hand you gear and exp like WoW does( No such thing as group quests in WoW now ) Agreeable community, very few trolls if any at all ( At least on my 3 servers I play on ) and if there are trolls, it's usually a mistake with the general chat system and was intended as a joke in guild chat or something. PvP That centers around skill and diversity, where someone at level 30 in leveling gear with a few blues/armors/mods can stomp a level 50 pvp-geared player if done right(I know this because I've done it.) PvE that works into your character's story with different opportunities and experiences with new friends/groupies every time. Loot system that works FOR the player, not against him, Crafting system that adds to playtime and not grindtime.


Forgive me if I'm wrong on any of that, I've got a headache and I'm half-asleep, but from my interpretation SWTOR > WoW. I don't play to grind dungeons or raids, I don't play to do "HARDCORE PVP", I don't play for any of that in particular. I, of course, do it all, I do everything I want to do whether the mood is to thwack sith in PvP or to show Boris Ulgo that his deflector shield will be quite un-operational when his friends arrive, or simply to waltz into eternity vault and rain on a droid's parade (Oh, the rust!) Whatever I choose, SWTOR has done it efficiently, cleanly and alta-holic inspiringly, they keep me coming back for more every time.


Let the trolls feed. I will not respond because I want the trolls to starve to death, call me a sadist if you must.

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Some people "need" to hate new things to make themselves feel better about all the time and money they have invested elsewhere. Especially if their friends are still playing elsewhere. A console addict created a thread yesterday to ask what he was supposed to tell his console friends about his playing SWTOR. So it's pretty clear what is happening here -- egos on parade. It's so chic, currently, to behave as if you are dissatisfied. Especially if you are a FPS addict.


The extremely vocal yet extremely tiny faction of repetitive whiners on this forum would like you to think that they are too good for this game, when in fact, peer pressure and an unhealthy attachment to other games/platforms are the actual causes for their middle-school lunch-table outbursts.


I've cancelled God only knows how many games in my gaming "career", yet I've never felt the need to tell others about it by creating an "I quit" thread. This is because I realize that I am not a special snowflake - and I thank my parents for that - even though as a kid I hated their logic. After I was out of my parents house for a few years and raising my own kids, I became fully aware of the gift my parents gave to me - a realistic, unspoiled outlook, which is worth the weight of some of these e-peen swinging cool kidz in gold.


Do these whiners do this with every service or product in life that they are disappointed with? My guess is that they only do in venues where they can remain anonymous. I doubt that they make a scene at the local health club, or what have you, when they cancel their subscription. This is because of a false perception that some forum goers entertain - that because it's online, normal societal norms don't apply. "Since they will never know who I am, I can do and say what I want!" Which is a rationalization that is only attractive to people who take gaming too seriously. It's like watching teens on Jerry Springer or something - although those teens have something these forum trolls don't - the backbone to actually say what they feel without the shroud of anonymity to protect them.

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SWTOR has problems, so does every other MMO.


Heard a kid literally ************ that snipers don't play like CoD and he kept calling Bioware "******S" and the like in general chat until the defenders of the empire rolled in and trolled him into ragequitting.


Funny thing is - kids like that report people for daring to disagree with them (had one do it just last night, in fact), only to get their trolling threads closed. Oh sweet irony! :p

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most of the hate are from trolls that most likely are to stupid to understand how MMOs work or have never played it. people like to ***** about anything they can. i know that some of the people that are complaining have legit concerns and i understand this is not a perfect game but it is an MMO and has a gigantic world and there is no way that they could have all the bugs out of the game by launch and its just like a Performance engine fix/replace one part and fire it up and you find that fix caused other issues. so just ignore the trolls and have fun playing the game and just be patient they will have the bug worked out and more content added with time, and as long as the bugs dont keep the story line from progressing what does a bug that keeps you from looting a mob for that blue item really matter in the long run.
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Taste is taste, and no one can argue about that. Probably SWTOR is the kind of game that you either love or hate. I'm sure if I mention SIMS here that lots of people start to laugh, but that game sold millions and millions. I don't like shooters, but I love RPG's and a lot of people just think I'm odd that I don't want to play games like MW3. To satisfy everyone is impossible, but you can always cater a group (smaller or bigger) in games.
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Theres no way you could even hope to tackle MC at launch. You had to gear up running 5 mans first.. which didnt just ALWAYS drop blue quality gear that was perfectly tailored to the party members. Then you have to run 10 man's (UBRS) to try to eek out a few pieces of fire resist gear. Although what I was mostly after in UBRS was things like black dragon scales so I could then I could craft fire resist gear for myself (yes crafting was useful... strange concept I know).


That level of grinding is no longer acceptable in the market. Even in WoW. BC made it much easier to get started raiding, and attunements were completely removed by Wrath.


To claim TOR is "unfinished" because it doesn't have a grind that WoW no longer has is kinda dumb.

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Haters will Hate, OP

I've been part of several MMO launches and there always some very consistent 'issues'

1) PvP folks never seem to be satisfied.

2) PVE folks that rush to 50 always complain about lack of end game content.


It has a lot to do with the fact that both are vocal minorities, just ignore it and move on.


Excellent summary!!! I'd give you real-life stars if I could . . .

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