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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Over clocking kills the life of the cpu just fyi, I keep it norm at 3.6 Ghz only dual core black edition AMD Phenom II, 8 gigs of 1600mhz ddr3, 6870 Xfx, 150 gig Sata. I can play all my games on ultra high including the news ones Zero lagg issues also Dec. 8 here yay for tomorrow. "Fingers Crossed".


not by that much, specialy watercooled


Unless of course you overclock it more than 20%

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12/9 here, just sitting back and enjoying the great company of you fine folks. Overall, a damn good bunch of people with a great attitude toward this EGA. I think we will all get in tomorrow after the servers come back up and I'll look forward to seeing some of you in-game, to those who I don't, best of luck. Here's to the procrastinators or those who like me, simply live in a cave and didn't even know about this game until the 9th. Check and mate gentlemen and ladies.
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Over clocking kills the life of the cpu just fyi


Well sure, it can. My rather modest OC on my 2600k is based on the debate about whether 1.35 Vcore or 1.5 Vcore is ok for one. I decided to play it safe and keep my Vcore to 1.3.


Look, I may in fact damage it given enough time. I keep my temps at about 28C idle and maybe 60 max load, so thermally it's well within its envelope. I rather strongly suspect that the degree to which I shorten its life will never be known to me, as I'll have moved on well before it craps out.

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And I played the hell out of Wing Commander I/II and Privateer.


OMG WC2...... Best space flyer for many, many years...


I had a Dx2 with 8 megs ram (ducking), was able to play battlechess 2000 (in the late 80's LOL) when it came out w/o having to upgrade anything (amazing!).


also ran my later-on underground board offa that PC on a USR 14.4.. 0-3 day warez, OMG the days.... ;) hehe

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The first rule of "December Crew" is raid times shall begin PROMPTLY between 8am and 10pm server. If you are going to be latish we should expect you to contact an officer within 1-3hrs after raid begins. NO EXCEPTIONS.



Those standards are BS!!!! God that 8am to 10pm window is WAY to small

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OMG WC2...... Best space flyer for many, many years..


I'm a pretty large WC nerd. I still own every WC game ever made for the PC. In this, I am in fact considering Privateer II to be part of the franchise even though it was never really meant to be. (Loved Priv 2 honestly - Clive Owen was great)


I remember post Prophecy there was talk of a WC MMO - then EA killed Origin (the game company not the online thingy) and that was that.

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Indeed lol, we could judge the age of posters by their memories of their earliest systems. My family's first was... something based around an 8088 I think. Monochrome monitor bathing me in soothing... greenish light.


The first "real" system I remember fondly was our 486 DX 50 (note, a DX, NOT a DX2 - I mocked the DX2 folks...) with 4 meg ram and a 200 MB hard drive. I upgraded that thing into a beast! Bought a second hard drive that was 345 meg for... nearly $400. You know, I still have that thing! And it works even! Added 4 more MB ram to a BEASTLY 8 meg.


And I played the hell out of Wing Commander I/II and Privateer.




Dude my own very first personal computer was a 486 SX (!) with 4MB of ram, very first game was some Star Wars CD ROM based game that came out in 1993 or 1994. It was an AWESOME game for the time, it was amazing what you could do with 4MB ram, and my system was one of the first generation ones that came with a CD ROM lol!


Good memories.

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Over clocking kills the life of the cpu just fyi, I keep it norm at 3.6 Ghz only dual core black edition AMD Phenom II, 8 gigs of 1600mhz ddr3, 6870 Xfx, 150 gig Sata. I can play all my games on ultra high including the news ones Zero lagg issues also Dec. 8 here yay for tomorrow. "Fingers Crossed".


In 30 years of owning a PC I have never had a CPU 'die'. Well ok C64's, but those things only had squirrels, ok? :D


Seriously these days it's so precise (mine came this way I'm not tooling w/ it), it's warranted overclocked w/ waterchill, no worries my man.. :)


Doing on your own? /Salute

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