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Everything posted by Dyasis

  1. So what would be the new rotation for Ops? I tend to do Bubble, Resurgence, Revivification, Innervate > Revivification, Resurgence, Innervate, Bubble when up 2nd rotation varies of course... My Build: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/Sorcerer#1kd0d28ekk-210f-20
  2. why the hell are you not streaming the entire event?
  3. For those that don't understand English... If they can do transfers, then they can do transfers for all, its not some magic X that can only be done for the new Asian servers. However, this is why I would like someone from BW to please enlighten me on why they can do it for these servers, but not for existing ones.
  4. If true then that is complete BS. If they can transfer them to their new servers, then they can do the same for us. I would like someone from BW to comment on this failed logic.
  5. So I see with the games release in the Asia Pacific area, they are allowed a character transfer (which they should be). So im going to believe that we also (US/EU) get a transfer as well on the 28th of Feb.? Will it be under our account settings or a new page? can't wait!
  6. Hey all, So I rolled a sniper (currently lvl 36) and so far i'm enjoying him. (I have a 50 Sorcerer) I am wondering what is the all around spec for a raiding/ops sniper spec? I will do 0 pvp. Right now I am going full marksmen with the exception of energy tanks and gerarhead. Thanks for your time!
  7. I am one that is also having major fps issues, However.... your going to put jumping and animation?! really dude? that can be fixed way down the line.
  8. OP.. Thanks for the spoiler... should change the title and add spoiler... no biggie just thought id share, my mouse hovered over the link so I accidently saw what you wrote. Which I guess would not have mattered what your topic said then lol
  9. Please visit this thread, this is a known issue. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=683895
  10. Same issues here... Only when I play Warzones (Alderaan gets about 1 fps after 5 minutes of play), in the beta it seemed to be ok. Win7 64bit AMD Phenom Quad Core (can't remember the exact number) Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB 8gigs Ram I know it's not the latest and greatest but it should run the game with decent FPS
  11. In an FP or raid, your main goal is to keep the tank alive, then yourself, then others. When im healing (depending on what level you are and if a Sorcerer is needed) I will first dot the main target and then check for heals, and repeat... Edit: and stay back out of the way, sometimes you can't.
  12. edit: I was going to reply, but i'll do it tomorrow
  13. I am sooo getting off work early tomorrow... if I get around to it.
  14. At least your able to attempt to play... you have your toon created! You didn't get your hopes up with them saying there going to have a lot more waves and then stop with 8 days left lol
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